Official Girl 4

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Official Girl 4 Page 9

by Charmanie Saquea

  “What’s up princess?” I said after diving on my king size bed.

  “MJ, I tell Chy Chy about my American girl doll. NyNy got one too!” she said excitedly.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  Ranyla was rubbing Chyanne’s belly and smiling. “I hope it’s a girl so me and MyMy can play with her,” she told Chyanne.

  “Nyla, why you touching all on my baby? Huh?” I asked while grabbing and tickling her. She started cracking up laughing and Amyricale jumped on my back telling me to leave her cousin alone.

  “What are you two doing?” my auntie Lani asked smiling.

  “Mommy help!” Ranyla yelled.

  “Alright Mykell Jr., you better leave my baby alone,” she threatened jokingly.

  I laughed and let Ranyla go. She jumped of the bed and ran to her mom. “C’mon Amyricale, I need you and Nyla to help me pick Zyla out something to wear,” she said. The two of them ran out of the room happily and when I turned to Chyanne, I could tell she was mad at me.

  I decided to do what my dad does when mom is mad at him. I scooted over to her and rubbed on her belly and kissed her neck. “Chy Chy,” I said.

  “Leave me alone Mykell Jr.,” she said.

  I knew she was mad then because that’s the only time she calls me by my government name. I started sucking on her neck and her breathing started to speed up. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “You not slick,” she laughed and pushed me away.

  “For real, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted like that, you forgive me?” I fake pouted.

  “I’ll think about it,” she joked.

  I grabbed her and pulled her down on the bed with me. I kissed her cheek before lifting up her shirt and kissing her on the stomach. “I love y’all.”

  “I love you too,” she said, then tears started falling.

  I wiped them away, “What’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

  “I’m scared, what if this baby comes out not to be yours? I’ll feel so bad because I’m stringing you along and I never wanted to be one of those females who didn’t know who the father of her child is,” she cried. “I’m just another damn statistic.”

  “Chyanne, go ahead with all that shit. I already told you regardless of the results, that’s still my baby. I don’t give a damn how young we are, I’m still taking care of that baby regardless. And fuck being a damn statistic! You are not no damn statistic so don’t let me hear you say that,” I said.

  She just nodded her head.

  “Knock, Knock.” I turned around to see my dad standing there. “Chyanne, somebody’s here to see you,” he said.

  She looked confused then got up to see who it was. My dad smiled at me. “I raised a damn solider,” he smiled.

  We heard some yelling and rushed down stairs to see what was going on.


  When I got downstairs, I was shocked to see my mom at the door. I knew this couldn’t be a good thing because Mama Neicey looked like she was ready to kill. I haven’t spoken to my mom in weeks, so I was wondering what she was doing here and how she knew where I was.

  “Mom, what are you doing here and what do you want?” I asked.

  “I want you to come get the rest of your shit out my house or it will be in the garbage. Let these people take care of you since this is where you want to be!” she yelled while walking up on me.

  Mama Neicey jumped in front of me and pushed me back, “Hold the fuck up, you better watch yo damn tone in my house and watch who you talking to. I don’t play that,” she said.

  “I don’t give a damn, this is my daughter,” she said.

  “I can’t tell bitch,” Mama Neicey said.

  Then all of a sudden I noticed my dad walk in and instantly I started to shake in fear. I backed up and bumped into MJ on accident. I turned around to see fire in his eyes.

  “Go upstairs Chyanne,” he said without looking at me. “Ma, what the hell is he doing here?”

  “Little nigga, I owe you a good ass whooping. That’s what the fuck I’m doing here,” my dad said. I just knew some shit was about to pop off.

  “I wish like hell you would,” Daddy Kell said.

  I ran upstairs to go get Auntie Lani, but by the time I reached the top of the stairs, she was coming out of her room. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “My mom and dad are here trying to start something,” I said.

  “Go in the room with the girls and take Tyriq and Fat Fat in there with you,” she said.

  I went to Tyriq’s room and grabbed him before telling Romell to come on. We all stayed in there, I watched the girls as they played with their dolls, Romell and Tyriq played on their iPads and Zyla was sleep. I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t want to go back to my mom and dad. I would rather stay where I am and be happy than to be miserable with them.

  After what seemed like forever, Daddy Kell came and got me. “C’mon Chy Chy, you don’t have to worry about shit, you’re not going back with them and I told them that they can keep that shit and I’ll buy you whatever you need.” He hugged me.

  I didn’t want to cry but I did anyway. I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t for MJ and his family.


  I was chilling on the couch smoking a blunt waiting for Daniella to get home. I didn’t know why her ass insisted on working when I already told her she didn’t have to, but she was one of them females that refused to let a nigga take care of her and I had no choice to respect it.

  I know I got me a damn keeper. She’s not like any of the females I’ve ever messed with. She don’t be with all that drama shit but she has no problem with checking my ass if she feels like I’m fucking up. She’s not insecure but she let bitches know that she’s wifey and she’s not going anywhere anytime soon. She done made a nigga like me fall for her and I fell hard.

  I heard the keys turning and knew my baby was home. She walked in looking flawless as hell. She recently went to the salon and got her hair cut in a bob that went perfectly with her face. She smiled as she walked over to me and straddled my lap, she took the blunt out my hands and took a hit. She put her mouth to mine and gave me shotgun.

  “What’s up sexy, did you miss me?” she asked.

  “Hell yea, now get in there and cook me something to eat woman,” I laughed while slapping her ass.

  “Whatever loser,” she laughed while getting up.

  “How was work?” I asked.

  “Good, I’ll be happy when Neicey can come work with me. I need some entertainment. I called Chyanne and told her to come in for an interview even though I already know I’m going to hire her,” she said.

  “That’s what’s up, but you know Kell is not about to let her ass work until she have that baby,” I laughed.

  “I know,” she whined.

  I sat back and watched her as she moved around the house. She’s so beautiful to me. “Aye, LaLa!” I said as she walked in the kitchen.

  “Yes big head?”

  “I love you girl,” I said.

  She smiled real big, “I love you too.”

  “Oh, Neicey invited us to come over for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Is that cool with you?” I asked.

  “Of course,” she said before going back into the kitchen.

  I picked up my phone to call MJ. He claimed he wanted to handle this Kamil situation but I haven’t heard from him since the last time he came over.

  “Wassup Unc?” he answered.

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out Nephew, what’s up with that situation?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to handle it, I been too busy with Chyanne and the baby thing,” he sighed.

  “I understand but it might be too late, I went over to the condo he was living in and it was completely empty. No trace of him at all,” I said.

  “Shit,” he said. “His ass is slick.”

  “Yea, with his profession, you’re supposed to move in silence and his ass is pretty good at that, but I’ll
talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Alright Unc, thanks for the info.”

  “No doubt,” I said before hanging up.


  I told Neicey that I would help her cook for Thanksgiving since she’s pregnant, I don’t want her on her feet that much. I took Chyanne with me to finish the last minute shopping for the stuff we still needed. Coming to Florida was exactly what I needed, it was a big breath of fresh air. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about moving down here for good.

  I took my eyes off of the road to glance at Chyanne, she’s a very pretty girl but you can tell by the pain in her eyes that she’s been through a lot. “So, have you and MJ thought of any baby names yet?” I asked.

  “Well, if it’s a girl, we were thinking Mikyah and if it’s a boy, he wants to name him Mykell the Third.”

  “Oh Lord, we do not need another Mykell in this world, two of them is enough,” I laughed.

  “That’s what Mama Neicey said,” she laughed with me.

  My heart damn near dropped when I noticed Ramone’s Benz in the driveway when we pulled up. I thought he wasn’t coming until tomorrow, I thought as I parked behind him. He was sitting on the porch on the bench swing with Zyla on his lap and I tried not to get an attitude. I knew Nyla wasn’t too far behind because she’s a daddy’s girl to the heart.

  Mykell and MJ came out of the house to help me and Chyanne with the bags. I walked on the porch and Zyla smiled and got happy. “Mama!” she said clapping her hands.

  “Hey mama baby,” I said bending down to kiss her.

  “I think she needs a diaper change and hello to you too,” Ramone said.

  I rolled my eyes at him, took my daughter from him and walked in the house. Romell, Tyriq, Amyricale and Ranyla, and Keiyari were all in the den watching Frozen, I smiled because it’s been so long since I’ve seen Keiyari and I missed him. I watched them for a little then headed up to the room I sleep in.

  Zyla was trying to talk but I could only understand some of the words she was saying. She was in her terrible twos and into everything. “It’s time for you to be potty trained lil mama,” I said while undressing her.

  She laughed like she was saying “yea right”. I damn near jumped out of my skin when I felt something poke me in the ass. I turned around to see Ramone standing there all up in my personal space. “Back the hell up,” I said with an attitude while pushing him.

  “Why you got this damn dress on with no panties?” he asked.

  I ignored him and continued to change Zyla’s diaper. “Dada.” She smiled at Ramone. I cut my eyes at him and he was smiling.

  “I really need for you to stop playing with my daughters’ emotions, that shit is not even cute,” I said as I put her shorts back on.

  “Nyla mama,” she said with a pout.

  “Go get her then,” I said taking her down from the bed.

  I put the diaper in the diaper dispenser in the bathroom, and before I could leave, I bumped into Ramone and he pushed me up against the wall. I was still sore, so that shit hurt. “Ahhh,” I winced.

  He turned me around and moved the top half of my dress and I tried to move away but he tightened his grip. “So I guess Kell wasn’t lying huh?” he said with venom dripping from his voice.

  “Leave it alone and drop it.” I turned around to look at him in the eye to let him know that I was serious.

  “Drop it huh? This nigga was beating on you and you want me to drop it? When were you going to tell me Le’Lani?”

  “Why does it matter Ramone, I’m not your concern. The only person you need to be worried about is Ranyla Love Peake, not me,” I said.

  “It matters because I fucking love yo dumb ass and I’m willing to admit that I was wrong and I’m sorry,” he said.

  “So how did you end up with Keiyari and why didn’t you bring Maya?” I said changing the subject. I really didn’t have time for his bullshit.

  He chuckled. “Carmen was sick and she asked me to take him.”

  “Okay…” I said.

  “Okay what?” he shrugged.

  “You didn’t answer my other question,” I said.

  “Why do you care?” he asked.

  “Because she need to come get her nigga and keep him the hell out my face,” I said pushing him and walking out the bathroom. I rushed downstairs to find Neicey because I couldn’t stand being around her brother for too much longer.

  I found her in the kitchen with Chyanne and Daniella. “What’s up mamas, can I help?” I asked.

  “About time, I was wondering what was taking you so long, Zyla said you and her dada were talking,” Neicey said trying to be funny.

  “I’m not even about to go there with you right now, Reneice,” I laughed.

  “What? I didn’t say anything. I’m just telling you what Zyla said.” She smiled.

  “Whatever you fat cow, it’s too many pregnant women in here. I don’t need that rubbing off on me. Daniella you better run before you be next,” I joked.

  “Yea right, Lakey been trying to knock my ass up for two weeks now.” She laughed.

  “Oh Lord, y’all got baby fever.” I shook my head.

  “Who got baby fever?” Janae asked walking into the kitchen.

  “Aw shit, the party is about to get started now.” I laughed.

  I looked around the kitchen, happy that I was blessed to have these wonderful women in my life, Chyanne and Daniella included.

  Chapter 9


  It was the morning of Thanksgiving and I had a lot to be thankful for. I still had breath in my body, I was a free man, I had my beautiful wife by my side, I had all my kids with me, all my family was here. What more could I ask for? I was deep in thought when Neicey turned over and looked at me.

  “What you thinking about?” she asked.

  I rubbed on her belly and kissed her. “You,”

  “That’s who you better be thinking about,” she laughed.

  I chuckled and bent down to kiss her belly. “Hey daddy’s princess.”

  “I sure do hope it’s a girl, it’s too much damn testosterone in this house,” she said.

  “I agree. I feel like I be competing for your attention between Tyriq and Romell,” I said.

  She laughed. “Whatever, but I was thinking if it’s a girl we can name her Kamora Cherice Jones. What you think?” she asked.

  “I love it, especially the middle name.”

  “Yea I wanted to be a mixture of our mother’s names,” she said.

  “That’s nice baby,” I said kissing her neck.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Mykell,” she moaned.

  “Oh. I have every intention on finishing.”

  Right after I said that, Tyriq decided it was a good time to bust into the room. Dammit!

  “Mommy! Grandpa and Pop-Pop here,” he said, jumping on the bed. He turned to me with a scowl on his face. “Don’t kiss my mommy,” he said.

  “What? Lil nigga, that’s my woman and I can kiss her if I want to,” I mushed him.

  “No, that’s my mommy,” he said jumping on me.

  I laughed and began tickling him. He started laughing uncontrollably and Neicey just shook her head.

  “Mykell Sr., we have a problem,” my pops said walking into the room.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He handed me an envelope and I looked back at Neicey, she was looking like she wanted to tear the damn thing open herself. I opened it and read the letter. And my blood started to boil. “What the fuck!” I yelled.

  “What?” Neicey asked.

  “Tyriq, go play with your brothers,” I said.

  After he left the room I gave the papers to Neicey. After she read them, she looked from me to pops. “This is a joke right?” she asked.

  “I wish, but ain’t no way in hell that bitch getting my son,” I stated.

  After two fucking years, Candy’s trifling ass decided she wanted to file for custody of Tyriq and she hasn’t seen him since sh
e left him in that restaurant with me and Neicey. If she thinks she’s getting him, she got another damn thing coming. He doesn’t even remember her ass, he calls Neicey his mother.

  “Can she even do that? I mean she hasn’t even seen him in two, almost three years,” Neicey said.

  “Don’t worry, she won’t get him,” Pops said.

  “Yea baby, don’t even trip, she won’t get him and I promise you that,” I said.

  “Yea, but what’s the deal with her requesting a DNA test? If she wasn’t sure he was yours why the hell would she leave him with us?” she asked.

  I stopped pacing when I heard her say that, I don’t remember seeing the part about a DNA test, so I was caught off guard. His ass looks just like me, who else could be the daddy? I thought, but little did I know, I would soon find out.

  “Kell!” I heard Micah yelling from downstairs.

  Pops, Neicey and I ran downstairs to see what he was yelling about. When we got down there, Janae was shooting daggers at him and if looks could kill, he probably would have been dead before we even came downstairs.

  Micah was pacing just like I was two minutes ago. “Imma kill ya baby mama,” he said.

  “Who?” Neicey and I asked.

  “Why Pops hand me some papers from Candy talking about she want me to do a DNA test for Tyriq? And if the test comes back that he’s mines she wanna put me on child support,” he fumed.

  When he said that, a night that I damn near forgot about came back to my memory, before I could even reminisce, Janae just had to open her mouth.

  “That’s nasty, y’all are brothers. How could y’all fuck the same bitch?” she said.

  “Well, ain’t that what yo baby daddy and his brother did? Fucked the same bitch?” I questioned, reminding her that she did the same thing, so why is she talking.

  “Mykell!” Neicey said cutting her eyes at me.

  Jane chuckled. “Say what you really gotta say, Mykell.”

  I shrugged, “You don’t have no room to talk because you fucked two brothers and had to do a DNA test so why you speaking on shit?”


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