Bride For My Werewolf Boss

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Bride For My Werewolf Boss Page 5

by Fox, Abby

  He started smelling her pussy. Jessi was now totally lost. She could feel nothing except for Stephen. His breath, his strong body, his looks, he was engulfing her in his world completely. And this was all she ever wanted too. Stephen started licking her cunt. Jessi was getting mad she started moaning. She held her hair and closed her eyes. She was in a world that until now she had only dreamt of.

  “Oh… Ummm… ke… kee… p doi… doing it.”

  She clenched her fist so hard that her long nails started getting into her skin. She started pulling Stephen’s hair. He was also getting mad. Both of them were moaning. He started kissing her belly. He went up and started kissing her madly. His lips were squashing hers and his tongue was finding its way into her throat. His both hands were squeezing her boobs.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this day,” Jessi said something for the first time till the time Stephen had come over.

  She wrapped her legs tightly around his back and started digging her long nails in his back. Stephen was going even madder. He lifted her and rested her against the wall. Jessi now noticed his cock. For the first time her eyes were resting on something below his chest. The thick and red dick was such a turn on to look at. He started kissing and sucking her breast. Both of them were moaning.

  “Oh God, Oh yes….”

  “Mmmmm” Stephen continued to play on and give some more foreplay to the lady in front him. But Jessi was beginning to lose control now. She wanted to be fucked really madly and she could not wait any longer.

  “Oh don’t tempt me anymore now, Just take it. Just get inside me.”

  Stephen made her lie on the bed and leaned over her. He placed his dick on her pussy and gently pushed it in. In just two strokes he was inside her. Her eyes were wide open. But before she could scream he started kissing her and squeezing her boobs. She started pulling his hair even harder. He gave hard strokes and slowly the pain seized to bother her. She was now having fun. Her body now got accustomed to the large dick in her body. This was what she always fantasized about. She wanted that fuck to be never ending. She started crying. Stephen looked at her, smiled and started kissing her. He knew it was time to stop and give her a rest. It was the first time she had had a real fuck in her life and he understood the pain involved in it. Although he wanted to and could have gone on for more time and but he thought more would come later.

  Jessi and Stephen were now lying on the bed, naked and uncovered. Jessi was lying over Stephen. The moonlight from the window was falling on her round ass. Stephen wrapped his arms around her. Jessi looked into his eyes.

  “I’m in love with you Stephen,” when she said she could not believe her own words, that had come out of her mouth.

  “I was in love with you the moment I saw you.”

  Jessi was delighted to receive a positive response from him. She was ecstatic, the man of her dreams was with her and he loved her back. In a day her life had transformed drastically.

  “I want to be with you. I don’t want this night to end.”

  “That’s the only desire I have my queen.”

  “But-” she fell silent for a while and contemplated what to do. As she was reminded of her mother’s words.

  “But what?” Stephen had worry lines on his forehead now. He did not want anything to come between the two of them.

  “I can’t be with you. I shouldn’t be with you,” she said and started looking on the other side, as she could not say this while she looked at the Greek God.

  “And why is that?” Stephen turned her face towards her with one hand while the other rested underneath his head.

  “Because you’re a wolf. And I’ve promised my mom to stay away from wolves.”

  “But you already broke your promise.”

  “Yeah! I don’t know. I want to be with you, but I also don’t want her to be sad because of me,” she said in a childlike manner. She knew what she did was against her mother’s will but this is what she wanted. This is what she had wanted all her life and that it was finally in front of her, she did not want to lose it.

  “So, what’re you going to do now?”

  “You tell me, what shall I do?”

  “Hmmm… I think you should tell her. That way at least she’d know the truth,” Stephen wanted to be honest with her. He was a simple man who believed in honesty. This impressed Jessi even more.

  “Maybe you’re right. I’ll tell her tomorrow.”

  “Till then,” hugging her tightly, “Just be with me,” he did not want her to be sad and consoled her for a while longer. Also, his heart asked him to stay for as long as possible.

  They kiss and after a while, Stephen falls asleep. But Jessi isn't asleep. Once there was a time when she was craving for a content dick filling her cunt, and all of a sudden she gets the fuck of a lifetime with not one but two guys. One of whom is actually a wolf. What's more disturbing is that both of them are cut throat enemies to each other. Choosing one will mean killing the other. Jessi had never imagined she would ever find herself in such predicament. She was the helm of one person’s life. She started to compare the two.

  Ricky Summers was a hot and an ambitious guy, he was good both in bed and in looks. A Poacher, he was true to his words and a man of dignity. On the other hand was Stephen, who was her dream hero. He was great in bed, great at looks and was well settled in life. A kind hearted man, he also treated her like his princess and was honest as well. Well, well, life had come full circle for her. What she wanted was in her hands, but still a grave decision awaited her.

  Jessi was too tired and worked up both mentally and physically. It had been an eventful day and she did not want to take decision in any haste. She thought to herself that she would do the thinking tomorrow or maybe later. It was a big day ahead of her.

  The morning sunlight fell on Jessi’s face. She woke up and looked around her. Stephen wasn’t there. She quickly got up and looked around the room. It was clean as if nothing happened there last night.

  “Oh no, not again. This can’t be a dream.”

  She then noticed the marks of Stephen’s nails on her thighs. It wasn’t a dream. This time it was for real. Oh! he is such a gentleman! He even cleaned up so that her mother could not come to know about anything. She then noticed a small letter lying beside her bed on the stool. She picked it up and read:

  “Sorry My Queen couldn’t stay for long. Love You. Stephen.”

  The man’s got a class which she wanted from her companion.

  Jessi smiled and got up from her bed. She wore a gown and went out of her room. Mom was preparing coffee for herself.

  “Oh! Good morning dear. Ready for your first day in your dream job.”

  “Yeah” she said, smilingly.

  “What is it, dear? Did you see that dream again?” Her mother could sense a hint of sadness on her face and in her voice.

  "Mom!" she started crying, "I'm so confused. Things are so messed up. Why am I having such a situation in my life?"

  Her mother was confused as to what she was talking about, dreading something negative was about to happen.

  "What is it, dear?" she asked while trying to console her.

  "Mom, those dreams. I told you how much pleasure they give me and to seek that pleasure in real life, I've been with a lot of boys."

  "Yes, but no one could match that feeling. What has happened now, sweetheart? I have told you earlier too that when the time is right everything will fall into place.”

  "No one until now. Remember the Poachers guy who interrogated me over the Wayne case?"

  "That Summers guy. Is it him? he seems like a nice guy. What is making you cry in that?"

  "That’s what the real problem is mom. Last night I slept with an actual werewolf."

  Jessi's mom couldn't believe her ears. She thought she had heard something else.

  "A wer-Werewolf??"


  Mrs. Perkins collapsed on the ground. Jessi ran to her and made her sit on the sofa. She gain
ed consciousness a few minutes later, when Jessi sprinkled some drops of water on her face.

  "Mom, you okay?"

  "No, dear, I'm not" Both anger and concern brimmed in her eyes. She wanted to tell Jessi to stop and not get carried away.

  "Please tell me Mom, what is it? Tell me the truth."

  "Can I have some water first?"

  Jessi gave her a glass of water. She drank it immediately and then took a deep breath. She had to gather herself together to tell Jessi, what she was going to say.

  "Jessi, you remember I told you about you being adopted?"

  "Yeah, you found me at your door steps."

  "Actually, No" she said in a deep voice, "I found you near the woods. You were lying under a tree and crying loudly. In your wolf form."

  "Wolf Form?" Jessi asked with surprise rise in her voice.

  "Yeah, my child, you're a werewolf. There was a war between the Poachers and wolves when I found you. I believe your parents wanted to save you. That’s why they left this note with you."

  “I did not know what to do and I really wanted to help. I understood that you are an innocent child of god and I did not want you to get hurt. You looked so innocent and lovable then.”

  Mom handed her with a note, on which it was written in blood "PLEASE KEEP HER AWAY FROM WOLVES.”

  Chapter 8

  Today was the busiest morning for Teresa. Stephen was already up and he wanted the house to be clean and pleasant for Jessi.

  “Oh! What are you doing?” she scolded a wolf wiping the floor, “don’t leave the floor wet, someone can slip on it.” He was moving to and fro in the house, inspecting everything.

  The wolf grunted and again started wiping the floors.

  “Are the flowers ready Teresa?” asked excited Stephen.

  “Yes, sir, blue roses as you asked.”

  “Yeah, she’d like them. They all like it.”

  “Yeah Master Stephen, lady wolves can’t resist blue roses,” she said “I wish I was gifted one” she thought to herself. Stephen ignored what she had said just and continued, “Great, I need everything to be perfect. She’s coming here for the first time I want her to remember this day forever.”

  Stephen was very happy. He got back to his room and opened the drawer beside his bed. There was a small black colored velvet box. He opened it and looked at the Red Diamond ring his mom gave him. Tears start flowing from his eyes, he recalled the day when his mom died.

  “Mom, mom you’ll be fine mom. You’ll be fine. The priest is coming.”

  “It’s, okay son. It’s my time. This was to happen sooner or later.”

  “No mom, no, no,” he said crying.

  “Steve, Steve hold yourself together son. You need to know this. This is very important. His mother even on her death wanted him to know the most important truth of life for a wolf.

  Young Stephen wiped his tears and looked at his mom.

  “You remember my bag where I keep all my stuff. The large black one?”


  “Just bring it to me, please.”

  Stephen ran inside the room and brought the bag.

  “Open, it… you’ll see a something wrapped in a green cloth.”

  “Hmmm…”he nodded.

  “Take it out and unwrap it.”

  Stephen opened the cloth wrap to discover a black velvet box. He opened the box and there was a ring in it with a red stone on it.

  “It’s a ring, mom, what about this ring?” he was confused completely.

  “It’s a scared Red Diamond Steve. Your grandma gave it to me. You give it to the girl you love and it will tie you in the strongest bond of love, for eternity.”


  “Please listen to me Steve I… I don’t… don’t have much time” she said breathing heavily.

  Steve kept listening to her.

  “This is important. Only you can save the clan. You’ll have to find and marry the Alpha’s daughter.”

  “Alpha’s daughter?” Nothing was making sense to the young boy. All he cared for right now was that his mother should get alright.

  “Yes… It was… prophesied on your birth that you’ll save the Wolf Clan in Howling Valley. The hunters… they’re out there. We need a savior. You… you can be the one… but you need to be the Alpha to lead the wolves… And for that you’ll have to marry his daughter.”

  “But the Alpha-”

  “Is dead, yes, I know, but he had a daughter… the priest will tell you more… my time has come son,” mother said in a voice that was fainting too.

  “No mom!!!!!!”

  “Goodbye my child, be strong.”

  Stephen kept the ring inside the box and wiped his tears.

  “I wish you were here to see this mom” he said in a heavy voice, trying to keep his emotions from coming out in the open.

  “Finally the-” *the clock rings* “Oh! It’s 9:00. Time to get the Queen now.”

  Stephen took his car and went to Jessi’s house. She was standing there outside the door already. He stopped the car and waved at her.

  “Come on lady, I hate my workers to get late.” He smiled at her and was very excited to see her.

  Jessi smiled and got in the car. All the way to Stephen’s home, he kept talking, but Jessi remained silent.

  “What happened to my Queen? Are you okay?” He was trying to figure the reason for her to be sad.

  Jessi looked at him for a while, “I’m a werewolf Stephen.”

  Stephen suddenly stopped the car.

  “I told mom everything about last night and in return she told me why she forbade me to go near wolves.” The truth was out there and the cat was out of the bag.

  “I think we should discuss this at my home” And drove as fast as he could.

  Jessi and Stephen are sitting at Stephen’s home.

  “Tell me now Jessica, what did your mom tell you” He wanted to know each and every detail.

  “She had told me that I was adopted when I was 12. Since, then there’s been a bond of trust between us. Sooner or later we tell each other the truth. Today in the morning when I told her about us, she got really scared. And that’s when she told me” Jessica was worried about Stephen’s reaction. She thought Stephen loved her due to her simple, human form. Why would he like her as a werewolf? He would have been with such girls all his life.

  “I found you in your wolf form.”

  “Wolf form, what do you mean Wolf form?”

  “I haven’t talked to her since. I don’t know what to say.”

  Stephen took a deep breath and said, “Well, Jessi, I must confess… I knew this. I know all about what happened to you real parents.”

  This reply was totally against what she had expected.

  “But why didn’t you tell me??”

  “I wanted you to know from your mom that you’re a werewolf. Only then I could tell you everything. I could take you to the wolf clan.”

  “Please Stephen, please tell me, are you telling me the truth. Is it possible? Take me to my people. My mind won’t be at peace until I know everything.”


  Stephen went inside and brought out the black velvet box. He showed the Red Diamond ring to Jessi.

  “What’s this?”

  “Before, I tell you about this you need to know something else.”


  "The Wolf Pack Poachers are not ordinary people. They are what we wolves call the Hunters. Long ago, the wolves were not just limited to the woods. They used to rule all over the valley. The survival for human beings in these areas was almost impossible. Those who did, lived in a constant fear and threat to their lives. But as the time passed, a small group of people decided to take it against the Wolves. They formed packs and slowly started killing the wolves one by one.

  Before our people could even realize it, we had lost a large number of wolves. Worried that all the wolves will die, the king of the wolves, called the Alpha took the rest of the wolves with
him into the woods and placed a spell around it so that the hunters cannot reach them. But the leaders were stubborn about killing the wolves, so the leader came up with a plan. The Alpha used to come outside the woods at night. One night the Leader sent his daughter Melisa to the Alpha. Melisa was really beautiful, Alpha instantly fell for her and proposed her to be his queen. She lied to him and told him she was an orphan. Alpha fell for her lie and brought her inside the woods. This is where the downfall began. Alpha married Melisa and impregnated her with his child.


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