Zeus's Pack 9: Rave

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Zeus's Pack 9: Rave Page 11

by Lynn Hagen

  “Your turn?” Tony asked, voice a little shaky.

  Rave nodded his head in Tony’s stomach, praying he had the courage to tell Tony about his monsters. He’d never spoken about his nightmares out loud and feared reliving them. There was a time in Rave’s life that he wished he could purge them, scrub the vile things clean from his memories. But Rave knew that would never happen, so he just buried them deep inside of him, hoping he could at least forget that his monsters existed.

  “Before Zeus fought and won the position of alpha, a wolf named Jackson led our pack. He was as evil as they came. Torturing for pleasure and punishing for the sheer joy of listening to the screams and pleas.” Rave shuddered as he went back into his past, holding on to Tony tighter as he knelt in front of his mate. He ran his cheek over Tony’s shirt, inhaling his mate’s scent for some form of comfort Rave knew he wouldn’t find while telling Tony about his past.

  Tony’s hand skimmed through Rave’s hair as he knelt there.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, Rave continued. “He would send the soldiers into town, claiming someone had betrayed him. It was never the case, but Jackson was the devil incarnate. If we didn’t bring the accused back, we were punished severely. He had followers, sadistic men who loved the torture and pain just as much as the alpha did. Jackson would hand us over to his followers if we failed him, and sometimes even if we succeeded.”

  Rave hated Jackson with his very soul. He was glad the man was dead. Rave just wished his memories of his time under Jackson had died along with the wolf. “I’ve killed, Tony, killed for Jackson to save my own ass.”

  * * * *

  Tony could hear the torture, the guilt, and the pain in Rave’s voice. He wasn’t sure what Rave had done for this Jackson guy, but Tony wasn’t going to make Rave tell. It seemed to be taking something precious from Rave just to speak of his past. Tony didn’t want that. He had only wanted to know what was going on with Rave.

  The picture Rave was painting was enough. He didn’t need to hear any more.

  “Taz was there through it all with me,” Rave went on. “I love him, but not how you think, Tony. He’s my best friend, knows my dark secrets, as I know his. Please don’t ever think that I would betray you or Logan.”

  Tony slid from the chair, kneeling in front of Rave as the man rose up, resting his head on Tony’s shoulder. They knelt there together, a simple embrace that wasn’t so simple. They had bared their souls to one another in the hospital room and now needed the comfort only mates could give.

  He could feel a slight trembling coming from Rave as Tony looked up to see Logan watching them. The blue in Logan’s eyes was almost so clear that Tony wasn’t able to discern the blue from the white any longer. Logan looked as though he was in pain as he watched Rave and Tony.

  “This side,” Tony said as he held Rave and locked eyes with Logan. “You will always walk on this side, with me, with us.”

  Tony had taken the words Rave had given Logan and placed them at Rave’s feet. “Your past is in the past. It will always be there. But I need you to start walking in the future with Logan and me.”

  Rave nodded, nuzzling Tony’s neck. Tony could feel the wetness on his neck, making him hold Rave tighter.

  Logan smiled, an approving look dancing in his eyes. He knew words weren’t enough to help the three of them, but Tony wasn’t going to give up. Logan and Rave knew his secret. Logan and Tony knew Rave’s. And lord knew Rave and Tony knew Logan’s. What was left was to work through it and hope like hell that this relationship worked.

  Tony had to come to terms with his lost jaguar, and Rave needed to come to peace with his past. He wasn’t sure what the hell to do about Logan’s problem, other than pray Logan never used his ability to hurt anyone.

  Rave pulled away when the nurse came in, covertly wiping at his eyes. Tony released him as they both stood. Talk about an awkward moment.

  “I see you are awake,” the nurse said to Logan, acting as if Tony and Rave weren’t just on their knees by Logan’s bed. “My name is Tonk. I’ll be taking care of you while you are enjoying our fine establishment. Just remember that there’s no running around the edge of the pool, and we’ll know if you steal our towels.”

  Logan looked from the nurse to Tony, and then Rave, an expression on his face as if he didn’t know what to say, but was ready to get up and run from the room. Tony thought the look was comical as hell. He liked Tonk. The man breezed around the room as if he really loved his job and the people he cared for on a daily basis.

  Tonk checked Logan’s neck and then nodded. “The next time someone tries to mug you, yank their balls through their eyes. Trust me, it works.” Tonk patted Logan on his leg and then walked out.

  Logan just gaped at the man, his eyes wide. Tony chuckled. He knew Tonk was human, and the man didn’t know anything about what was happening in Pride Pack Valley. Rave had told him as much. There were a lot of people who worked in the hospital that were shifters, but there were a handful who were human.

  Taz walked into the room, a large bouquet of flowers filling up the space in front of him. Tony watched as the wolf set the vase on the side table and then turned to give them a dazzling smile. Tony studied the man, admitting that Taz was one handsome man. Taz eyed Monroe, a devious smile playing at his lips. “I remember you from the last time you were in town.”

  “Yeah, you and Rave gave me a hard time,” Tony replied, eyeing Taz from head to toe. He wanted to be pissed at the man for holding a special place in Rave’s heart, but knowing this guy was Rave’s best friend stopped Tony from giving Taz a scathing look. He had to play nice.

  “It was all Rave,” Taz said as he stuck out his hand, pointing accusingly at Rave. “I just played along. Sorry about that.” He shrugged unrepentantly and then held his hand out for a shake.

  Tony shook it, piercing his mate with a glare. “I should have figured it was Rave’s idea to fuck with me.”

  Rave had the decency to look embarrassed. A shitty grin appeared on his face as he winked at Tony. “I had to see how far I could push you.”

  “I’m Taz,” Taz said as he reached over and shook Logan’s hand.

  “Don’t judge me by Rave. He’s the ringleader between the two of us.”

  Logan grinned as he turned his head, his dark-brown hair falling over his eyes. Tony had an urge to brush it out of his mate’s face, but it lent to the boyish look Logan carried about him. “I believe that,” Logan replied.

  Taz waved at the flowers. “Julien sent those over for Logan.”

  “Julien?” Tony asked.

  “He’s Sully and Austin’s mate. He runs the local flower shop. I have a very large and strange family, Tony. And it’s your family now.” Rave turned toward Logan, a sheepish look on his face. “And yours as well.”

  “I’m gonna head out. I hope you feel better,” Taz said to Logan as he left the room.

  “Just how big is your family?” Tony asked.

  Rave sighed. “You really don’t want to know.”

  * * * *

  “Are you coming by Sunday?” Deputy Arkans asked. “I was planning on grilling some steaks and having a few beers. The weather is supposed to be great this weekend.”

  Deputy Ernest Varnes stood with his colleagues by the table that held the coffeepot and pastries, looking at Deputy Arkans, but watching Agent Dorm from the corner of his eye. “Sounds good.”

  “I could use some steak and fixings,” Deputy Wilson remarked.

  “What time?”

  Ernest listened to the men talk and laugh as his attention became divided. Ever since he met Dorm, it felt like a mass of butterflies were trying to break free from his stomach. The guy had to be about six seven. The agent loomed over Jesse as they stood by the sheriff’s office and talked.

  “Are you coming?” Deputy Arkans asked Ernest.

  Dorm laughed, the sound skin-prickling as Ernest glanced up at Arkans. He had to think very hard to remember the question before he answered. “Yeah, I’
ll be there.”

  The deputies continued talking as Ernest covertly gazed at his mate. Dorm wasn’t skinny, but he was lean, well-muscled, but not bulky. He was a lot taller than Ernest’s five-nine. It made him feel small, which didn’t set well with Ernest, but damn if the man wasn’t the total package. He just wondered if Dorm could feel any kind of pull toward him. Ernest turned, making himself a cup of coffee, trying to think things out in his mind on how to approach Dorm as he stirred the cream around in is cup.

  “Deputy Varnes,” Jesse called across the room. Ernest lifted the cup to his lips as he slowly turned around.

  “Yes, Sheriff?”

  “Could you come here?”

  The other deputies dispersed, going back to their work as Ernest crossed the room, keeping his gaze on Jesse and not Dorm. He didn’t want to stare openly at the man, but damn if he didn’t feel like walking over to Dorm and begging for a kiss.

  “What’s up?” he asked as he neared the two. Heat flooded his body as he stood close to Dorm. The raw, masculine scent of his mate penetrated every inch of Ernest’s body, making him hyperaware that Dorm was only a few inches away.

  “I want you to work with Dorm on the murders. He’ll need someone who knows the area.”

  Ernest stopped himself from swallowing audibly as he gave a relaxed nod in Jesse’s direction. “What about his partner, Agent Monroe?”

  “He’s working on something else,” Jesse said and then formally introduced Ernest and Dorm. Ernest felt his heart slam in his throat as Dorm held his hand out. Ernest took it, feeling the power behind the shake. Dorm was human, but he exuded confidence. More confidence than even Ernest possessed. The hand was large, swallowing his whole.

  Ernest prayed he didn’t get Dorm’s hand all sweaty with his.

  “Nice to meet you, Deputy Varnes,” Dorm said. His voice was deep, as deep as a person’s would be at such a towering height.

  “Same here,” Ernest replied and then quickly pulled his hand away. Touching his mate was making him hard, and he wasn’t sure now was the time or place to show just how much the man affected him.

  “Shall we go?” Dorm asked as he waved toward the exit.

  Ernest wasn’t sure if he’d survive the day.

  Chapter Eleven

  Logan stood in the hardware store, thankful as hell that nothing had happened to Hunter. The shifter had gotten out in time. The only damage was to the store. The storage room looked like someone had ripped it apart with a scorching hand. The wood was burned, in some spots to a crisp. A lot of the inventory was lost, so burned that it looked like a pile of singed paper with melted metal in the center.

  “Insurance covered everything,” Hunter said as he stood behind Logan. “I’m just glad you weren’t hurt.”

  “That makes two of us,” Logan said as he pushed aside something that looked like melted chocolate with the toe of his shoe. “I’m sorry your store was burned because of me.”

  “Don’t sweat it, Logan. That’s what insurance is for. Besides, you found your mates.”

  The man sounded too damn optimistic for having his livelihood lying in charred ruins. That only made Logan feel worse for having his work truck blow out the back of the man’s store.

  “Listen,” Hunter said as he walked back toward the front of the store, “I wanted to know if you were still working for the delivery company or if you would consider working here. I could always use an assistant. My mates complain that I spend too much time here.”

  Logan was shocked. “You would want me to work here when I’m the one who is responsible for the damage?”

  Hunter gave a low growl. “I told you already, this is not your fault.”

  That still didn’t stop Logan from feeling responsible. But he could really use a job. Logan had a feeling his other job wasn’t waiting for him. “When do you want me to start?”

  A grin spread across Hunter’s face, triumph in his eyes. “Tristan and Quinn are going to love you for this.”

  “I already have two mates to worry about.” Logan chuckled.

  “Monday would be perfect. I have Dino and Quinn coming in this weekend to start on the repairs. Hopefully they get the majority done before Monday.”

  “Ready?” Tony asked as he walked into the hardware store. “Rave wants us to meet him at Harold’s Deli for lunch.”

  Logan was starving. Just the mention of food had his stomach rumbling. Getting put into the hospital did that to an appetite. Hospital food sucked. Tony had tried to argue that Logan wasn’t up to checking on Hunter, but Logan was fine. No permanent damage. Even the bruising had gone from a deep purple down to a light green. His neck was almost bruise-free.

  “I’m ready,” Logan said as he stepped from the storage room.

  “Hunter offered me a job.”

  Tony quirked a brow at Hunter. “You think it’s a good idea with Aba after him?”

  “I’ll leave that decision up to you guys. Just let me know before Monday.”

  Logan walked out of the hardware store with Tony, breathing in the fresh spring air. Damn, it felt good to be alive. He never told Tony or Rave how truly terrified he had been when that thing had its claws wrapped around his neck. Logan didn’t think he would survive, but here he stood, living and, thankfully, breathing.

  To some, the act of breathing was taken for granted. Air went in, lungs expanded, and then retracted so that air came out. But for someone like Logan who had lost that privilege yesterday, almost permanently, it was a damn blessing. A reminder that things taken for granted could be lost in a heartbeat.

  Harold’s Deli sat on the corner of Route 14 and Trenton Street.

  Tony and Logan walked down to the corner, crossing over. Rave was leaning against the building, his ankles crossed and his hands tucked behind his back, looking bored.

  Although that look didn’t last long once he spotted Logan and Tony approaching. The look on Rave’s face was a mixture of happiness and lust. Logan shivered.

  “Logan here has been offered a job,” Tony said as they stepped up onto the curb. “Hunter wants to hire him at the hardware store.”

  Rave pushed away from the tan brick, eyeing Logan thoughtfully for a few seconds, and then shook his head. “It isn’t safe. You would be unprotected against Aba.”

  Logan could feel his hopes of getting out and working slowly slipping through his fingers. “And if you don’t catch him for some time? Am I supposed to just sit around and be a pretty ornament for you two?”

  “No,” Rave replied. “But I don’t like you working someplace unsecured.”

  “And the mansion is? The hound found me with no problem.”

  “First of all,” Rave said, his teeth clenched tightly, “you weren’t supposed to be outside by yourself. Secondly, that hound wasn’t looking for you specifically. He was just looking for a victim, period.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” Logan shot back. “No matter where I am, there are risks. I’m not going to hide away in your bedroom while life goes on around me.”

  “But it’s a bigger risk standing around a hardware store all day,” Tony interjected. “You won’t have a pack of wolves there to protect you like you do at Rave’s.”

  “Again, I wasn’t so safe.”

  “I’m not going to argue,” Rave said as he grabbed the door handle to the deli. “We’ll discuss this later. I’m hungry. Trust me. I’m grumpy as hell when I’m hungry.”

  Logan had lost his appetite. His mates expected him to hide away until Aba was caught. If he was caught. Logan had to learn how to use his powers, and he had to learn how to defend himself. Staying hidden wasn’t an option.

  Picking over his sandwich, Logan glanced over at the deli clerk.

  He was mad as hell and wondered if he could control his powers, using them without losing control. Logan sat up a little straighter, looking down at his food, but concentrating on the man behind the counter.

  He searched inside his body, searching for that one place that his bur
geoning powers brewed and churned. It was like a bubbling cauldron of lava, hot and ready to be used. Logan focused on the clerk bringing him a soft drink, something light and crisp.

  The feeling of something simmering up from that dark place began to build, slowly. Logan was trying his best not to alert Rave to what he was doing. Rave could always feel when Logan was reaching out, pushing as it was referred to by others. Small snaps of electricity began to reverberate against his nerve endings as Logan thought of the tasty drink, asking through his mind for the clerk to bring it to him.

  The clerk rounded the counter, a large cup in his hand as he headed Logan’s way. A tiny ripple of vibration tightened and then flowed in Logan’s chest as the clerk set the drink down in front of him, smiled, and then returned to his duties.

  “You did that,” Rave accused as he looked from the clerk to Logan. “I didn’t hear you order a drink.”

  Logan cleared his face of emotion as he shook his head. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Rave’s face grew tight with anger as he set his food down on the paper the sandwich had been folded into. “You made him bring you that drink.” Rave leaned closer, their faces inches apart. “I can smell a lie, Logan.”

  “So,” Logan answered. “I was thirsty.”

  “Do you know who that blond man is?” Rave asked, the vein at his temple throbbing. “Do you know what would happen if Zeus found out you pushed your mind control into his mate’s head?”

  Logan glanced over at the clerk, who was talking with some redheaded man. Shit, he hadn’t known the clerk was the alpha’s mate.

  “I didn’t hurt him.”

  “That’s not the point. If the alpha finds out you forced Toby to bring you a drink, even something that insignificant, he would banish you.”

  “Why?” Tony asked from across the table.

  Rave turned, his features so tight with controlled rage that the man looked scary as hell. “Because, if Logan would do that to the alpha’s mate, then Zeus would assume Logan would have no qualms about trying to control his pack.”


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