Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1)

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Corruption of the Heart (The Corruption Series Book 1) Page 8

by Jessica Manson

  I was jolted from my sleep by the pain of the memories. I was alone in the hospital room. Odin had left me. I pulled the IV out of my arm causing blood to pour out onto the bed. Pain surged through my head as I searched for my clothes. After getting dressed I peek out into the hall making sure no one was around. Once the coast was clear I snuck my way outside. I tried calling Odin to come pick me up but there was no answer. I guess I would be walking the long distance to the house. Calling a cab was out of the question with the lack of funds to pay them.

  Once I was out of the parking lot the road was very dark and very deserted. Maybe leaving the hospital was a bad idea. I know I should wait until morning to leave but I needed to know what was going on. The farther I got from the hospital the creepier the darkness became. I could hear crickets chirping which kept my fear at bay for now. My science teacher once told me that if you can hear crickets you are fine, but once the crickets stop you are not far from danger.

  As soon as the thought crossed my mind the night became still and silent. The welcomed sounds of the crickets were replaced with a ringing in my ears from the silence. The fear was now full force and panic took over. Footsteps echoed behind me. Every time I took a step they would take a step and every time I stopped they stopped. I was too scared to turn around and see who was behind me, so I quickened my pace but so did the person behind me. Stopping abruptly caused whoever it was to bump into me. Confused, I turned around to find a cat rubbing up against my leg. I giggled at myself for being so scared.

  I reached down to pet the cat and noticed headlights in the distance. The car seemed to be speeding. Something told me to hide but that something also told me to run from the vicious cat. Maybe I am just paranoid. Being alone in the dark can do that to someone. And it doesn’t help that I am super terrified of the dark to begin with. Like scared enough that at seventeen I still sleep with a night light.

  As soon as the car reached me they slammed on their brakes causing the tires to squeal against the pavement. A cloud of white smoke covered the car and its surrounding area blocking my view, so I couldn’t see who it was. I heard the door open then shut. A hand grabbed me causing a scream to escape from me. “Lamia Mea, what are you doing out here?”


  “Yes, who else would it be?” he said, sounding kind of angry. “Why aren’t you in the hospital?”

  “I had to get out of there. There are some things I need to figure out and I can’t figure them out from in there.”

  “Well get in. I will take you home. I was on my way back to the hospital to sit with you. I was hoping I could get back before you woke up.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “Home. To change.” I don’t think Odin realized that I noticed that he still had on the same clothes from earlier today. I’ll let him think I believe his lies for now. At least until I know what is going on and what it is he is hiding from me.

  The ride home was so quiet it was almost awkward. I have never felt this way around Odin before. I wonder if my thoughts from earlier is what is causing me to feel differently about him. I mean could they really have been talking about Odin? Odin reached over and grabbed my hand and the usual surge of electricity that was always there shot through me almost causing me to forget my doubts about him. I no longer felt like I could trust him, so I slipped my hand away from him causing him to ask, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I am just tired, and it has been a long day.” I averted my eyes out the window as I watched the trees pass by until we finally reached my house. The street lights made me feel warm inside as the streets became brighter. I wanted my bed. I wanted all the thoughts I have about Odin to not be true. I wanted to feel the same way I always have about him, but I know it was a lost cause at least until I find out the truth.

  Chapter Twelve

  Making my way into the house my first destination was the kitchen. When I entered the doorway, I stopped and stared at the pool of drying blood on the floor. I didn’t realize I lost so much. For the first time tonight, tears burned at the rims of my eyes and anger ran through my veins. I grabbed a bucket and filled it with hot water and dish soap and grabbed a sponge. I fell to my knees and began to scrub the blood from the floor. I knew it would leave a stain on the white tiles of the floor, but I had to clean it. I had to get up what I could. While I scrubbed the floor, Odin went out to the shed and grabbed a piece of plywood, a hammer, and some nails and boarded up the broken window. After scrubbing up the blood I swept up the broken glass.

  Once we were done cleaning up, I decided I needed a steaming hot shower to wash away anything left over from this horrible day. I sat balled up in the bottom of the shower letting the hot water wash over me when I heard the door open. “Lilith, are you ok? You have been in here for a while. I just wanted to check on you.”

  Feeling annoyed at the invasion I snapped back, “Yes Odin I am fine. Judging by the day I have had I think I can take a little longer than usual in the shower.” Without saying a word Odin shut the door and let me have my time. But by being annoyed, I was no longer interested in sitting in the shower. I washed up and got out having to sneak into my bedroom in nothing but a towel to get my night clothes.

  I went downstairs to find Odin absentmindedly flipping through the TV channels. I felt bad for snapping at him. I sat on the opposite end of the couch feeling annoyed by his presence. Just a little while ago he was all I could think about. I craved to be near him. Why did I have to have these doubts about him? Being lost in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed he had scooted closer to me. “Odin, I am sorry I snapped at you. I didn’t mean too. It’s just a lot of weird things have been happening lately.”

  “What kind of stuff?”

  “Where do I start?”

  “How about the beginning.”

  “If I tell you, you have to promise not to think I am crazy.”

  “I promise Lilith. What is it?”

  “Ok well for starters, the break in obviously but then I have been having dreams about a man since I moved here. He is always wearing dark clothes and blends into the night, so I can never see his features. And I swear the other night when the cops were here, and you left me in the kitchen to go talk to the cops, there was a man standing in my backyard. Then there is everything with Ambi. Why does she not want us to be together so bad? Then the guys that broke in some of the things they said didn’t make any sense to me.”

  “What did they say?”

  “Things about you.”

  “What kind of things?”

  “How do you know the guys that broke into my house?”

  Confused he said, “I don’t know them. Why would you even think that?”

  “Because they said you were supposed to keep me out all day. How did they know I was even with you? What were they looking for Odin?”

  “I swear to you that I don’t know who they are.”

  “Is it that easy for you to lie to me. You said you loved me. Was that a lie too?”

  “What are you talking about Lilith? Why won’t you believe me?”

  “Because they also said, “O said it was here.” What exactly is here? What were they looking for?”

  He sat up on the couch and put his head in his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. “Ok Lilith. Are you sure you want to know the truth?” After letting out a sigh he asked, “Are you sure you are ready to accept the truth about yourself? About me? About us?”


  “I’m not sure you are.”

  “Damn it Odin, tell me.” I was cut off by the front door opening. My aunt walked in interrupting the conversation, just when I thought I was finally getting close to the truth. Not only did my aunt walk in but Odin got a phone call that he couldn’t miss. Feeling anger build up inside of me I told Odin, “Just take it. I am going to bed.” He walked out the front door and I stormed off to my bedroom.

  Waking up the next morning I was still angry that I hadn’t gotten any closer
to the truth. I headed toward the living room to see if Odin stayed the night. If he did he was gone already because he wasn’t on the couch. And there didn’t seem to be any signs that he even stayed at all. Muffled voices drew my attention toward the kitchen. I was shocked to see Odin sitting at the table with my aunt.

  “Well good morning dear,” My aunt said, as she walked over to hug me. “Odin was just filling me in on what happened last night. How are you feeling?”

  “Are you too going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why are you being nice to me? You hate me. You are only ever nice to me in front of Odin. Why?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she said, with a disgusted tone.

  “Whatever,” I snapped as I rummaged through the cabinets to find something for my pounding headache. After looking into the fifth cabinet, I finally found the medicine. I grabbed a soda from the fridge and headed right back up to my room. I was in no mood to hear any more lies from them. I tried shutting my door behind me, but Odin stuck his foot in the doorway just in time to stop it. “What are you doing here Odin?” His presence was starting to annoy me.

  “I came to make sure you were ok.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t seem fine.”

  “You think?”

  “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “You Odin, ok. I asked you not to lie to me. But yet you still insist on lying. It doesn’t matter anyway does it. You were never going to tell me the truth were you?”

  “I’m sorry Lilith. I am going to tell you just not yet.”

  “Why not?” I shouted.

  “Are you going to school today?”

  Growling I said, “Yes I am going and don’t even think about asking for a ride. I need time alone to think.”

  “Ok. I’ll give you space.” He walked over to kiss me on the lips but I turned my face just before, and he ended up kissing my cheek instead. After getting dressed I decided to make my bed when I noticed the silver wrapped box laying under the edge. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the package those men were talking about.

  Tearing away the silver wrapping paper I held a brown antique wooden box in my hands. It is beautiful. Daisies were carved into the box along with writing I didn’t understand but I knew it was something Odin had called me before. I ran my fingers over the words and pulled my laptop onto the bed beside me. I opened Google and began typing the letters. There was no way I could figure out what he was saying to me. Google didn’t seem to have the answer either. Confused, I slammed the laptop shut and finished opening my gift.

  Inside the box was a letter from my parents that read:

  My Dearest Daughter,

  We knew you wouldn’t be able to wait until your birthday before opening your present. It’s ok you can go ahead and have the gift now. You will probably need the protection anyway. Always remember that we loved you very much and we are so proud of you. We are proud of the woman you have become. We hate that we missed your eighteenth birthday.

  The gift inside the box is very special. It has been in our family for a very long time. Please keep it safe Lilith. If you choose to wear it, never take it off, but if your choice is to change, then please hide it in a very safe place. Many people will try to take it from you.


  Mom and Dad.


  The time has come. It won’t be long now. Lamia Mea (little vampire).

  Dropping the letter at my feet, tears began streaming down my face. I missed my parents so much and I wish they were here. Inside the wooden box was a small jewelry box. Inside was a necklace with a single diamond surrounded by a wreath of daisies. I clutched the necklace in my hand. It made me feel safe like it was protecting me. Putting it on was as if I was carrying around a piece of my parents with me.

  I couldn’t help but wonder how different things would be if my parents were still alive. Would any of this have happened to me? Would I still have met Odin? Something tells me I would have. I think if I didn’t end up here, he would have ended up in Mississippi. I don’t think it was fate pushing us together. I think it was something totally different. Something evil. Something sadistic.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Driving to school I pondered over the words of my parent’s letter. Why did they and Odin call me Lamia Mea? Were they calling me little vampire? It didn’t make sense to me. Sitting in my car more confused than ever the bell rang. Absentmindedly getting out of my car, I made my way to the front of the school when I noticed a group of girls huddled near the entrance. As I inched my way closer I finally got to see what all the girls were making such a big fuss over. It was a boy. I couldn’t see his face because he was standing with his back to me. Not really interested I kept walking into the school.

  Ignoring everyone I made my way to my first period. As I sat at my desk waiting for the teacher to start teaching I looked out the window watching the late arrivers scramble to get to class on time. I noticed a familiar car pull into the parking lot and my heart fell to my lap. I watched as Odin ran into the building. A smile played at my lips as I realized he would be late. I was in no mood to deal with him today.

  An unfamiliar voice snapped me back to reality when he said, “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

  “What?” I asked confused.

  “It’s a quote from Phyllis Diller. I saw you smiling, and it just seemed like the right thing to say.”

  “Okay,” I said with a smile. I have never met him before. I have never even seen him before. This must be the guy the girls were making such a big fuss over. I could definitely see why. He is gorgeous. Golden hair with golden eyes where Odin’s were green. Beautiful pale skin tone where Odin was stunningly tanned. His eyes seemed to sparkle where Odin’s seemed to glow. He is elegantly beautiful where Odin is downright sexy.

  Breaking me from my stare he said, “I’m Parker and this is my sister Bristol,” I suddenly felt embarrassment wash over me, I hadn’t even noticed she was standing there. “May we sit here?”

  “Sure,” I said, as I shook his extended hand. “I’m Lilith. Are y’all new to town?”

  “Obviously,” Bristol snapped.

  Seriously, what is it with these bitches and their attitude toward me? I was minding my own business. He was the one that spoke to me first. Geez. “Whatever,” I said, and turned back toward the window.

  I heard Parker aggressively whisper something to Bristol. She then turned to me and said, “We have just been asked that a lot today and we haven’t even started our first class yet.”

  “Ok,” I said, and left it at that. I spent the rest of the class trying to pay attention to the teacher, but I was having a hard time keeping my focus between catching glances of Parker and thoughts of Odin. I felt a strong attraction to Parker but not in the same hot and heavy way I do or did toward Odin.

  The bell rang, and I couldn’t have been more thankful. I wanted to get away from Bristol and her attitude. I grabbed my things and quickly headed toward my next class when Parker stopped me. “Lilith, I am sorry for the way Bristol acted back there. She gets a little defensive when people ask a lot of questions. She is a very private person.”

  “So, one question is one question too many? It’s ok, I get it. I saw the swarm of girls around you earlier. I’m sure they asked you a thousand questions.”

  “May I walk you to your next class?”

  “Sure,” I said, as I noticed that for a young man this day in age he had very good manners. We walked to my next class and Bristol followed behind us.

  “New York.”


  “That is where we moved from. We moved to Newport last week.”

  “Oh. How do you like it so far?”

  “Well, it is definitely not New York.”

  “I bet,” I said, and we both laughed. I think I even heard a giggle come from Bristol. “Wel
l, this is my next class.”

  “Ours too,” Bristol said. “I’ll grab us some seats.”

  Standing next to Parker felt right. It felt like the stars aligned in this moment, right now. We stood in the hallway staring at each other until the bell rang making us both to jump. We both laughed as we entered the room and headed over to the seats Bristol was holding for us.

  As I sat down I noticed Odin standing in the doorway watching me. A pained feeling washed over me as I noticed he was not happy. The thought of breaking up with him felt like a knife stabbing me in the heart. I love him, but I can’t handle a liar. Maybe most of the feelings I was feeling toward him was because I was so lonely. Maybe it was the excitement I felt when we touched. I hated that he made me question everything about our relationship. Without trust there is no way you can have anything else. I knew I would have to do a lot of thinking before deciding on what is going to happen to us. To our relationship.

  To my surprise, Parker and Bristol were in my next two classes as well. Finally, it was lunchtime and the three of us decided to eat together. When we entered the lunch room Tiffany Smith was staring daggers at me. She usually got what she wanted when she wanted it. I knew from the stares she was giving me that she wanted Parker. After grabbing our trays of food Tiffany walked over to our table and said, “Why don’t you drop these losers and come sit with me at my table? I promise I will make it worth it.”

  Without taking his eyes off of me, Parker said, “No thanks. I am with the people I want to spend my lunch with.” Finally looking up at her he said, “Why would I waste my time on a little girl with such low self-esteem and so little self-respect? I think you have us confused with you and your friends when it comes to who the real losers are. See we are friends because we want to be, not because we made some kind of promise to “make it worth it”. He said using air quotations. “We don’t have to do that to get what we want.”


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