Hunter, Hunted: Claimed by the Enemy (Werewolf Erotic Romance)

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Hunter, Hunted: Claimed by the Enemy (Werewolf Erotic Romance) Page 3

by Madelene Martin

  She had little hope of being able to outrun Lucas. But maybe if she got enough of a start she could quietly circle back to the stream and backtrack, confusing her scent and making it harder to track her. That was how foxes fooled the hunter, after all.

  Her hands shook and her breath shivered as time passed. He must have missed her by now. She clutched her cloak tightly around herself and quickened her steps.

  She could hear the splashing of the water in the creek bed. She didn’t even hear him though, until he was right behind her. He burst from the trees. Addy yelped in fright and tried to run, but he grabbed her around the waist.

  The breath was knocked out of her as he pushed her up against a tree, its rough bark prickling her cheek.

  “Why do you run?” Lucas growled.

  “I wasn’t running.” Technically, she had been walking quickly. But her protest died on her lips. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck, near her ear. Her skin prickled.

  “If I had known you would be so difficult, I would have bound your hands and feet.” He said. He pinned both her hands to the tree with a single huge paw.

  “You know nothing of humans.” Adrianna breathed. His free hand was roaming, running down her side. She squirmed in an effort to get loose, away from his caress. “Did you expect me to just follow you, swooning?”

  “Well... yes.” The trace of amusement back in his voice, making it all the more annoying. His hand moved over her hip, down her thigh and back up. She felt his claws snag briefly on her dress, and trembled.

  She frowned, confused by his simple statement and distracted by his touch. “Why?” Was all she managed.

  “Because we were meant to be together.” He said simply.

  He trailed his fingers over the swell of her ass, moving between their two bodies.

  Adrianna gasped as he squeezed her flesh in his hand. His touch sent a jolt of sensation down her spine, causing her nipples to harden, straining with her breath against her bodice. She squirmed again, but it only made him press tighter up against her, holding her fast. She was finally lost for words.

  “Can’t you feel it?” He murmured, more a purr than a growl now.

  She made a quiet whimper of protest, as his hardening manhood pressed against her. Frozen in fear and betrayed by her own body’s reaction, she squeezed her eyes tightly shut.

  He moved the dark curtain of her hair aside, and bent to her neck. She flinched, expecting him to bite, but his mouth closed softly on her skin, and he sucked and kissed her there.

  Unexpected fire bloomed, heat radiating over her skin. Her skin trembled where he touched. She felt the heat of his breath and the wetness of his tongue, and she moaned. Her fingers stretched out and scratched at the bark of the tree.

  She barely registered when he reached up and untied the lace of her cloak and pulled it off her shoulders to fall on the ground at her feet.

  The more he kissed and caressed her, the more she felt her body melt. He held her up with no effort, one hand entwined with hers against the trunk of the tree, his body supporting hers.

  Her quiet moans seemed to inflame him. He pushed his hand up under her breast and cupped it, squeezing hard.

  “No...” Adrianna whispered as his thumb grazed her nipple, teased it through the layers of her dress. Lucas didn’t answer, just hooked his fingers in the neckline and pulled, tearing the cloth. It made a harsh ripping sound and her bodice hung open, the thin chemise her only covering.

  That brought her to her senses momentarily, and she started to struggle again, fruitlessly writhing and bucking. But it seemed to only add to his urgency. When he pulled at her chemise, the tie at the back of her neck snapped and it came easily open. He pushed up under the cloth and his hand found her breast again, skin on skin. His hand was soft and warm.

  This time as he caressed her breasts Lucas was the one who softly moaned. He pushed against her, grinding his erect member against her ass.

  “Why do you fight me?” He purred. “I offer only pleasure.”

  A warring mixture of anger, arousal and shame reddened Adrianna’s face. She was suddenly hot and wet between the legs. No one had ever touched her like this, of course, and it was as if she was only now waking up. Her senses felt heightened, her nerves on fire. Her body didn’t care that he was the enemy.

  When she didn’t answer, he grabbed her and turned her around. He leaned her against the tree again and pressed his mouth to hers.

  Adrianna had once kissed Jeremiah. When they were childhood friends – before his drinking and the hunting had changed him. It had been a sweet, innocent meeting of lips, a pleasant daytime dalliance.

  This was nothing like that. Lucas kissed her hungrily, as though he wanted to devour her. When she opened her lips in a gasp he pushed his tongue into her mouth.

  Adrianna found herself responding despite her resolve to resist. Her own tongue pushed back at his, as though fighting him. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and held her still, his fingers tangling in her long hair.

  Somehow the violence of it added to the pleasure, the intoxicating sensations. Their breath mingled, their lips teased and nibbled.

  She bit him, perhaps in a small act of rebellion. He only pulled her head back by the hair, stilling her for a moment, and kissed her harder.

  Addy wrapped her arms around him, clutching his broad shoulders. And he grabbed at her skirt, bunching it up high on her thigh.

  In sudden panic, she broke away from the kiss. “What are you-“ she started, afraid he was about to take her right here and now.

  But he only sank to his knees, and pushed her skirts higher. He pressed his face against her, seeking her sex. He inhaled deeply, as though taking in her scent, and she felt his breath cool on her moist thighs. He made a low growl.

  Adrianna was intensely embarrassed by the intimate contact, and not at all sure what was happening. But before she could protest, he held her by the hips and she felt his tongue delve into her folds.

  All she could do was wordlessly whimper. She wobbled on weak knees, and grabbed his shoulders for support. Intense pleasure shocked through her with every teasing movement, every lick of his darting tongue. Finally she relaxed back against the tree trunk, parting her legs to allow him better access.

  Was this what married men and women did? Her knowledge of sex was limited to what happened among farm animals. She had never heard - never dreamed of such a thing as this. She’d never even known it was supposed to be pleasurable. Not for the woman, anyway.

  Lucas’ claws dug into her skin just deep enough to cause little pinpricks of pain, a counterpoint to the waves of pleasure.

  “Why...” she whispered, eyes closed in bliss, her head turned to one side resting against the tree. “Why did no one tell me?”

  He ignored her, lost in his exploration. He lapped at her with his tongue, then found the small nub that was the most sensitive place and sucked on it. He hummed in delight, sending vibrations against her skin.

  For a moment she looked down at him, and he must have sensed it, for he looked back up and met her gaze. He lay a kiss on her mound, on the soft curls of dark hair, almost reverently. His amber eyes gleamed in the moonlight for a moment before he continued.

  Each touch, each lick and movement, was a new pleasure to be discovered. Not only that, but as she reluctantly gave in and her body relaxed, the pleasure built and coalesced. It felt like it was building to something, something that was now just out of reach.

  Her hips moved of their own accord, in time with the rhythm of Lucas’ tongue. She gave little moans. She wanted to stop him. But also wanted to give in; to reach that obscure peak. Her breath caught in her throat. Her fingers dug into Lucas’ shoulders. “No,” she whispered weakly.

  His insistent tongue flicked and circled. He sucked on her nub.

  She cried out, throwing her head back, as she reached the edge and tumbled over. Her body tensed, wracked with spasms of bliss. White lights exploded behind her closed eyelids. Her
thighs pressed tightly together; her legs trembled.

  Through it all Lucas refused to give up his hold on her, hands gripping her hips and his tongue relentlessly teasing. He seemed to know the exact moment when it got to be too much – when she shuddered and all the tension released from her body. He pulled away from her and after a moment, he stood up.

  He pulled the unresisting Adrianna against him, and she rested her head against his chest. His breath was ragged, and she could hear his heart beating almost as fast as hers.

  She panted, her lips open as she caught her breath, and as rational thought returned she battled with what had just happened. She was angry at herself for how easily she had given in, how quickly she had surrendered to him.

  “I can protect you.” He said. “I will make you happy.”

  She didn’t know what to say.

  “No more running.”

  Adrianna nodded dumbly, wanting to placate him for now. Telling herself she didn’t mean it.

  He inhaled, face pressed against her hair, then growled softly. She suddenly keenly felt him - his manhood still rigid against her hip. Felt how flushed her own skin was, and how wet she was between the legs. Her sex felt swollen and sensitive, her thighs slick with her juices.

  “I thought I could wait...” he murmured, as if talking to himself. “But the moon is nearly full, and it pulls at me.” He took her face in his hands and made her look up at him. “I know you do not love me yet. But you will, Adrianna. We are fated – you will see.”

  Something in his eyes made her shiver. She could see the complete certainty, the belief in what he was saying. And a strange emotion ran through her – a feeling of warmth and... affection? For a moment, she could almost believe him.

  Adrianna scowled. What magic was at work here? How dare he play with her like that?

  Seeing her expression, Lucas smiled. Indulgently, as though he had known her long enough to find her moods amusing. She opened her mouth, about to curse him, but he stifled her words with a kiss.

  This time, it was gentle. His lips were soft, and he caressed them with his own. His tongue gave the merest flick against her lips, and Adrianna found herself parting her mouth for him.

  She could taste herself on him. Warmth flooded her – a pleasant feeling that radiated from her heart, and she closed her eyes and let it wash over her.


  Adrianna felt like she was under the effect of some spell. Their kiss went on for what might have been an hour, or only minutes. Her senses were full of him – his smoky, animal smell, his warm smooth skin, the caress of his hands on the back of her neck, her hip, her shoulder.

  When he pulled away she stood still spellbound. He looked down at her, shamelessly taking in the sight of her breasts under the thin cloth of her loosened chemise.

  Lucas loomed over her, casting her in shadow. He pulled the chemise up and she obediently raised her arms. Moving slowly and deliberately he pulled it up over her head and let it fall to the ground. Her breasts were exposed in the night air, round and full. Her rosy nipples hardened to little peaks.

  As if in a dream, she raised her arms and crossed them in front of her to shield herself. She stood in only her skirts, and the tattered pieces of her bodice. Under her crossed arms, a soft curve to her belly, and a narrow waist that flared to curvaceous hips. Good child-bearing hips, they said at home.

  Adrianna gasped as Lucas tore away the remainder of her bodice. She trembled as he pulled her skirts down over her hips and let them pool on the ground at her feet.

  He took his time looking at her, appraising her whole body. He took her hands and made her uncover her breasts so that he could see. His eyes roamed over her flesh, taking in every inch of her pale, creamy skin.

  He reached out a hand and stroked her lightly – two fingers tracing the curve of her waist and hip. His touch made her tremble again, and not entirely in fright. Adrianna felt the sharp response of her body again, an ache in her sex. A craving for more.

  She longed for him to touch her – wanted to feel his skin pressed against hers, to be enveloped in his strong arms. But she refused to reach out and could only stand paralyzed.

  She was still angry with herself, with her own body for betraying her like this. This was her captor, and the mortal enemy of her people. She should hate him. Why then, did he make her flesh sing? Why did she want him?

  Lucas gathered her in his arms. Her heart beat faster as he laid her down on the ground, pillowing her head with her discarded cloak. The grass was cool and fairly soft, with the occasional dry leaf prickling her skin.

  On his knees, Lucas removed his meagre clothing. Adrianna couldn’t tear her eyes away, watching as he freed his rigid member. She felt another stab of panic as she looked at it. How could something so huge even fit inside her? Surely it would tear her in two. She had heard that sex hurt, and now she could imagine why.

  As she watched, he took his cock in his hand and stroked it slowly, hand caressing its length while he watched her. There was something intensely erotic about him touching himself in front of her. She was half panic, half desire as she stared at him.

  “I am a virgin,” she blurted out, a last-ditch plea for mercy of some sort perhaps.

  “I know.” Was his only response. And he lowered himself over her, his amber eyes glowing.

  She closed her own eyes tightly as he pressed the length of his body against her. One of his legs pinned hers. She could feel the length of his shaft throbbing against her hip.

  He bent and kissed her neck, her collarbone, her ear. One hand caressed her breast. His thumb circled her sensitive nipple, causing her to let out an involuntary little moan. She felt him smile against her skin, inhaling her scent in that strange way he had. She clutched at his shoulders and felt their strength, the way the muscles shifted.

  He trailed a hand between her breasts, over the slight curve of her belly, and her breath quickened as he stroked the curls of dark hair on her mound, teasing her. He traced her sex, his finger sliding easily over the slick wetness. Lucas smiled in the dark. He bent to her neck and kissed her there again.

  She felt him at her entrance, the swollen tip of his member probing gently. She gasped, tense, but he just rubbed it against sensitive places, sliding against her wetness. He was kissing her neck, sucking on her skin, grinding his hips against hers. And the pleasure was building again, all in a rush.

  He thrust, entering her in one smooth movement. Adrianna dug her nails into the skin of his back. There was a brief hot spear of pain, immediately fading to a background sting.

  Lucas didn’t stop, driving forward and hilting himself deep inside her. He moved easily in her slick channel, and as he found a rhythm pleasure began to overtake the pain. His hot breath in her ear, faster and faster, his thrusting more urgent, heightened her own arousal. Their moans mingled and she hid her face against his neck, her arms clutching him tightly.

  Lucas began to tense, moving erratically. He rose up and thrust harder, pounding deep into her. The muscles of his arms strained. He made a low growl. In her hazy state Adrianna saw him bare his sharp teeth. Long hair sprouted from his shoulders. His eyes were glowing. His body was shifting, changing.

  Adrianna’s eyes widened in alarm, her mouth open, gasping, on the brink of her own climax. He threw his head back with another growl. He thrust harder, grinding his hips against hers.

  She realized what was about to happen. Wrapping her legs around him, she rocked her hips in time with his motions, trying to reach her own satisfaction. Just as his whole body stiffened, intense waves of pleasure washed over her and she cried out in ecstasy, the forest resounding with her voice.

  Her cries of pleasure and the clenching of her inner muscles spurred him on, and he groaned. His cock pulsed deep inside her, and she felt the release of his hot fluid, jetting out, filling her.

  As Lucas relaxed and let his head droop, catching his breath, he went back to looking almost-human again.

  After a moment, he lowered
himself, resting on top of her. Adrianna held him tightly, hardly able to breathe. He nuzzled against her face in an oddly tender gesture, and she closed her eyes and accepted his touch, comfortable in his embrace, but warring with herself.


  They slept curled together in a little clearing, Lucas covering her protectively with his arm, her cloak spread over them both.

  The moon was out of sight now, in the darkest hours before dawn. There were many unnerving sounds. Wolves howling, far away and not so far. Animals - or something – breaking branches as they ran through the brush.

  Just as she was finally dozing off, there was a long, piercing shriek. It sounded almost like a human woman, but with something unnatural about it. No human had the breath to scream for that long. Adrianna couldn’t help clapping her hands over her ears, cowering in terror.

  Lucas was there, and he embraced her tightly, as though shielding her from the outside. “A banshee.” He murmured. “It’s far away. It can’t hurt you.”

  The cries came twice more before dying away. Adrianna was shaken. She thought she would never be able to sleep after that. But Lucas’ body up against her was warm, and his steady breathing eventually lulled her into to a deep sleep.

  When she woke, it was well into the day. The sun was shining weakly through the trees overhead. Lucas was still asleep. But even if she’d wanted to, there was no thought of sneaking away, for when she sat up he instantly awoke.

  They found the stream again, and Adrianna slaked her thirst. She wanted to bathe properly, but the water was only ankle deep, so she had to content herself with splashing water on herself and washing her arms.

  She was conscious of Lucas watching her as she stripped and crouched in the stream. She didn’t ask for privacy. Much of her animosity toward him had mysteriously faded. She was angry at herself for that, and she barely spoke for quite a while.

  “We will not travel far during the day,” He told her, after they had moved on.


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