Samson's Lovely Mortal

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Samson's Lovely Mortal Page 15

by Tina Folsom

  He served breakfast, and she started eating quietly. The food was just what she needed to get her energy back.

  “He’s a good man. You’ll be good for him; he needs somebody like you.”

  Her ears perked up. “What do you mean?” Oliver didn’t know her. How would he know whether she’d be good for Samson?

  “Sorry; I’ve already said too much.” He went back to silently cleaning the counter. Delilah noticed the large cracks in the granite as if somebody had hit it with a hammer.

  “What happened there?”

  Oliver flinched. “Faulty material. Cracked when there was a little earthquake. I’ve already called for a replacement.”

  Half an hour later, Delilah sat in the back of the limousine, with Oliver driving toward the financial district. As they approached the building in which she worked, he turned to her.

  “I’ll have to figure out where I can park. Which company do you work for?”

  “Scanguards. It’s on the twentieth floor. I can meet you up there if you need to find a place to park.”

  Oliver raised his eyebrows, then drove straight into the garage of the building.

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  He was let through when he showed the security guard an ID. The guard mumbled something Delilah couldn’t understand and pointed toward an area of empty parking spots. He pulled the car into one marked “Scanguards.”

  When they reached their destined floor and entered the lobby, the receptionist greeted her with a smile.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Sheridan.”

  “Good afternoon, Kathy.”

  As Oliver followed her, Kathy stopped him. “Excuse me please, who are you here to see?”

  Oliver turned. “I’m with Miss Sheridan.”

  She gave Delilah a look.

  “Yes, he’s with me.”

  “Would you please sign in?” Kathy pointed to the guest book with a pen, and Oliver complied.

  She smiled at him when he returned her pen after signing. “Go right in.”

  Delilah walked to the desk the company provided for her. As soon as she reached it, with Oliver following her closely, she caught John’s look. He stared through the glass enclosure of his private office, seemingly surprised to see her. He immediately stalked out to meet her.

  “I was wondering what had happened.” John’s tone was accusatory.

  “I wasn’t feeling well this morning,” Delilah lied. “Everything’s fine now.” She sat down and booted up the computer.

  Only now John seemed to take notice of Oliver.

  “Can I help you?” His tone was even curter than when he’d spoken to her. She wondered whether he’d gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

  Oliver shook his head. “I’m here with Miss Sheridan.” He didn’t volunteer any more information.

  “Who is this, Delilah?”

  She looked up from her desk. “He’s here to accompany me.”

  “Excuse me? We can’t just have all kinds of strangers go in and out of the office. I’m afraid your boyfriend will have to stay outside.”

  Delilah bit her lip. Obviously Samson hadn’t thought of this. Oliver couldn’t stay by her side all day while she worked. What had he been thinking?

  “I’ll handle this,” Oliver offered.

  He pulled out an ID and waved it at John. As soon as he looked at it, John felt the blood drain from his face and gave Oliver a stunned glare.

  “Fine,” was all he could press out.

  So she had called in the cavalry and gotten protection from the top. A bodyguard from Scanguards! And one at the highest-clearance level. It meant he could gain access to anywhere within the company. How had she managed to get this kind of preferential treatment? She was only an auditor. None of the auditors before had ever gotten their own bodyguards assigned. This was not good.

  When Delilah hadn’t shown up at work first thing in the morning, John had already been licking his chops celebrating, thinking the man he was beholden to had made an attempt on her life after they’d spoken on the phone. Apparently that wasn’t the case. How hard was it to get rid of a little auditor?

  John knew that now it would be virtually impossible. If she was protected by a Scanguards bodyguard, there was nothing he could do. They were the best-trained bodyguards available in the nation. It was rumored they were even better than the Secret Service. He cringed at the thought of having to tell the man who was controlling his life at present that she’d acquired a bodyguard. He wouldn’t be pleased. He’d be furious, and nobody knew what he was capable of.

  Unless he already knew.

  As John turned back to his office, he heard Delilah’s voice behind him.

  “Did you get the boxes from the storage facility?”

  “Yes,” he barked. “They’re at the loading dock. I’ll have them brought up in a moment.” He was running out of time. Once she’d reviewed all transaction documents in the boxes, she would know beyond any doubt that he was the one who was defrauding the company.

  Delilah took no notice of John’s unfriendly behavior and logged into the desktop computer at her disposal. Not even John’s bad mood could faze her today. She felt great. She’d had the best sex of her life, and even the lack of sleep couldn’t dampen her euphoric feelings.

  She’d noticed a few bruises on her hips when she’d gotten up, but decided they were well worth it. Samson was a passionate man. She realized how much he wanted her sexually, and how difficult it was for him to control his urge to take her every which way he could. When she closed her eyes, she could still feel his hands on her and his unrelenting shaft driving into her. Oh God, yes. Her sex felt deliciously tender this morning: a welcome reminder of the attention it had received at Samson’s hands, mouth, and cock.

  She’d felt his raw power when he’d blindfolded her, and even though she wasn’t normally into kinky stuff, he’d driven her completely wild. None of her former lovers had ever tied her up, nor would she have ever allowed it, but with him, there was something that intrigued her and made her want more. Would he find more sexy games he was willing to teach her?

  Delilah looked at her watch. It wasn’t even two o’clock yet, and she couldn’t wait to get back to him.


  Samson woke from his deep sleep as soon as the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. He looked at the clock but was in no hurry to get up. For the first time in years he’d dreamed, actually dreamed, in his sleep. His dreams had felt like gentle aftershocks of his night with Delilah, reliving the passion he’d experienced with her.

  She had made an impression on his sex-starved body. And he wanted her again. Needed her to ease the ache he felt in his groin. Now.

  He checked his messages before he went upstairs. Ricky’s voicemail sounded more urgent than the night before.

  “Samson, we have to talk. As soon as you’re up.”

  As he walked into his bedroom, he dialed Ricky’s number.

  “What’s so urgent? Did you find the guy who attacked us?”

  “Thomas is following up on a lead. But there’s something else.”


  “Not over the phone. We need to talk in person.”

  Samson looked around his deserted bedroom. Delilah was probably still at work. “Fine. Come over, but make it quick. Delilah should be back soon, and I have plans for tonight.” Plans which included her being naked in his arms, maybe involving a few of his best silk ties.

  He disconnected the call and threw the phone onto the armchair. In the bathroom he stripped down to his boxers and grabbed his toothbrush.

  He could still smell her on his skin. Damn, she had made him hungry for her body. He couldn’t believe it himself when he realized he’d taken her more than half a dozen times. He didn’t know that he’d had it in him. But whenever he’d thought he was spent, one look at her enticing body and her lovely face, and his cock had sprung back to attention like a Jack-in-the-Box.

  Not even with a vampire fem
ale had he ever been that active in one night. This human could hold her own. The fire and passion he saw in Delilah rivaled his, if that was even possible.

  Samson wondered how long she would hold his interest, how long she would keep him captured like this. Yes, he felt like she had a hold on him, as if some invisible force drew him to her, and he was unable to resist. He dismissed it as a side effect of his long abstinence from sex and figured it would pass. It had to. He couldn’t carry on with a mortal.

  He wasn’t like Amaury who had no scruples about sleeping with humans.

  Samson turned when he heard the bedroom door open. That was fast, even for Ricky. He stepped out of the bathroom and broke into a huge smile when he saw his visitor.


  With a few strides he crossed the room and took her into his arms. His mouth was less than an inch away from her tempting lips. “How was your day?”

  “Don’t ask.” She sounded exhausted. He knew just the right remedy for that.

  Samson brushed a feather light kiss on her lips. “I missed you.” He had, despite the fact that he’d been up only a few minutes.

  “Hmh, that’s better,” Delilah murmured as he sought her lips again. Her hands embraced him and slowly moved from his back further south. He felt her slip them into his boxers, touching his firm ass. Ah, but her hands were soft.

  “You’re not dressed.”

  “You noticed that, huh?” He chuckled. “I was just about to take a shower.” But why shower alone when she was back? “Care to join me?” Should he just lug her over his shoulder, or would he be acting too much like a caveman? Woman. Sex. It was all he could think of.

  Samson didn’t wait for an answer, but started to pull down the zipper of her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Her blouse followed seconds later. She didn’t show any objection.

  “I guess I must have said yes,” she smirked, as she stepped out of her shoes.

  “That’s what I heard.”

  When he stripped her of her bra and panties, Delilah returned the favor and let his boxers drop to the floor. His hard-on jutted out proudly and pointed straight at her. Samson lifted her up and carried her into the bathroom.

  He sat her down before he turned on the water in the shower, but kept his arm around her waist. Her skin was too tempting to let go of.

  “I had a hard time this morning doing my hair in here. I couldn’t find a mirror.”

  Samson flinched. Damn, she’d noticed. Since vampires didn’t reflect in mirrors, he’d never had a need to have one installed in his bathroom. What else had she noticed?

  “Sorry about that. I’m having it replaced. I wasn’t planning on an overnight guest.” He smiled at her and kissed her quickly before she could find anything else that struck her as odd. His kiss silenced her just the way it was intended to. He pulled her into the shower without releasing her lips.

  His hunger for her had just doubled. Had it only been last night that he’d first had sex with her? It seemed that he knew her body much more intimately than that. Every curve was familiar, yet so exciting. He knew he would recognize her touch even if he was blind. The way her hands teased his skin, how her fingers ignited his passion for her, he would always know it was her.

  “Why don’t you help me get cleaned up?” Without waiting for an answer Samson squeezed a dollop of liquid soap into her hand. As her hands lathered the soap over his skin, he closed his eyes. Never had he felt so relaxed than when he was with her. He breathed in deeply when he felt her hands tending to his shaft and balls. Delilah slowly and deliberately moved her hand up and down, the foam making the movement smooth.

  “Good?” His little human vixen was clearly bent on driving him insane and doing an excellent job at it.

  “You have no idea.” He sighed and allowed himself to be swept away by her touch. His hands sought her out and pressed her against him.

  “Rinse me off. I don’t want to be all soapy when I slide inside of you.” It felt completely natural that he wanted her and let her know what he intended to do. There was no pretense between them.

  He saw Delilah smile as she rinsed the soap off his skin. She could get him excited within seconds. Samson lowered his head to her mouth, smothering her with his passionate kiss.

  His tongue mated with hers, filling her mouth, just like he wanted to fill the rest of her body. She tasted like a beautiful summer night, like rain after a hot day. Her scent alone drove him to distraction, but coupled with her sweet taste and the softness of her naked skin pressed against his, brought him right back to the night before. There was only one cure for his desire for her. He had to bury himself in her, and he couldn’t wait a minute longer.

  His cock throbbed almost painfully when he lowered himself a few inches and guided himself in between her thighs so her moist pink petals rested on him. Samson slid back and forth, staying outside her body, letting her ride his hard rod.

  “You feel so good.” She moaned. Exactly his thought. No. Not good. Amazing! Her soft flesh was warm, her wetness drenching him.

  He shifted his angle, and his shaft teased at the entrance of her body. Delilah breathed heavily.

  “We should get a condom,” she whispered, but her body pressed against his cock. Did she know what she was doing, or was she just as lost in the sensation as he was?

  “We should.” But instead he eased into her just an inch deep. He would go get a condom from the bedroom if she insisted. “I’ll get one.” But he didn’t move, and her hands held onto his arms. Her muscles tensed around him, as if to pull him closer.

  “Samson, don’t leave.” Her voice was hoarse, but insistent. She pushed toward him, making him penetrate deeper. He was halfway inside her and felt her muscles tantalize him. Hell, he was on fire.

  “You want me like this, right now?” Samson waited for her protest, but it didn’t come. In slow motion he inched forward, easing himself deeper and deeper into her as he gazed into her eyes. So beautiful, so passionate, and all his.

  “I want nothing more.”

  Her kiss was tender and loving as they rocked to the rhythm of their heartbeats. He pulled up her leg and wrapped it around his hip, thrusting deeper into her. His arms supported her weight. Delilah’s lips brought him back into the field of lavender and made him feel the sun on his back, just like the night before. Samson was lost in the sensation as she carried him away.

  Her nails dug into his ass as she held onto him, urging him deeper into her. Never had he been with a woman who’d shown such passion, and who he was willing to give everything in his power.

  Delilah’s moans were like a drug to him, her kisses like a most exquisite wine, and her body ultimate ecstasy. He would never need anything else, only her, like this, right now.

  Too late he heard the door to the bedroom open and the heavy steps come toward the bathroom.

  “Samson, you’re not gonna like this—” Ricky’s voice penetrated his bliss.

  In lightning speed, Samson spun around to shield Delilah from Ricky’s view.

  “Get the fuck out, Richard!” he growled low and dark. Even in his own ears he sounded more like an animal than a man. Ricky knew all too well that whenever Samson called him by his full name, he meant business. He did well retreating instantly.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetness,” Samson whispered to Delilah, making sure his voice was soft again. She was completely still in his arms, obviously shocked at the interruption. He couldn’t blame her. “I’m going to have a serious word with him.”

  Delilah looked up at him, and his eyes were their usual hazel color again, but in the instant when he’d yelled at Ricky, she’d seen them flash red. Like an alarm. Like a stop light. It had shocked her more than Ricky barging in on them. Still thinking of his strange eyes, she went stiff in his arms. This wasn’t normal. How could somebody’s eye color change like that?

  She was glad that Samson didn’t look at her now, but again had his cheek pressed against hers, for she wasn’t sure she could have hidden h
er alarmed expression.

  “Give me a few minutes. I’ll get rid of him. And then I’m all yours.”

  He kissed her cheek softly and pulled out of her.

  “No problem.” Suddenly she felt cold. And alone.

  Delilah watched him reach for the towel and step out of the shower. She turned away and let the water engulf her, pretending to enjoy the shower. In reality she tried to calm her nerves. When she looked back a few seconds later, Samson had already left the bathroom. She braced herself against the tile wall.

  Had she hallucinated? She’d clearly seen the fury in his eyes, and considering the violation of their privacy, she could understand him flaring up at Ricky, but she couldn’t understand the red in his eyes. Had he popped a blood vessel? No, impossible. Seconds later, his normal hazel color had returned, and all the red was gone.

  She pressed her hand against her sex where she could still feel his pistoning cock. Something wasn’t right. Something about Samson was different, and it suddenly scared her.

  Samson headed downstairs, having only put on a pair of jeans, no shirt. He found Ricky in the kitchen, leaning against the island and aimed straight for him, grabbing him by the shirt.

  “Do you have any idea how much I’d love to rip your head off right now?” The thought that Ricky had seen Delilah’s naked body made him furious. Nobody had the right to see her like that—nobody but him.

  Ricky leaned back as much as he could to get away from him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize she was there.”

  Samson let out a low and dangerous snarl. “You’d better tell me you didn’t see her naked.”

  Ricky lifted his arms in a motion of surrender. “I didn’t—I swear.”

  “If I ever catch you so much as looking at her, our friendship is over, and you can kiss your job goodbye. Is that clear?” He was serious. He had no problem with his friends seeing him naked in the shower. It certainly wasn’t a first. But to barge in when he was with Delilah was something he couldn’t tolerate. No other man or vampire had a right to look at her like that. Delilah was his. His alone.


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