Bull (The Kings of Mayhem MC Book 6)

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Bull (The Kings of Mayhem MC Book 6) Page 9

by Penny Dee

  She laughed as she walked off. “Sure, just keep telling yourself that.”

  But I was serious.

  Deadly serious.

  Later that afternoon, I was drying glasses fresh from the steamer, while Vader and Joker debated some facts about Star Wars.

  “George Lucas didn’t know Darth Vader was going to be Luke Skywalker’s father when he wrote Star Wars,” Vader said matter-of-factly. “That didn’t come out until he wrote the script for Empire Strikes Back.”

  “He must’ve known, though, because Vader means father in Dutch,” Joker replied.

  “Pure coincidence,” Vader said, peeling the label from his beer bottle and letting it drop onto the shiny wood.

  Joker didn’t look convinced. “A pretty big coincidence.”

  “The proof is in the movie. Remember the conversation between Obi-Wan and Skywalker, when Obi-Wan explains to him that Darth Vader killed his father? If Lucas knew Darth Vader was Luke’s father during Star Wars then that conversation really doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Lucas did that on purpose. It was a lead up to the twist,” Joker insisted.

  “No, no, no. Lucas turned it into the twist when he wrote Empire Strikes Back.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Joker said, taking a swig from his beer bottle.

  Vader brushed him off. “I think I would know.”

  “Why? Because you wear a Star Wars shirt under your cut? You’re full of shit.”

  Any second now, this was going to get out of hand.

  “I don’t want to play favorites here, boys,” I said, leaning down on the bar in front of them. “But Vader is right. George Lucas didn’t plan on Luke Skywalker being Darth Vader’s son when they made Star Wars. He didn’t work that out until Empire Strikes Back.”

  Both bikers turned to look at me.

  “You know Star Wars?” Vader asked.

  I stood up straight and grinned. “Three-time Comic-Con Princess Leia, at your service.”

  Both bikers continued to stare at me.

  “Is it strange that I have an overwhelming urge to kiss you?” Vader asked.

  “I’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee,” I said with a wink, quoting a line from the movie.

  Vader looked like he’d just seen heaven. “That’s it, I’m going to marry you. Today.”

  “How about you just do me a favor and stop peeling beer labels all over the bar instead?” I swiped the pile of torn paper into my palm and walking over to the trashcan.

  “I think Vader just fell in love with you,” came a deep, masculine voice.

  I looked up from dumping the pile of torn paper in the trashcan, straight into a pair of bright blue eyes.


  I hadn’t noticed him walk in. Hadn’t seen him take up a spot under a giant picture of Henry Fonda in Easy Rider.

  And just like that, my crazy pulse took off.

  “Is it true?” he asked.

  “Is what true?” I asked, trying to calm the craziness going off in my chest.

  I glanced over to where Vader and Joker had been sitting, but now they were gone.

  “You really dress up as Princess Leia and go to Comic-Con?”

  I couldn’t help but grin. Even though I didn’t want to. Because a part of me, the immature and childish part, was angry at him for ignoring me the past week.

  But I smiled anyway. Because Bull had that effect on you.

  “Guilty as charged.” When he didn’t say anything, I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. The expression on his face making me hot and bothered. “You got something to say about that?”

  A sexy-as-sin smile touched his lips. “I’m just picturing you dressed as Princess Leia. You still got your costume?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  The bright light of his eyes sent a searing heat through me.

  “You might have to show me some time,” he said.

  “I didn’t think the Kings of Mayhem were into costume parties.”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of a private party…for two.”

  His eyes fused to mine. My pulse roared in my ears. His look was pure sin. His words even more sinful. And the light in his eyes, it was predatory and so damn hot, I could feel the prickle of goose bumps on my skin as his gaze swept over me.

  “And here I was thinking I was invisible to you.”

  “Is that a fact?” he replied casually. “Why would you think that?”

  “I guess since I’ve been working here all week, and this is the first time you’ve stopped and spoken to me.” I sounded more needy than I intended to and hated myself for it. So I busied myself with wiping down the bar, looking as if I didn’t have a care in the world. When he didn’t say anything, I looked up and saw the amusement tug at the corner of his full lips.

  “You think I didn’t notice you every time I walked in?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “Didn’t look that way to me.”

  His eyebrow went up as he leaned in. “You think I didn’t notice how sexy you looked when you tipped your head back and laughed every time one of my brothers said something crazy to you?” He leaned in closer, his voice smooth and dangerous. “You think I didn’t get hard when I saw you bending over in those little shorts you wear?” I licked my lips and his voice dropped. “You think I haven’t fantasized about making you come a hundred different ways, just standing here now?”

  His words had me rooted to the spot, and the dark carnal gleam in his mesmerizing eyes sent a quiver down my spine.

  “Don’t think for one moment that I’m not wanting you,” he said huskily. “I have a ridiculously good poker face, but inside I’m dying to touch you.”

  My throat went dry at the bluntness of his words, and I struggled to swallow as a pink flush spread over me.

  A small smile twitched at the corner of his ludicrously beautiful mouth. He knew he was affecting me. And I hated that he did.

  I needed to change the subject. And I needed to change it quick.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Do I need to remind you that you’re my boss.”

  His smile was cocky. “Your shift ended three minutes ago. You’re off the clock.”

  I glanced at my watch. “Well, I’d better get going, then.”

  He reached for my arm as I walked past him. His smile gone. His eyes serious. “I stay away for you. Not for me. But if you don’t want me to…you only need to say it.”

  His hand was large, his touch warm and enticing, and looking into his eyes, I told myself I should run as far away from this man as possible.

  Instead, I gave him a smile. “Don’t hold your breath waiting.”

  And I walked away under the heat of his enticing gaze, the thrill of his words still quaking through my body.

  Later, when Noah and I sat at the breakfast counter doing his homework, I thought about Bull and the things he said to me. The way he looked at me. The way he made me feel. The warmth. The attraction. The craving. In the future, I would have to be careful not to get caught under his spell. He knew I wanted him just as much as he wanted me.

  He just didn’t know the real reason why I couldn’t give into it.


  While my first week introduced me to all the Kings of Mayhem club members, the party they held on the weekend, introduced me to the Queens of Mayhem.

  The party was for Nitro, the biker who was recently released from prison. Randy had already warned me the party could get sloppy.

  The queens arrived late and sat at a booth across the room. Five strikingly attractive women who walked with confidence and a swagger in their hips that came with self-assurance. There was an air of untouchability about them. Something a little fascinating.

  There were two blondes, two brunettes, and one with a halo of bright red curls. As soon as they took a seat, the bikers I knew as the Calley brothers, plus Ruger and Maverick, descended on the booth.

  As the night wore one, I noticed how the club girls stayed away from them. There seeme
d to be a distinct difference between the two groups.

  While the club girls favored scant clothing that left little to the imagination, the queens were sexy as fuck, without revealing too much skin. Although, their clothes were tight, sexy, and complete biker chic.

  The first queen I met was Chastity, the baby sister to Cade, Caleb, and Chance, and wife to the formidable sergeant-at-arms, Ruger.

  We hit it off the moment she approached the bar and ordered a round of beers.

  “Hi there, you must be Taylor. I’m Chastity.” Her eyes twinkled and her smile was warm and genuine. “Ruger said Bull had hired a new bar girl. Welcome to crazy town.”

  She was sweet and I immediately felt at ease with her.

  “Thank you. What can I get you?”

  “Four beers for my girls, and a Coke for me, please.” She rubbed her huge belly as she eased herself down onto the bar stool.

  “When are you due?” I asked, flipping the tops off four beers.

  “Not for another month, can you believe it? I’m already as big as a whale. Can you imagine how huge I will be in another four weeks?” She smiled as she fanned herself. “Ruger warned me that his mama had big babies, and her mama before her. I should’ve known this one was going to be big, too. Although, it kinda feels like this one is going to come out with a beard and be ready for college.”

  Chuckling, I placed the four beer bottles on the tray in front of her. “You look gorgeous.”

  She smiled. “You’re sweet, thank you. So, tell me, how was your first week? Has old Davey tried to cop a feel yet? I mean, he’s harmless but you have to let that big ol’ teddy bear know he can’t get away with being handsy.”

  “Cherry warned me. And no, he hasn’t. Actually, they’ve all been really respectful.”

  “That’s because my uncle warned them to keep their hands off you, or they’d have him to deal with.”

  “He did?” The idea of Bull warning a room full of bikers to keep their hands of me made my skin flush and my belly tighten.

  “I probably shouldn’t have told you that. Oh well, I can always chalk it up to pregnancy brain if he finds out.”

  “Your secret is safe with me; I won’t tell anyone.” I gave her a wink and she rewarded me with a huge smile.

  “You’re nice, I like you. I think we’re going to be good friends.”

  “Thank you.”

  “See…pregnancy brain. I just think something and it falls right out of my mouth.”

  Grinning, I scooped ice into a highball and filled it with Coke and a piece of lime. I added it to the tray. “Want me to carry that for you?”

  “Oh, hell no. Ever since he knocked me up, my husband treats me like a porcelain doll. Like I’m going to break if I show any signs of exertion. Carrying a tray of drinks is going to be a novelty for—”

  Before she could finish, Ruger walked up behind her and took the tray from her. “Here, baby, let me take that for you.”

  Chastity gave me a pointed look.

  “See?” She shook her head. “It was nice to meet you, Taylor. When you get a break, come over and meet the girls, okay?”

  Not long after Chastity walked away, a blonde in a barely there pink dress and sparkly diamond choker that spelled TIFFANI came over.

  “You’re new,” she said, leaning two elbows on the bar.

  “I started a few days ago,” I said, looking up from pulling two beers from the refrigerator.

  “Wow, Bull really threw you in the deep end making you do a clubhouse party so quick.” She pulled a packet of cigarettes out of her handbag. “Speaking of which, I saw you talking to him earlier. How do you two know each other?”

  Her eyes glittered across at me. Studying me. She was trying to work out how much competition I was.

  “He offered me this job,” I said, uncapping two beer bottles and passing them to one of the band’s roadies.

  “So, you’re his latest?”

  “That depends on what you mean,” I said, laying out two shots glasses and pouring bourbon into each of them. “If you’re asking if I’m his latest bartender, then yes. Anything else, then no.”

  The shots of bourbon went to a second passing roadie.

  “That’ll change. A pretty young thing like you…”

  I cocked an eyebrow at her. “You’re pretty forward, aren’t you?”

  She shrugged, unaffected. “What’s the point of beating around the bush? You’ll get used to me. I’m like a permanent fixture around here. The boys like to keep me around, if you know what I mean.” She winked, then put a cigarette between her glossy pink lips and lit it. “So, you really aren’t riding the Big Man’s pony?”

  I presumed she meant Bull.

  “He’s my boss. That’s all. I have no interest in him other than that.”

  Which was a lie because I’d been undressing him with my eyes all night.

  “Hmmph, that’s a shame. He must still be schtooping our lady mayor,” she said, looking around the room for him.

  Ignoring her comment, I walked over to her. “What can I get you?”

  “Oh, I’ll have a shot of vodka.” She took a drag of her cigarette. “That’ll pass.”

  “What will pass?” I asked, placing a shot glass in front of her and pouring her vodka. She threw it back like it was water.

  “Him and the mayor. He never sticks with his fuck buddies for very long.” She tilted her head to the side, her heavily made-up eyes narrowing. “He’ll never settle down.”

  Tiffani was a mean girl. I could spot one from a mile away. She came over here for two reasons. To see if I was a threat. And to stir trouble.

  “Sounds like there is a story there,” I said, uncapping another beer and sliding it across to one of the pole dancers at the end of the bar.

  “You mean, you don’t know?” She laughed lightly. “You must be the only woman on planet Earth who doesn’t know about Bull’s wife.”

  Until the W-word got flung across the bar at me, I hadn’t really been paying much mind to what she was saying.

  Now I looked at her. “He’s married?”

  “Was. She died some years back in a car wreck. He never got over her. Now he just fucks and runs. Well, he eventually runs. He’s not like the rest of the Kings who want you gone from their bed by sunrise.” She sighed.

  “You’ve kept him company before?”

  I couldn’t deny the thrum of disappointment I felt at the thought. Because this girl was toxic, and if Bull was into that type of women, then I had him pegged all wrong.

  “I’m currently working on it.” She cocked an eyebrow like she couldn’t believe he hadn’t fallen for her charms yet. “He doesn’t usually indulge in club girls, but I come with some very strong recommendations, if you know what I mean.”

  “You’re not an Old Lady?”

  “Oh, hell no.” Her words came out harsh, but her shrug hinted of remorse. “Old ladies are nothing but drags. When the Kings want a good time, they leave their old ladies at home and come and see me.”

  She gave me a wink.


  So that’s how it works.

  It was kind of disappointing. I wasn’t one to judge because of the whole people in glass houses thing, but to think these guys cheated on their women with this club girl was a real bummer.

  Although, when I glanced over at the queen’s booth and saw Caleb being so affectionate with his wife, I couldn’t imagine he was one to indulge. Or Cade and Chance, for that matter. They all seemed pretty happy with their wives.

  And Ruger.

  Well, I knew a pussy-whipped guy when I saw him.

  He only had eyes for his wife. I doubt he’d even notice this girl if she fell onto his lap naked.

  “By the way, the name’s Tiffani.” She extended a hand, and as I shook it, I noticed the tattoos creeping up her wrist but couldn’t make out what they were. “Have you met everyone yet?”

  “Some of them. Can I get you another drink?”

  She pointed to th
e shot glass. “And I’ll take a white wine, too.”

  As I poured a second shot, Tiffani decided to tell me about everyone and who they were in the club. She spoke of the men like they belonged to her. But when she came to the queens, she was less enthusiastic.

  “Indy, she’s the queen of queens,” she explained. “Cade’s been so messed up in love with her his whole life, he really never stood a chance with anyone else.” She drew on her cigarette. “Honey is sweet. Although, I didn’t pick her to be Caleb’s type. He’s always gone for women a little, how do I put this delicately? Let’s say, less curvaceous. I guess it figures, on account that she owns a bakery in town.”

  I had seen Honey walk in, and that girl had curves to die for. I wondered how many times Caleb had turned Tiffani down.

  “Cassidy is okay, I guess. Has a voice like an angel, if you like that kind of thing. Got pregnant with their daughter real quick. Too quick, if you ask me. Unless, of course, that was what she planned all along. Mind you, if I hid from my psychopathic brother in a cabin with Chance for weeks on end, I’d leave there knocked up, too. That man has a body I could eat with a spoon.”

  Chance definitely turned her down at least once, too.

  “The one with the crazy red hair is Autumn. She and Maverick are getting married soon. Such a shame.” She looked disappointed as she glanced over her shoulder to Maverick, who had his big arms wrapped around his fiancée. “He’s a lot of fun. Can’t believe he’s slapping on a ball and chain. I thought he liked to have a good time.”

  “With you?”

  She grinned wickedly. “Not yet.”

  “He’s about to be married.”

  She shrugged. “That doesn’t matter.”

  “I’m sure it matters to Autumn.”

  Tiffani waved it off as she took a long draw on her cigarette.

  “And you’ve met Chastity…she’s the club princess. Daughter of the dead president, niece to the current one. Ruger must have a huge set of balls on him to take her on. Especially with their age difference.” Her eyes sparkled across at me. She was having a good time. “Most of the other wives don’t really hang out here too much. For some of the boys, this is their chance to get away from their ball and chain. That’s when they come and see me.”


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