Engaged to the EMT

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Engaged to the EMT Page 7

by Piper Rayne

  Luca can go to bed with that woman, what the hell do I care?

  Pulling out my phone I check the time. I had Cindy reschedule my appointment for after lunch just in case I ran late, which is good because otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to stop for food.

  Sliding into a café, I order a sandwich, but when I’m pulling out my money a familiar forearm comes into view handing the cashier a card.

  Another fucking admirer stares at Luca awestricken as she takes his card from his hand.

  “I got it,” I snip.

  “You’re a hard woman to catch up to.”

  The girl takes his card and once she’s run the charge through, I grab the receipt and pager, heading toward the pick-up line.

  “Why did you run off?” He meets me because the man is about as clueless as I was when I agreed to this shitty idea.

  “Why?” I ask, unable to hold it in anymore.

  “Lauren?” He looks down at me, wrinkles in his forehead and confusion on his face.

  “You will not disrespect me,” I bite out through my teeth.

  My pager goes off in my hand.

  Thank God, before I give him the riot act in a crowded restaurant right in the middle of lunchtime.

  I snatch my bag off the counter, drop the pager and hightail it out of the restaurant.

  “Disrespect you? When did I do that?”

  I whip around, he stops, and a guy has to weave by him, the businessman murmuring something to himself.

  Luca holds up his hands in front of himself. He must notice the fire in my eyes.

  “You were flirting with that woman. Are you going to fuck her in the next hospital room over from your mom’s? I don’t care what you do Luca, but when I’m taking my lunch break to help you out, do me a favor and don’t treat me like some side piece.”

  The minute my spew of words are finished leaving my mouth, I freeze. Those words give the impression that I care. And I don’t.

  “Flirting? She’s a doctor. I know her because I spend a decent amount of time at that hospital. I wasn’t flirting nor am I going to sleep with her.”

  “Now you’re going to lie?” I circle around and stomp off toward the corner, steam could literally be shooting out my ears and nostrils right now.

  “I’m not lying,” he says from behind me.

  We stop at a light, waiting for the crosswalk along with fifteen other people.

  “Then you’re more clueless than I thought. Actually, pathetic because you don’t even realize when you’re flirting. Which in that case, I feel sorry for whoever you really marry.”

  A gasp sounds and my eyes find all the people around us watching. I’ve made a spectacle which normally I wouldn’t care, but for some reason, I feel exposed in this moment.

  “What was I supposed to do? Say ‘sorry, this is my fiancée?’”

  He obviously doesn’t care about the spectators to our show.

  “I wasn’t asking to be introduced…”

  “I had to pressure you to do this. You said no one else was to know except the few who had to. I didn’t introduce you because I thought that was what you wanted, not because I want to fuck her.”

  Another gasp sounds and I glance around the crowd to find a woman covering her son’s ears.

  “Just go back,” I whisper. I tap my foot.

  What the hell is taking the street light so long?

  “Not until this is resolved.” His hand wraps around my upper arm and he leads me over into the shelter of a parking garage. “I didn’t mean to disrespect you Lauren, but this is fake between us. I wasn’t flirting with her to screw her. I was being friendly.”

  “You were practically making a date to screw her.”

  “Be careful, you’re sounding like a jealous girlfriend.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

  I narrow my eyes. “I’m done with this.” I wave a finger between us and step back out onto the street.

  My building is only one block away. I see the sign and once I’m there, he can go back and do whatever he wants.

  “You’re not done. We have an agreement.” He touches my arm again.

  I yank it back away from him and step closer so no passerby can overhear us. “You don't need me. Your mom will come out of the surgery fine and you can make some excuse of where I am and tell her we broke up in a week.”

  I walk away, my eyes glued to my building. Sweet serenity.

  “You’re the one who needs a date to your Christmas party. Don't forget that part of the agreement,” he calls out to me.

  I raise my hand in the air. “I’ll hire an escort.”

  A woman raises her eyebrows at me as she passes.

  Whatever. I’m done caring what people think today.

  I reach my work, swinging the door open, happy to escape the whole fake engagement. I’m done and now I don’t have to worry about lying to my friends. I’ll lay low for a week, tell them it was my worst mistake ever and after one pow wow they’ll let it go, giving me some space. One day when we’re in the nursing home, I’ll tell them the truth.

  “Hey, Cindy.” I greet her and her focusing on whatever is behind me isn’t a red flag in my mind until I’m about to disappear through the doors and I hear another voice.

  “Cindy? Pleasure to meet you. I’m Luca Bianco, Lauren’s fiancé.”

  I whip around to find his hand extended over the receptionist desk, his sparkling smile on display.

  Cindy doesn’t even turn to me in bewilderment, she’s solely focused on the hot man in front of her.

  I’m going to jail for murder because I’m going to strangle Luca Bianco.

  Chapter Twelve


  The blonde receptionist smiles, her eyes skating over me in appreciation.

  “Oh, I didn’t know…”

  “You know Lauren, she’s so private, but it’s a new development.”

  I turn my attention to a stunned and pissed off Lauren standing at the door to what I assume is the employee entrance to the physical therapy offices. There’s a giant window that looks into a big room with carpeted floor and reminds me of my stint in a place like this when I tore my ACL freshman year in college.

  Cindy doesn’t say much else. She slides her hand out from mine and sits back down in her chair.

  “Wait!” she exclaims a second later, making me turn back on my way over to Lauren. “You’re the candy man?”

  I smile back at her. “That I am. Let me guess, she didn’t share?”

  I claim the distance between us, draping my arm around her waist. I like the way she fits next to me.

  “No, she didn’t.” Cindy’s face lights up like I’m the real thing.

  “Yeah, well, I have to get back to work.” Lauren places her hand on my chest and steps back.

  I hate that she’s angry at me for some stupid shit I did out of habit. My mind was drowning in worries for my mom. I was imagining the anesthesiologist starting the drill of having her count backward and my stomach cramped, worried about the rare instances where people don’t wake up or have an allergic reaction. I don’t think my mom is allergic, but she’s never been put to sleep before. Rare complications happen and to the people they happen to it doesn’t seem all that rare. When you’re the one in a thousand, it doesn’t matter. I’ve seen those people in my job.

  People fear what they can’t control. If I’d gone to medical school and become a doctor and I could be doing my mom’s surgery, I’d probably feel better about this whole thing.

  I was running all that through my mind when Keri walked into the elevator.

  She’s a doctor I met through the ER for one particular patient of hers who has epilepsy. Keri meets us every time we bring him in after an episode. I know she’s single because she’s mentioned it before. We’ve flirted before, I’m not going to lie about that. I’m Italian and I talk a lot. No one is really a stranger. Did I overstep with Lauren in the elevator? Sure as shit. And I could argue with her and tell her how it was just a reflex, but Laure
n isn’t the type to understand that. I would have never taken it anywhere with Keri given the situation that Lauren and I are in, but again, Lauren isn’t likely to believe that.

  Not a lot of women would call me on my shit either and for whatever reason I kind of like it.

  “Let’s talk,” I whisper.

  “I finished our conversation.” She glances toward Cindy who I’m sure is watching us like we’re her favorite reality TV show.

  “No, it’s not over. Plus, I think that escort thing is out of the question now.”

  Her eyes narrow as the realization hits her. I just screwed her plan B by introducing myself to Cindy.

  “I hate you,” she grinds out through a smile on her lips that doesn’t light up her face.

  “I know.” I wrap her in my arms and keep my head on the opposite side Cindy can see. “I’m sorry, okay. I just…I handle stress by trying to forget it and I just want to forget that some surgeon is playing Operation with my mom’s heart right now.”

  A deep sigh falls into my ear and her arms tighten for a moment. “Fine.”

  It’s clear that she’s not fully accepting my apology and she’s probably tolerating this because she needs me to be her date for the Christmas party this weekend. But I’ll take it.

  “You think you can keep your dick in your pants for one week?” she asks softly, sliding her cheek along my chest like we’re saying a long goodbye.

  “Maybe we should add a benefits clause to our contract?”

  She lightly punches me in the stomach.

  “Or not. Yeah, of course I can.”

  Backing up, she fake smiles and then turns to Cindy. “I’ll scarf this down and be ready in five minutes.” She holds up her bag of food. “Thanks for lunch babe,” she says.

  My smile is automatic and genuine at her pet name for me. I lean forward and kiss her cheek. Damn her skin is soft. My lips want to trail along her jaw and down to her lips until I can lose myself in her. She’d make one helluva distraction.

  “I’ll message you with the room number?” I ask.

  “Oh, are you guys getting a hotel room? Kinky,” Cindy interjects.

  “No Cindy, his mom is in the hospital.” She turns back to me. “Okay. I’ll message you when I’m done here.”

  The bell over the door chimes in the small reception area and in walks a redheaded girl with braids and, with who I’m guessing is, her mom.

  “LAUREN!” the little girl exclaims, wobbling over to us. Her legs are in braces, but she gets around well.

  “Polybriana,” Lauren immediately falls to her knees and opens her arms for her.

  The two hug and I step aside to give them room.

  “How was school?” Lauren cringes like she already knows the answer.

  “Boring.” The little girl’s gaze peers up at me for a brief second. “I have to write a book report.”

  That sucks, I feel her. I wasn’t one for school work either.

  “What book are you going to do it on?” Lauren never stands.

  The girl’s eyes veer up to me once more and then back to Lauren.

  “I don’t know yet. Mom is taking me to the library after this.”

  Lauren pokes her in the stomach. “I’m sure you’ll find something perfect.”

  Polybriana giggles, her gaze once again falling to me. I decide to introduce myself since Lauren isn’t going to.

  “Hey, I’m Luca, Lauren’s—”

  “Friend,” Lauren whispers, shooting me a warning look.

  “Hi, Luca. I’m Briana.” The girl puts her hand out in between us. My large palm swallows up her smaller one.

  “I thought it was Polybriana?” I ask.

  She laughs like I’m making a joke. “Lauren says I look like Pollyanna.”

  I narrow my eyes.

  “Lauren.” Cindy grabs her attention away from us.

  I bend down. “Is she confusing Pollyanna with Pippi Longstocking?” I ask. The only reason I know the difference is because my cousin Blanca came to visit from New York once and watched Pollyanna like a million times.

  Briana puts her finger to her lips. “I don’t want to hurt her feelings,” she whispers.

  I nod and smile then pretend to zip my lips and throw away the key. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “Are you her boyfriend?” she asks point blank.

  I glance up to find Lauren now shuffling through papers as the three women talk.

  “Um…” I have a feeling she’ll be pissed if I tell this little girl she’s my fiancée. “Probably should ask her.”

  “She gave you a mean look. Usually that look only goes to Peter when he tries to tell her how to exercise my legs,” she says.

  “We have a love-hate relationship.”

  That’s not a lie.

  She nods, her braids swinging back and forth. “I can see that.”

  “Why?” I ask, chuckling.

  She looks to Lauren and back to me. “There was tension when I walked up. Like when I go to the doctor, my mom gets all stiff and short with everyone.”

  “What about the love part?” I bend down to this girl’s level because I feel bad watching her strain her neck to look me in the eye.

  Brianna shrugs. “That’s easy. She keeps glancing over here.”

  “And? Maybe she’s worried about you?”

  She shakes her head. “She’s watching you. Wants to see how you are with me.”

  This little girl is crazy. Hunt doesn’t give a rat’s ass about me.

  “I think you’re wrong.”

  Her expression says I’m crazy for ever thinking she’s wrong. “People either talk to me with sympathy or don’t talk to me at all.” She leans in closer. “It’s a test.”


  “Because I’m her number one. I’ve been her client since she first started here.” She puffs her chest out a bit.

  I laugh holding up my hand.

  She smacks it, her walking cane swinging next to us. “I like you.”

  She smiles brightly. “I don’t take bribes.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. I’m not going to go sweet talk her about you if that’s what you think.”

  Shaking my head with a smile, I say, “Only say it if you believe it.”

  She shrugs. “Too early to tell.”

  I laugh again, falling down to rest my weight on my knees. “Fair enough, but I might never see you again.”

  She glances at Lauren who seems like she’s finishing up whatever she’s doing.

  “I’ll hear about you though. If she likes you, she’ll tell me.”

  I lean in closer, my eyes on Lauren. “Does she tell you about other guys?”

  “A girl never tells.”

  I nod, unable to get rid of the smile on my face. This little girl is something else.

  “Ready?” Lauren claps her hands stopping in front of the door, her hand already on the knob.

  “See you, Pip.” I put out my hand for a shake, which she gives me.

  “Pip?” Lauren questions.

  Briana and I exchange a secret smile.

  “Bye, Luca.”

  I wink and turn to Lauren. “I’ll message you later.”

  She nods, opening the door.

  A guy on the other side of it is talking with another employee, but his eyes stay trained on us. Is that her boss?

  Lauren and Brianna head through the door and when it clicks closed, my eyes shift to the windows. Lauren’s gaze finds mine and she gives me a soft smile before putting her sole attention on Brianna.

  As I head out of the building, I stuff my hands in my jacket, the reality that my mom is laying on a table in a cold surgery room hitting me once again. That’s where I need to be right now.

  My phone dings in my pocket as I make my way along the sidewalk.

  Cristian: You good?

  Me: On my way back. Any news?

  Mauro: No just wanted to make sure you didn’t go AWOL.

  Me: Since when
do I do that?

  Cristian: Since Ma took your blanky away at five.

  Me: (An emoji of a middle finger)

  Mauro: Enzo’s here.

  Me: I didn’t know the NYC syndicate was coming.

  Cristian: None of us did.

  I tuck my phone back into my pocket, shoving my hands in my jacket. I’m going to have to dig my gloves and hat out soon.

  Heading back to the hospital, my mind is worried about my mom, but I’m equally concerned about how this will end with Lauren and me. I kind of want it to end differently than I originally planned and that’s just as fucked up.

  Chapter Thirteen


  By the time I reach the cardio department, I find my brothers and the girls laughing and Enzo is the cause of their amusement.

  My Zia is by my dad, a rosary between them with hushed prayers being whispered.

  Cristian spots me first, nodding at me and causing Enzo to look over his shoulder.

  With a smile on his face, he rises and heads in my direction.

  “Luc, you’ve grown,” he says, wrapping his arms around me, not at all awkward about affection.

  Coming from New York and being the successful advertising exec he is, I figured he’d be sporting some exuberantly priced suit that none of us could fathom spending our money on. But he’s in jeans, a black Henley style shirt with the top three buttons undone showing his chain where I know his St. Christopher medal lay in the center of his chest.

  “Why the mysterious surprise?” I ask, slapping his back as hard as he slaps mine.

  “Cris called us last week and I decided I had a few years’ worth of vacation banked, might as well bring Ma out to be with Zia Maria.” He slides his hands into his pockets, and the light catches his shiny watch.

  Our Mancini cousins are by far the richest guys I know—that’s why we razz them with the title of White Collar Cousins. They each do very well, heavy on the very. They’re all close in age, like us, the only difference besides the size of our bank accounts is that they got a little oops sister. Other than that, we’re all practically carbon copies of one another. Actually, scratch that. Dom, the oldest, isn’t like any of us.


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