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Xposed Page 8

by Lynda Filler

  Maggs heard a grunt behind her and spun quickly. George was up against the Gum Wall in the underground passage, his breath knocked out of him by a couple of tourists. How did that happen?

  Zach and Maggs rushed to the rescue only to find themselves surrounded by a group of very fit men. They smiled daringly at the team.

  Maggs rolled her eyes knowingly.

  “So, RB wants to play games? Bring it on boys!”

  All their martial arts skills were put to the test. Raven’s team was good, but Spec Ops, even on vacation, have a reputation to maintain. So, they battled it out, like they would in training as if their lives depended on it.

  RB sat in his tower and laughed at his deception. First, he blew up the Trolley underneath Luci, and now Spec Ops had their way with Team 1. They’d been advised to stand down before they fell down. The intention was not pain, but surprise and skill.

  Maggs high-kicked and low-kicked as if the guys were the real deal. No guns or knives were in view. But all parties knew that their bodies were trained as lethal weapons, so they stopped short of inflicting severe damage.

  Each walked away sore, but with their egos intact.

  Now the question is who will make it to the top of the Space Needle first?


  Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai, China

  IT WAS EARLY evening in Shanghai. A ball of fire turned all the skyscraper’s windows to gold, Sying’s favorite commodity.

  “Sheik, so nice to hear from you. No, of course, you’re not disturbing me.”

  “How are things in Shanghai, Ms. Sying?”

  “Wonderful Sharif.” Only Sying would risk calling a member of the royal family by his first name. Her mind wandered to a night of gambling in Macau. She and the Sheik found themselves alone at a million-dollar Blackjack table. Together they sipped Dom Perignon White Gold, the world’s second most expensive Champagne. They’d already finished the only bottle of the world’s most costly Champagne, Goût de Diamants. She would have to admonish the Director of the Casino for this lack of foresight.

  “A side bet perhaps, Ms. Sying?” a sophisticated leer from the charismatic silver-haired sixty-year-old. He was relatively handsome, although the wrong sex for Sying’s taste.

  Sying smiled, eyes downcast, playing the submissive flirt for reasons of her own.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “You win the next hand, I pay you a million dollars.”

  Sying masked her surprise.

  “And if I lose?

  “I still pay you a million dollars. But you spend the night with me in my suite.”

  The slit in Sying’s white gown rose provocatively as she leaned in pretending to concentrate. She eyed the dealer who was also a paid informant, and with a slight movement of her right hand signaled that she wanted to lose this hand.

  “How could I refuse? That seems like a win-win to me.”

  Her thoughts returned to the present conversation.

  “Ms. Sying. I understand that you are attending the Kittens Ball in Paris. I believe we have business to conduct. We can do it there.”

  “My dear Sharif, I have not yet separated the information you requested. It may take longer than a few more days.”

  “Yes. You realize Ms. Sying, I will have that information. The way the U.S. has manipulated the oil prices has cost my family billions of dollars. I will make them pay. Time is money. Don’t disappoint me Ms. Sying. We have an understanding, correct?”

  “Yes, of course, Sheik. You will be the first person I contact when we have deciphered and collated our data.”

  Sying sighed. Money was not her only motive. The information she had could destroy the entire security of the United States of America. And would decimate Luke Raven and everything that was important to him. This was her chance. And she would enjoy every glorious moment of his defeat.


  AKAARN DROPPED HIS Indiana Jones hat on the back seat and pulled his grey plaid shirt out of his jeans. He thought back to his teenage years. He was one of the lucky kids.

  He was too bright for school, a delinquent who drove his Gran crazy. His mom had long disappeared in an alcoholic haze. It was his gran who took him aside one day and told him about his ancestors. Blackfoot Indians.

  She told him to straighten out and not be a disgrace to his race. Be proud of his tawny coloring and coal-black hair and make something out of his life. He’d listened to her and been tested at school. Above average level of intelligence and an uncanny ability to solve puzzles. Who would’ve thought?

  Grandma went into her savings, which no one knew about, and offered him living expenses if he could get a scholarship to Caltech. He did. He immersed himself in computers.

  The summer before Caltech he decided to pursue knowledge of his ancestors. He got a job in Sedona with a tour operator and fell in love with Sedona. Plus, he met a cute waitress named Rose who made the best Sangria in all of Arizona. Rose followed him to Caltech and was eventually recruited as an analyst by the CIA. The two of them became the best team the CIA had ever had.

  Raven had been his hero and mentor at Caltech. When the time was right, Raven stole them both away from the CIA to become part of Raven’s Group. He kept them offsite in Sedona, a perfect out-of-the-way satellite office. Last time Akaarn looked, his job was to help Luke Raven save a world gone mad. And he took a centuries-old Blackfoot oath that he would die if he had to, trying to accomplish just that.

  He drove the F-150 along Hwy 179. The setting sun turned the windows to fire on The Chapel of the Holy Cross Church up on the hill. The view never ceased to take his breath away.

  He turned left on 89A. Rain painted all the plants and bushes dark green against the wet red rock. Juniper bushes blended with sage and cedar dispersing a pungent odor through the early evening showers. After five minutes, he turned off the highway moving slowly up the unlit, winding hill to the pinnacle of Airport Mesa. Then Rose and Akaarn pulled their packages from the back of the truck and walked with purpose towards their compact 1950’s ranch house.

  At first appearance, everything was as it should be in the three-bedroom home.

  A comfortable leather couch, a big screen TV. Books by Robert Moss on Dreaming and Akaal on Drumming shared the shelf with photos of UFO sightings and intricate dream catchers. Sedona, traditionally sacred to all tribes of America, was known as an inter-dimensional portal; and would be the last place on earth anyone would expect Luke Raven to establish a high-tech satellite monitoring station.

  Rose took the groceries to the kitchen and started preparing Tex-Mex tacos, black beans, ground meat and Chipotle sauce. Upon securing the doors and closing curtains, Akaarn uncovered a keypad, eye and voice-activated entrance to the back-split of this seemingly one level home. He descended the stairs to a bunker-like basement built with specifications that could withstand the most brutal attack.

  After sitting in a meditation circle with Rose earlier, Akaarn had found the key to enter Sying’s system. Now the probing and planning could begin.

  Raven was counting on him. He would not let him down.


  LUCI TURNED TO Israel and Luke.

  “Come on guys. We can scale the Space Needle in our sleep. How many times have you mentally done this course?” The guys grinned. Always up for a challenge.

  Racing around the corner, they came to a complete stop.

  A huge signed announced. Danger. Do not Enter. Closed for repairs.

  “So that’s the bad news. The good news, check out the crane system right to the very top! Yahoo! Let’s move it.”

  “Luci, stop. Armed guards are surrounding the perimeter.”

  “No problem. We merely have to get to the top to win, right? Subdue the guards, gently. I see three. Easy. Then we go up and down before they wake up.”

  “Luci, motion detectors.” Luke had pulled out his handheld device. “Ten. So first we have to disable them. I think we might be able to do that remotely.”

  “Wait a
minute. Do you see that? Over on the far right, another smaller crane or is it an outside elevator? It goes right to the top.”

  “First subdue, then elevator!” They each took a guard, slowly, silently a hand to the mouth, a pinch on the right nerve, they were good to go.

  As they made their way to the elevator, they heard the sound of gears grinding.

  “No! Team 1 was waiting for us to do the dirty work! Then they jumped on the elevator and took it up. I say we stop the elevator, jam the controls and use the crane.” Luci’s creative thinking knew no boundaries when challenged.

  ‘There’s the electrical box over there. Israel, you’re closest. Wait until they are too far up to jump down but not close enough to climb. Luke let’s get to the crane and start climbing. If I get there first, you have to give me a massage.”

  “I may have to let you win this one, Luci.” She smiled and thought I’ve wanted you for a long time Luke Raven, and tonight might be the night!

  At that moment, the elevator halted. Team 1 looked down annoyed while Team 2 waved. Team 2 quickly climbed the crane. Looking across, Maggs was already outside the elevator and scaling the wires to the top of the tower.

  The two women reached the peak at the same time. Competitive, but proud to be a part of Raven’s Group.

  At that exact moment, floodlights flashed from all parts of the property. RB’s voice could be heard coming out of one of their knapsacks.

  “Now let’s see how smart you are. Get your butts back here without getting caught!” They each pulled weapons from their bags, shot out the lights, and threw harmless training flash bangs as diversions; then set off down the back side of the Space Needle to make their way back to HQ.

  “Nice work everyone. How about showers and meet back here in half an hour.” RB announced.

  Luci bumped into Luke accidentally on purpose on the way to the shower.

  “This is Seattle. We should conserve water. Want to share?” She offered tentatively.

  Luke had never witnessed an insecure Samaar. He took her hand firmly and led her into his bathroom.

  She slowly undressed. All of a sudden, she was shy. Luke marveled at the perfection of her body. The physical attraction he’d always felt for her was undeniable. Memories overwhelmed him. Choking back tears at thoughts of Lily and Amy, and the life he once had, he almost lost it.

  “Come to me, Raven. I can feel your pain. Let me take it away. I know you’re not making me any promises. I can’t make any myself. But for this moment in time, make love to me.”

  Luke took Samaar in his arms.

  And the sadness that had hardened his heart lifted.


  LUCI WALKED INTO the meeting room. Professional, casually dressed, a glow that Zach knew in his heart was the aftermath of sex.

  Zach had known Luke for so many years. He’d gotten drunk with him while reminiscing about his life with his wife and daughter. They were friends, more than friends, brothers. If Samaar could take away Luke’s death wish and bring that smile back, how could he feel anything but joy?

  And yet, he was sad. Luke began to speak.

  “Alright, guys. Here’s where we are. As the official mission planner, I wanted tonight to get you ready for whatever will be thrown at us in the coming week. This is what we know.

  Akaarn has found the entry point. Don’t ask me how. He messaged me while you were out playing games. He had a breakthrough. Something to do with Peyote I think.”

  Everyone laughed. Akaarn’s lifestyle in the Red Rock Country included Shamans, Shapeshifters, and the odd mind-altering substance.

  “The how doesn’t matter, it’s the portal. And it’s wide open.”

  Everyone started asking questions.

  “Wait.” RB picked up his iPad. “Here’s what’s happening as we speak. Akaarn is copying all the stolen OPM files from Sying’s server and putting them in a database that no one can access in the Cloud. No one. Once the transfer is complete, he will put a self-destruct worm in Sying’s entire data system. Take. Her. Down. Any questions?’

  “So, what’s the plan, I know there must be a catch,” Luci asked.

  “Yes, there is. I hope you all like sex.” Luci smiled and looked at Luke.

  “We are going to Paris tomorrow for a Ball at the Palace of Versailles. Katching Kittens. You’ve been invited; at least Samaar and Maggs have been invited. I entered you both in their database last week, and you received immediate invitations. Women may attend on their own or with a partner. It’s a masked ball for the sexual elite of the world. Some very influential people will be there.”

  “Anyone heard of Gregorki?” Luci gasped. Her face turned white.

  “But he’s dead!”

  “Yes, the drug lord is dead; but he has a brother. Vlad. He’s got a hard-on for the CIA whom he believed killed his brother. And Sheik Sharif Fayid is furious over the loss of billions from the manipulation of the oil prices by the U.S Government. Our information tells us there will be several prominent players including a top-ranking member of ISIS—who may or may not be Fayid. We think it will more than likely be Tariq. And let’s not forget North Korea.”

  Anyone want to guess why they’ll be there?”

  “They all enjoy sex with animals?” Israel ventured.

  Everyone laughed except Luci. Why had she not known about Vlad Gregorki?

  “They have a meeting with a significant person. A woman who has something they all want. Sying.”

  “So, we are going to ‘Katch’ a Kitten in Paris.”


  “Perfect,” Luci whispered. They all nodded.


  SHEIK SAYID PACED the palace halls. He was tired of being stalled by Sying. Either she didn’t have the promised information, or she was selling it to someone else.

  It didn’t matter. Right now, the Sheik had a trip to Paris to arrange.

  His private cell phone vibrated.

  “Yes?” The Sheik was waiting for this answer.

  “We have a deal. I expect you to deliver. I want that information in forty-eight hours. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I will get you the list, everything you want. I’m prepared to offer Sying a billion U.S. dollars. No one can offer more. But you must be patient.”

  “This is your chance, Sharif. If you want to take control of your House, you must deliver the data to me. To strike all the Middle East countries friendly to America, I must have the list of all agents, contractors and their families, who are working against me in the Middle East. Once and for all, I will destroy Israel and return what is ours. We finally take it all back. I will control this region like no one has ever imagined. And you Sharif, you shall control the entire Royal Family.”

  Sharif shivered, getting hard at the thought of the power and wealth he will command.

  “I understand. We both want the same things. I will get it. Sying has a personal interest in handing this data to me. She likes me. And more than that, she will never be able to resist the fortune I will bestow upon her.”

  “You better be right Sharif. Or else.”

  The call was abruptly disconnected.


  SYING LI MA, Tasha, and four bodyguards boarded the private Gulfstream G-550. Versace did extraordinary interior design work on her private quarters. It was initially the fast speed of this plane that brought it to Sying’s attention, but it was also was compact, and sexy. A perfect flying playground for traveling around the globe.

  Flying private made it easy for her to transport a myriad of weaponry plus frequently millions of dollars in cash. Private airports came with attentive personnel who understood the ways and needs of the ultra-rich. Occasionally a female minor, who needed some coercion to make the flight to Mainland China with Sying, might accompany her. A sedative could be required. And a passport might be misplaced. All these minor matters were handled most discreetly in private airplane terminals.

  Sying dialed Sam Woo for the fourth time today.

��I’m on my way to Paris Sam. Tell me some good news.”

  “I’ve got the data separated now. Just collating everything. I should be able to give you what you want by midnight tonight.”

  “I will not accept anything less Sam. I await your confirmation. But do not disturb me until just before midnight. I expect to be very busy.” Sying watched Tasha lounging across her king size bed. She’d removed her clothes except for the white lacy stockings and black garter belt. A seductive smile let Sying know she was ready to play.

  “I must close this call now. Flight is departing.”

  “Yes, Ms. Sying. Enjoy your flight.”

  “You look tense Sying. Come let Tasha take away your stress. Would you like me to try on my dress for the Ball? “

  Sying started to speak, but her voice was slightly coarse.

  “No, that won’t be necessary. I want to be surprised by the total package this evening.” With Shanghai six hours ahead, and a late afternoon nap, the two women would be ready for fun in Paris tonight.

  Sying spoke into the intercom. “Tell the pilot I’m ready to take off and I do not want to be disturbed for any reason during the next hour. Have lunch ready at two.”

  She poured two glasses of champagne and lay back as Tasha unpacked a scintillating array of sexual objects.

  Business was the last thing on her mind.


  SAMAAR ADORED PARIS. In another life, she would choose to make her home here. She could picture taking Alice to The Musée d'Orsay, to ballet class, the Opera. And to Ladurée for macarons.

  Samaar and Maggs strolled arm in arm along rue Saint-Honoré and stopped to admire the French Lingerie at Chantal Thomass.

  “I love that black lacy thong and garter belt. I think I should wear that under my camouflage on my next mission. What do you think Samaar?” The girls giggled like ordinary schoolgirls out for a day of shopping in Paris.

  “Luke has given us an open budget for this evening so let’s find the perfect gowns at Chanel. I imagine they will advise us on where to purchase a mask as well.”


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