Succubus Dungeon

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Succubus Dungeon Page 12

by Eden Redd


  Edric opened his eyes as he settled into his virtual body. The familiar bed chamber lay out before him as he smiled to himself. A gasp from behind caused him to turn his head, eyes on a short woman in servant’s clothes, folded sheets in her arms.

  “Forgive me my lord, I didn’t see you come in,” the woman bowed.

  Edric turned to her, his smile remaining. “It’s okay. I was just stopping by for a moment.”

  “Very good my lord. I was merely changing out the linen. Is there anything else I can do for you while I’m here?”

  Edric eyed the servant, a thin pink braid hanging from one of her temples. The rest of her hair was black and tied back into a neat bun but the braid stood out against her fair skin. It was enough for the summoner to pause, gaze caught on the hanging braid.

  The servant bowed her head, “Forgive me my lord. Is the braid not to your liking?”

  Edric woke from his trance, “No, it’s fine. I just didn’t expect it. I assume you’re wearing it because of our guest?”

  The servant kept her head bowed as she spoke, “Lady Reed has inspired many with her kindness. She walks the streets, helping and assisting any who need it. Many…of us only wish to follow in her footsteps, my lord.”

  “You don’t have to bow,” Edric grinned.

  The servant lifted her head up, eyes on her lord.

  Edric continued, “She is pretty special, isn’t she?”

  The servant nodded. “She inspires us with her strength and her beauty, as do you all.”

  The summoner nodded. Ever since Juna made Elora her home, the people had treated her like she belonged. Unlike the trolls camped outside of the city, no one had an ill word to say about the beautiful half-troll. Her light seemed to set everyone at ease and as Edric eyed the servant’s pink braid, it seemed to inspire the populace to follow her strength.

  Edric gave the servant a kind gaze, “What’s your name?”

  “Andrea, my lord,” the servant said and almost bowed before catching herself.

  “Tell me Andrea, what is it about her that inspires you?”

  A small shy smile bloomed. “She makes us feel safe as she patrols the streets. She has saved a number of citizens from,” Andrea’s smile faded away, “…the dead.”

  A shadow bled down from under Edric’s eyes. At night, the dead have walked the streets. It started out as a skeleton here and there. The guards would quickly dispatch them and report in but soon the frequency began to grow. When a guard was killed, many of the guards refused to patrol the streets at night, fearing they would be next. Even the promise of a higher wage was not enough for them to take up the duty which in turn, left the city fearing the night. It was one of several things Edric was supposed to discuss with his fellow rulers today.

  “There hasn’t been any undead sighted in some time and we are all grateful for it,” Andrea finished.

  “That is a good thing,” Edric looked up, the shadows under his eyes melting away.

  “Indeed, my lord. We pray she can root out this evil once and for all.”

  Edric could see the hero worship in Andrea’s eyes. The summoner and his fellow rulers had each taken steps to patrol the city themselves but it was clear, Juna was getting all the glory. Edric didn’t mind for he thought it would help ease her into staying, but it clearly was influencing the entire city. Several paladins and clerics even took the time to aid in handling the recent undead threat but all eyes were on Juna.

  “I’m sure we will all do our part to make Elora safe,” Edric smiled.

  Andrea nodded. “Will there be anything else my lord?”

  The summoner shook his head, “Not right now.”

  Andrea bowed slightly at the waist before making her way to the door and stepping out of the bedchamber. Edric looked to the open balcony of his room, a small breeze causing the light curtains to billow. Hand reaching down to his satchel, he opened it and dove in, fingers curling around a stone. Pulling it out, he whispered arcane words. Energy flowed with his breath, snaking down to the floor and an arcane circle glowing to life. A figure rose up, yellow eyes on the summoner.

  Edric watched as Leeta rose up from the circle before it faded from sight. The ogre stood nearly seven feet tall, an ivory horn curved up from her forehead. Tanned skin covered her strong but feminine body. A black dress cascaded down her womanly curves from her neck to her ankles. Slits ran along the sides up to her hips and her large breasts strained against the tight black fabric of her top. A diamond opening showed her deep cleavage as bare arms rose up and she charged. The player never had a chance to say anything as the ogre grabbed him and hugged him so tight, all the air was pushed out of his lungs. Face buried in her exposed cleavage, the summoner struggled as he wriggled like a caught fish.

  “I missed you!” Leeta squealed.

  “Mmmm mmmrph…” Edric tried to speak.

  Leeta looked down; eyes wide as she pulled him back from her cleavage and set him down. The summoner fixed his dark green robe while smiling like a fool. Lifting his head up, he gazed on the ogre with loving warmth. Leeta stepped closer, gently hugging him closer and being careful to let him breath.

  “I missed you too,” Edric said as he pulled away.

  “Will you be staying a while longer?” Leeta asked with hope in her eyes.

  Edric nodded, “I sure am. There’s too much to do and you know I can’t stay away for long.”

  Leeta clasped her hands before her chin as her eyes and smile widened. “That is good news! Can we celebrate your return with some wine? I will gather some from the cellar. I have been thinking about a Syrah that may fit the occasion and…”

  “Leeta, I was gone for two days.”

  The ogre let out a small, girlish laugh. “Two days too long. It feels like a lifetime since I’ve seen you and I don’t want to waste a moment.”

  The ogre was going in for another hug when Edric lifted his hand. Leeta stopped, looking down at her master with a puzzled gaze.

  “I know you’re happy to see me but there are duties I must attend too. We can make some time for us soon but I should be meeting with the ladies of Elora.”

  Leeta’s happy gaze shifted as she stood taller. “I understand but promise me you will have a drink with me.”

  “I promise,” Edric chuckled lightly.

  The beautiful ogre nodded her head, fingers resisting the urge to grab Edric. A knock at the door caused the summoner and ogre to turn their gaze to it.

  “Lord Temple,” said a muffled voice from the other side of the door, “a servant just informed me you were here. Lady Pearl and Lady Discord wait for you in the council chamber.”

  Edric and Leeta stepped to the door. The summoner opened it to see Thalia reared up from her snake-like lower half, hands clasped before her and eyes drinking in her lord. The lamia’s body was poised but the glow of her eyes showed she was happy to see him.

  “Thalia, so good to see you, have they been waiting long?”

  The lamia bowed her head, “Only a few minutes but Lady Discord said you should….move your ass.”

  “What about Lady Riverwood?”

  Thalia’s face blanked as she looked away, “She is still in the Riverwood District. She informed the messenger she would not be attending the meeting and to carry on without her.”

  Edric let out a small exhale. Faye had been distant for a while and now she was avoiding meetings. The player knew he had to address this but part of him didn’t know how. The wood elf monk did not like the idea of trolls taking residence in the city but Edric couldn’t believe that was the only reason. She hadn’t talked to him and tried to avoid him at every turn. It was reaching a point where the summoner was beginning to take it personally.

  “Please follow me,” Thalia said as she turned and began slithering down the corridor.

  Edric and Leeta followed. The summoner’s mind drifted as they turned corners and walked down long corridors. The last few months had kept Edric and his fellow rulers bus
y but not busy enough to not spend quality time together. It was Faye who distanced herself, spending most her time in her district and very little in Gray Haven Keep. It caused Edric to question if she was going to stay or perhaps move on to other things. The thought of the wood elf leaving caused the player’s heart to squeeze in his chest but he had to remind himself that he was just acting silly. The people adored Faye and he doubted very much she would leave, he hoped.

  The trio reached the double doors of the council chambers. Thalia took hold of a handle and pulled it open. Edric stepped through while Leeta took her place by the door and stood guard. Thalia closed the door as Edric stepped into the medium sized stone room. Tapestries covered the walls with the banner of Elora, showing a single blooming tree with angel wings spread out from the trunk. Claudia and Rayna looked up from a round table, with the same design carved in the middle, and smiled. Claudia sat in the chair opposite of Rayna, who was leaning back with her boots up on the oak table.

  “Glad you can join us,” Rayna said with a sarcastic edge.

  “You weren’t waiting that long,” Edric smiled as he took a seat at the table.

  “Long enough to be bored,” the bard said as she held her lute in her lap and began to caress strings into a small tune.

  “We are happy to see you,” Claudia smiled.

  “I know I haven’t been around for two days. How is everything in Elora?”

  Rayna stopped playing, “Where do I even begin?”

  “From the top?” Edric grinned.

  Rayna gave him a chilly gaze before her eyes turned to the lute in her hands and she strummed a few chords.

  “The city has been quiet the last few nights, aside from the troll murders,” Rayna began.

  Edric’s grin melted away as the bard continued.

  “Four severed heads have been found on the streets, three are from the trolls known to reside in the outside eastern camp and one of them was from Ralis’s personal guard. As far as witnesses, each one found a head after dusk. Word is the trolls were in the city after sundown, unauthorized.”

  “The troll citizens in the Discord district have been out at night but the families are all accounted for,” Claudia chimed in.

  Rayna looked up and stared at Edric, “I have people watching the troll citizens. They have come out at night and haven’t had any issues. Some citizens barely speak to them. Relations are strained but no one is threatening or harming them in any way. Whoever this killer is, they are only going after certain trolls.”

  “Ralis keeps asking when you’re returning. He demands to speak to all of us at once concerning the murders,” Claudia said simply.

  “No undead sighted in a while and now trolls are losing their heads. I doubt Ralis is going to back off if we tell him to make sure his people stay off Elora’s streets after sundown,” Edric leaned back in his chair.

  “I have increased the guards at night but even with their numbers, the murders happened with no actual witnesses. Whoever it is, they’re a ghost,” Claudia said.

  “And Juna,” Edric asked.

  Rayna smiled. “Juna has been patrolling the streets on her own but hasn’t found or seen anything. Now, if I was a betting lady, I might say she was committing the murders.”

  Edric and Claudia looked to the bard with wide eyes.

  Rayna eased back in her chair, eyes sliding down to her lute, “But I’m not taking that bet. Despite her past, she seems like she wants to do the right thing. Besides, she could level the camp if she really wanted to instead of just killing some trolls after dark.”

  Edric leaned forward, elbows on the table and fingers to his temples. He just returned and already things were a little strange around Elora. The fog of war clouded most of Lukken. Edric wanted to make their city a safe place but if trolls were killed on city streets, it was only a matter of time before Ralis and the masters would push back.

  “How are our defenses?” the summoner inquired.

  “The new scorpion crossbows and catapults have been installed on the walls,” Claudia nodded. “And I have about a hundred Lancer recruits. In another week, I should have twice as many.”

  “Some of the citizens have taken to it?”

  The lancer nodded again. “They have but many more are flocking to Faye’s pagoda. She has been training the populace to fight and they prefer her methods.”

  “Elora,” Edric called out.

  A glow filled the chamber for a moment before it faded away. Edric turned his gaze to the virtual woman standing in a pristine white robe. Brown hair framed her face while a gentle smile painted her lips. Eyes lingering, a small sliver of pain clawed at the player’s heart. Even after all this time, her image continued to take his breath away and drive the needle in his spirit a little deeper.

  “Yes Edric, how may I help you,” the image said in a kind voice.

  The summoner pushed away the gloomy vibration as his lips parted, “What is the main status report on the city?”

  Elora nodded before 2D screens appeared in front of the three rulers. The players turned their attention to the screens, taking in the information.


  Population: 17,690/30,000

  Farms (8): 100% capacity

  Runic Stone Mines (5): 100% capacity

  Vineyards (8): 100% capacity

  Guards: 2,000

  Lancers: 100

  Conflict Level: 12%

  Edric drank it in. The population was large considering most kingdoms in Lukken were only about ten thousand. The major capitals were the only places that could have a population around a million. The time he and his fellow rulers used to create the city and the incoming refugees helped to allow Elora to have a sizable population. The number of guards was low and the amount of Lancers was tiny but it was a start. Edric focused on the conflict level and was pleased to see that it was so low considering there had been troll murders. The lack of any undead recently may have contributed to the sense of peace in the kingdom.

  “The population grows daily,” Elora said with a melodic tone, “Once Elora reaches 20,000 citizens, two more farms will be required to ensure there is a surplus of food for everyone.”

  “And the vineyards,” Edric asked.

  “There is a demand for Elora wine. Traders are flocking to our city to purchase and resell on the open market. Gold income has been on the rise in the last number of weeks,” Elora smiled.

  Claudia looked to Edric, “That is why I didn’t purchase any ordinary scorpions for the battlements.”

  Rayna looked across the table to the green haired lancer, “You didn’t?”

  Claudia nodded, “I did. Only the best defense for our city.” The lancer turned her attention to Edric, “I’ll give you a tour after you talk to Faye.”

  Edric raised a single brow, “Talk to Faye?”

  Claudia’s face took on a serious mask. “Don’t you think it’s been long enough? We should be ruling the city together but there is something going on between you two. She is even avoiding us and hasn’t been staying in the keep. Every time I visit her, she’s too busy to talk.”

  Rayna’s fingers rested on tight strings, “I hate to admit it, but Claudia is right. Faye is pushing us all away and it has to do with you. I think you need to visit her and set everything straight.”

  Edric scratched his temple, “How do I do that? Last thing, I think, that bothered her was letting trolls become citizens. Am I supposed to tell them to pack up and leave?”

  Claudia’s expression softened, “I don’t think we need to do that. Just talk to her and find out why she’s been so distant.”

  “And report back to us,” Rayna said with a wicked grin, “with details.”

  Edric sheepishly nodded. Uncomfortable feelings slid over his nerves the more he thought about it. The wood elf was strong, powerful and beautiful. It was no great secret that most of Elora’s citizens looked up to her above himself, Claudia and Rayna. Edric wasn’t jealous but he was concerned that she might not be to
o happy with all the attention. The people demanded on her time and she gave it to them. Was it simply being too busy or was there something deeper? Edric couldn’t fathom what it was and the longer he thought about it, the more Claudia’s words seemed to ring true. He needed to speak to her and put the silence and distance to an end if they were going to rule together.

  “I’ll talk to her after the meeting,” Edric said with a soft exhale.

  Claudia and Rayna nodded in agreement.

  “But first, what are we going to do about the troll murders and what are we going to say to Ralis about it?”

  “He listens to you. I’m sure you’ll think of something,” Rayna grinned.

  “We could tell Ralis that the trolls fell down some stairs and accidently decapitated themselves,” Claudia said with a small smile.

  The summoner and bard looked to the lancer and burst into laughter. Claudia’s cheeks burned a bright pink as she kept her small smile.

  “When did you get a sense of humor,” Rayna asked with half closed eyes and a wide smile.

  “From hanging around you,” Claudia winked.

  Edric leaned forward, his chuckles fading away as he looked to his attractive co-rulers. “Let’s throw some ideas around before we leave and figure out what our next move is.”


  A special thank you to those who helped make this book possible and a big thank you to everyone who supported me! You all hold a special place in my heart!


  Eric Newman

  Adam Friedman

  Jay Smith

  Kori Prins

  Acknowledgements and Friends

  Below is a list of incredible authors who I have had the pleasure to know and wish to share them with you. Please explore their magnificent works. Tell them Eden sent you.

  Daniel Schinhofen

  Dawn Chapman

  Scottie Futch

  Blaise Corvin

  Harmon Cooper

  James Hunter

  Randi Darren

  Stuart Grosse

  Prax Venter


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