MYSTERY: COZY MYSTERY: WOMEN SLEUTHS: Madeline's Secret Recipe Series (Cozy Humor Kitchen Detective Mystery) (Suspense Sweet Cove Short Story Culinary Comedy)

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MYSTERY: COZY MYSTERY: WOMEN SLEUTHS: Madeline's Secret Recipe Series (Cozy Humor Kitchen Detective Mystery) (Suspense Sweet Cove Short Story Culinary Comedy) Page 13

by Lorrie Bannett

  Daniel spread kisses all across Meri’s body. He started at her neck and moved slowly down. He stopped long enough to give attention to each of her breasts before moving on down toward her naval. She giggled at the sensation she felt when he flicked his tongue in and out of her naval. He stopped long enough to turn her onto her stomach. Meri had no idea what his intentions where, but she knew what he was doing felt good. Daniel kissed that back of her neck and moved down across her back, just as he had done to her front side a few seconds ago. His hot tongue felt good as it moved across her back and eventually to each of her hips. He lifted her hips in the air and spread her legs, opening her entire womanhood up to his view. Meri felt his thumb enter her canal at the same time his fingers found her clitoris. She jerked when she felt him try to close his finger and his thumb toward each other while his thumb was still inside her. While holding that pressure Daniel began moving his hands to imitate the in and out motion of his manhood.

  Meri was once again on fire. Her body was begging for release as Daniel continued his passionate torture. She felt him remove his hands and then she felt his hot mouth where his hands had just been. His tongue flicked in and out, driving her to the edge of that cliff. Suddenly Daniel grabbed her hips and spread them wide open. She felt his manhood as he completely buried himself inside her. He started thrusting in and out with a brutality that Meri thought would make her pass out. If she didn’t know better, she would think that he was angry. His hard, deep thrusts continued until her body could take no more. She heard herself scream as it seemed like her entire body exploded. Pleasure like she had never known spread across her body. She felt one final thrust as Daniel filled her with his hot seed.

  “I don’t ever want to let you go,” Daniel said. “I know that our parents would not approve of a relationship between us, but I can’t get you out of my mind.”

  “I feel the same way,” Meri said. “What are we going to do?”

  “We will just have to figure something out when the time comes,” said Daniel. “At least for the time being we don’t have anything to worry about. With both of us in Memphis, and the two of them in Jackson, we have time to explore our relationship without fear of them finding out.”

  Meri noticed it was getting dark outside. She told Daniel that she probably should be getting back to the dorm.

  “I was hoping that you would consider spending the night,” Daniel said. “We could order pizza and spend the evening getting to know each other better.”

  Meri was unprepared for his request. She didn’t know if she could sleep in the bed with a man, but getting to know each other better sounded like something with promise. What more could Daniel possibly teach her, or do to her? Since it was Saturday, and she didn’t have classes tomorrow, she agreed.

  Daniel ordered pizza and they sat on the living room couch and ate while watching a movie on television. Meri felt like she belonged right there, in his apartment, in his arms. She was still wearing just a towel as she reflected on the changes that had taken place in her mind over the course of the afternoon. She had planned on remaining a virgin until she was married, but she had no idea how much fun it was to not be a virgin. Daniel had awakened a desire in her that made her want more. She knew that she would never again be able to return to that innocent life she had lived before. She briefly wondered if Anna would be able to detect a difference in her.

  Daniel was feeling completely relaxed. He enjoyed spending time with Meri. Her innocence intrigued him. She was so far from the type of woman he was used to. He had never met a woman that held his interest the way Meri did. He thought of the women he had when he was out on the road. Many of them never even told him their name. They all wanted only one thing, a passionate release. It was satisfaction for both of them. Once it was over, they usually left and went on their way. He glanced at Meri and he knew that he would never get enough of her. He quickened at the thought of how her tight canal fit so snugly around his manhood.

  Meri was lost in her own thoughts. She had discussed sexual relations with her mom, but she never got the indication that it could be this good. Her mom always told her that when the right man came along they would find pleasure in each other’s bodies. What she had felt was way beyond pleasure. In fact, it went beyond description. She was familiar with the medical terminology of coupling, but she had always considered it to be somewhat crude. The things Daniel made her feel were as far from crude as you could get.

  Daniel started nibbling at her ears and neck. He was being playful and she giggled as he tickled her in places she did not knew existed. They continued their playful antics for a while until Meri looked in Daniel’s eyes. She had come to recognize the look of passion.

  Daniel stood up and held his hand out to hers. She shyly took it and allowed him to lead her to his bedroom. She reflected how different it was this time than before. The first time he had picked her up and carried her. This time she went willingly, knowing that passion would soon be her reward.

  Daniel gently coaxed her down on the bed. The towel she was wearing fell open, revealing her nude body to him for his inspection. This time he saw passion in her eyes. Gone was the wondering innocence he had seen before. Meri was now a woman who was ready for love. The thought that he had done that to her made his manhood start to rise.

  Daniel told Meri to close her eyes and not open them again until he finished with her. The thought sent shivers through her body. How could she possibly lay there and allow him to do what he wanted with her body if she could not see. When she had closed her eyes Daniel started another of her lessons. How to feel.

  He slowly started at her neck and began to move down her body. His mouth found her breasts and gently suckled each one. Her nipples were sensitive and were soon hard with desire. She felt that now familiar fire begin to burn in her lower body. He gradually left her breasts and continued down across her flat stomach. His hands found her mound and he started to slowly torture her with his fingers. He kneeled between her wide-stretched legs and pick up her hips so that he could bring her womanhood to his mouth. Meri felt that she was fully exposed when she felt his hot breath begin blowing across her womanhood. His tongue soon followed, teasing her by flicking in and out. She squeezed her eyes shut tight as he about drove her to the edge. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could last.

  Meri felt Daniel leave her womanhood and move up her body. She thought she felt his legs straddle her head. Daniel told her to keep her eyes closed, but open her mouth. When she did as she was told, she felt him place the tip of his manhood inside her mouth. Unsure what to do, Daniel told her to suck. She took her hands and enclosed his manhood within them while she sucked on the head and flicked her tongue over the tip. She heard Daniel groan and she felt the power she was having on him. He pushed a little further into her mouth and she was tempted to open her eyes. This was something she was totally unfamiliar with. Daniel continued to guide her by telling her what to do next. Soon Meri was enjoying the pleasure she was giving him. She naturally started moving up and down his manhood, while her hands held him tight. She could feel him grow harder and she took joy in the thought that she was giving him pleasure the way he had given it to her. When Daniel could stand no more, he withdrew his manhood from her hot mouth and quickly moved back down her body. He was on his knees between her legs when she felt him pick up her legs and place them over his shoulders. She felt him enter her swiftly. The feeling of fullness was just about her undoing. She felt Daniel as he started moving in and out of her. He would completely leave her body before entering her again. She thought she would lose her mind when he grabbed her clitoris with his fingers and started squeezing.

  Daniel had her positioned where he could see himself move in and out of her. He loved watching her respond to his teasing assault. He continued to squeeze her clitoris while he increased his rhythm and began thrusting harder. He felt her canal as it started squeezing around him. He watched her as she started milking him of his seed. He gave a final deep thrust
and spilled his hot seed inside her. Meri screamed as she felt her body explode in pleasure that was centered deep inside her woman’s canal. It seemed like it was several minutes before she could breathe again.

  It seemed that all too soon the weekend was over and Meri had to return to the dorm. She reflected back over the weekend and she felt a warm glow spread over her body. Daniel was nothing like the imaginary man she envisioned spending her life with. His dark looks, muscled body, earring, and tattoos are all attributes Meri expected to avoid. But when she was with him it felt right. She saw past the dark exterior and saw the sweet and passionate person beneath. She didn’t have any idea where all of this would go, but she already knew that she was falling in love with Daniel.

  Meri fretted about how their parents would react if the found out. Daniel’s dad wasn’t happy about Daniel hanging out with his buddies on weekends and riding his motorcycle. Meri was still too naïve to understand exactly what happened on some of those rides. But she hoped that Daniel would not be going on as many of those rides now that the two of them seemed to be developing a relationship. She was glad she was in Memphis and her mom is in Jackson. That would make things easier for her and Daniel to keep their secret. Hopefully, it would also give them a chance to really get to know each other.

  After the past weekend Meri went back to class and Daniel went back to work. Meri was still determined to complete her studies and Daniel supported her wishes. He agreed with her that an education is important. They didn’t get to see each other through the week, but he did call her every night before she went to bed. Each night he would end the call with “sleep tight Princess.”

  Meri threw herself into her studies during the week. It helped time pass by faster, and she knew that she needed to make up the time she used to spend studying on the weekends. She prided herself on maintaining her good grades.

  If Anna noticed anything different about Meri, she didn’t say anything. It was possible that Anna wasn’t aware that she spent the weekend away from the dorm. Probably because Anna didn’t stay there either. She knew that Anna dated, but Anna also spent a lot of time with other girlfriends. Perhaps one day she would confide in Anna and tell her about Daniel. Until then, Meri just cherished the memories of her weekend with him at his apartment.

  Daniel had told Meri he would pick her up at 6 p.m. on Friday. He wanted to take her out to eat and maybe catch a movie. Meri was ecstatic. She could hardly contain her excitement while she was in class on Friday. Fortunately, her last class let out at 1 p.m.

  Daniel surprised Meri and showed up in his car. She was surprised when she walked out and saw the sleek Mustang convertible parked outside the dorm. Daniel agreed to keep the top up at least until after they came out of the movie. They had dinner at an intimate little restaurant that offered steak and seafood. The meal was delightful and Meri was stuffed. They left the restaurant in search of a movie. They didn’t really have one picked out, they just agreed to play it by ear. Meri doubted if she would see much of the movie anyway. Her mind would be on what would happen when the movie was over.

  It went without saying that Daniel would take Meri back to his apartment, rather than back to the dorm. The two of them only had the weekend, and he wanted to make the most of it. His body yearned for Meri. He had never felt this way about a woman before. Surprisingly he was not intimidate by it. He actually embraced it. Meri felt right for him. He loved her innocence, and he loved watching her as she discovered passion.

  Daniel turned on the lights as they entered his apartment. He asked Meri if she wanted something to drink, but she declined. He saw her standing there in the middle of his living room, and she almost looked lost. He went over and put his arms around her, planting a kiss on her lips. She leaned into him, returning his kiss with all of the passion she was feeling for him. The kiss was all either of them needed. He took her hand and led her down the hall to his bedroom.

  Once in the bedroom, Daniel stretched out on the bed.

  “I want to watch you take off your clothes,” Daniel said.

  Meri felt her cheeks heighten with color. She did not know if she could stand there in front of Daniel and take off her clothes. Daniel sensed her reluctance.

  “I find your body to be so beautiful,” Daniel said. “I want you to reveal it to me and allow me to watch. You have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  Meri reached up and slowly started removing her clothes. At first it was difficult, but as she watched Daniel’s face, she got into it more. She could see that Daniel was getting aroused and she gained new confidence in the power she held over him. With each article of clothing that hit the floor, Meri became more aroused. She never knew that stripping for a man could feel so erotic.

  Daniel was on fire. Watching Meri take off her clothes for him was definitely having a rising effect on him. When she stood thee in his bedroom completely naked, he motioned for her to come to the bed. She walked across the room to stand beside the bed. Daniel reached out his hand and spread her legs so that he could have access to her womanhood. Meri felt his fingers find her mound and start to rub it. He put pressure on her clitoris while his finger found her hot canal. He could feel her juices already flowing. Meri naturally squatted a little bit to give him better access. His fingers were playing havoc with her senses.

  Daniel had way too many clothes on. His manhood was straining for release. He quickly took off his clothes and guided Meri down on the bed. He wanted to love every part of her body. He had made a discreet purchase earlier in the week and he wanted to watch her when he used it. He told her to close her eyes, because again he wanted her to just feel. His hot mouth found her breasts while his fingers went back to assaulting her clitoris.

  Meri was not aware of anything except what was happening between her legs. The pleasure was so intense she could feel herself climbing towards the top of the cliff. She never realized it when things shifted and she felt something entering her canal. But it wasn’t Daniel. This felt totally different. She dared not open her eyes as she felt something bury deep inside her. Her body nearly jerked off the bed when something inside her started to vibrate. There was also a vibration going on at her clitoris. She had no idea what was going on, but it felt exquisite.

  Daniel watched Meri’s womanhood as he moved the vibrator in and out of her. He could see how she clutched it and he knew that she was thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. He loved giving this woman pleasure. He moved the vibrator in and out slowly at first, but he could feel her get closer to release. He kicked up the power and thrust the vibrator in and out faster as he watched her canal start to convulse.

  Meri was falling through mid-air and it felt great. Her body felt such exquisite passion that she felt she might faint. Before she hit bottom, Daniel moved on top of her and entered her quickly. He was already so turned on by watching her response to his new toy he knew that he would not last long. He pounded into her fast and hard. Soon the two of them were nothing but stars shooting through the sky. Neither of them had ever before experienced such absolute pleasure.

  Chapter 5

  Meri returned to her classes on Monday. She was happier than she had ever been in her life. She and Daniel were getting closer every day. In her inexperience, it never occurred to her that anything could ever go wrong.

  The college was once again asking for student participation, but this time was something entirely different. The medical students were going to be doing vaginal exams and they needed volunteers. Meri was hesitant, but Anna proceeded to talk her into it. The exams would be done with a professor in the room, and if the women wanted, they could ask a friend to be there with them for support. They had set a limit to three exams per woman, and the pay was $100 per exam. Anna planned on making a quick $300.

  Meri agreed to participate if Anna would be there for moral support. They agreed that they would support each other, and Meri knew that she could definitely use the money. The two of them signed up together before heading off to their next

  The day came for the exams, and Meri was a little apprehensive. She had never had this type of exam before, and she wasn’t sure what to expect. Anna had been examined this way before, so she agreed to go first. Meri helped her get undressed and into a gown. They were in a small examining room with a table, light, and instrument tray. Anna giggled as she hopped up on the end of the examining table while Meri helped her cover herself with a sheet. The professor and a student walked into the room and instructed Anna to lay back on the table. They assisted her as she placed her feet into stirrups. The student then lifted the sheet to give him access to Anna’s vagina. The professor stood at the side while the student directed Anna to spread her legs as wide as she could. The student lowered the light and it seemed to Meri that Anna was laying there on display.

  The student then told Anna that he would be inserting a speculum inside her. Meri watched as he picked up the speculum from the table and placed it inside Anna’s canal. He then opened the speculum, allowing him to peer inside. He told her to expect a pinch as he took a small wire brush that would be used to collect cells for a pap smear. Once that was complete, the student removed the speculum and placed it on the table. Meri watched as he then took two fingers and placed them deep inside Anna. His free hand was pressing down on Anna’s stomach while he explained to her that he was checking her ovaries for any abnormalities. When he was finished, he replaced the sheet and stepped out of the room.

  Because each student must do the exam the proper way, the volunteer had to sit back up on the end of the table and start over. A fresh cart was brought in before the professor and another student entered the room.

  Once the students were finished with Anna, she was directed to get dressed. It was now Meri’s time and Anna assisted her with her clothing and the sheet. Meri felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach because of what was about to happen to her. Anna tried to lighten the mood.


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