Deception (A Stalker Novel Book 2)

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Deception (A Stalker Novel Book 2) Page 4

by Brittany Crowley

  “I can get you three in though, including me.”

  Eyebrows rise as I wait for the barrage of questions but surprisingly, it’s Ray-Ann that speaks first. “I’m not sure that’s possible. Randy Brookes has this whole thing so finely tuned, it’s insane. He’s not just going to accept four unfamiliar faces without a good reason.”

  Shaking my head, I pull my phone from my pocket. “I’m not talking about event security. I know that will be tight.”

  “Hold up,” Marcus interrupts. “Did you say Randy Brookes? As in the legendary original lead singer from Smoke?”

  “Psst Marcus? Your fangirl is showing,” Colby whisper yells.

  “Dude don’t even. Randy Fucking Brookes! If I was a girl right now, my panties would be moist.”

  As one, we all look at his crotch.

  “I said if, you fuckers,” he snaps. He leans forward and looks the picture of contrition as he whispers to Ray-Ann, “not you love, I didn’t mean you.”

  “I know,” she placates him. “And Randy hasn’t been a frontman in a long time. He’s a manager, record producer… basically one of the gods of the music industry.”

  “All that power… seriously. Moist.” He stresses again.

  “Can we focus?” Sydney laughs, smacking him upside the head.

  All eyes are back on me and I know I can’t put this off for much longer. I spare a glance at Sydney, wishing she understood just how much I’m about to do for her, and then hit the number in my contacts. The speaker phone rings through the apartment and without needing to be told, everyone keeps quiet.

  “Randy Brookes,” a deep southern accent bellows into the room, causing everyone’s eyes to widen.

  Steeling myself, I take a deep breath. “Randy hey, it’s Sefa.”

  I can feel the curious stares coming at me, but I focus instead on the view outside the window, keeping my cool.

  “Iosefa Cross? My god boy, it’s been too fucking long!”

  There’s a gasp somewhere in the room but I tune it out. Chuckling, I close my eyes briefly, remembering a time when I would talk to this larger than life man daily. “Too fucking long is right.”

  “I can’t believe you’re ringing me. Do you even realize how long it’s been since I heard your voice? Emails only go so far you know.”

  “I know Randy, I know.”

  “Please tell me this isn’t just a donation call? God knows you donate enough time and money to Shaping the World.”

  Wincing, I glance around the room and just as I thought, mouths are gaping open. I can see the wheels turning as they all try to process just who the hell I am to Randy and although I would love to hang up the phone and think of another plan to help Sydney’s sister, I know this is the most surefire way of getting in to that tour.

  “No, I was actually calling to tell you that my prior engagement has been cancelled and I’m finding myself with a few months off. Anything you can think of to help me spend the time?”

  He splutters down the phone before letting rip with the loudest, most cliché yeehaw in the history of Texas. “Don’t fuck with an old man’s heart Sefa. You gonna join us on tour?”

  “Yup, if you still want me.”

  He laughs deeply. “Let me think, do I want the drummer from the record breaking, platinum album selling, retro rock band “Tribe”… it’s a tough one. Are you fucking insane? Of course we still want you! Do you know what this even means…”

  He keeps talking but my attention is split too far and wide to take in his words anymore. Because now everyone in this room knows that I’m not just a private investigator, not just a tech specialist, or the quiet nerd that sits silent.

  I was also one fourth of the infamous rock group Tribe.

  And it’s the one thing I wished they didn’t know.


  “I feel like I should bow or something,” Marcus ponders.

  “I knew you seemed familiar,” Ray-Ann nods.

  “Familiar?” Marcus fumbles with his phone and brings up an old image of my glory days. “He’s gone from athletic to the terminator in the muscle department, he shaved his head bald and I doubt he even needed to use a fucking razor back then, let alone was capable of growing all that shit he’s got on his face now. How the fuck is any of that familiar?”

  “Beard envy much?” Sky bursts out laughing. “In other words, he just got older. It’s not like we were expecting him to be a Rockstar and knew to look for the signs Marcus.”

  Marcus slumped back against the sofa, grumbling about being kept out of the inner circle or some shit.

  “Dude, you could have used these connections and gotten us wicked seats at that Party in the Park festival last month. I feel cheated,” Chantel grumbles, not in the least bit bothered or fazed by my past.

  I go to answer her when a ruckus in the corner steals the limelight.

  “I asked you outright when he started working for you and you told me I was crazy.” Briella grips a hand on Colby’s arm and narrows her eyes.

  “He asked me not to say anything, my hands were tied,” Colby laughs, trying to placate his wife.

  “Oh yeah, sure,” she seethes. “Don’t think I don’t know why you’ve kept this secret from me. You knew they were my favorite band!”

  Oh shit. This I didn’t see coming. Colby shoots an apologetic wince my way before tackling his wife. “You were flicking your bean over Cross and his bandmates for three years. Think about that Briella. Your friend, Cross, is standing right behind you and according to your college journal, ‘He looks like the type to bend you over his drums, slam his giant cock in to the max while playing your clit like a cymbal.’ Should I continue?”

  Red faced and breathing hard, she looks me up and down, sighs, then plops herself back down onto her husband’s lap.

  “Continue,” she informs the room regally before hiding her face in the nook of Colby’s shoulder.

  Knowing they all want the scoop on the real reason the band split up, but not being anywhere near ready to explain, I make a stand to leave.

  “Listen, we have an in now. I’ll go on tour with Ray-Ann. Chantel will be my security detail and Skylar my assistant. No one will question the entourage. It means more eyes on the situation and if we show a budding friendship between me and Ray-Ann, it means more reason for us to be hanging around. Win, win.”

  I walk towards the door, needing some fresh fucking air before the walls collapse in on me. I don’t want to be Iosefa Cross again, but it looks like I’m gonna have to be.

  For her.

  Chapter 8


  I can’t believe this. Cannot believe the way the group voted to go about this job, especially when I told them I was running point.

  Love interests.

  I voted for the friend’s angle but the group thinks it’s more believable if Cross and Ray fake a romance. Do they not see how polar opposite the two look? As if my sister, who’s only dated clean cut guys, would go for one of the baddest boys in the music business. Yes, I’ve googled him, so sue me. I had a ton of time on the drive back to Ray’s hotel.

  On a side note, seeing Cross with shoulder length brown hair and clean shaven was comical. But there was something about him, something in his eyes that showed he was truly happy. That has me questioning why he left the music scene to become a PI. I plan on doing a little more digging later when I’m alone, but for now I save a picture to my phone to send off to the girls later.

  “Hang on a sec.” Ray reaches into her bag and pulls out her vibrating phone. “Hey Janice. Dave just noticed I was missing?” She looks over at me and rolls her eyes. “I’m shopping with…” I wave my hands spastically back and forth mouthing not me, a friend. “A friend. I don’t know, he wasn’t in the hall when I left.” Ray listens intently. “My sister?” She looks over at me with bulging eyes. “She only stopped in for five minutes then left. I’ll be back soon.” She hangs up the phone and returns her eyes to me.

  “Tour manager?” I ask vaguely
remembering the name.

  “Yup. She’s not happy I’m out without a detail. What the hell though? He just noticed now. I’ve been gone for…” She looks down at her watch. “Two hours!”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll figure this all out. Is she at the hotel? Dave’s the only person that knows you’re with me and it needs to stay that way.”

  “No, she’s back in Cali locking down the last-minute details for the tour.”

  “Ok, good. Hopefully we can get rid of Dave and go ahead with the plan and replace him with Marcus.” I look out the window seeing the hotel coming into view.

  “Hey,” she bumps her shoulder to mine. “It’s not real you know. I’m not attracted to Cross.”

  I give her an unconvinced look because everyone’s attracted to Cross. “I’m so sure.”

  “Ok, yes he’s attractive, but you know my type.”

  “Can’t grow a beard and skeletal. Almost prepubescent.”

  “Stop it, I like an athletic, muscular build and yes, I don’t like facial hair.”

  “Tattoos?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “Why would anyone want to ruin their beautiful skin?” She shrugs her shoulders causing me to laugh. “Now tell me the real deal with Cross.”

  “There’s nothing…”

  “You forget I’m your twin. We may not have seen each other much since my career’s taken off, but I still know you better than anyone. For instance, how you rub the palms of your hands down your legs when you’re lying.”

  I look down and find my traitorous hands on my thighs. “Fine. I may have certain feelings for the man.”

  “Feelings of love.”

  “No, most definitely not feelings like that. More like…” I think about how to explain this best. “Ok, I’ve got an analogy you’ll get. How do you feel when you see Trent Turner?”

  “Oh my god, he’s so sexy. I’d take that boy for a ride in a heartbeat.” Then her eyes widen in understanding. “So pretty much you just want to jump his bones. I’m not buying it. Even the most physical of attractions can turn into more.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t have time for that right now. You dear sister will be keeping me busy for the rest of your tour. You said it’s two-months long, right?”

  “Yup. After America we’re heading right into the European leg of the tour.”

  “Are mom and dad going to be there? I know Tray won’t be, he’s in the studio with some rapper.”

  “No, mom and dad are busy with some new contract. I’m not really sure on the details, so no worries. You’re in the clear.”

  “Thank God. Hearing mom tell me how great you are and how much of a disappointment I am isn’t really on my to-do list.” I laugh trying to mask how I really feel about the matter.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents. But they are the foundation of country music and wanted nothing more than their three children to take the world by storm. To continue their legacy.

  My brother’s doing great in the music bizz producing for some of the biggest artists, my sister as you know is Country’s cute little bumpkin and then there’s me. I wanted no part of that life and I hated the spotlight growing up. There were a few horrifying factors that had me changing my last name when I was sixteen and moving in with my grandma in Massachusetts. But that’s a story for another time.

  We pull up outside the hotel when I spot the paparazzi. “Shit, this won’t work. Nobody can know we’re together.”

  “Pull up to the back entrance please.” Ray asks the driver after pushing the button to pull the partition downward.

  “Smart. We need to figure something out so we can be seen together. If I’m going undercover as your PA to be with you in public, we need to change my appearance.”

  “Your hair’s already blue.” She points out.

  “Yeah, but the world knows I have blue hair, I need to blend in so no one suspects we’re twins.”

  She looks at me like I’m an idiot. “You do realize we have the same face, right? Makeup and different styles only work when we’re not together.”

  “I figured you had some friends that can figure something out. Got anyone you can trust.”

  “Of course, and even if I can’t trust them it’s called an NDA.”

  “Ah yes. So, try and book that as soon as you can. When do you go back to LA?”

  “I’m supposed to leave tomorrow night.”

  “Plenty of time for me to set operation Plain Jane into effect.”

  “You could never be plain.” Ray laughs.

  We exit the car and ride the freight elevator to the top floor of the hotel. I can already tell from halfway down the hall that Dave’s annoyed when he comes into view.

  “You were supposed to tell me if you wanted to go somewhere.” He says harshly and it raises a whole shitload of red flags. Does he talk to her like this all the time?

  “I had some shopping to do.” Ray smiles her killer smile. “Plus, Syd was with me, I wasn’t alone.”

  “You needed a man with you Ray, don’t be stupid.”

  Ray huffs and storms past Dave and into the hotel room. I leisurely stroll by him but shut the door so I’m by myself in the hallway beside him.

  “You weren’t anywhere to be found when we left. Want to explain to me how you left my sister, who’s one of the most popular women in the world unattended?”

  “How’s that any of your business?”

  “Oh Dave, you’re done. Get your ass out of here, you’re being replaced.”

  “What the fuck? You can’t do that.” He growls.

  “I can and I did. I’ve got it from here until they find a replacement.” I pat his shoulder and walk into the room.

  “Hey Chica, call your manager and tell them you fired Dave and already found a replacement.”

  “They’ll want to replace him, what do I say?”

  “That you got a referral from one of your celebrity friends. Give them the name and number for Colby and when they call, he’ll hook you up with Marcus.”

  “Ok.” Ray walks into the kitchen and I’m close behind her when she stops dead, causing me to walk into her.

  “Hey…” When I look over her shoulder I see a vase with a single blood red rose and a white envelope propped in front of it with her name etched on it.

  “It’s from him.” She whispers.

  “Fuck, that piece of shit is the worst excuse for a guard I’ve ever seen.” I storm over to the counter and rip open the envelope.

  So sorry to have missed you, but don’t worry, I’ll be seeing you soon.

  I fold the piece of paper and shove it into the back pocket of my pants. “Get that friend of yours on the phone now. I need to be able to tag along to whatever you’re doing tomorrow without being recognized. From here on out you don’t go anywhere without me, Cross or another member of the team. Got me?”

  “Got you. Do I want to know what it says?”

  I shake my head and tell her to stay put while I check the place out. If they were in here, they still could be. After a quick sweep of the suite, I feel relieved the stalker didn’t hang around.

  “All clear.” I walk back into the kitchen.

  “Fiona’s on her way and my managers calling Colby as we speak.” She takes a deep breath. “Everything’s falling into place.”

  “Hey, everything’s going to be ok. You believe me, right?”

  “I wouldn’t trust anyone more with my safety.” She smiles and pulls me in for a hug. “Now, let’s go over boundaries? What can you handle? Hand holding, kiss on the cheek, make out session outside the club? Fondling?”

  “You know I’m not into incest.” I laugh.

  “No, for Cross.”

  Fuck me.

  Chapter 9


  I shove the last of my things into a suitcase and drop heavily onto my bed. My thoughts are jumbled, tormented with images from the past. I’ve done everything possible to distance myself from my old life and yet here I am, about to step back into the same spot
light I’ve been running from.

  Running my hand along the thin case next to me, I take a deep breath and flick the catch, stealing myself to open it. Tracing a finger along the wooden sticks, I can almost hear the beat of the music, my music. A drummer goes through hundreds, thousands of sticks during their career but like any artist, there is something about your first. For me, these particular drumsticks symbolize the first time I played to a sold-out arena. Sure, I had thrown a ton of them out into the audience, that’s a given, but these ones… they had stayed by my side since the beginning.

  When I had been young and foolish with stars in my eyes, the only thing that really mattered was wielding them into weapons of sound. Maybe if I hadn’t been so solely focused on the music, I would have noticed other parts of my life falling apart.

  Shaking my head against the notion, I carefully close the case and put it back in my closet. I wouldn’t be taking them with me. This wasn’t me trying to relive my glory days, it wasn’t about me making a comeback either. This was a mission, plain and simple and I would do well to remember that.

  By the time I drag my ass downstairs, Colby and Marcus are walking through the door of my apartment.

  “I thought we were meeting at the airport?”

  “We figured such an important man as yourself would need assistance wiping your ass or something,” Marcus quipped.

  Ignoring the prick, I turn to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. It’s then that I notice the serious look on Colby’s face.

  “What’s going on?”

  My boss props his hip against the counter and levels me with a look. “I’m not about to get all mushy, but I need to make sure you’re doing ok with all of this?”

  “Are you doubting my ability to do my job?” I ask with narrowed eyes.

  “Jesus, rock stars are such princesses,” Marcus huffs, helping himself to my food. “I think what our leader is trying to ask, is if you need to talk?”


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