The Knights Templar: The True and Surprising Story Of Histories Most Secretive Order

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The Knights Templar: The True and Surprising Story Of Histories Most Secretive Order Page 5

by Patrick Auerbach

  When the Arabs reclaimed Jerusalem in 1189 the Order was pushed back from the region, reportedly carrying with them the Ark of the Covenant amongst other treasures and relics. Property records from the 12th century list sacred objects that remained in the possession of the Order. Stories have circulated claiming that the Templars spent at least a decade excavating underneath Temple Mount. In 1867, a team of Royal Engineers lead by Lieutenant Warren and Captain Charles Wilson unearthed a network of tunnels that extended vertically from Al Aqsa mosque for 25 meters before splitting apart under what is believed to have been the temple of King Solomon. We can confirm the involvement of the Knights Templar by the amount of artifacts left in the tunnels by Crusaders, which are now housed as part of a private collection.

  Chapter 11: The Knights Templar and Freemasonry

  The Knights Templar, more than any other group in history, have been shrouded in mystery, propaganda and sensationalism that originated during their reign of power and continued throughout their disbanding and for centuries afterward. The scene was set for speculation as the major religions battled and left behind revered relics. One myth that has surfaced throughout history was that “the Templars were created by an organization called the Priory of Sion to excavate in Jerusalem and find information about the bloodline of Christ’, according to historian John Walker. Other theorists claim that the Order was in possession of the Holy Grail or heretical secret. Speculation ran rampant after the disbanding of the Templars, some claiming that they later became Freemasons – a rumor that was perpetuated by the Freemasons themselves.

  The connection between the Knights and Freemasons was promoted by early masonic groups of the 18th century. Most conspiracies have only come about since ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ was published in 1980. It was then that a number of wildly exaggerated myths began circulating about the Templars. Most recently, ‘The Da Vinci Code’ captivated readers with Templar myth that was promoted in ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’. So similar were the ideas that the authors attempted to sue Dan Brown. The legend of the Knights Templar as some sort of guardians of ancient wisdom has been more compelling to the public of modern times than their factual history as bankers and political figures. The more sensational the tale becomes, the deeper we have to dig to reach the truth.

  It was said that after the disbandment of the Order, they went off the grid and developed a deep disdain for organized monotheistic religions and the Church in particular. Some believe that the Templars that escaped persecution transmuted into the organization which today are known as the Freemasons. Whether or not this is the truth, there are still many parallels between the Masons and the Templars. Even those in high positions of Masonry are given titles that are seemingly inspired by the Knights Templar such as the Guardian of the Temple.

  During Innocent II’s time as Pope, he gave the Templars the freedom to build and govern their own churches which was unheard of in a time of the Church’s absolute power. In the process of designing their own church, the Templars developed a new architectural style that later came to be known as “Gothic.” In Graham Hancock’s ‘The Sign and the Seal’, it is said that Gothic architecture was popularized in 1134 during the construction of the northern tower at Chartres Cathedral. The person heading this project was the Templar’s spiritual leader, St. Bernard. He felt that it was of utmost importance to symbolize a Kabbalistic approach and the Templar’s esotericism. Hancock wrote that the patron of the Templars placed emphasis on using sacred geometry as well.

  Their expertise in Gothic architecture and masonry and experience in constructing cathedrals and castles gave them the chance to come together with the Freemasons. Published works of reference by Masons often refer to the symbolism of their merge with the Knights Templar. One Turkish Mason wrote: “The Grand Master's abacus [staff of office] is evidence for the connection between the Templars and Freemasons. This staff is a symbol representing Aaron's rod [mentioned in the Bible-a walking stick that sprouted leaves]. Its head is in the form of a temple, and along the length of its body is carved measurements. This staff is a symbol of masonry.” Throughout the middle ages, Freemasons and Templars often conducted business side by side and it is probably safe to assume that they did draw influence from one another.

  In absorbing the remaining members of the Knights Templar, Masons began to observe a shift from operational Masonry to speculative. In Paris, lodges were built for those who were not involved in the clergy and shared quarter with the Templars. The Pope’s 1312 decision to abolish the Templar’s order also included the end of Masonic privilege to free passage. Upon this, the Masons of France relocated to Germany which then saw an influx of Gothic architecture and the induction of even more Templars who were also fleeing from France. A handwritten documentation dated from 1760 makes no secret of the two organization’s mystical knowledge. It explains how Templar secrets were passed down to modern Freemasonry. In a sense, the Templars never actually ceased to exist. Instead, their ideals and knowledge merged with and shaped the Freemasons.

  Whether this “divine knowledge” was related in some way to occult mysticism or whether it was simply the skill of architecture, engineering and business has been and will continue to be the subject of much speculation and superstition. The factual accounts of their contributions to architecture are just as awe-inspiring. The Masons had been known for making use of gematria, ancient Hebrew ciphers that substitute numbers for letters. With this they were able to, in a sense, spell out obscure phrases within the dimensions of a building. Glaziers and sculptors working closely with the Masons received instructions from high clergy to include concealed messages about scripture, history and human nature in the different pieces they created. In an example of this hidden language, there appears a carving and inscription on the northern side of the Chartres Cathedral. The image is that of a large box being transported in an ox cart. Above the carving, the phrase “HIC AMICITUR ARCHA CEDERIS” can be seen. This inscription when taken into account in combination with the location of surrounding sculptures outside the cathedral have perplexed scholars for quite some time. Most believe that this was some sort of clue pointing toward the whereabouts of the lost Ark of the Covenant.

  The Scottish rite of Freemasonry of the 14th century was the oldest Masonic lodge to provide inclusion to the Templars who sought refuge in Scotland and was referred to by Baron Karl von Hund as the restoration of the Knights Templar. The titles of high ranking members, ideals, rituals and rules are so similar that it is difficult to discern where one ended and the other began. According to von Hund, eight prominent Templars fled to Scotland via Ireland in order to escape persecution at home.

  Another similar organization were the Rosicrucians, which were founded as a sister organization to Freemasonry by the Templars. Two of the first authentic Rosicrucian writings, “Fama Fraternitatis” and “Confessio Rosae Crucis” came to light during 1614 and 1615 in Germany. These two accounts are said to contain crucial knowledge related to the Order. The Rosicrucians were a secretive group who followed the combined teachings of Gnosticism, Egyptian Hermeticism and teachings from the Kabbalah.

  There are numerous examples of different groups throughout the middle ages who derived a portion or all of their ideals, teachings and rituals from the Knights Templar. The Order was never truly dissolved, but merely dispersed throughout Europe into smaller sects such as the Scottish rite and the Rosicrucians.


  For each historical account regarding the Templars, there are ten stories of their esotericism and reports of involvement with the occult. Whether or not the Templars or modern Freemasons are guarding some incredible secret, the fact remains that rumors fly wild whenever the subject of these secretive groups is brought up. Looking at the development of the Templars is helpful in understanding where they came from and how their views and motivations shifted throughout their history. They started from what seemed to have been noble beginnings and took vows of poverty – an early symbol of the Knights Te
mplar depicted two knights riding the same horse as a reference of the group’s humility. The catch was that as individuals, the knights did take a vow to renounce worldly distractions such as material wealth. However as a combined group, the Templars had amassed a considerable fortune in just a short time, starting from charitable donations.

  The group grew from only nine members to include skilled architects, clergymen, bankers, landholders, scholars and craftsmen. The Templars moved into power as they started loaning money to European countries and were granted the power to move freely throughout countries becoming somewhat of a private state unto themselves. This wealth and power unfortunately brought negative attention onto the group. They rose up the ranks quickly and were disbanded just as fast. All sorts of heinous charges were brought against them and they were tortured until they confessed. Leaders of the Order were executed and others who escaped persecution fled into neighboring countries. There, they reorganized and started their work under different names. The only exception is that now, if it ever was about religion, it isn’t anymore. Whether the group was simply operating under the guise of righteousness or whether they lost faith after the pope refused to come to their aid we may never know for sure.

  By some accounts, the Templars may have been involved in the occult before the trial and torture that led to their coerced and then recanted confessions. Some say they became interested in alternative sources of power after they were disbanded and had merged with the Masons. It has been reported that the Masons derived many of their rules and symbols from the Templars but it is unknown how much more information was exchanged and from which source. Despite historical accounts, it is difficult to regard their great work in the field of finance, math and architecture and not wonder if they possess knowledge that we are not privy to.

  In the year 1717, members of the Freemasons called “accepted Masons” made the decision to create a separate organization for themselves. This was proposed as being a brotherhood that provided freedom of thought and tolerance in the midst of such an oppressive political and religious environment. It drew ideals from those groups that came before it such as the Rosicrucians. Members practiced a philosophy that enlightenment was to be found in free thought. They upheld these ideas that originated in the 17th century.

  In conclusion, I thank you and hope you have enjoyed the book. I also hope that in reading this, you will now be able to think openly and objectively about the facts as well as imaginatively about the possibilities that could have been left out of the record books. After all, the knights were secretive for a reason.

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