Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

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Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) Page 26

by Mellie George



  Seven Months Later

  “Hurry up, Beau! Everyone will start arriving any minute!” I yelled out.

  “Just a minute, I’m just pulling on my shirt!” Beau called back from our room.

  I looked down at Harlowe, lying on her changing table, as I put a fresh diaper on her.

  I rolled my eyes and said, “I swear your Daddy takes longer to get ready than we both do combined.”

  I was already dressed and had my hair and makeup done, plus had Harlowe bathed and her blonde curls pinned out of her face and was just finishing getting her all cleaned up and ready.

  I tickled her little feet and she squealed. “Dada?” she babbled, her big brown eyes scanning the room looking for any sign of Beau. That little girl loved her daddy so much and she had him twisted and tied around her little pinky finger.

  I smoothed out her little dress and lifted her off the changing table into my arms.

  “Yes, Dada.”

  I bit my lip and internally pouted. I knew Harlowe loved me but it seemed like whenever Beau was in the room all of her time and attention went to her daddy. That’s the way it should be but it still made me a little sad to know she’d chosen him over me most days.

  Harlowe must have seen the look on my face and wrapped her chubby little arm around my shoulder, laying her head down.

  “Mama,” she cooed. I smiled. I loved these moments when it was just the two of us and she showed me as much affection as she showed Beau. I soaked up the moment with her, snuggling her close to me. I started singing her favorite lullaby but she pulled back and stared at me with this face and I fought to keep from laughing.

  “What’s wrong? You don’t like my song?”

  She shook her head and looked at me like the answer should be obvious.

  “Dada. Dada!” she insisted, letting me know in her own way that I sucked as a singer and no one could sing her a lullaby except Beau.

  “Did I hear someone calling my name in here?” Beau asked, peeking his head in and smiling.

  “Dada!” Harlowe squealed, holding her arms out to him.

  I sighed and admitted defeat as she struggled to wiggle out of my grasp. Beau walked to us and took Harlowe from me, lifting her into the air and kissing her belly until she squealed with delight.

  “Traitor,” I teased her, tickling her leg. “I hope she pulls your hair, Beau.”

  He chuckled and grinned at me as he lowered her to his hip.

  “She won’t, she loves me.”

  I smiled at them and kissed him.

  “No question about that. I tried to sing her song to her and she pretty much told me in baby talk to shut up.”

  Beau barked out a laugh and kissed Harlowe’s cheek.

  “Mommy’s pretty bad, huh?” I nudged him and he winked at me. “Do you want me to sing it to you?”

  “Dada!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands. He walked over to the glider in the corner of her room and she laid her head on his chest right over his heart as he began to sing.

  Baby Mine don’t you cry,

  Baby Mine dry your eyes,

  Rest your head close to my heart,

  Never to part,

  Baby of Mine…

  My heart melted as I watched my husband, the long-haired and tattooed guitarist of one of the world’s most famous rock bands, holding our little baby girl and singing her a song from a Disney movie. I was so lost in the moment that I hadn’t even realized he’d stopped singing to her until he cleared his throat.

  “Danni, did you hear the door bell?”

  I jumped back. “Oh sh-I mean, crap! They’re here, let’s go!”

  I left the nursery and quickly walked through the house to the front door. I opened it and grinned as Everleigh, Ryder, and Max were waiting outside. Behind them I saw Sadie walking with Jude, and behind them was Kris escorting a very pregnant Jessie up toward the door.

  “Hey everyone, come on in! I hope you weren’t standing here long, I got lost in thought.”

  “Hey, it’s okay, you’re blonde. I’m sure it happens frequently throughout the day,” Ryder teased, bumping my arm as he walked inside.

  “Shut up,” I nudged back as Max giggled at me.

  “Hey buddy, how’s my little rocker man today?”

  Max was eight months old and the spitting image of Ryder in almost every way, right down to his little baby faux hawk and tiny rocker tee shirt.

  “Dee-Dee!” he squealed, reaching his arms out to me. Everleigh handed him to me as I hugged him close.

  Max didn’t pay attention to me for long because as soon as Jude walked in and said hi to everyone, Max was practically jumping out of my arms to get to him. What was it with me and these babies? I laughed it off; I didn’t take it personally. There was just something about these Rebel men that drew attention from everyone, even babies.

  As soon as Jessie was inside, I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

  “Hello gorgeous, how are you feeling?”

  “A little uncomfortable but all in all pretty damn good,” she said happily.

  Jessie really did look amazing for a woman that was nine months pregnant. The only way you would know she was expecting was the round basketball-shaped belly protruding out in front of her. From the back she looked like her usual thin-framed self. I guess we all couldn’t be that lucky; I looked like a hippo right before I had Harlowe.

  “Well you look beautiful,” I answered. “One week left of this, are you ready?”

  “I’m beyond ready to be a mother. I can’t wait.”

  “I still can’t believe you didn’t want to know the sex of the baby,” I laughed. “I had to know.”

  Jessie grinned and ran a hand over her belly. “Well, the way I see it is that there are very few surprises in life anymore, and it took Kris and me so long to have this baby, so we both wanted to enjoy every minute of it and be surprised.”

  “I can understand that. You have more will power than I did,” I answered.

  Everleigh laughed as she moved toward us.

  “Tell me about it. Ryder drove me absolutely crazy until we found out what Max was. I was actually nervous that Dr. Mitchell was going to tell us it was a girl,” she answered.

  “You’re lucky Kris hasn’t been as neurotic as Ryder was.”

  Ryder walked up behind Everleigh and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her cheek and said, “You still love me though, don’t deny it.”

  “Oh, I’d never do that, rock star.”

  I looked and saw Max pulling at Jude’s Mohawk as Sadie watched on, laughing, and Harlowe started fussing in Beau’s arms. There were only two reasons she ever wanted Beau to put her down; she needed to be changed or she was hungry. I had just changed her diaper so I was pretty sure my baby girl was ready to stuff her little face.

  “Well, let’s let this shower underway,” I said. “It sounds like I have a hungry little girl over there.”

  “Let’s do it. Thanks again for agreeing to a joint baby shower. I know people usually don’t do things this way, but the only thing we both wanted was to share this with everyone. I’ve grown up with these guys for almost my whole life and they’ve been there for me through everything, so it was just as important for them to be here as it was to have you girls too,” Jessie said as we walked into the kitchen. We had a huge spread of food set up that I’d had catered and it all looked delicious.

  “I completely understand, Jess, and I was happy to do it. We really are a family and I’m glad we can do this one last time before you deliver next week. Ev and I didn’t have this with our babies so I’m glad we get to do this right.”

  I pulled out a chair for her at the table and got to work making her something to eat.

  Soon everyone was sitting around the table eating and laughing and as I looked around at my family, I truly felt blessed. If you’d told me two and a half years ago that I wouldn’t only know and be friends with the members of Bad Blooded Rebel
, but that I would be married and have a child with the lead guitarist (who I’d had a huge crush on for years) I’d never have believed you. Buying those VIP tickets to their show was the best decision I’d ever made in my life because it led me to my fate and my happily ever after.

  The End…for now!


  Once again, I am writing my acknowledgements with no idea how I am going to thank everyone that has been behind me in this journey I have been on since self-publishing last year. One year ago I took that scary leap into indie publishing and even though it’s been incredibly difficult, it’s also been so rewarding. I have made some incredible friends and met some truly wonderful people.

  First, I have to thank my husband…I’ll keep it short and sweet. Good or bad, everything you’ve done or said has pushed me that much harder and for that I thank you.

  To my daughters…I am so blessed to have three such beautiful and unique little girls in my life. No matter how far I go in life, you three will always be my greatest accomplishments; never forget that.

  Thank you once again to one of my literary idols and friends, Terri Anne Browning. Your friendship is something I never expected when I first picked up “The Rocker That Holds Me” and fell in love with Nik and Emmie. You have been one of the most supportive friends and it’s truly an honor to have a bomb-ass girl like you have my back! Special thanks to Mike Browning; love you too, Big Daddy! :D Thanks for giving Terri Anne inspiration to write such hot ass leading men, heehee.

  To Jennie Wurtz and Sammy Campos…oh ladies! There are absolutely no words I can write to describe how much you both mean to me. You’ve been my shoulders to cry on (A LOT), you’ve laughed with me (and sometimes at me, lol), you’ve listened when I bitch, you make me laugh and cry (both in good ways), you’ve encouraged me when I’ve wanted to give up…hell, y’all make me sound like Superwoman! I have said it before and I will always say it…you both aren’t just my dear friends, you are my SISTERS. “Nellie” loves you both so, so much, and I can’t wait to tear up Nashville with you two!

  To my Rebels…thank you to each and every one of you!!! I love how you all have rallied behind me and supported me and pretty much lit a fire under my ass to get this book finished. Special shout out to Heatheranne for all the SMOKING hot man candy pics! They truly brighten up my day for sure! Thank you to Monica Boada for letting me pick your smarty-pants brain; it’s wonderful to have a professional to ask when you have medical questions about a character! Thank you to Kim Merow Lewis for being AMAZING enough to help admin my author page. You’ve really went above and beyond helping me get my name out there and it was a lucky day when I met you! Also, thank you to the amazing readers and pimpettes I interact with on a daily basis…Heatheranne, Kim, Monica, Carrie, Jenni, Kerrisha, Twanisha, Krystal, Olivia, Maria, Jenn, Shauna, Deborah, Taneesha, Danielle, Sarah, Shona, and Melanie.

  Special thank you to my kick-ass Beta team-Jennie, Melanie, and Shona…thank you ladies for everything!!!!!

  To my fellow authors/friends…Danielle Taylor (I love you so hard you don’t even know) for all the amazing covers, being an ear when I’m frustrated or crying, letting me be someone you vent to, and for all of your help and support! I didn’t do too bad on this cover, did I? ;) Thank you also to all of the countless authors that are doing it indie style and inspiring me every single day!

  To my salon family…you know how much I love you all. Thanks for being you and making me smile (especially Tiffany…you know how you’ve inspired me, girl, haha. Love you!).

  Special thanks to all of my readers! I am beyond humbled by how much you’ve loved my Bad Blooded Rebels and hope you love Beau and Danni as much as I did. There are more awesome things to come from our Rebels and their ladies…stay tuned!!!

  Beau’s battle with alcoholism isn’t just a made-up story…many people all over the world struggle with alcohol dependency on a daily basis. It can destroy families and take lives, I know this first hand. My uncle and aunt, Danny and Brenda Thomas, were killed on June 6, 1993 by a drunk driver. Luckily Beau was able to break his habit, but many aren’t able to and it leads to not just health issues for them, but endangers the lives of countless people if they get behind the wheel intoxicated. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol dependency, I encourage you or your loved one to get help before it’s too late!



  I encourage all of you to please donate to a special trust account set up for my late friend Casey Krebs’ children. She was an amazing mother and wonderful friend who was taken way too soon. She would have done anything for her children and I want to help them now that she can’t. The information is below…please donate if you can.

  PrimeTrust Financial Account #980224

  3700 W. Bethel Ave.

  Muncie, IN 47304

  Phone Number: (765) 281-6003

  I love, love, LOVE to hear from and interact with readers and other authors, so look me up! I am on Facebook (Mellie George), I have an author page for you to “like” (, I’m on Twitter (@AuthorMellieG), Google Plus, and I am also on Instagram and Pinterest! Come and stalk me, you know you want to, lol! See you all again soon!

  Also available from Mellie George on Amazon and Barnes & Noble:

  Say Yes (Glenbrook Girls Series) Book 1

  Back To Life

  Rebel: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #1

  Rogue: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #2

  Renegade: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #3

  Redeemed: Bad Blooded Rebel Series #4

  Bad Blooded Rebel: A Rock & Roll Novella Series

  Coming Soon from Mellie George (in NO particular order):

  Deeper: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Kris and Jessie’s Story)- Coming late Winter/Spring 2015

  Smolder: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Jude and Sadie’s Story)- Coming Summer 2015

  Fighting For Us (Sequel to Back To Life)-coming in 2015

  Come Back Home (Glenbrook Girls Series) Book 2-coming in 2015


  Beau’s Playlist

  1. Call Me- Shinedown

  2. Die Trying- Art Of Dying

  3. Breaking Inside- Shinedown

  4. Purple- Pop Evil

  5. Gotten (feat. Adam Levine)- Slash

  6. Closer To You- Adelita’s Way

  7. Anyone But You- Hinder

  8. Pass Slowly- Seether

  9. All Of Me- John Legend

  10. You’re The One- Rev Theory

  11. Don’t Forget About Me- Emphatic

  12. Need To Be- Memphis May Fire

  13. Snuff- Slipknot

  Danni’s Playlist

  1. Let Me Go- Avril Lavigne & Chad Kroeger

  2. Human- Christina Perri

  3. Gone- My Darkest Days

  4. Learn To Hate You- James Michael (of Sixx:A.M.)

  5. Never Gonna Hurt- Cavo

  6. Stars- Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

  7. Miracle- Shinedown

  8. Say Something- A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera

  9. Undone- Haley Reinhart

  10. Hush Hush- Avril Lavigne

  11. Dreamin’ Of You- Buckcherry

  12. Alive- Adelita’s Way

  13. Baby Mine- Bette Midler




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