Succubus Dungeon

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Succubus Dungeon Page 10

by Eden Redd

  “Such plans…” Systra said with a breathy whisper, her body drinking in pain and lust.


  Time lost all meaning among the pile of bodies. Lucian’s eyes slowly opened, blinking a few times as heat glowed around his spent body. Turning his head, she saw many succubi lying in bed with him, some sleeping and others kissing. The occasional body writhed as some of the demon women brought a few of their sisters to a warm climax. The gasps and breathing were all around the mage as he lay, drinking it all in.

  The heat was suffocating as the mage struggled to breath among the bodies. Turning his head, Systra was on her side, snuggled against him, black eyes open. Lucian gave her a small smile as she stared at him. Normally, Lucian would have thought it unnerving, but after the time he spent with her and her demon children, the weird and bizarre had become his new normal.

  Unable to control himself, he reached between her thighs and caressed her demonhood. Manhood hardening, he was lost to her toxic beauty. Soreness crept into his body, but it could not stop his needs, he was a slave to her divine beauty.

  “You have a demon’s heart,” Systra sighed as she parted her thighs to his touch.

  Lucian gave her a wicked smirk as he continued to caress her sensitive clit. Wetness flowed onto his fingers, but the demon queen continued to eye him as if deep in thought.

  The mage couldn’t think as his body cried out for release. Flashes of memory lit up in his mind of bodies joined and the constant demand of lustful desires. Orgasms filled his short-term memory and any logical thought was sent to the background, lost to the darkness.

  “If you had killed the paladin, I would have allowed you between my legs as soon as you arrived,” Systra said with a disappointed tone.

  “How will any of them learn if death is the final lesson,” Lucian grinned.

  “You showed her mercy. If you both cross paths again, she will seek vengeance,” Systra said as an orgasm bloomed and her thighs trembled for barely a moment.

  “Let her try. She couldn’t best me with friendship and using her body. I have a higher calling and that calling is named Systra, Demon Queen.”

  “You flatter me,” the demon queen smiled, showing sharp teeth.

  “And you have showed me what it means to be alive,” Lucian said in a low tone.

  Systra kept her unblinking gaze on the naked mage. Several succubi stirred and Lucian knew the lustful torture would continue on.

  “Let us begin,” the demon queen said as she lifted a hand and gave it a slight wave.

  Lucian was unsure what was happening until a rolling darkness with purple light appeared around he and Systra. It rose up, blocking out the other bodies around them and came crashing down. The swirling darkness consumed the mage and demon queen and they vanished. The dark cloud drifted away and the succubi woke up, looking around in sleepy confusion.

  Lucian’s eyes glanced around and saw nothing but Systra’s pale white body floating before him. He felt weightless and soon grew disoriented until he focused all of his attention on the demon queen hovering in the void. Systra’s expression was a blank mask carved from white stone. Blood red lips were firmly closed as her hands were slightly out to her sides. Black energies arced along her skin as her gaze cut into Lucian’s soul.

  “You have inspired me, Mage,” Systra said with a dark voice.

  Lucian eyed her, unsure of what to say. The growing energy around her body pulsed in rapid flashes. Claws grew longer from each finger, black lightning arcing along to the tips. Behind the floating queen, purple clouds swirled and the very abyss vibrated with power.

  “Here, in the abyss, my power grows stronger, but I am forever anchored to Lukken. To fulfill my role in this world, I must come back to the Lukken Realm, but I grow weaker unless I visit the abyss from time to time. This weakness limits my influence.”

  The energy along Systra’s limbs and claws grew to a frenetic pitch. “I have attempted to give influence to my daughters, but they cannot think beyond their healthy appetites at times. You have rekindled my desires with an unholy quest to restore balance to Lukken.

  “The world has grown soft and weak since the time of the Sindrell. We can no longer allow this mockery of a world to continue as it is. It must be reshaped into one of balance. The light must know the dark.”

  “I live to serve,” Lucian bowed his head as his heart beat rapidly in his chest.

  “You will,” Systra licked her crimson lips. “Your heart serves my interests, but your body does not.”

  Lucian watched as she flexed her pale white hands with black claws. Sticking out his chest, he showed he was not afraid.

  Systra studied him, watching for any hint of fear, regret or cowardice, ready to devour him if he allowed even a glimmer of those traits. When she saw none, power bloomed and she raised clawed hands.

  Lucian closed his eyes before the claws came down and pure agony rippled along his soul. Claws flashed in rapid succession, slicing skin, muscles and limbs. The gruesome work continued, the demon queen stripping away the body, a piece of flesh and bone at a time. Lucian screamed, drowning in an ocean of torment. Every cell of his digital body being cut away. Blood spurted and fell into the forever of the abyss, followed by chunks of flesh.

  Lucian’s screams turned into gurgling, madness filled laughter. It echoed through the abyss as Systra listened with cool eyes. The demon queen continued her divine design as the mage’s head was cut off from his body.

  The mage blinked, seeing and feeling that he was no longer whole but still alive. Systra held his head in one hand while claws dug into what was left of his upper body. Sharp digits curled around his heart and pulled it out. Lucian watched as what was left of his body fell into the abyss and was swallowed up by it.

  “You shall be mine, carrying out my will,” Systra commanded with dark power.

  Lucian stared as she lifted his heart and mashed it into his mouth. Energy exploded as dark lines connected and formed. The remainder of his skull cracked and fell away like white leaves. The Demon Queen worked, mystical yarn sewing his mind and heart together like a gory construct. It continued until the pain ebbed and the man felt a little more himself and not himself.

  “Your previous life is gone. You are now, reborn,” Systra said with a wicked smile.

  Lucian tried to speak, but pain strangled his voice. The pain ebbed further, but as he gathered his thoughts to speak, the demon queen waved her hand and a swirling purple portal appeared.

  “Follow my will. Bring balance to Lukken. Find my eight elemental daughters and your powers will grow, giving you the right of conquest and corruption. Do this and you may win my heart and a place at my side.”

  Lucian listened as his soul floated just beyond. With ethereal eyes, he saw a diamond shaped crystal in Systra’s bloody hands. She smiled, the light of the crystal shining against her features and a madness in her black eyes.

  “Go forth and spread my will,” Systra said with a deadly whisper.

  Lucian’s soul flashed forward and suddenly, he was looking into Systra’s demonic beauty. The demon queen waved her hand and a small portal appeared. Lucian felt himself float up towards it before it engulfed him.

  Energies blazed and swirled as he tumbled. There was no feeling of his limbs as he spun out of control. The mage felt nothing at all as he fell through the vortex. A black hole appeared at the end of the spinning tunnel and when he passed the event horizon, all light disappeared and cool darkness greeted him.

  Lucian tried to move, but nothing responded. Light glowed and soon the rough walls of a cave appeared. The young man felt different, like he had his mind and heart, but nothing else. Try as he might, he could not feel anything beyond himself.

  The light glowed brighter and in a shadowed recess of the cave, blue legs appeared. Lucian realized he could at least control the brightness of the light. Glowing brighter and brighter, the shimmering light touched a blue-skinned succubus, her sad eyes looking directly at Lucian.

  “Mother tasked me to be your…servant,” the succubus said with a gloomy tone.

  “What happened,” Lucian asked but his voice came out weird and otherworldly.

  Nadia curled her legs under her and crawled on all fours toward Lucian. “She gave you what you wanted, a way to spread her will and influence.”

  “What did she do to me?”

  Nadia reached out and took hold of the large, rhombus shaped crystal. Lifting it up, she held it to her naked breasts and looked down with blank eyes.

  “Mother has made you into a Dungeon Core. You shall grow, gain followers and expand your influence in Queen Systra’s name.”

  Before Lucian could respond, letters and numbers scrolled into his vision and took up residence in the corner of his gaze.

  Lucian Malyx

  Dungeon Core

  Hit Points: 10,000/10,000

  “Congratulations,” the succubus said with resigned resignation.

  Power swelled and crawled along Lucian’s new form. A ghostly grin appeared, knowing he was now beyond the limits of his former body. The cave shimmered with power as Nadia held the dungeon core to her.

  “How much do you know about dungeon cores?” Lucian asked with a ghostly voice.

  “Everything. Mother implanted the knowledge before she sent me here to serve and protect,” the blue succubus sighed.

  “Start from the beginning and leave nothing out. We have a lot of work ahead of us,” Lucian commanded as dark designs filled his mind and dreams of conquest painted his path.


  Thank you for reading Succubus Dungeon: A Lewd Saga Adventure. I understand that reading this short tale might bring up some questions on the histories the main characters have spoken to.

  To help clear up any confusion, I have included links to the entire Lewd Saga below but to go a step further, I added the first two chapters of Lewd Kingdoms: Fallen Throne for your reading pleasure. The first two chapters speak of Queen Systra and William Fyre and how their love helped shape the ending to Lewd Saga. After the links, please read on. I hope it wets your appetite of discovery if you hadn’t read the Lewd Saga books before now.

  Thank you.

  Lewd Saga Series

  Lewd Knights

  Lewd Knight 2.0: Middle Kingdoms

  Lewd Paladin: Shadow of Fate

  Lewd Necromancer: Raiding Hearts

  Lewd Rogue: Golden Desires

  Lewd Dragon: Bright Storm

  Lewd Knight 3.0: Serpent Horizon

  Lewd Paladin: Dread of Night

  Lewd Shadowmancer: The Concubine Contract

  Lewd Rogue: Master’s Coin

  A Dungeon’s Desire

  Lewd Kingdoms

  Lewd Kingdoms: Shadow’s Edge

  Lewd Kingdoms: Fallen Throne

  Lewd Kingdoms: Midnight War

  Or buy the two 7-book collections

  Lewd Saga Omnibus: 7 Book Collection

  Lewd Saga Omnibus Volume 2: 7 Book Collection

  Lewd Kingdoms: Fallen Throne

  Chapters One and Two


  Edric pulled aside the thick curtain, eyes to the western horizon. The sun sank low as the bright azure sky turned a fiery yellow and orange. The summoner’s eyes fell to the thick city wall and then down to the street where citizens moved about. Glancing back up, he let out a slow exhale through his nose, his mind a storm of protective thoughts.

  Edric turned from the window. An opaque curtain snuffed out a feeble ray of sunlight as it fell into place. The low lantern light gave the nearly empty chamber a comforting glow. Rayna stood; her back against the wall. Edric caught himself drinking in her petite form. Tight leather covered her from neck to toe. Only the creamy glow of her cleavage radiated out like a summoning spell for one to drown in. Hair combed forward, it was raven black with streaks of dark and light purple. At the side of her boots and leaning against the wall was her lute.

  A haggard lizard woman sat in the only wooden chair in the room. She leaned forward, dark eyes on the summoner and licking the edges of her scaled mouth. The old nalik’s mouth smoothed into a smirk while the scales on her snout remained cracked and weathered. She stared down the length of her short snout at the lord summoner as he turned his body to face her and the bard leaning against the wall.

  “We have appointed several locations, such as this one, to act as safe houses,” Edric began. “Rayna and I will be the only ones to know every location for your safety, as well as the safety of your people and the dragon eggs.”

  The old nalik nodded, “Thank you Lord Temple and Lady Discord. My people will fill these homes from time to time. You understand that we cannot tell you which house will be occupied and which will not.”

  Edric smiled. “Vanya, it’s completely understandable. The less anyone knows about the dragon eggs, the better.”

  Rayna closed her eyes as she spoke, “You understand that you cannot move around until after sunset? The trolls are not allowed in the city after dark. Do not talk to anyone, even the guards, if you run into trouble.”

  The bard opened her eyes, leaned forward and stood up, hand diving into the open top of her outfit and pulling out a medallion. Rayna took a few steps to the nalik. Vanya lifted a scaled hand and the bard dropped the medallion in her smooth palm. The lizard woman looked down at the small metal pendant, a symbol of a tree with angel wings spreading out from the trunk.

  Rayna looked down with purple irises and smirked, “We only had a few of these made. Show them to the Gray Haven Keep guards and they will escort you to either me or Edric.”

  Vanya slipped the medallion into her robe, “Thank you, but will Lady Riverwood and Lady Pearl understand what we are doing?”

  “Ladies Pearl and Riverwood understand the need for secrecy,” Edric smiled. “The important thing is to make sure any new dragon egg guardians find a safe place before continuing their journey to the hidden nurseries.”

  Vanya’s small smile faded as her dark eyes glanced down, “What of the trolls taking residency here in Elora? I have seen them moving about after sunset.”

  Edric nodded. “There are only a few troll families living in Elora and they have been allowed to make homes in the Discord district.”

  “I have people watching them to ensure they are upstanding citizens,” Rayna added.

  The summoner could see the dash of concern in Vanya’s dark eyes. “It’s a necessary action to have them here to further build trust with the trolls and the Middle Kingdoms. By integrating them with the people of Elora, there is less of a chance of any direct conflict.”

  Vanya nodded and chuckled softly, “I understand you are playing politics with the Kunarr, a necessary evil in these times of war. I do not hold it against you for we all must try to work within such strange times.”

  “The safe houses are scattered in the Temple and Pearl districts. Any of your people may arrive through the northern gate and can exit the eastern gate. The safe houses are warded against scrying and divination magic. Food and water will be provided in each home along with comfortable bedding. Your people will be able to rest well before moving on,” Edric stated.

  Vanya slowly stood up, legs a little shaky. Rayna and Edric moved to assist her but she waved them away. Taking a few steps toward the summoner, she lifted a scaled hand and touched his cheek. Edric looked down at the smiling nalik as she regarded him with an almost loving gaze.

  “With the dragon kingdoms enslaved, the guardians of the Sindrell young continue to move from secret place to secret place. Your kindness has been whispered to many and I expect a growing number of guardians will arrive before moving on. There are no words for the gratitude we feel from your generosity. One day, I hope we can repay you.”

  Edric touched the palm of his hand to Vanya’s hand at his cheek, “We all know how difficult it has been. I was there when Lythor fell. Someone I cared about was taken from me and I promised to fight back against the monsters. I extend my promise to you and all the guardians; E
lora is a city for your protection.”

  Vanya nodded before her hand slipped from his touch. “When the dragons do return, they will sing songs of your kindness.”

  The old nalik looked away, a concern brewing in her dark eyes. Edric was about to ask what was wrong when she turned her small snout to him, eyes filled with burning knowledge.

  “Lord Temple and Lady Discord, there is an evil stalking us. Many of my people have spoken of a dread lord hunting us down. He employs the dead and…some twisted monsters to seek us out, slaying the guardians and taking the eggs.”

  Shadows grew under Rayna’s eyes, “Maggar Wormwood.”

  Edric looked to Rayna with a raised eyebrow.

  “You know of him,” Vanya nodded.

  “He’s a dread lord who likes to experiment. Some of the recent refugees have spoken of him and some of his twisted creations. I have never seen so many so afraid.”

  “His monsters have dogged our every step and plundered hidden sanctuaries. They slay any guardian they can find and take the eggs to their dark master. I fear he may be performing unspeakable acts on the young unborn dragons.”

  Vanya looked up to Edric, “We grow desperate as many travel to keep the monsters far behind us but your city may be caught in the crossfire.”

  Edric gave the elderly nalik a kind smile, “We know the risks and we stand by our vow to help.”

  Rayna looked up, the shadows bleeding away, “If they come, we will show them a concert they will never forget.”

  Edric and Vanya both smirked at the bard in black.

  “Very good,” Vanya exhaled.

  “Let us see you to the street,” Edric said as he pointed an open hand to the doorway.

  The three made for the door, Vanya entwining her arm into Edric’s. The summoner let her lean into his arm, happy to help her along. Rayna lifted her lute from the floor and pulled the strap over her head, the instrument lying against her back. A few moments later, they were out on a cobblestone street. The sun had set behind the horizon and a purple sky filled the heavens. Stars twinkled to life and a cool breeze flowed along the stony streets.


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