Furever Always (Furever Series)

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Furever Always (Furever Series) Page 16

by Meredith Clarke

  “I’m not finished, baby,” Cash growled.

  “Prove it,” Lani teased again. Cash looked into her eyes and saw that she meant it.

  He kissed her again before he pulled away. He flipped her onto her stomach and ran his hands down her back. He squeezed and slapped her butt before he lifted her hips slightly. Cash positioned himself behind her and slid inside of her. Fast and hard.

  Lani moaned and buried her face in a pillow. Cash moved his hands underneath her, pulling her up. Lani let go of the pillow and allowed Cash to pull her off the bed. He held her in his arms and wrapped her legs around his knees.

  With Cash on his knees holding Lani, she had no support but his body. He pulled her hips back l against him, feeling his erection move inside of her. Cash grasped her breasts in his hands and used them for leverage while he really went to work.

  He thrust so hard that Lani had to tighten her legs to keep from flying away from him. She moaned with pleasure while he continued to move inside of her. Cash held her tightly while he slammed inside of her again and again and again.

  Their bodies were soon drenched in sweat while and Lani was moaning louder than ever. Cash’s body lit with a fire he’d never felt before. He held back the night before, but now he was letting Lani feel every ounce of his desire for her. She screamed and moaned and begged him to keep going. The sound of her voice made Cash move even faster.

  Lani came once. And then twice. She was shaking so badly Cash wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Then finally, he came so hard that he fell forward and pinned Lani to the bed. He let his orgasm flow through his body while he held Lani against him. She was panting and laughing, in shock by the encounter.

  Cash rolled to the side so Lani could be free. He collapsed onto a pillow and pulled her against his chest. She kissed his skin softly and ran her hands over his sweaty body.

  “You held back last night,” Lani said softly.

  “I did,” Cash admitted. “Was that too much? Sometimes, as bear shifters, we…”

  “If you ever hold back again,” Lani interrupted. “I’ll kill you.”

  Cash grinned and held her tighter. Lani fell asleep again, and Cash continued to hold her. In the past, he’d always been eager to run out after he slept with someone. With Lani, he never wanted to leave. He would have been content to lie with her all day. All week. Forever.


  Four hours later, Lani shot up in bed and grabbed her phone. Cash jolted awake with her and turned toward her to make sure everything was alright.

  “Shit,” she said. “I have to go.”

  “Go?” Cash asked. “No, stay. Stay here.”

  “I can’t,” Lani said. “I’m late for work. You stay, though. Stay as long as you want.”

  With that, Lani kissed him, and she was gone.

  Chapter 13


  Lani hurried into the hallway, pulling her long hair back into a ponytail as she went. She adjusted her uniform and took deep, slow breaths. She put on deodorant and perfume before she left, but she was still self-conscious. The last thing she needed was for someone to smell hot sex on her in the middle of her work shift.

  She wanted to feel guilty about being late, but she couldn’t stop smiling. Her time with Cash was fantastic. She couldn’t bring herself to regret it, no matter what the consequences might be. Lani finally understood what people meant when they said someone “had a glow about them,” because she knew she was emitting the most powerful glow ever. Happiness wasn’t a strong enough word to describe how she felt as she made her way downstairs.

  It wasn’t just the sex, although that had been the best of her life, it was Cash. He was different from any of the bear shifters she’d met while working at Bear Ridge. In fact, he was different from any man she’d ever met in her entire life. He was unique and special. He was dark, but Lani knew he’d earned the right to be. After everything Cash had been through, it only made sense for him to be a little distant and broody. Plus, when he smiled…

  Lani smiled to herself as she pictured Cash’s smile in her mind. In those moments, Cash’s entire body changed. When he smiled, it didn’t just light up his face; it changed him completely. His shoulders didn’t sag as much, and he looked like all his tension had melted away. Lani had never seen someone change so entirely before. It was like when Cash smiled; he became a different person.

  Lani was never one to believe in love at first sight. She believed in love, and she knew she’d felt it before, but with Cash… The way she felt was new. Cash completely consumed her senses, and all she wanted was more of him. It was an emotion she’d never experienced, and she was afraid to name it. She didn’t want to jinx something so amazing in case she somehow ruined it.

  The closer Lani got to the bar, the slower she walked. It took everything inside of her not to turn around and run back to Cash. She’d only been away from him for two minutes, but she already missed him. It was unbearable. Her entire body longed to be beside him again, to lie next to him and feel his arms around her. He made her feel safe and excited all at the same time. She was vulnerable with him, but she knew he would never hurt her. She already trusted him, but she couldn’t help the tiny voice in the back of her mind reminding her of Beth’s story. What if she was making a mistake? What if he turned out to be just like every other guy she’d dated in the past, or like what happened to that other employee?

  As Lani reached the bar and slipped in the back, she knew she was worrying for nothing. Cash was a good man. She could tell by the way he looked at her that he was different from anyone she’d ever met. He wasn’t like the other shifters she’d met at Bear Ridge. Different wasn’t the right word; he was deeper. More thoughtful. More soulful. More everything.

  “You’re late,” Bryce said as Lani stepped behind the bar. She tied her apron around her waist and gave him an apologetic grimace.

  “I know,” she said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

  Lani tried to make her statement offhanded so Bryce wouldn’t suspect anything. She looked at Bryce with wide eyes, trying to convey how sorry she was. And it was true. Lani hated being late for work. Her work ethic was her biggest point of pride. She did her job, and she did it well. In the few months since she’d started working at the bar, she’d never missed a single shift.

  “Are you sick?” Bryce asked. His expression shifted. He looked both annoyed and concerned.

  “Maybe,” Lani shrugged. “I hope not. I just couldn’t sleep well and then when I took a nap earlier; I forgot to set the alarm.”

  Lani tried not to picture Cash as she spoke. She feared Bryce would be able to read her mind and know who she was with the night before. It was ridiculous, but there were times when Lani thought Bryce possessed a sixth sense… Almost as if he could smell her discomfort.

  Bryce didn’t say anything for a long time. Lani went to work organizing her station. It was still early, and the bar was almost empty. Lani knew it didn’t matter that she’d been a few minutes late. It wasn’t like the guests were there to complain. Still, Bryce watched her carefully while she prepared for her shift. After a few minutes of feeling his eyes on her, Lani cleared her throat nervously and turned to face him.

  “I really am sorry,” she said. “It won’t happen again, Bryce.”

  Bryce nodded and turned away from her. He made a move like he was going to head back to the kitchen, but he suddenly stopped and whirled back around.

  “I’m sure it won’t,” he said. “But Lani, you better not be late because of some guy.”

  Lani swallowed hard. She searched Bryce’s face for some understanding, but he just chuckled and grinned at her. His words were clearly supposed to be a joke, but Lani’s stomach turned over all the same. Bryce’s eyes locked on hers. His face was humorous with a broad smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. In them, Lani saw his real intention. He was angry. He wanted her to feel guilty. And, he suspected something.

  “Oh please,” Lani laughed, final
ly regaining her composure. “Like I have time for guys.”

  Bryce laughed with her and then turned around again. He disappeared into the kitchen. Lani watched him go with shaking hands. She waited until she was sure he wouldn’t return before she leaned against the bar and closed her eyes, trying to get her nerves under control.

  Chapter 14


  After Lani had left for work, Cash stayed in her bed for close to an hour. He laid there, just thinking about Lani and wishing she was still lying beside him. With his eyes closed, Cash re-lived both the night before and that morning. Lani’s body was intoxicating; he couldn’t stop thinking about her curves and the feel of her soft skin. It made him hard just remembering the way they moved together.

  Cash couldn’t take it anymore. He knew he needed to get out of Lani’s room or he would never stop thinking about her. Quickly, he jumped out of bed and gathered his clothes. He dressed and made Lani’s bed before he poked his head into the hallway.

  Lani told him that it was against the rules for her to be with him and Cash knew this floor belonged mostly to employees. The last thing Lani needed was for someone to see Cash leaving her room.

  He used his expert hearing to listen down the hallway before he opened the door. When he was sure the coast was clear, he hurried into the hallway and raced toward the elevators. Pushing the button, Cash stood back and waited for the doors to open. He prayed no one would be on it when they did. Luckily, his wish came true. The elevator was empty when Cash stepped inside and pressed the button for his floor. He leaned against the elevator wall and sighed deeply.

  His heart raced, but he was glad to be heading back to his own room. He already missed the lingering smell of Lani’s scent in the air, and he knew, if he had stayed there, he would have driven himself insane with thoughts of her. He needed to clear his head, get his bearings again. Lani’s room was not the place for him to do that.

  The elevator stopped on his floor, and he stepped into the hallway. He walked slowly toward his room, no longer in a hurry. Just as he reached his door, someone called his name.


  Cash spun around to see Zander coming toward him. Zander smiled and clapped Cash on the shoulder when he approached.

  “Where you been, man?” Zander asked.

  “Oh,” Cash shrugged. “Nowhere. Just around.”

  “Uh huh,” Zander said. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously but didn’t say anything.

  “What about you?” Cash asked, changing the subject quickly. “You guys having any luck?”

  “Oh yeah,” Zander laughed. “The women here are amazing. They’re just so… ready. It’s like their whole life has led them to this moment, and they just want one of us to choose one of them, you know? It’s crazy!”

  “I bet,” Cash said, laughing along with Zander. Now that Cash had Lani, things at Bear Ridge seemed less annoying to him. The easy women and desperate shifters no longer bothered him because he finally understood. They just wanted to find what he’d already found with Lani.

  “Any luck on your end?” Zander asked. He raised his eyebrows meaningfully. “We all thought you must have met someone. You’ve been MIA for a while.”

  “Nah,” Cash shook his head. “Nothing like that. I’ve just been exploring the island.” While Cash had started to believe that Lani was his true mate, he did not want to go and tell his clan about it just yet. He didn’t want to get their hopes up.

  “Uh huh,” Zander said again. Cash knew his lie wasn’t believable, but he wasn’t ready to tell Zander about Lani. Not yet.

  “Listen, man,” Cash said with a fake yawn. “I’m exhausted. I’m gonna get some rest.”

  “Alright,” Zander said. He slapped Cash’s shoulder again and hurried toward the elevators without another word.

  Cash appreciated Zander more than ever at that moment. Zander could be pushy, but he could always take a hint. He wasn’t the kind of guy to force Cash to talk if he didn’t want to.

  When Zander disappeared down the hall, Cash let himself into his room. He glanced around, not sure what to do before he collapsed on the bed. His mind was still overflowing with thoughts of Lani. No matter what he did, he couldn’t distract himself. She had completely taken him over.

  Cash decided the best way to take his mind off her was to hit the gym. An exercise was always a surefire way to clear his head, besides alcohol. Without a second thought, he jumped off his bed and hurried downstairs. He’d seen the gym when he first got to the resort, so he knew where it was. He stuck his room key in the door and pushed it open.

  The gym was pretty amazing when he arrived. There were several treadmills and cycles lined up against a large window overlooking the ocean. In the corner was an extensive free weight section with just about any weight Cash could imagine, but Cash never felt the need to lift. He was genetically stronger than most of the population; he didn’t need more of an advantage. Instead, he stepped onto a treadmill and started it up.

  Before long, Cash was running all out with sweat pouring down his face. He rolled his sleeves up and pushed his dripping hair out of his face. With a smile, he ran even harder, trying to outrun his memories of Lani. Despite how much he enjoyed spending time with her, Cash didn’t want to become obsessed. The last thing he needed was to fall in love with a woman who he would have to say goodbye to…

  While he ran, Cash wondered if this was how Kurt felt when he first met Scarlett. Did she occupy his mind every second of the day? Did he long to touch her constantly? When she was gone, did he wish she wasn’t? Cash knew how much Kurt loved Scarlett. He could see it every time Kurt looked at his wife, but Cash wondered how soon those feelings arose. Was it really love at first sight as Kurt said? Did he find himself obsessing over Scarlett just like Cash was now obsessing over Lani?

  Cash had run for almost an hour before he knew it wasn’t really helping with distracting his thoughts. No matter how fast he ran, Lani was still planted firmly in his brain. No distraction was strong enough to change that.

  With a sigh, Cash got off the treadmill and made his way back upstairs. He took a quick shower, washing away the sweat from his run and the remnants of his time with Lani. After he got dressed, Cash glanced in the mirror to make sure he was presentable. His hair was damp from the shower, and his face was covered with a thick stumble, but he looked good. His eyes were alive with energy and his body looked as sharp as ever. He grinned to himself and hurried to the bar.


  “Couldn’t stay away, could you?” Lani teased when Cash sat down. He picked the same barstool he’d occupied before and smiled at her.

  “I just wanted a drink,” he said.

  “Uh huh,” Lani said.

  “It’s true,” Cash insisted. “There’s a bottle of whiskey back there calling my name. I could hear it all the way upstairs.”

  “Really?” Lani said. “You sure that wasn’t just me?”

  “Why?” Cash asked. “Were you dying to see me?”

  “That would be an understatement,” Lani admitted with a laugh. “I missed you.”

  “Good,” Cash said. “Because I’m not really here for the whiskey.”

  “No?” Lani raised her eyebrows.

  “No,” Cash shook his head. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you. It was driving me insane.”

  “And what were you thinking exactly?” Lani asked. She leaned against the bar just enough that her cleavage spilled out of her shirt. Cash’s eyes moved immediately to her chest, and he swallowed hard. When he looked back at her face, his eyes were dark with hunger.

  “I think you know,” he whispered. “I can’t give you details here, though. You might get into trouble.”

  “It would be worth it,” Lani said, but she stood up straight. Cash knew she was flirting and that she didn’t really mean what she said. She couldn’t risk losing her job. As much as Cash wanted to respect that, he hated how strong his feeling had already grown. He’d only known Lani for a short time, but he fo
und himself wishing she would quit her job for him.

  Cash watched while Lani worked. As the night progressed, more guests began to show up. With the sun down, everyone was out and ready for a good evening. Cash watched as couples formed all around him and, this time, he smiled to himself. He wondered if any of them would fall in love and leave Bear Ridge together. Would one of these couples become the next Kurt and Scarlett? Would Zander or Asher meet their soulmate here? Would one of the other guys? Had any of them already found her?

  The idea no longer angered Cash. Instead, he felt warm at the thought. He wanted his clan members to find love. The desperate women he saw in the nights before, were now normal women looking for love. He hoped his clan would find their true mates and no longer have to endure the uncomfortable effects of their biological need to mate.

  As the thought entered his mind, Cash realized something. He hadn’t felt the urge to shift in days. Ever since he first saw Lani, his bear side had taken a back seat to his human side. He hadn’t noticed until that moment, but he no longer felt angry or depressed. His body wasn’t trying to take control. He felt more like himself than he had in months. Lani had to be the reason.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Lani asked as she poured him another shot of whiskey.

  “Stuff,” Cash said evasively. He grinned at Lani and looked her up and down. Every time she was close to him, he couldn’t help himself. She just looked so damn hot in her work uniform.

  “Stop that,” Lani teased. “How am I supposed to work with you looking at me that way?”

  “You’re not,” Cash admitted.

  Lani rolled her eyes and went back to work. Cash smiled and looked around the bar. As his eyes traveled over the guests, he noticed a man standing toward the back. Cash recognized him as an employee of the resort. He thought he was the bar manager. He was certainly dressed like he was, but that’s not what caught Cash’s eye.


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