The Golden Hustla

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The Golden Hustla Page 12

by Wahida Clark

  Rochelle finally climbed out of the Hummer, sashayed over to Shawn and gave him a nice and slow tongue kiss. When she noticed Shawn’s dick stand at attention, she giggled.

  “I told you we should have met at the hotel,” she purred.

  “You know you set those appointments up with those distributors for later on,” Shawn reminded her.

  “I only need an hour.” She handed him an envelope.

  “Sheeit. I need more than that.” He squeezed her ass. Then his attention went to the envelope. He opened it up and started counting. “How much is this?”

  “It’s twelve grand like you asked.”

  He leaned in to kiss her. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon, aiight.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Shawn jumped into his Benz and pulled off.

  Shawn was definitely king.



  Nina was still riding high off her ladies’ night out with Rochelle and couldn’t wait until this Friday. As she cruised down Highway 85 heading to Decatur, she pressed the button to open the sunroof. The air was a little brisk but it felt good. All she wanted to do was go home and wash away the day’s stench of WMM.

  She pressed 1 on her cell phone to get in touch with Cream. God I hope he changed his mind about wanting to stop by tonight.

  “Yo… baby?” his voice boomed, instantly killing her good mood.

  “What’s up, Cream?”

  “Tryna make this shit happen. You know how it goes. Where you at?”

  “On my way home,” Nina said with obvious relief.

  “Good. I gotta pay this cat for this studio time. How much can you let me hold?”

  Nina frowned as she stared at the phone. “Excuse me?” she snapped.

  “I gotta pay Tone for this studio time. I need something to tide me over until next week.”

  “Cream, you didn’t even ask me how I’m doing. How was my day, my week, nothing. Just how much can I let you hold?” She mocked his voice.

  “C’mon, baby. Don’t be like that.”

  “Oh, I’m like that. I am so sick and tired of you, the job, and I’m acutally getting sick of the state of Georgia. I’m ready to leave all of this the fuck alone!” She spazzed out.

  “Damn, baby. I take it that you had a rough day,” Cream said humbly.

  Actually it wasn’t all that bad. But lately whenever she talked to him, he reminded her of WMM and Rinaldo.

  “Rough day? How about month? This cracker has now started fining us a thousand dollars if we’re late, and a thousand a day for each day that we don’t make a sale. I never thought I would be saying this, but I’m seriously thinking about quitting.”

  “Quit? Why you wanna quit? Just don’t be late. And why are you sweatin’ makin’ a sale? You make a sale every day. You can’t quit. We need the money.”

  “We need the money? Is that all you think about? We? I’ve been doing all the paying! You selfish bastard!”

  “Selfish?” Cream let out a chuckle. “I’ma let you have that because when a nigga was hooking you up it was we this and we that. Now that I need you, you tired. Fuck it. Let’s keep it funky. You the one talking about quittin’. How the fuck do you expect to pay all of your bills? I think you need a reality check. I mean, I hooked you up and shit but I can’t take care of you. I ain’t gonna take care of you.”

  “Take care of me? Cream, you never took care of me.”

  “Shit, you forgot how I was hooking you up? How soon we forget. I’m even working on some shit now as we speak, so I need you to stay put.”

  “So, I gotta stress myself and slave until your ship comes in? You got me fucked up, Cream!”

  Click. She hung up.

  Nina was pissed off and tired of Cream’s schemes and scams, which she didn’t understand but in which she was a key player.

  She glanced at the constant flashing of the cell phone. Cream was obviously blowing her voice mail up but she was done talking to him for now. Then, on top of that, for the past two months it seemed that every week she was giving him three to ten thousand dollars, plus paying her mortgage, insurance, three car notes, lights, gas, water, food. The list was never ending. And on top of that sending money home to her mom. That was even getting out of control. She was doing good for a minute but then shit just drastically started to plunge downhill.

  Nina was actually glad that traffic was backed up for several miles. A typical end of the workday in the ATL. She loved the change of pace from her old stomping grounds of New Jersey. The scenery along the GA highways was exhilarating to her. So many restaurants, hotels, office buildings, she even passed by the General Motors plant. She felt recharged every time she rode the highway. Fuck New Jersey! The only reason she would leave Georgia was because of Cream.

  Jumping onto 285 heading to Decatur. Nina was almost home. Flat Shoals Parkway was her exit. Atlanta was deemed the new Black Mecca and she was feeling right at home. Turning into her cul-de-sac she waved at the cute little Holway twins, Jillian and Dillan. Nina eased into her driveway and hit the remote control. She wished her kids were here to enjoy all of this space to roam around and play with the neighbors, the Holway twins. Just as quickly as that thought entered her mind, she tossed it out.

  “Uhhgg!” she groaned as she saw Cream’s truck parked. This nigga was at my house while talking to me and didn’t even say anything. She shut off the engine and groaned again. Grabbing her purse and getting out of the car she decided to leave the garage door open, hoping that Cream would be on his way out.

  When she turned the knob and proceeded to open the door, Cream swung it open, pulling Nina with it. Before she could stand up straight he had her by the throat.

  “Why the fuck did you call Diamond? What did you say to her?”

  Nina’s eyes were squeezed shut as she tried to focus on her breathing.

  Watching her face turn dark pink, Cream decided to let her go. She heaved as if she were just held underwater and was suddenly pulled out. “You faggot!” she said between breaths. “Touch me again and I’ma kill yo’ ass!” She snatched up a plant and hurled it at him. “I didn’t call that bitch! Why the fuck she keeps calling me? Ask the dumb ho that!” She snatched up a lamp and tossed it at him. “I don’t give a fuck about her.”

  Ducking, he took off for her as she ran into the bathroom, slamming and then locking the door. “Faggot-ass punk!” she screamed.

  “Come on out and I’ma show you how much of a faggot I am.” He slammed his open palm repeatedly against the door. “Nina, don’t play games. Stay away from her.”

  “I’m not playing games. I don’t want her. That’s your bitch. You need to check your bitch and tell her I’m not the one cheating, you are.” They were having a screaming match, separated by the bathroom door. “And stop coming over here. I don’t need you and I don’t want you.”

  “You ain’t gonna quit that muthafuckin’ job! I got you that job. And I ain’t hook you up with it just for you to quit because you had a bad day.”

  “Fuck you, nigga! Oh, so now it’s about the job? First it was about Diamond. Now it’s about the job. Make up your damned mind. A few minutes ago you was on the phone sounding all sympathetic and shit. Nigga, you got the characteristics of somebody getting high. Mood swings going from one extreme to the next.”

  “You can’t quit that job,” he gritted.

  “You are not my father and you are not my man. If I up and leave, then what the fuck? I’m the one who goes in and grinds like hell every day. Not you! You ain’t got a pot to piss in. All this shit around here I paid for. I worked hard for. That fuckin’ truck you driving is mine. I pay the notes. All them fuckin’ clothes in your closet, I bought. I don’t need you, Cream. You need me, so don’t forget that.” Nina was now pacing back and forth in the bathroom.

  “Fuck you and all this shit! If you quit, I’ma kill you, Nina. I mean that shit,” he yelled as he began turning over coffee tables, the love seat and the rest of the furnit
ure. “I’m not going to let you fuck up my plans.”

  “Kill me? Do it, then, muthafucka!” she challenged through the door. “And fuck your plans! I’m sick of this shit!”

  When she heard dishes being thrown around she came out of the bathroom. “Cream! What is the matter with you?” She had no idea where this change of behavior was coming from. She ran towards the kitchen and when she saw the mess he made she wanted to kill him.

  “You said this shit is more important than me, right?” He held his arms out.

  “Cream, I am not your woman. We fuck but that is it. Did you forget that? Now get the fuck out of my house!” She grabbed her bag that held her cell phone. “I’m calling the police.” She ran back into the bathroom, locked the door and dialed 911. She tried to be calm as she gave them her name, address and explained to them what was going on. The shit was downright embarrassing. The dispatcher assured her that they were sending someone right away.

  She knew this was all her fault and accepted full responsibility. She honestly couldn’t be mad at Cream because she knew who he was, what he was about and what he was capable of when she got back with him. Leopards cannot change their spots. It was time for her to move on. Him making good on any one of his threats was a chance that she was willing to take. Dealing with Cream, running from Bloods or fighting a murder case in Jersey—it was all the same to her.

  She listened as Cream continued wreaking havoc throughout the house. Damn, I hope the police show up right in the middle of his madness. Several minutes later it got quiet. She cracked the bathroom door, peeked out and he kicked it open, knocking her flat on her back.

  “That’s for calling the po-po on me,” he spat, and left.

  She remained on the floor, tears streaming down her face, staring up at the ceiling. She didn’t get up until five-o rang the doorbell a half an hour later. They took her report, inspected the house, gave her some advice and a subtle warning, and then left.

  Before the officers got into their patrol car, that’s how fast Nina dialed a locksmith to come change all the locks. She had had it with Cream. It was officially over. She ended up cleaning up the house all night and ignoring the ringing phone. Three hours later, she was finally able to ease into her Jacuzzi filled with hot steaming water and apricot bubbles. So much for a relaxing evening curled up in front of the boob tube watching her CSI DVDs and eating kettle corn. That was all she wanted. Was that asking too much?

  She used her big toe to press the on button activating the water jets. The hard force of the jet streams tickled and massaged her body at the same time. “Oooooohh,” she moaned, sinking deeper into the tub with the intention of dozing off. The dude with dreads—his handsome face popped up, causing a smile to spread across her lips. Man, I hope I run into him again. She started fantasizing about being with him. She now had something to look forward to.

  Twenty minutes later, a groggy Nina was awakened by the sound of her burglar alarm. She sat erect in the tub, snatching up her washcloth and holding it close to her chest. Her heart was beating at a rapid pace. She quickly reached out and turned off the jet streams. She strained to hear any sounds. A lump was caught in her throat as she was frozen with fear. The alarm company was supposed to have called by now. What if Cream had called Jersey and got in touch with the Bloods? Surely they had Blood members already in Georgia. What if they had sent some soldiers over to kill her? Then she heard a series of beeps and the alarm turned itself off. She gasped. The killer has to be a professional to deactivate the alarm. The phone rang. It stopped. The house was eerily silent. Fuck that! Nina got out of the tub and grabbed the gun that she kept at the top of her bathroom closet.

  “Dear God, take care of my family and forgive me for of all my sins.” She heard footsteps but continued to pray. She cocked her piece, and told herself, It’s either them or me and it damn sure ain’t gonna be me. But if so, Lord, please let me go out painless and grant me access to your kingdom. As the footsteps got closer she held her eyes shut tight. “Forgive me, Lord, for not putting you first in my life.” She eased out the bathroom and Cream was coming up the stairs.

  “Baby, where you at?” his voice slurred.

  Nina had almost lost it. She was sweating and hadn’t even realized it. “Nigga, I almost blew your fuckin’ head off,” she screamed before turning around and going back into the bathroom, slamming the door.

  Cream came bursting into the bathroom. He came towards her and swept her up into a tight embrace. Whispering, he asked, “Can you forgive me, baby? You gotta forgive me. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately. I didn’t mean to put my hands on you.”

  “How did you get in here, Cream?” she screamed, mad because he had scared the shit out of her. Even madder that he was able to get in. She turned around and smacked him across the head with the gun.

  “Oow, fuck!” he yelled.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “The basement. We never got that window fixed.”

  There goes that fuckin’ we again.

  Nina sucked her teeth and pushed him away from her, not wanting to believe that she went through all that drama earlier for nothing. She was so disgusted with herself she couldn’t even speak. She wrapped a towel around her and was tempted to bash his head to the white meat but instead walked away.

  “Why did you change the locks?” He trailed behind her, rubbing his head.

  She stopped and faced him. “Your drunken ass better fix my basement window first thing in the morning, nigga.” She pushed him aside.

  “I will, baby. Do you forgive me?” He spoke to her back because she was now heading towards her bedroom.

  Ignoring him, she turned on CNN Headline News and proceeded to lotion her body. Cream plopped onto the bed and watched her. “Baby, I’m sorry, all right?” He stood up and began undressing. She continued to ignore him. “You heard me?” He stood there with his dick peeking out of his boxers.

  She sucked her teeth and grabbed the remote control to turn up the volume. Before she could take it off mute, he grabbed her hand.

  “Why you ignoring me? Say something.” Nina punched him in the face and they began to tussle.

  “Let me go, Cream,” she yelled. He had pinned her down on the bed.

  Looking down on her with a smirk on his face, he said, “I love you, girl.”

  “Get off of me, Cream.”

  “You lucky I’m high. But don’t think you gonna keep hittin’ a nigga.”

  “Cream, get off of me.”

  He began kissing her sloppily, holding her wrists together with one hand. With the other hand he began massaging her mound.

  “Cream… stop. You are… drunk. Get off of me!” She tried to wiggle away but the shit was now feeling good.

  Feeling her cream up only made his dick harder.

  “Cream, stop,” Nina told him, trying to act as if she wasn’t aroused.

  “You real creamy for Cream.”

  “Go fuck Diamond and leave me the hell alone.”

  “I don’t want to fuck her. I want you.” He had his dick in his hand and it was right at her opening.

  “Cream, nooo,” Nina moaned as he eased up inside her. She spread her thighs in surrender and took him all the way in. He grabbed one of her legs and put it over his shoulder and went to fucking her like she owed him. “Oh baby, right there. Keep it right there,” Nina moaned.

  “Right there?” he teased as he stroked her spot.

  “Oh… right there, nigga, yes. You know… how I… yess, baby,” she moaned and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started cumming. He stroked and dug her out until her body went limp. He turned over on his back and helped her slide down on his fat hard-on.

  “You love to ride this dick, don’t you?” He began moving nice and slow, squeezing her ass cheeks. “Don’t you?” He slapped that ass.

  “I love it, Cream,” she purred. She glanced in the mirror and a picture of Ted Branson was on the TV screen. She froze. Cream continued to grind int
o her pussy until he busted a nut.

  “Shh! Shh!” Nina hopped off of Cream, snatched up the towel as she moved quickly in front of the TV screen, focusing on the closed-captioning.


  “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” Nina stammered.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Cream asked as he lay there on his back, spent, his dick limp.

  “I can’t believe they killed him. I can’t believe that shit.”

  “Who killed who?” he lazily inquired.

  “All he was doing was checking on his uncle. They didn’t have to kill him,” she spat.


  “Rinaldo. He killed him.”


  “The man on the news,” Nina said, still in shock.

  “How do you know?” Cream asked.

  “He came to the job last week, and Rinaldo said no one will ever fuck with his money. Never! This fool is now murdering people. This cracker really believes he is straight-up gangsta.”

  Cream’s mind was churning and he sat up. This news was the come-up he needed. “Naw, fuck that cracker. I’m from the streets. You from the streets. We hustlers just like him, and you can’t hustle a hustler. Look at me.” He grabbed her by her chin. “Keep this shit on the low. Act like you don’t know shit. I need you to keep working as usual until I get with some people. Do you understand?”

  “Nigga, you done lost your fuckin’ mind! That cracker ain’t nobody to fuck with. He is obviously connected to something, or somebody, for him to dead that customer and then act like nothing happened,” she warned him.

  “I’m connected too. Fuck that TV Soprano bullshit! I’m just as connected as he is.”


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