The Soul Eater (Chronicles 1): The Book of Roland

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The Soul Eater (Chronicles 1): The Book of Roland Page 24

by James Master

  “That boy Steven was your son wasn't it?” Starke stopped and looked around at the girl. “Yes, he is my son. No one, not even he knew that I was his father. When Sister Anna found out she was pregnant, she left the church with the excuse that her mother had grown deathly ill.”

  “Whatever happened to her Starke?”

  “She hung herself from the balcony of the apartment she was renting. She couldn't live with the fact that she had sinned so grievously against her God.” He laughed and continued to walk down the street. Curious about Starke's back story, Roland followed.

  “The business my father talked to you about, it was the demon, correct?” Starke laughed again. He stopped where he was and turned to look at Roland. “Nope, not even close.”

  *** 10 ***

  It was the boy that made Father Waverly take the research job that they had offered. The wealthy benefactor of the Project was going to fund the orphanage for as long as Waverly stayed. The Project was pretty much open-ended, meaning that there wasn't an estimated finish time nor a deadline to be met. At first, the father had thought that the two men were joking when they presented him with the task.

  Waverly traveled to Indianapolis for the first time in nearly a decade to meet the men associated with the Project. There were five men in all. The benefactor, Ben Jones, scientific researchers Harold and Edward, the computer techie/hacker Hank, and of course Father Waverly who was the religious researcher. These five men were planning on doing something no one had ever tried to attempt. They were going to create zombies. Not the undead type, mind you, but the live ones that did whatever was commanded of them. The concept was rather strange and almost unholy in nature, but they picked the right priest for the job. As a child, Waverly was obsessed with the paranormal and the occult ever since he saw Night of the Living Dead. After that, he would read books about vampires, go to any theater he could get into, sometimes he would even break into one if he wasn't allowed a ticket due to his youth. What made him want to be part of the church was mostly the movie The Exorcist. Also, the book by one of his favorite authors 'Salem's Lot’ sealed his fate. When he had read that he was in the priesthood about to take his official vows.

  When he arrived at the huge laboratory, he was amazed at how close the stadium was, he could practically go see the Colts play as he was doing his research, after the sermon at his church of course. He exited his vehicle, a Saturn that the church allowanced and maintained, and walked into the building. He was stopped by a secretary/guard.

  “What is your purpose here sir?” Waverly told him that he was here on business with a Mr. Ben Jones. It took the guard a minute to confirm with Mr. Jones's personal assistant and after that, he was shown to the elevator. The Father stepped into the elevator and looked for a button to press when he realized that he was never told which floor to go. He was frightened to find that the elevator contained not one button. Not one button in the whole five by five cubed space he was now locked in. Claustrophobia started setting in and Waverly was on the edge of panic when the elevator suddenly jerked to life moving downward.

  Feeling stupid and also happy that no one was in there to see him, he straightened his clothes with one hand and his hair with the other. The elevator ride lasted about five minutes before it stopped and he heard the usual ding signifying its doors opening. When it did, he was met by the assistant that the guard had talked to. She extended her hand and smiled, causing the Father's heart to skip a beat. Her beauty was the cause of this and he knew that the proprietor of The Project had excellent taste. She spoke elegantly, “Welcome to The Project Father Waverly. My name is Maria. The others have already arrived and waiting for you in the conference room. Let me show you the way.” She briskly walked in front of him again reminding him of how lucky this Jones was.

  The assistant announced the Father and closed the doors. The Father's first impression of Benjamin Jones was that the man appeared to be pretty normal. He was staring at the projector screen when the Father entered, talking to the father and son team that Waverly already knew. The youngest man in the room, Edward, smiled when the Father was announced and walked around the large conference table to shake his hand. “Welcome Father Waverly, I’m glad you found the place. I hope it wasn’t too difficult?”

  “Yes, the instructions you gave me were slightly hard to understand, but yes I found the place. You must be Jones?” The normal looking individual nodded his head. “Yes sir, I’m him, but please just call me Ben.” They shook hands, the Father noticed that Ben's handshake was firm and which rose his respect for him a little. The Father thought that anyone that had a firm handshake was an alright man.

  “Alright Ben, I don't know too much about this project, but I have a lot of questions.” Ben smiled and nodded. “I am sure you do Father Waverly.”

  “Just call me Gary, Ben, it's a little less formal.” He looked towards the father and son a little confused.

  “Thought your name was Winifred. It is, isn't it?”

  “Yes it is, but Gary is a little more masculine. I avoided many fights just from changing my name. Plus the Vatican wouldn’t take too kindly to the type of research I’ll be doing. Just call me Gary Starke.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  *** 1 ***

  They stopped and looked at the building across the street. It was the Lucas Oil Stadium. Roland was amazed to see that the parking lot, with the exception of five or six cars, was absolutely empty. Ashley must have thought that same thing because she said, “Why aren't there any cars? You would think that it would have been more abandoned cars than just seven or eight.” Starke laughed at the girl.

  “You want to know why?”

  “Sure, why?”

  “Because the infestation started on a Wednesday. No football games on a Wednesday” Roland was looking at the building while he was matching the date when Eddie had called him with what Starke had just said and found out that it was pretty accurate.

  “Did you guys know that the Lucas Oil Stadium replaced the RCA Dome in 2008? The marching band at my high school went to state last year and they marched on the Astroturf at the stadium. Interesting huh?” Ashley shook her head. “How do you know so much about the place? I thought you didn't like the Colts.”

  Roland chuckled about what he was thinking in his mind. “My wife told me. She loved that God-damned team. I was more of a Bears fan anyway.” Starke whistled. “You’re married Roland? Does she know about Jessica and Ashley?” Roland ignored the question by asking a more important one. “You guys know how many people you can sit in there?”

  “No clue,” Ashley said not really paying attention.

  “A lot.” Starke sarcastically responded to his captors’ question. Roland looked at both of them while wearing a grim smile.

  “57,980 people. I have a bad feeling about this.” Ashley didn't get what Roland was thinking, but Starke did and smiled grimly.

  “You know what Roland, you might be onto something.”

  *** 2 ***

  They decided to approach the dome found the south end, to Starke's disapproval. “Roland, why don't we go through the front door? There isn't anyone in there.” Roland laughed, “Do you think I’m that stupid Starke? Your demon boss is somewhere inside of that place with a horde of undead at his beck and call. Why in the hell would I want to go in through the most obvious entry point?” Starke frowned and stayed silent as the three crossed the parking lot. The heat was killing Ashley. As the sun reflected off the cement pavement, Roland noticed that she was swaying from side to side so he put a hand on her shoulder and steadied her. She smiled weakly and thanked him.

  The south gate to the stadium stood twenty feet tall and about as wide with thick iron bars that came down from the top. Roland tried to find a way to lift them but was unable to make them budge even a tiny bit. He checked the service door next to the gate and found it was locked. Starke leaned against the gate and sighed.

  “Roland, you might as well give it up, It has thought of just about every
thing. I won't lie to you when I say It wants you to go through the front door. It has a plan.” Roland laughed and faced the ex-priest.

  “So that's why you're here. You’re not here to avenge some made up fake child, you’re here to gain our trust and guide us directly to our deaths. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not that gullible. There has to be a way to get into this building. Hmm, here we go.”

  Roland noticed that a small window above the door was just big enough for a person. He took a couple steps back and reached into his pocket. Ashley watched this from her seat on the ground, still trying to recover from the heat by sipping a bottle of water. She turned her attention to Starke, thinking how it would be the perfect time to take Roland at a disadvantage. As if knowing that she was looking at her, Starke turned his head to stare at her, a smile creeping to on his face, giving Ashley the creeps.

  “What's the matter, Ash? Got something on my face?” He wiped a spot on his cheek. “Did I get it?” Ashley just stared at him, clearly not amused with his jokes.

  “Your son, he is real, isn't he? Or are you just making that up as well?” Starke's look suddenly got harder. “Yes he is real, and that demon has him. I have to do everything that bastard says to do, even if it means betraying you fine folk. Otherwise, my son is doomed to burn in the pits of Hell for all eternity under the control of that thing. That isn't what I want for my son.”

  “What do you mean that your son will be sent to Hell? What did he do to deserve to be sent there?” Starke was about to answer when a loud crash broke Ashley's concentration. She jumped reflexively and looked towards the sound of the crash. Starke also looked and frowned when he realized what his captor was up to.

  Roland threw a rock through the window shattering the pane of glass. Ashley stood and wandered over to Roland, Starke stayed where he was. “What is that supposed to do Roland, the window is too small for you to get through and it’s also too high.” Roland shook his head and smiled at Ashley.

  “It's way too small for myself yes, but not for you.” She frowned at Roland, “How am I going to get up there?”

  “I'll boost you on my shoulders.” Starke stood and stretched from where he stood at the gates. “What did you want me to do Roland? I'm good at a lot of things, ask me and I'll help as best that I am able.” Roland turned to the man and smile back at Starke.

  “I forgot about you, Gary. Thank you for making yourself known. I am quite ashamed that you didn't just try and overpower me when Ashley was on the other side of the door. It would have made more sense than talking just now.”

  “Well Roland, I was never one for being quiet as you’ve figured out by now. I had considered trying to overpower you, but I thought that you might have anticipated it. I am correct in thinking that we are in some kind of Mexican standoff. I can't have you enter through that way, but you can't get the girl through the hole without averting your attention towards me. So what’s your next move going to be?”

  Roland moved quicker than Ashley had ever seen him move before. Starke didn't even notice the knife until it slid effortlessly into his stomach. Starke slowly slid his hand down to the handle of the knife, gripping it. His face moved from Roland to Ashley, the shock hitting him for the first time. Roland nodded at Starke. “You have a couple of hours if you keep the knife in. Take the blade out and you’ll not survive to see the sunset.” Ashley watched as the shirt grew dark red around the handle already beginning to expand.

  Starke fell back into a cement column and slid down it as his legs gave out on him. His butt hit the ground and his hand fell away from the knife. Before losing consciousness, he looked up at Roland and Ashley and whispered through bloodied lips, “Thank you. Kill the bastard.” With that last bit of advice, Starke sank away into darkness.

  Ashley looked at Roland in shock. “Why did you kill him? I mean I understand why you did what you did, but you didn't need to kill him.” Roland shook his head.

  “The bastard had it coming for a very long time. Besides, he was only going to rat us out at the soonest convenience. He wouldn't need to overpower me, just alert his boss when the zombies are around. I think the demon is controlling the undead. Now get on my shoulders and get on the other side of the door before any of those damned things find us.”

  *** 3 ***

  Ashley first had to break the remaining glass from the window and use a shirt Roland had in his backpack to prevent any little shards prickling her. She landed on her feet and was thankful that none of the shards had been able to get through the rubber in her shoes. She looked at the door that was between her and Roland. The door wasn't locked, but barred with a piece of wood. Removing the two by four from the door, she opened it and let Roland in.

  They silently moved down the first-floor corridor that ran around the field. Roland stopped once and motioned for Ashley to do the same. Roland moved towards the south entrance to the field. The place was as silent as a tomb and Roland hated that silence. There should have been moaning, guns shooting, or something. He stretched his head out into the corridor trying to see into the field itself, but as he was about to get a glimpse, Ashley tugged on his shirt. He whispered back at her, “Now is not the time Ashley.”

  He strained his head once more to try again when Ashley tugged again. “Ashley, really, now is not the time.” He turned to see Ashley not looking at him, but turned towards the undead that were walking down the hallway behind them. Roland did a double take and pulled her into the entrance to the field.

  “Why are we going into the field rather than going into the other hallway?” Ashley stopped and stared at Roland, waiting for a response.

  “The damned things are herding us. Look, they are coming from the other end of the hallway as well as behind us. There is nowhere else to go but to the field.” Ashley jumped when she saw the zombies had started coming from the other end of the hallway. Roland dropped his backpack and grabbed his rifle and as much ammo as he could fit and started walking into the AstroTurf field. Ashley looked behind her and in front of her and did what Roland had done. She checked the clip in the 9mm Jessica had once owned and followed after Roland.

  *** 4 ***

  The football field was exactly how Roland had seen it last on NBC. With one minor change: normally people would sit in the seats and cheer for the Colts. On this day, however, zombies filled the seats all the way up to the rafters. They all started moaning when Roland and Ashley entered the field. Roland didn't bother drawing his weapon. “Ashley, I don't think we have enough bullets to kill each and every one of them.” Ashley chuckled, “Good to know someone is prepared.” Roland looked over at her and returned the smile that he saw on her face.

  “At least someone can have a sense of humor during all this.” Ashley pointed to the middle of the field. “What is that thing?” Roland turned to the scissor lift that had been set up where the Colts logo decorated the middle of the field. He recognized it as the lift that the Colt's had used when they won the Super Bowl in 2005 against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

  “That is where our host will announce his presence. Look, I already see someone standing there. Let's go announce ourselves while we still have the element of surprise.” He started walking forward when he felt a familiar feeling. He looked down and saw Ashley with her borrowed pistol out and ready. Smiling again he said, “You know Ashley, I really do like you. You’ve stuck with me through the shit and the mud.”

  Ashley was blushing when she said, “It's because I love you, Roland. It took me fifty-six thousand zombies to finally get the courage to say it, but I love you.” He stopped about ten yards from the lift. He could see that the figure on it was tied up with duct tape on his mouth. The person being held captive looked familiar to Roland, but he couldn't place the face. When he looked at Ashley to tell her this world stopped and all the troubles that faced him were about as far away as the moon. He hooked an arm around her suddenly and pulled her close to him. Ashley gave a little-startled gasp. She was about to say something, but Roland silenced her wi
th a kiss. Ashley froze for a moment in indecision but finally wrapped her arms around him. Roland kept one hand on her waist while the other was caressed her hair.

  The kiss lasted one minute and five seconds, but the world seemed to stop for the two of them for during their embrace. It was Roland who finally broke it, but he didn't release Ashley from his grasp. He just whispered to Ashley, something that was barely audible. Ashley looked at Roland and blushed.

  “I know Roland. I know.” She pulled out of their embrace and stepped towards the lift, 9mm raised. “Let's go untie Tim. I think we'll need him.

  *** 5 ***

  As they ascended the lift, Roland found that Ashley was right. The familiar figure Roland had seen tied up was, in fact, Tim, the Zombie Hunter. Roland laughed as Ashley untied him. Tim rose from the ground and took the gag off his mouth. He nodded his thanks to Ashley and glared at Roland. “What, pray tell, is funny?” Roland shook his head. “Well, you’re naked duct taped in the middle of an undead filled stadium. Don’t you see the comedy?” Tim looked down at his naked body and chuckled. “Ah, that is in a way comical. What is your other reason for the laughter?” He stood legs apart in a parade rest stance, unashamed of his nudity. Ashley blushed and turned away, though. When she did she spotted a chest made of oak. She opened it and found clothes and weapons that belonged to Tim. She turned to tell him and was surprised to find him right behind her looking over her shoulder.

  “My clothing, I guess Velius has some sense of dignity after all.” Roland looked at Tim, “Is that his name?” Tim dressed as he talked.

  “The demon that led you here is named Velius, the Lord of the Pit and one of the Soul Eaters” Ashley turned around in a circle to look at the thousands of zombies that were seated inside the arena. “The Lord of the Pit? Isn't that Satan or Lucifer?” Tim laughed as he strapped on his katana on his back and his jitte on his side. The two automatic nine-millimeter pistols he strapped them on, lacing the restraining straps on each of his thighs. The sawed-off shotgun he opened to check the chambers.


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