Deception (A Stalker Novel Book 2)

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Deception (A Stalker Novel Book 2) Page 7

by Brittany Crowley

  She opens her mouth, no doubt to tell me again that she doesn’t care, that there isn’t an us, but I see through the bullshit, always have. With one hand I grab the back of her head and pull her close until there’s barely space between our lips.

  “Ray-Ann and Sefa, that’s part of the plan.”

  I don’t give her the chance to pull away, instead I lean up and claim her mouth in a punishing kiss. She resists at first, her body stiff with surprise but slowly she melts into me. Her hands fist into my shirt and her soft lips part, just enough for my tongue to trace the line of her upper lip before plunging inside. She moans, and I take full advantage, plundering her mouth and grasping her hair in my hands.

  She deepens the kiss and although every part of my body is begging to pull her under me, to strip her down and make her mine, I know that will just put us back to square one. I need her to see this is more. We are more.

  Breaking the kiss, I wait for her eyes to open and I hold them with my own. “That Blue, is real.”

  Chapter 14


  As I watch my sister performing her hit song to a crowd of thousands of people, all I can think about is my kiss with Cross. I wish I hadn’t run out of his room when it was over just to prove a point that he doesn’t affect me. I think we both know by now he does and it’s silly to play it off any other way. I miss the days when boys were easy and I wasn’t acting like a teenager about them.

  I take a deep breath when a smell that’s all too familiar and inviting wafts around me. There’s no need to turn around, I know he’s there. “She’s been an entertainer since she was born. Always had what it takes to make it big.” I smile looking out at my sister.

  “And you?”

  “Maybe once upon a time, but I couldn’t handle what came with the fame.” I can’t believe I just admitted that to him.

  I shiver as Cross’s breath hits my neck. “You’re a hell of a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. Syd…” He’s cut off when Ray starts his intro. The crowd goes crazy when she announces he’ll be joining her on the drums during her set. Before he walks out, I reach my hand over and find his. With a quick squeeze, I look up at him and smile. Letting him know his words didn’t go unnoticed and that I’m here for him. He’s the type that doesn’t talk much, when he does you take his words for what they are because he'll always speak the truth.

  “Knock ’em dead Sefa.”

  “You’ll pay for that.” He growls before walking out on the stage.

  It’s weird to see Cross slip away and Iosefa take over. His shoulders become even broader as he straightens them and adds a slight bounce in his walk. It gives him the right amount of swagger and the smile he sports is killer. The girls in the crowd go crazy when he emerges, walking towards Ray.

  “What’s up Texas?” He says through Ray’s microphone before kissing her cheek and taking his spot where her usual drummer vacates.

  It blows my mind that he never once played with Ray or her band, but from the second his sticks hit the drums, it’s like pure art. Every beat has a purpose, every sound sucks you in and has you transfixed. I’ve never seen him play the drums before, but I know I’m witnessing something magical.

  He doesn’t play because he has to, he plays because he loves it. That much is clear with every tap of his foot and movement of his arms. I’m lost to it, lost to him for the rest of the song. When he’s done he gets up and begins heading off the stage with a quick wave to the crowd, but apparently Ray has other plans.

  “Where are you going babe? Get over here and sing with me.”

  For the first time since I’ve met Cross I see panic in his eyes. It has me on high alert as to what’s making him so nervous. I quickly take in my surroundings wondering if he sees the stalker or some other threat near us. He walks towards the front of the stage and pulls Ray to the side, whispering in her ear. They have a hushed conversation before Ray’s turning and smiling back at the crowd.

  “He’s feeling a little shy.” She states with her innocent tone. “Let’s give him some encouragement!” She starts chanting his name. Sefa, Sefa, Sefa. The entire stadium is chanting his name and there’s no turning back. I don’t understand what the big deal is. Surely, he sang with Tribe. The band generally provides backup vocals if they have a decent voice and there’s no way with his gritty, raw tone that he can’t sing.

  I stand in the shadows backstage waiting for what’s to come. If he sings half as good as he plays the drums, I know I’m about to be blown away.

  The band starts the opening chords of a song I’m extremely familiar with. I actually used to sing it with my sister back in the day before I left show bizz. It’s meant to be sung by a man and a woman, but we always loved it and never cared. Cross puts the part I used to sing to shame the second he opens his mouth. I’m utterly lost to his voice as he belts out every lyric without fault. My sister jumps in on the chorus and their voices sound like they’re made for each other. I’m jealous, I won’t lie about that. They’re sharing something so intimate and I long to be up on the stage with him.

  Wow. It’s been years since I felt like getting up on stage. I vowed I’d never do it since we were kidnapped. It’s not like I’ll actually do it, but it throws me for a loop that these thoughts are running through my head.

  Way too fast, the song’s over and Cross is walking across the stage. I think he’s going to walk by me, but he stands next to me. He ends up watching the rest of Ray’s set with me and the couple times our hands accidentally touch sends a jolt through my body. I can’t believe how worked up I’m getting over seeing him on stage. Then again, I’ve always been a sucker for a musician.

  Ray’s last song of her set catches me off guard. She never sings it at concerts, hell, I don’t think I’ve ever heard her sing it live. When she released her debut album she sent me a copy and told me to listen to a specific song, Mirror. It’s a song she wrote for me and every time I hear it I can’t help but get emotional. After I try to hide a sniffle, I feel Cross entwine our fingers together. He doesn’t say anything, only holds my hand tighter letting me know he’s there. It’s the sweetest gesture he’s ever made and if I wasn’t worried about who was watching, I’d be in his arms.

  We don’t need that scandal. Country’s sweetheart loses new love to boring assistant.

  As soon as the song’s over, I pull my hand from his and never acknowledge how much him being here helps. Ray invites Cross on stage for a quick farewell and when I see them kiss it turns me inside out.

  Ray walks off stage first followed by Cross as he guides her. I stand there, waiting for them to go by me before I follow, but Cross grabs my hand pulling me with them and doesn’t let go until we get in the dressing room. My sister plops down on the couch and I go in that direction, but Cross pulls me back by the waistband of my jeans. I gasp when he pulls me into him so that almost every inch of our bodies is touching.

  Then his lips are on mine as his tongue plunges into my mouth. I don’t hesitate and kiss him back, enjoying the moment and enjoying him. He pulls back far quicker than I’d like and I can’t help the heavy breaths that expel from my mouth.

  “If I have to show you this is real every time, so be it. I like a challenge.” His mouth crashes to mine again.

  Suddenly, I’m excited to be going on this tour. I think I need a lot more convincing.

  Chapter 15


  “I’m so fucking bored,” Marcus whines from his prone position on the sofa.

  Chantel sighs from the loveseat and for once I know it’s in agreement. For two weeks we’ve been focused on the job, tapping phone lines and running profiles on everyone involved with the tour. We have dossiers on every person for every venue we’ll be staying at for the duration and a plan in place for every eventuality.

  What we don’t have, is a suspect. Or for that matter, anything new to go on.

  The notes have just… stopped. Maybe the stalker has lost momentum, maybe they realize Ray-Ann is
far too well protected and have given up. Somehow, none of us believe that. Whoever the stalker is, they went to far too much trouble to get a message to Ray in the beginning to give up so easily.

  That means they are biding their time and waiting for us to fuck up. That thought alone has us all constantly on red alert whenever Ray is out in the public eye. When she isn’t however…

  “Oh my god, just shoot me or something. Give me something to do, I fucking beg you,” Marcus fake cries, his body rolling off the sofa and crashing to the floor.

  “Ooh, ooh, I’ll do it!” Chantel chuckles excitedly, and from the gleam in her eye, I wouldn’t put it past her.

  I tune them out and stare wistfully out of the window. I share their restlessness. I’m not used to feeling cooped up and unfortunately the downside of fame is that you can’t do anything covertly. I could walk out of this hotel right now and go for a run, explore the new cities we’ve been visiting but I wouldn’t make it more than thirty minutes without being spotted. I had forgotten how limiting it could be.

  It also meant I had to be cold towards Syd for most of the day and that was pure torture. The night she came to me in my room, the night I kissed her and told her this was real between us, that night changed things. I don’t know what was going through her mind the following day but when I said I would prove it every time if I had to, she had seemed to open up.

  But stolen kisses and heated stares are as much as it’s been. I can never get her alone, I understand why and wouldn’t have it any other way. We have two interconnecting suites at every hotel and in each one, Syd stays with Ray. I get it. Family comes first, or at least it should.

  Doesn’t make it any easier. And now we have a day off from the tour and I’d love nothing more than to spend some time with Syd, see where her head is at and I’m not gonna lie, I’d give my left nut to feel her beneath me but thinking shit like that just gives me blue balls. Since the only time I really get any privacy is the shower, I head there now, feeling like a teenage boy needing to bust one out when mom isn’t about.

  I angle myself beneath the shower head and let the heat work into my shoulder. It’s been nearly five months since I took a bullet in the Caribbean and although I was seriously lucky, I still feel the difference in my movement. Most days, I just stretch it out and do the exercises I was given to keep it loose, but that was before I was back to beating the skins daily. It’s become a constant dull ache, another reminder that this isn’t my life anymore. It’s a small price to pay if it means I’m here, protecting Ray-Ann and watching out for Blue.

  Blue. Just like that, the need in my dick outweighs the discomfort in my shoulder and I lean back against the tile and take care of business.

  Head clear and cock sated, I rejoin the crew and immediately notice the change. They’re all buzzing, flitting around putting their shit into purses and donning baseball caps and shades. Marcus and Chantel look particularly happy.

  “How long was I in there?” I ask the room in general and a few laughs float back to me.

  “Long enough to crank it, big guy,” Marcus goads me, grabbing his package and giving his hips a hard thrust.

  Eyebrow raised, I stare him down until he stops. Skylar breezes past him and whacks him around the head which always makes me smile but I still can’t help but wonder what the hell she sees in him. “You doing ok Cross?”

  I loop my arm across Sky’s shoulders and take it all in. “I’m good. So, what’s happening here?”

  “We’re going shopping!” Ray-Ann squeals, getting a severely enthusiastic high five from Chantel.

  “Shopping,” Sky hisses like it’s a dirty word. “We have a day off, people were going stir crazy and seriously, nothing has happened since we came on this tour. I don’t think it will hurt to get out and about. Plus, you know, bonus, it might force the old stalker into action.”

  It’s a solid plan, and God knows we need something to go on. “I’ll stay here in case he shows.”

  “We figured that’s what you would say,” she smiles as if she knows a secret and it’s on the tip of my tongue to question her, but my eyes catch the mahogany wig walking out the door with her arm linked through Ray’s and I lose my chance. Pushing and shoving like kids, the room empties and I’m left standing alone with my thoughts.

  I’m good with that though. As long as they’re ok, I can deal. I do a quick walk through of Ray’s suite and check all the surveillance feeds to the room. Nobody is getting in or near this room without us knowing. Hopefully this will work and we’ll get something to move this case along. I head back to my suite, my thoughts solely on finding a film to lose myself in when I notice the door to the room I’ve been using is closed. I know I left it open after my shower and although it could have easily been Marcus, I have a feeling in my gut that I’m not alone.

  Slowly, I approach, my hand reaching for one of the many strategically placed firearms we have stationed around the suite. I cautiously push the door open with my foot and nearly shoot myself in the damn foot at the sight that greats me.

  “I swear I just saw you leave,” I groan, swallowing at the delicious sight.

  Sydney, wearing the deepest green lace lingerie, the material barely covering all my favorite treats, stretches out her long, lithe body on the bed with a smile. “You saw Chantel wearing my assistant wig. If you want me to go I can always…”

  “Don’t,” I bark, the sound almost inhuman as I wrestle with the urge to pounce. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  She smiles slyly and leans up on her elbows, the move pushing her perfect breasts up into the air. “I wasn’t planning on it. You done checking everything’s secure?”

  I nod, my feet finally remembering they can move as I slowly step closer to the bed. She crooks a finger, beckoning me over.

  “I think you missed something,” she whispers, her palm sliding down her chest between her tits and travelling down her stomach. “I think you need to do a more thorough job Iosefa.”

  I need no more invitation than that. My clothes hit the floor, no shame here and I allow her a few seconds to look. I love how her eyes heat every time we’re naked, like she can’t get enough of looking at me. The feeling is more than mutual but for me, it’s not just her beauty or the savagely sinful curves of her body that has me aroused. It’s just her, everything about the gorgeously complicated woman before me that has my body beating.

  My knee hits the bed, my palms grasping her ankles. “Is this you scratching an itch Syd? Or are you finally giving us a chance?”

  Her chest rises erratically as she licks her lips. “Definitely not the first. Do I need to have all the answers now Cross?”

  She’s nervous, I can see that. For her, it’s only ever been about getting what she needs in the moment. I don’t need her to tell me it’s more right now, I’ve always known it. And now, so does she. I can wait for her to be ready.

  “No ma’am,” I whisper, my hands travelling up her thighs and pushing them wide open. I keep my eyes focused on hers and dip down until my mouth is ghosting over the thin fabric. I trace the seam of her panties with the tips of my fingers, gently gathering the material and pulling it to the side, exposing her wet flesh to my hungry mouth. “All I need you to do right now, is scream my name.”

  Chapter 16


  After days of longing and stolen kisses setting my body on fire, we’re finally alone. I was talking with Ray earlier about needing some alone time with Cross and she jumped at the chance to go shopping with the girls and Marcus. Poor Marcus, always the innocent bystander.

  There is nothing sweeter than seeing the hunger in Cross’s eyes as he stares at my pussy like a starved man. I’d say he rounded starved two days ago and is now appearing to be insatiable. Lucky me.

  He looks up at me as he spreads my thighs further apart. His eyes never leave mine, not even when he latches the entirety of his mouth over me. I toss my head back as my body trembles from the sensation of him being at the most intimate part of me
. There’s a tearing sound and when I look down, my panties have been ripped down the center and the scraps of lace have been pushed up around my stomach. Damn.

  I moan when Cross’s tongue swipes the length of me from bottom to top. As he circles around my clit, my hands fly up to my breasts and my fingers begin to pinch at my sensitive nipples.

  Cross doesn’t let up, even for a second. There’s no teasing and certainly no holding back. The hungry noises he makes while attacking my clit nearly set me off. He’s as into this as I am and it’s so freaking hot.

  The best? He hasn’t taken his eyes from me once. We’ve been in an eye-lock since he started pleasuring me and I couldn’t look away if I tried. He pulls his mouth back and flattens his tongue along my slit, licking the entire length of me again.

  “Iosefa.” Flies from my mouth and even I’m surprised that I use his real name. I know he sure as hell loves it when one hand grips my thigh hard and with the other he plunges two fingers deep inside me. “Oh shit, right there.” I grip the bed sheets, ready and oh so willing for the orgasm that’s beginning to tingle throughout me to make an appearance.

  “Beg.” Cross pulls his fingers from me and works every bit of my pussy with his tongue other than my clit.

  “Cross.” I say in warning. I’m in charge. If he doesn’t know it I’ll show him.

  With my hands, I grip his head and try to move him to where I need him. I’m still on the brink and if he’d just move his tongue a little to the right I can find release.

  “I said…” He lifts his head away from my needy pussy and replaces it with his fingers. “Beg.” He stares at me, challenging me.

  I lie here with two options. Either hold out and assert my dominance, or give in. I never give in, ever. But my body’s shaking with need and I’m not sure which part of me will win out.


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