Where the Night Ends

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Where the Night Ends Page 7

by Melissa Toppen

  “More like I upgraded.” His response brings an immediate smile to my face. I swear if he was sitting any closer he could probably hear my heart thumping inside my chest.

  I’m seconds away from spitting back some smart ass comment but can’t get the words out before I hear—“You two are just too cute together,” come from one of the girls at the table.

  I look up to find Trisha, one of Courtney’s good friends, sitting caddy corner from us looking directly at me. Heat creeps up my neck, spreading to my cheeks when I realize she’s talking about me and Sebastian.

  “Oh, we’re not…” I start, the words sticking on my tongue.

  “Thank you.” I hear Sebastian say next to me, officially cutting me off.

  I turn wide eyes on him, shock probably etched in every feature of my face.

  “Though I think it’s more Tess making me look good than anything,” he adds, his words meant for Trisha but his gaze never leaving mine.

  “What are you doing?” I grind out under my breath so only he can hear me.

  “What?” He gives me an innocent, knowing smile. “I’m just telling the people how smitten I am with you.” His tone is low, but I have no doubt that anyone who cares enough to listen can hear him.

  “Is that what you’re doing?” I question, trying to fight the smile his words bring to my lips.

  “I mean, I’m trying, but you’re getting all squeamish on me.” There’s humor in his voice but truth to his words.

  Squeamish is exactly how I would describe it. I hate being put on display and right now, that’s exactly how I feel knowing that every set of eyes at our table and probably several other tables are locked on the little show Sebastian is putting on.

  “Dear god, just kiss her already,” I hear Bree groan.

  I’m seconds away from telling her where she can take her comment when Sebastian’s words render me speechless.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” he says as his face lowers toward mine.

  At first, I think he’s just going to kiss my cheek or something, but when he tips my face up my entire body freezes. My reaction time isn’t quick enough, and before I can even process his movements his lips are on mine, soft and smooth.

  He keeps it PG, his mouth lingering on mine just long enough to get the reaction out of me he wants. I feel like I’m in a trance, lost in some hypnotic spell that Sebastian has cast over me.

  Pulling back, he stares at me for a long moment. Time seems to slow down as those hazel eyes burn deeply into mine. Eyes that I’m sure hold more truths than the man they belong to will ever dare admit.

  I know everyone sees Sebastian as the player, the football star, the unattainable heartthrob, and so did I for the longest time. But having spent these last few days getting to know him better, it’s clear to see there’s so much more to him than I originally thought.

  I hear one of the girl’s sigh and then Ant groans, “Dude, we’re all trying to eat.” His words instantly break the moment, and my embarrassment spreads.

  I immediately look away, wishing the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

  It’s so easy to get lost in Sebastian’s charm that sometimes I forget that there’s an entire world going on around us.

  “Stop being an ass,” I hear Courtney say seconds before she changes the subject, addressing the rumor that Mr. Johnson, my homeroom teacher, is sleeping with the married Mrs. Spellman from the Math department.

  Silently thanking my best friend for knowing exactly how to draw the attention away from me, I spend the next twenty minutes trying to force down at least a little of my lunch. It’s not the easiest thing to do, especially when a certain gorgeous senior won’t stop staring at me.

  He remains completely at ease like he doesn’t have a care in the world; meanwhile, I feel like a pressurized ball of nerves that’s going to explode at any moment, spewing my contents all over the lunch table in front of me.

  By the time the bell rings, signaling the end of our lunch period, I’m both disappointed that my time with Sebastian is over and yet so relieved at the same time. Maybe once I get away from him this weird knot that’s formed in the pit of my stomach will go away, though I’m not entirely sure it will.

  “Let me walk you to your next class,” Sebastian offers as we drop off our trays and make our way out of the cafeteria.

  “And draw even more attention to us?” I question. “I think you put on enough of a show back there.” I gesture back to the table we just left. “Keep it up, and people might actually think you like me or something,” I joke nervously.

  “And that’s an issue?” he questions with a smirk, taking my hand before leading me across the aisle and down the far left hallway, not stopping until we reach what I can only assume is his locker.

  “I mean, I get it. You need to show off your charity work.” I shrug, humor lacing my words as I lean against the locker next to his. “Whatever it is we’re doing here though, I’d like to survive it with as much of my reputation intact as possible.”

  “And being with me tarnishes that reputation?” he questions, cocking his head to the side as he pulls two books from his locker and tucks them under his arm before closing it.

  “They think I’m sleeping with you, which doesn’t speak very highly of me.”

  “So it’s a bad thing if people think we’re having sex?” he questions like the statement couldn’t sound more ridiculous.

  “It’s a bad thing if people view me as just another one of your conquests.” The humor dies away as my true feelings boil to the surface. “Look, I like you, Sebastian. I really do. But if this is some screwed up game you’re playing to screw the uptight virgin, I’d appreciate it if you’d just not waste my time. I’m not interested in being just another girl in the long line of people you’ve slept with.”

  I don’t expect my words to come out as harshly as they do, but the situation in chemistry class coupled with my altercation with Dylan seems to be weighing heavier on me than I initially thought. And while Sebastian has been nothing but amazing to me, I can’t help but be hesitant and suspicious; who wouldn’t be in my situation?

  The last thing I expect is for Sebastian to find humor in my rant, so when he tips his head back and a full belly laugh erupts from his throat, I stand completely dumbfounded, not at all sure what the hell is happening.

  “God, you’re something else.” He shakes his head, laughter still lacing his words. “Are you done now? Did you get it all off your chest?”

  “I’m serious, Sebastian.” I cross my arms in front of myself.

  He steps closer. “You really need to learn how to just go with the flow, Tess. Not everything has to be so life altering. So people talk, who cares.”

  “I care.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t.” He reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering on my cheek for a moment longer before it returns to his side.

  “Come on, we’re gonna be late.” And with that, he loops his arm through mine and drags me alongside him, effectively ending our conversation.

  Who knew that one display of public affection in a crowded cafeteria could create so much buzz. I mean seriously, do people have nothing better to do than worry about who Sebastian Baxter is hooking up with?

  I feel like every pair of eyes is on me as I make my way out of school at the end of the day. Maybe part of it is just me being paranoid, but I know for certain that’s not entirely the case. I had four different girls come up to me between the last two periods of the day wanting to know if Sebastian and I were dating.

  I wanted to say yes, more than I thought I would. But instead, I settled for a shrug and non-committal response like “we’re just hanging out.”

  To say it’s been an exciting first day is putting it mildly. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so much attention in my life, and truthfully, I’m not sure I like it. I mean, Sebastian I like. But I’m starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by what it might mean to be a part of his world.

>   All I want is to climb in Courtney’s car and whine to her and Bree about the day I’ve had, but my plans are immediately thwarted when I see Sebastian leaning against Courtney’s passenger side door, his muscular arms crossed in front of him.

  My heart instantly kicks into overdrive, pumping so hard and fast it’s a wonder I don’t go into cardiac arrest.

  “There she is.” He smiles, pulling me into his arms without an ounce of hesitation.

  The heaviness of the day melts away the moment his scent invades my nostrils, and I feel the firmness of his chest against my cheek. I thought I needed Courtney and Bree, but maybe this was what I needed all along. Sebastian has this unique ability to make the outside world seem so insignificant.

  “What are you up to now?” I pull back and peer up at him, his dazzling smile even more prominent in the bright afternoon sunlight.

  “I was hoping I could give you a ride home.” He tucks my hair behind my ear, something I’m learning he does a lot.

  “I usually ride with Courtney.” I gesture to the car behind him as I take a step backward.

  “I’m aware, but usually doesn’t mean always.” He winks. “Come on.” He drops an arm over my shoulder, leading me away from the car.

  “I should probably wait and tell Courtney,” I try to object.

  “Already did.” He smiles down at me before turning his attention forward.

  “Awfully presumptuous of you, Mr. Baxter; what if I didn’t want you to take me home?”

  “You do,” he states matter of fact, humor lacing his voice.

  “You’re confident,” I deadpan.

  Seconds later his incredible laugh flutters around me. I swear I could record the sound of it and listen to it all day, every day. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard.

  “And you, Ms. Wilson, are a pain in my ass,” he teases.

  I’m ready to respond with some witty retort but end up changing gears when Sebastian stops next to a fancy black sports car.

  “I thought you drove a Jeep?” I question, knowing that’s what he was driving Saturday when he came to my house.

  “I do.” He pulls the passenger door open and takes my book bag, waiting until I’m planted inside before dropping the bag onto the floorboard between my feet and closing the door.

  “Then whose car is this?” I ask when he climbs into the driver’s seat next to me.


  “Yours?” I blanch. “You have a sports car and a Jeep? I can’t even afford a beater and here you have two vehicles that probably cost more than the house I live in.”

  “Half.” He chuckles next to me.


  “Half of the cost of your house.” He grins, clearly just messing with me.

  “Wow. You really are spoiled.” I snap my seatbelt, turning my gaze out the windshield.

  Sebastian is silent next to me for a couple seconds before he finally speaks again, and I’m instantly surprised by the vulnerability in his voice.

  “Your mom shows you love by spending time with you, being your mom. My parents do it with possessions. Anything they can give me to keep me happy, so long as they don’t have to lift a finger in the parenting department.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said the thing about you being spoiled.” I immediately feel guilty over my statement and my assumption. I take his hand that’s resting on the gearshift between us and give it a squeeze.

  “Don’t be. It’s what everyone thinks.” He shrugs, giving me a quick sideways glance.

  “Does that bother you? That people view you a certain way?”

  “Not really.” He shakes his head, his focus remaining on the road. “It comes with the territory.”

  “What territory is that?” I ask.

  “Being the hottest, richest guy in school.” His words drip with playfulness, but that doesn’t stop me from rearing back and slapping his chest.

  “Owe.” He laughs, rubbing the spot where my hand connected. “Such violence. I see I’m not the only one who has everyone fooled.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I cross my arms over my chest and stare out the window, a huge smile on my face.

  “I gotta say, you play the good girl routine well, but I’m starting to see through your façade.”

  “I am a good girl,” I object, looking back in his direction to see a smug smile on his handsome face.

  “Okay,” he says disbelieving, nodding his head.

  “I am,” I insist.

  “Says the girl who can drink whiskey straight from the bottle like a champ and kisses like a porn star.”

  “Did you just compare me to a porn star?” I’m not sure whether to laugh or be offended.

  “Relax, it was a compliment.” He chuckles. “I just meant, you’re a phenomenal kisser.” He grins, his eyes catching mine for a brief moment before returning to the road. “And you do this little moan—it’s like you’re a starving woman and my mouth is the most delicious meal you’ve ever tasted. It’s seriously so hot. You play like you’re this innocent little thing, but I think deep down you’ve got one hell of an untapped wild side.”

  “I think you have me confused with someone else,” I offer.

  “You may think I don’t see you Tessa Wilson- but I do. I see everything.” He winks at me seconds before pulling the car to a stop on the street outside my house.

  “Well…” I hesitate, not really sure what to do. “Thank you for the ride.” I move to grab my bag, but Sebastian catches my arm before I reach it.

  Tugging me toward him, the next thing I feel is his warm lips against mine. He kisses me gently, dragging his tongue along my bottom lip before sliding it inside of my mouth.

  Like being invaded by a body snatcher, something else takes over and I feel crazed, lustful. I deepen the kiss, my fingers tangling in his short hair as I try desperately to control the overwhelming urges I feel taking over.

  By the time we part I’m breathless, my chest heaving up and down as I ride out the high Sebastian’s touch sparks inside me.

  “See.” He smiles against my mouth. “My little minx.” He kisses me again, this time a gentle press of his lips to mine before he pulls back, his hazel eyes dark and hooded.

  I can tell he wants me, maybe even more than I want him, and the thought is dizzying. Sebastian makes me feel a way I’ve never felt before. Wild and untamed. And while I love the feeling, it’s also terrifying at the same time.

  “I should probably go,” I finally blurt. “My mom is home today. It’s Monday, her one consistent off night each week. We always spend Monday’s together.”

  “Can I call you later?”

  “You better.” I smile, grabbing my bag before quickly exiting the car.

  I manage to make it up to the front porch before turning back. Sebastian is still sitting on the curb, his eyes glued to me. I throw him a little wave over my shoulder, my heart doing acrobats in my chest as I stick my key in the lock and push my way inside.

  I take slow calculated breaths, trying to calm my rapid pulse, before sneaking a peek out of the vertical panes of glass that line the sides of the front door. I do it just in time to see the back of Sebastian’s car as he drives away. I stare at the place where he was just parked for what seems like forever before my mother’s voice causes me to jump in surprise.

  “Who’s the boy?” she asks, pulling my attention to where she’s leaning against the doorway of the living room watching me.

  “What?” I question, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my lips.

  “You know, the one who put that there.” She points to my mouth. “The black sports car. Who is he?”

  “Sebastian Baxter.” I sigh.

  “Well, it looks like this Sebastian Baxter really knows how to lay on the charm.” She gives me a knowing look, and I swear I smile wider.

  “He’s so… I don’t even know how to describe it.” Nervous laughter bubbles from my chest.

  I’ve nev
er been one to keep much from my mom. In the boys department we’ve always had open communication, but telling her too much about Sebastian right now almost feels premature.

  I mean, she knew everything about Dylan as it happened, and even though it took me a while to see through him, my mom never cared for the boy. Guess she could see something I couldn’t. But Sebastian, I think she’d like him. I mean, I could be wrong, but I can’t see how anyone could not. He’s just so damn charming. But it’s still so new and I don’t want to jinx it, as dumb as that sounds.

  “Uh oh,” mom teases, giving me a knowing look.

  “It’s nothing.” I blow it off, slinging my book bag over my shoulder. “I’ve got lots of homework to do,” I say, wasting no time taking off down the hall toward my room.

  “Okay, but I want to hear more later. Dinner will be ready in about an hour,” mom calls after me. I swear I hear her chuckle when I shut the door without a word, but I’m too far gone to worry about what she thinks at the current moment.

  Pressing my back against the door, I let my mind wander back to the scene that unfolded in the car just moments ago. The way Sebastian kissed me, the way he looked at me—his eyes so full of longing. I swear my heart is still trying to find a normal rhythm.

  I smile, touching my fingers to my lips as I think about lunch and how he kissed me without caring who saw. I don’t know why but I had convinced myself that whatever this thing is we started Friday would come to end when we got back to school, but that no longer seems to be the case.

  My chest swells as I think about all the girls who would kill to be in my shoes right now. They’re all probably sick with jealousy and you know what—I can’t blame them. Sebastian Baxter is special. And I’m not talking about his money or his popularity—he, as a person, is special. There’s something about him. This endearing quality that makes it impossible not to like him.

  I’m so lost in thought that I jump slightly when my phone buzzes in my back pocket. Pulling it from my jeans, I immediately answer when I see Courtney’s name flashing across the screen.

  “Hey,” I get out breathlessly, still unable to wipe the stupid smile off my face.


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