River of Lies

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River of Lies Page 3

by Sammy King

  The next morning, as I came out of my room, I rubbed my eyes; exhausted from my fitful night’s sleep I could hear Dylan on the phone.

  “Yep, ok, yeah I love you too”

  I peeked around the corner, his face in a frown; he ran a hand over his face. He glanced up and gave me a small smile; I smiled back and went into the bathroom.

  “Mon?” Dylan’s voice came through the toilet door.


  “That was Tilly; she said that she’s going to stay on for the rest of the week”

  My stomach almost did a backflip with excitement that meant a week more alone with Dylan. It would be a week without the wicked witch of the west. Maybe it meant another kiss.


  “Sorry, yeah, why is she going to do that?” I asked trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

  “I dunno, something about some special deal or something, I dunno, anyway she said she’s gonna ring you tonight”


  I waited until I heard his footsteps away from the door, and I snuck out into my bedroom. I didn’t want him to see the big grin on my face that I couldn’t get rid of. When I thought that I could contain my excitement enough to face Dylan. I went and made myself some cereal, and plonked down on the couch in front of the television. Dylan was sprawled out in his favourite spot, on the floor, the black bean bag wedged under his head. His bare tattooed chest glistened with the sweat that reflected the hot morning; he ran his hands through his dark shoulder length curly hair. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from his chest; I wanted to trace the dragon tattoo on his chest with my tongue. I shifted in my seat, as I reminded myself that this was Tilly’s boyfriend. I could tell that he was feeling uncomfortable, but I didn’t know what to say to soothe it.

  “Dylan? I’m sorry”

  Dylan stopped running his hands through his hair, but didn’t say anything. I just stared down at my cereal, as if by some sort of prophecy it would give me the answer that I needed. Dylan shifted in the bean bag, and when I looked up, I saw that he was on his knees facing me. He came over to where I sat, and put his hands on my thighs. His eyes had darkened, and began to dance seductively. I felt my insides begin to flip flop again, as my body threatened to melt into a puddle in front of him.

  “I don’t want you to be sorry Mon.” his voice gravelly and deeper than usual.

  I stared down into my bowl and with one finger Dylan lifted my head and looked into my eyes. My excitement began to grow again, as I stared into his dark brown eyes that almost growled with sex appeal.

  “If I didn’t want it to happen, I could have stopped it” he said his voice so thick, that I couldn’t sit still on the couch.

  “But Tilly”

  “I know, I know, let’s worry about that later, let’s get us right first” he said with a smile, he took my bowl from my hands and put it on the table beside him. I clamped my thighs shut, when I felt the whips of pleasure that was building and threatened to overflow.

  Dylan moved my legs, so that he could get between my knees, I felt the warmth of his hands under my pyjama legs. He slowly moved his hands, up my thighs to my hips and sides and to my back. His touch was electric, and I could feel the heat of his body against mine. I closed my eyes with intoxication. I felt his lips, touch gently my chin, my cheeks, and brush past my lips. He hungrily moved his way over my neck and to the opening of my pyjama top. His hands moved from my back to the bottom of my pyjama top, and with the tips of his fingers began to explore the skin of my sides.

  I sucked in my breath with pleasure, his fingers felt warm and his lips on my neck made my head spin with ecstasy.

  “Have you ever?” he asked muffled against my neck.

  I cleared my throat.

  “No” I said softly as he began to undo the buttons on the front of my pyjama top.

  My emotions were a mix of excitement, pleasure and fear. I had heard about sex from my friends, my mother had never actually sat me down and gave me the talk. But in actual fact I had no idea on what to do. I didn’t know whether I was supposed to just lie there, or whether there was something I could do to make it better. And how much was it going to hurt? Tilly said it was agonising. I didn’t want to be in agony.

  Dylan had managed to get all the buttons undone, and my pyjama top open to expose my breasts. He groaned as he leant forward kissing them, and let his tongue dart over my nipple. It felt like all my nerve endings had come alive, I leant back into the couch, as my body could no longer hold my own weight anymore. With one hand, Dylan cupped one of my breasts, while his mouth worked all over the other, kissing, licking and sucking. The moan that I was too embarrassed to let escape, built up, and I could no longer hold it back, this seemed to be what he needed, as he became more eager as he moved his mouth over to my other breast, he ran his hand down my stomach to the top of my pyjama pants.

  I instinctively reached up and began to run my fingers through his hair, which seemed to excite him more, as his licking and sucking became more feverish. The hand that had sat poised at the top of my pants, moved down to my leg, rubbing my inner thigh, stopping just short of touching between them. I could almost feel pulses of electricity with a mix of excitement and frustration.

  “Are you sure you are ok with this Mon?” he asked, when he moved his mouth away from my breast and came up to kiss my cheeks.

  With my eyes still closed I groaned in response. I wasn’t sure, I didn’t know what I was doing, I was terrified of the ramifications, but I couldn’t stop, I didn’t want to stop. Dylan quickly stood, and took my hand, he smiled a crooked smile and his eyes were dancing, I stood and allowed him to lead me into my bedroom. I stood there in front of my bed, my pyjama top still open, and breasts exposed. Dylan moved towards me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in close, and kissing me hard on my lips, his tongue played with mine. I shrugged my arms out of my pyjama top, as Dylan pushed my chest hard against his. The feeling of his skin on my bare breasts felt amazing. He gently guided me to sit down onto my bed, and began to undo the button on his jeans. I could see the bulge in his pants, and felt my heart leap, both with anticipation and fear. I had never seen a naked man before, and the severity of what was about to happen, had crept up on me, waiting to pounce. He slipped his pants down, standing in his underwear.

  “Wait there” he said as he left the room. I could hear him rummaging around in his room, and when he came back, he held up a condom wrapper in victory. I laughed nervously.

  Dylan pushed me down on to the bed while he kissed me; he touched my body all over, his weight on my body sending shockwaves through mine. Dylan started to kiss down my stomach, reaching the top of my pants, as he slipped the elastic waist over my hips and off my legs. I felt so vulnerable lying there completely exposed my nakedness on show. He kissed my belly and moved his face up close to mine.

  “Are you ok?” he asked, looking into my eyes.


  I felt him slip his underwear down, and could feel him pressed firm up against my stomach. He took my hand and led it down, wrapping my fingers around him, his breaths became heavier as I moved my hand up and down what felt like the biggest cock that I could ever imagine. He sat up, and slid the condom down over his hard cock. He brought his face close to mine, and gently kissed my lips. I could feel him start to nudge his way in, as panic began to grip me, I was suddenly enveloped in excitement. Then the pain, it was worse than I had imagined, I gasped and let out a yelp. He paused, and looked at me, as he gently kissed my cheek, and pushed deeper again, the pain shot through my groin and stomach into my lower back, tears pricked at my eyes, as I cried out.

  “I’m in, it’ll stop hurting soon” he said, as he began to slowly move his hips back and forth.

  It stopped hurting fairly quickly, and it had started to feel nice. I closed my eyes and let my pleasure take me away. But it came to an abrupt end when I heard Dylan grunt in my ear, as he stopped moving. He laid there on top of me, not moving, just
kissing my lips, cheeks and neck, before he slowly rolled to my side.

  I think we laid there in bed for most of the morning, kissing, touching, soaking up each other’s energy, enjoying the moment, not wanting to move, in case it should come to an end. It wasn’t how I had expected my first time to go, and Dylan wasn’t the guy I had expected my first time to be with, but I was glad that it was. It felt right. But I couldn’t help but let the guilt slip in, this was my sister’s boyfriend, and what would happen when she came back. I closed my eyes hard, and tried to push the thoughts from my mind. I didn’t want this to end.

  Chapter Five.

  The week went by in an instant we spent our time swimming in the river, going to the Mountain and having sex, not earth shattering, but sex all the same, sometimes all in the same day. I had managed to put Tilly completely out of my mind, as Dylan took up every part of my mind, soul, heart and body.

  Finally the weather had changed and rain pelted the window. I had just finished vacuuming the floor, my thoughts of Dylan and everything we had been doing over the last week, when I heard the front door open. I looked up to see Tilly struggling with her bag standing in the doorway.

  “Well don’t I get a hello?” she said, as she dropped her bag onto the floor with a thud.

  Suddenly the guilt dam that I had built, burst, and as I stood there facing her, the gravity of what I had done over the last week hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt my knee’s buckle, as my head spun, and I could see double. I didn’t remember fainting or hitting my head on the vacuum cleaner. But the next thing I remembered was being in my bed, with Tilly next to me, calling my name, and Dylan standing at the end of the bed, staring down at me.

  “Mon, oh there you are, don’t sit up, just lay there for a minute, you banged your head pretty hard” Tilly said.

  I reached up and touched my forehead, and felt the egg that was growing rapidly like a horn. I groaned in pain that pounded through my head, which blurred my vision.

  “She’s getting some colour back in her face now” Tilly said to Dylan.

  “You gave us quite a scare there Mon” Dylan said, when he touched my ankle and rubbed his thumb in small circles on the inside of my calf I felt a jolt of white light flood through me, causing my face to blush hot.

  I smiled, and closed my eyes, as I tried to push the pain out. That night as I slept, Dylan, sat in the chair next to my bed. Every time I opened my eyes, I would see him there, and I felt safe. I still felt sick to my stomach, I couldn’t shake the guilt, I didn’t know what to do, and the thought of what I had done, was all too much.

  The next morning when I woke up, Dylan had left my bedside. I reached up and felt that the lump had subsided somewhat. The pounding had eased and I was feeling a little better. I flung the blankets off me and went to the mirror, to see that I had a small cut on my head and that was it.

  “Well at least I don’t look like Quasimodo” I muttered to myself.

  When I opened my door I could hear Tilly in the kitchen, talking to Dylan about her week away, and all the cute guys that were on the beach. She was telling him that if she was single she could have picked up so many times. I felt disgust well up inside me. I would never treat Dylan that way. But typical Tilly, just like our parents, only thinking of herself; when I walked into the kitchen Dylan looked up from the table and blew me a secret kiss and a wink. I grinned. Tilly turned to look at me.

  “Well look at you, what a welcome home that was” she said.

  I gave her a weak smile and opened the fridge to get the juice as I turned to get a glass; Tilly caught my face in her hands and began to eye me hard. I felt panic begin to rise up inside me.

  “Look at you, you look different, how can a week make you look so different, like you’re suddenly grown up. Look at her Dylan, doesn’t she look like she’s grown up suddenly” she said and pushed my face towards Dylan.

  My cheeks began to burn with embarrassment and fear that I had been caught out; Dylan’s face said a similar thing.

  “Na I don’t know, she looks like the same old Mon to me” he said, and stared intently back down at his breakfast.

  “Well maybe, anyway, I’m going to be ring today to get you booked back into school, it’s not right that you are spending so much time with Dylan and me, you have to make friends, and maybe even a boyfriend, maybe someone will like you” Tilly said as she let out a big belly laugh.

  I blushed again, and let out a small giggle. Now that Tilly was home, I was glad that I would be going back to school; it would give me a place to be away from her.

  The next day, Tilly and Dylan took me over to the school; it was a sea of meeting teachers, getting uniforms, signing forms, meeting students in my classes and being lectured about the school rules. I just simply nodded and smiled. On the way back to the car, Tilly marched ahead and Dylan gave my hand a squeeze. Every time he touched me it was like a pulse of electricity flowed through my body, and the ached deep down between my legs threatened to overflow.

  “It’s going to be ok” he said quietly. I squeezed his hand back and smiled.

  The following morning I was surprised to see that Tilly was up and had made my lunch, she was in a very cheerful mood, and sung as she packed jam sandwiches, while I got dressed in my uniform. When I came out into the kitchen, she smiled, and grabbed my arms. It wasn’t a side of Tilly that I was used to seeing.

  “Well girl, don’t you look great, you excited?”

  I nodded and smiled, I was excited about making friends, but I was nervous at the thought of making friends, after all my track record at my last school wasn’t great. Dylan came into the kitchen behind me while Tilly was fussing.

  We had fallen into the habit of secret touches, he would brush his waist past me when I was standing in the hall, or he would let his hand slide across my backside as he passed me, just out of sight of Tilly. Then when he was sure that Tilly was asleep, he would come into my room, and touch me and kiss me. We hadn’t had sex since Tilly had come home, I was too afraid, as I think Dylan was too. But as he walked past me in the kitchen, with Tilly fussing with my collar and hair, he slid his hand up the back of my skirt, and grabbed at my bottom, reaching a finger between my legs. I had to hide the smile as he walked over to the counter, I could see the smirk on his face.

  “Why are you wriggling, stand still so I can fix your damn collar” Tilly scolded.

  “Let her be Tilly, she looks fine, a sexy school girl” Dylan said over his shoulder. Tilly laughed.

  “Oh you’d like that Dylan, maybe I should get my old uniform out” Dylan winked at me, as my grin grew bigger. “Right, Dylan is going to drive you and pick you up, he’ll pick you up in the same spot that he drops you off, I’m going out with Chantelle today, and I won’t be home until after tea, so Dylan will take you out for Macca’s ok?”

  I smiled, still cautious of this over the top motherly Tilly and glanced over at Dylan, who stood with his back to the counter, he spun his keys on one finger, and grinned at me. My excitement grew, as I knew it was my chance to be alone with him again.

  “Right, have a good day, get out of here, so you’re not late for your first day” Tilly said, as she tugged at my hair again.

  On the ride to school, Dylan rubbed his hand up my leg, and let his fingers play with the edge of my knickers, occasionally sliding a finger across my crotch. My knickers were already soaked and I had the brief thought that maybe I could get away with taking them off. I didn’t want to go to school I wanted to be with him. Just before we rounded the corner to the school, I reached over and cupped the bulge that was growing in his pants. I rubbed my thumb along his stiffening cock, feeling it twitch under my touch.

  With a groan, he looked over at me.

  “Girl, do you want me to crash this car” he said laughing, but didn’t move my hand.

  “No, I want you to stop the car though”

  Dylan laughed again, and shook his head, but as he reached across he moved my knickers to one side and slid his
finger around the edge of my lips. My thighs felt like they were on fire, with the lightness of his touch.

  “And have you miss your first day of school, Tilly would kill me”

  I snapped my legs shut and moved my hand, and stared down at my lap. The mention of her name filled my heart with guilt again. This was so wrong; she was my only sister, even if she was a bitch. What kind of person was I?

  “I’m sorry” Dylan said “I know its hard Mon, doing this, and we shouldn’t be doing it, do you want to stop”

  Tears had welled up in my eyes, and threatened to spill over, when Dylan pulled up at the front gates of the school.

  “No” I said, as I swung open the creaky door, and walked into the gates, I didn’t look back, although I wanted to, I wanted to run back and get in the car and not get out. I knew that he hadn’t moved, as I hadn’t heard the car rumble off.

  The day went fine; I met some people and was able to make friends. The teachers were all nice and made sure that I knew where they were up to, and that I was able to catch up. But I couldn’t take my mind off Dylan and the chance I would have to spend time with him, alone. The bell couldn’t come fast enough, but as soon as it did, I had my bag out of my locker and marched with purpose out to the gates. My heart skipped a beat and excitement began to grow, when I saw the sky blue panel van pulled up.

  I swung open the door, and threw my bag onto the floor, as I slipped into the seat.

  “Well hey spunk” Dylan said with a grin. He leaned over and kissed my lips gently. “Wanna go up the mountain?” he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  I nodded; I would follow Dylan anywhere. I talked the whole way up the mountain about my day, I told him about the people that I met, my teachers and the work we did. He listened with a smile on his face, asking me questions now and then. But as we neared the summit of the mountain, he veered off on to the back dirt road and pulled up into our spot.


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