Zeus's Pack 9: Rave

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Zeus's Pack 9: Rave Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  Jesse shook his head as his deputies began to fill the home. He spotted Rave, Logan, and Tony coming through the front door, looking a little sick as they spotted the bodies on display for all to see the gruesome details. “Can it wait? We have a lot more going on here than I care for the FBI to know about.”

  “Like?” Dorm asked as he moved aside for the crime scene photos to be taken. The click of the camera somehow made everything around him sharper, more focused, and a hell of a lot bloodier.

  Dorm really did need some fresh air.

  “I’ll leave that up to Agent Monroe to explain things to you,”

  Jesse said before leaving his side.

  * * * *

  Logan ran back outside after spotting the dead bodies cut up like a bloody roast at Sunday dinner. He bent over the bushes under the front window and threw up. Never in his life had he seen a dead body, so why did the first one have to be so damn gruesome?

  His eyes watered and his stomach clenched as he spit out the last of his stomach contents and then wiped his mouth. Logan held his stomach, feeling anger and rage building inside of him. Those people did not deserve to die, and for what, to taunt the cops? For Aba to prove he could do it? Logan felt ripples of power racing through his veins, pushing out toward everyone around him as his anger mounted, boiling like hot lava down the side of a mountain. He kept envisioning the couple inside, probably begging for their lives, begging for each other’s lives.

  His vision blurred as power he’d never felt before began to take shape, mold around him, and push itself out like an exploding lightbulb. Logan gritted his teeth as he willed Aba to die, to suffer the way the couple had.

  He heard someone cry out, then another, but Logan was consumed with rage. It ate at his gut like a starving monster inside of him.


  Logan was tackled, his head hitting the grass underneath him as the feelings growing inside of him began to unravel, dissipate. His world swam out in front of him, taking Logan to a place he had never seen before, gripping him in its tight embrace.

  “Come back to me, Logan.”

  Logan fought against the darkness, fought against the need to right everything, everyone, to make them into what he thought they should be.

  “Logan, come back to me.”

  Logan felt the gentle caress of the dark, begging him to stay, begging him to make the ugly pretty, the wrong right. He cried out, fighting the dark grip that pulled at him, surrounding him with a false sense of comfort and warmth.

  It was a lie. The darkness wanted to use him, to claim him for its own bestial needs. Logan wasn’t going willingly. Not today.


  Logan struggled to breathe, fought to come back to Rave, to Tony.

  He wasn’t sure why those two were his main focus, but he clung to them, pressed against their images as the dark curtain gradually began to lift, slowly allowed him to leave.

  His eyes sprung open as he took a long breath into his lungs. His eyes burning and his heart racing, Logan saw Rave and Tony beside him, clinging to him.

  “This side,” Rave said as his brown eyes peered down at Logan. “You will always walk on this side, with me, with us.”

  Logan whimpered when Tony’s hand caressed the side of his face, bringing him warmth that wasn’t false, wasn’t a lie. He was lying on the ground, his eyes to the brightly lit sky as Rave and Tony lay on either side of him, keeping him grounded.

  “What happened?” Logan asked as he swallowed, the sound audible as the tears rolled down the sides of his face. They were hot, wet, and welcome. It meant he was no longer in the dark, no longer fighting the alluring call.

  “You took out half the police force,” Tony said. “You made the shifters drop to their knees, grabbing their heads. What did you do to them, Logan?”

  The question wasn’t accusing. It was gentle, but firm.

  “I don’t know,” Logan confessed. “I saw those bodies, and anger just took over.”

  “So now we know that anger is one of your triggers,” Rave said as he rolled to his side, using his arms to push away from the ground.

  Tony stood as well, both men reaching down to help Logan to his feet. He glanced around, seeing the police staggering to their feet as well.

  Logan wanted to apologize to everyone around him, but didn’t trust his voice. He felt doors slam inside his head, as if the power were shutting down on him for the time being. Logan shivered, praying he never hurt anyone, unintentionally or otherwise.

  “Let’s get you back to my place,” Rave said as he helped Logan walk back toward the car. “You need rest.”

  As if the words were spoken with magic, a headache started to throb low in his skull, and his limbs began quivering and shaking with a deep need to rest. Logan didn’t protest when Rave and Tony took him to the car and then drove him back to Rave’s. He felt out of it, unfocused, and drained.

  Rave led him to his bedroom and laid Logan down, stretching out beside him. Tony crawled onto the other side, pressing his chest into Logan’s back.

  Logan closed his eyes, praying he didn’t see the dead couple in his dreams.

  Chapter Seven

  Tony tossed the phone aside, sighing deeply after his conversation with Director Simone. If he didn’t stop Aba soon, stop the killings, this town would be swarming with agents. That was not something a shifter town wanted when they desired to keep their existence a secret.

  He turned his head, seeing Logan asleep and Rave watching Tony intently. Rave had told him that all three of them were mates. He knew what mates were. His parents had been mates. But Tony had never thought to find his. He never thought he had one, let alone two.

  Tony had thought that with his recessed genes, that would never happen. But here he lay in the bed with two mates.

  Two mates that made his blood sing with desire.

  “I can smell your lust,” Rave said as he curled to his side, propping his head on his hand. His coppery-brown eyes gazed at Tony, a hint of humor and a pound of lust in their depths. He could see Rave’s wolf behind his eyes, watching him, waiting. Tony pushed from the bed, walking around the other side, and then dropped to his knees, pressing the palm of his hand over Rave’s erection. He had never been shy when it came to sex, and Tony wasn’t going to start now.

  Rave groaned as he stared down at Tony. The browns in his eyes seemed to bleed into the whites, growing darker, hungrier. Rave was watching him closely.

  With a roll of his body, Tony pulled Rave from the bed, both tumbling backward until Tony landed on top of the dark-haired man, his eyes blazing now with want and need. Rave reached up to touch Tony’s face, but he grabbed the man’s wrists, locking them on either side of his head. It was a power move, plain and simple, but effective.

  Rave didn’t move.

  Tony leaned forward, inhaling Rave’s scent from collarbone to ear, taking in the raw aroma of man. He may not have the ability to scent his mate, but smelling Rave was hardening his cock. Tony loved the smell of man, was addicted to the flavor. His legs shifted, trapping Rave between his thighs as he leaned back, giving himself enough space to gaze down at the guy.

  “You smell edible.” He grinned and then leaned forward to nip Rave on his jaw. “Simply edible.” He could feel small pants of Rave’s breath tickling his cheek. His mate’s breath was coming out raggedly, softly, though.

  “Then eat me,” Rave replied. There was no humor in the request, only a raw need that swam over Tony like fur running down his naked flesh. He shuddered and then nipped Rave on his bottom lip.

  “I plan to.”

  Rave’s wrists moved, pulling at Tony’s to be released. Tony moved away. Rave slid his hands under Tony’s shirt, smoothing over his back. Tony shivered. Rave slid the shirt up as his hands lifted, pulling it up and over Tony’s head. He raised his arms and allowed Rave to undress him. Rave tossed the shirt aside, it hit the floor soundlessly, and then Rave ran his hands down Tony’s chest, his thumbs playing at his nipp

  A course of lust shot through Tony’s groin, making his dick throb with his heartbeat as Rave’s canines slowly slid down. Tony leaned forward, pushing against Rave’s hands, forcing his way to Rave’s throat as he nipped the tattoo on the man’s neck. He had never asked what the symbol meant. Tony had seen a lot of the wolves in this house with the tattoo on their necks, but he wasn’t going to ask. That was Rave’s decision if he wanted to tell Tony.

  Rave’s fingers tightened on Tony’s nipples, squeezing them, rolling them between his fingers. The pleasure of his mate’s hands racked Tony’s body, making him tremble with need as his tongue snaked out, licking a path from one side of Rave’s neck to the other.

  Tony’s hands glided up Rave’s arms, circling around his mate’s wrists, applying the lightest of pressure as he pressed his chest harder into Rave’s hands. Rave bucked underneath him, the brown in his eyes bleeding out until they were nothing but two coppery orbs.

  Rave’s wolf was close, watching Tony’s face with enchantment.

  He shifted his weight, pressing his body down until he could nuzzle Rave’s neck, and then leaned back, pulling Rave’s shirt free from his body. Tony needed raw, naked skin. His flesh needed flesh.

  Tony rubbed their chests together, feeling the sensual and hard body beneath him.

  “Are you rubbing your scent all over me, marking me?” Rave asked, this time humor floating around his words.

  Tony hadn’t realized what he’d been doing. Now that he thought about it, he’d never rubbed all over another man before. It had always been hard, rough sex, animalistic almost, but he’d never rubbed all over anyone before.

  “Maybe I am.” Tony glanced down at the tanned and gleaming chest. It was lean, strong, and damn near perfect. There were a few scars here and there, but nothing to detract from the sculpted way Rave was formed. His hands ran over the bare flesh, his nails scraping lightly, small red marks appearing along the way. “Maybe I am,” he repeated more slowly this time.

  Glancing down Rave’s body, just above where Tony was sitting, he saw the outline to Rave’s erection. It was full, stretched wide, and left little to the imagination. Tony released the snap on Rave’s pants, pulling the zipper down until he saw the moist head of Rave’s cock peeking out.

  He glanced up at his mate, staring into the deep pools of brown as he snaked his hand into Rave’s jeans and massaged the heated flesh. It was hard, but felt like liquid silk under his fingers with the pre-cum leaking over Tony’s fingers.

  Lifting his hand to his mouth, Tony sucked his fingers in, the taste rolling over his taste buds like nectar to a bee. He groaned, licking each finger clean before he pulled at the waistband of Rave’s pants, chasing the material down Rave’s body until he could toss the fabric aside.

  Rave lay there stunningly naked now, exposed to Tony’s appreciative eyes. He drank the man in as he pushed Rave’s thighs apart. Rave didn’t hesitate. He parted his legs, showing off the sexiest thing Tony had ever seen. A male’s body was such a sculpted piece of art to Tony, so perfect, so exotic. He found himself wanting to rub his scent over Rave again.

  Tony wasn’t sure what was up with that, but the urge was strong, compelling him to lean forward until his stomach was touching Rave’s erection. He rubbed his body over Rave’s length, feeling the pre-cum trailing over his skin.

  “Marking me again?” Rave asked, his voice wrapped around Tony, touching him in the wickedest of places. Tony grinned as he pushed his body down the length of Rave until his head was even with Rave’s weeping cock.

  “Do you have a problem with me marking you?”

  “None at all,” Rave answered as his hands pressed into the carpet on either side of his body. “I’d wear your scent proudly.”

  Tony licked a path up Rave’s cock, his tongue circling around the head as he watched his mate watch him. His broad shoulders pushed Rave’s legs further apart, shouldering Rave’s thighs as he licked back down the heated flesh until he reached Rave’s thick and heavy sac.

  Rave’s hand came down, pressing and massaging his balls, feeding them to Tony. He lapped at them, like a kitten lapping at cream. His tongue glided over Rave’s scarred and thick fingers as Rave squeezed his nuts harder.

  A rush of blaze ate at Rave’s brown eyes as he fed a finger to Tony, pushing it past his lips as Tony sucked it in. His tongue swirled around the digit, sucking it hard into his mouth, his lips promising Rave what he could do with them.

  Rave’s fingers caressed Tony’s jaw, gently, almost begging Tony to show Rave just what he could do with his lips. Tony leaned forward, taking Rave’s cock into his mouth, the finger wedged between Rave’s cock and Tony’s lips. Rave groaned out his pleasure as Tony drank the man’s dick down his throat.

  “Yes,” Rave hissed as he pulled his finger free, placing his hand back onto the floor. Tony cupped the back of Rave’s knees, pushing the man’s legs back as he worked his mouth over Rave’s cock. His jeans became too tight, too confining, and Tony wanted to stop to pull them off, but wouldn’t let the cock slip free long enough to get the jeans free.

  Rave pushed his legs back, wrapping them around Tony’s shoulders, pulling him closer as his fingers dug deeper into the carpet.

  Tony’s chin brushed over Rave’s sac and felt that it was drawn close to Rave’s body. Reaching around his mate, Tony played at Rave’s hole, pressing his fingers against the throbbing muscle, but not entering.

  “God yes, please,” Rave begged as his legs tightened around Tony’s shoulders in a death grip. “Please, Tony.”

  Tony reached his hand up, wetting it with his saliva before placing it back at Rave’s entrance, pushing three fingers deep into Rave’s tight body. Rave shouted, and his hips bucked, pushing his cock to the back of Tony’s mouth as hot seed spilt down Tony’s throat. He drank it like a dying man, pulling every last drop from Rave’s cock.

  Tony let Rave’s dick slide from between his lips as he leaned back, pushing his pants down his legs, and then kicked them off.


  Rave pointed a limp hand toward the drawer, his fingers shaking as he took in a deep breath. Tony pulled the drawer free, snagging the lube as he coated his cock. He tossed the bottle aside and then ran his hands up Rave’s chest, tweaking his nipples, seeing his mate shiver.

  Rave’s eyes were hooded, satiation swimming in their depths.

  Tony was far from done with the shifter.

  The head of his cock touched Rave’s sensitive hole, but Tony didn’t push forward. A shudder ran over Rave, making his body tremble slightly. Tony could see that Rave’s eyes hadn’t returned to normal. If anything, they had turned darker, glazed over with postorgasmic bliss.

  Damn if the man wasn’t sexy as sin as he lay there waiting for Tony to take him. Rave’s eyes sparkled like dark gems behind the glaze, telling Tony what Rave truly wanted. Tony leaned forward, placing his hands on Rave’s chest, his cock brushing along Rave’s crease as he ran his tongue over Rave’s parted lips. Tony reached up and touched Rave’s moist lips, the pads of his fingers running along the smooth and soft skin.

  Rave swallowed.

  Tony curled his fingers around Rave’s wrists, pulling the wolf’s hands above his head as Tony’s cock pressed against his mate’s entrance. Rave’s eyes rolled upward, his hips pressing down onto Tony’s cock.

  Tony didn’t move, allowing Rave to take what he wanted, what he needed. Tony shuddered when he felt the head of his cock slip past the tight muscle and enter Rave. This was one of those defining moments in his life, one of those perfect seconds that Tony wished could last forever. The tight grip made him shiver as Rave pressed down harder, taking another inch inside of him.

  “Feels good, wolf.”

  Rave’s eyes were still rolling, his tongue wetting his lips as he groaned loudly. Rave didn’t try to free his hands, or even pull at them.

  His wolf was too lost in taking pleasure from Tony’s body. Tony’s fingers tightened on Rave’s wrists, f
ighting not to plunge deep inside Rave. He normally wasn’t this slow, this caring. But Tony felt something in his chest close to love, lust, need…He wasn’t sure, but he wanted to draw the moment out for as long as he could.

  When he felt Rave bottom out, Tony was damn sure he was going to lose his mind. Tony felt ravenous, as if he wanted to plow into Rave until his body burst from his orgasm. Tony gritted his teeth, a trickle of sweat snaking from his hair to run down his temple. The need to move was torturous.

  Rave began to slide back up Tony’s cock, the grip like an iron fist as Tony’s body trembled. He growled gently, looking down to where their bodies joined together, watching his cock reappear from Rave’s giving flesh. Tony couldn’t be still any longer. The sight made something click inside of him, and Tony was releasing Rave’s hands, grabbing his wolf’s hip bones as he began to fuck Rave with an all-consuming need.

  His mate cried out, his legs lifting to wrap around Tony’s hips, locking him into place as Tony slammed his cock into Rave’s ass harder. Rave never moved his arms, never took his hands away from above his head where Tony had placed them, but Tony could see the limbs shaking.

  Rave’s canines gleamed as his head rolled back, his back arching as Rave cried out once more. The muscles in Tony’s thighs grew tight as he watched the beautiful sight beneath him. His fingers traced over Rave’s sharp teeth, touching each point as he rocked his cock in and out of Rave’s body.

  Tony wanted to bite, the need so intense that his gums ached. He knew he would have no canines to fulfill his need, but that didn’t stop his teeth from throbbing. He was a jaguar, and the need to mate was riding him strong. Tony grabbed Rave’s ankles from around his waist and pulled Rave’s legs up and apart as he watched his cock fuck Rave’s ass.

  “I need to bite you,” Rave cried out as his hands curled into fists, the knuckles turning a ghostly white from the strain. Tony leaned forward, pressing his chest into Rave’s thick calves. The dark hair that decorated Rave’s legs scrubbed along Tony’s chest as he tilted his head, exposing his neck to his wolf.


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