Furever Always (Furever Series)

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Furever Always (Furever Series) Page 19

by Meredith Clarke

  As the minutes passed, Lani continued to scan the lobby for any sign of Cash. She watched the elevators closely, examining the faces of each person that stepped off. Soon, the lobby began to empty. It was late, and all the guests were going up to bed. Only one bar on the resort was still open, and Lani knew that bar was only for the night owls. All the shifters and their dates were safely moving upstairs to start the private part of their evenings. The thought made Lani feel lonely. She wished Cash would hurry up.

  After half an hour, Lani knew it was time to give up. Cash apparently wasn’t coming. She wondered if he’d fallen asleep or if he’d changed his mind. Sadness pressed in on her as she slowly got to her feet. She couldn’t sit there for another second, not when she was sure she’d been stood up. Her heart felt heavy as she walked across the lobby.

  As she approached the elevators, she stared down at her feet. She wanted to feel angry, but she could only feel complete and utter sadness. All this time, she thought Cash was different. In her eyes, he’d quickly become someone special. It killed her to think that he didn’t feel the same way about her.

  Just as the elevators doors were about to open, Lani glanced up. The other bar was still open, and the entrance was a few feet to her left. She frowned when she looked inside. Someone was sitting at the bar with his back to her. Someone she recognized.


  “Were you just going to stand me up?” Lani demanded as she walked up behind Cash. Cash’s muscles tensed at her voice and he turned around slowly, his eyes focusing on her face. When she didn’t say anything, he turned back around without a word.

  Lani scoffed and grabbed his shoulder. She tried to turn him around to face her, but he pulled himself free of her grasp and continued to stare straight ahead. He lifted his glass to his lips and took a sip. He hadn’t said a word since she arrived.

  “What the hell, Cash?” Lani asked. “Why did you stand me up?”

  “Didn’t,” Cash said quietly. Lani waited for him to continue, but he remained silent for an entire minute.

  “You didn’t stand me up?” Lani asked. “So, what? You just lost track of time?”

  “No,” Cash said. Again, he didn’t add anything else.

  “What the hell is going on?!” Lani demanded, her voice rising.

  “Nothing,” Cash answered.

  Lani stared at him, seething with anger. She couldn’t believe he had been sitting here this whole time. While she was in the lobby waiting for him, he’d been getting drunk at the bar. He didn’t even bother to meet her. What kind of man was he?

  “I can’t believe this,” Lani said softly. “I really thought you were different.”

  Cash still didn’t turn around. Lani watched him for a few seconds, willing him to look at her. When he didn’t, she felt tears threatening to break free. She blinked them back and sniffed loudly. Cash shifted slightly on the barstool, but he still didn’t turn around.

  “Are you going to say anything?” Lani asked.

  Cash didn’t answer. He just continued to drink from his glass and stare away from her. Lani thought about touching him again, but she was in too much pain. She didn’t think she could handle any more rejection. Finally, she turned to leave.

  “I heard you,” Cash said, finally turning around to face her.

  “What?” Lani asked. She blinked at him, trying to focus on his face. Cash’s eyes glazed over from the alcohol, but he didn’t seem drunk. His body was stable. As he stood up to meet her, he didn’t sway at all.

  “You were talking to Bryce,” Cash said. “Your boss.”

  “What?” Lani asked again. Her confusion was overwhelming. Just seconds ago, she’d been angry and heartbroken. Now, she didn’t know what to feel. Everything she thought she felt for Cash had been called into question when he stood her up. She never imagined he would hurt her and yet, he had.

  As she stared at him, Lani tried to make sense of his words. He heard her talking to Bryce? When? Where? What did that matter? What could Cash have possibly heard that would…

  The blood drained from Lani’s face. Cash turned toward her, and his eyes stared deeply into her own.

  “I heard what you said to him about me,” Cash said. “You told him I meant nothing. That I was nothing. You said you only flirted with me for extra tips. That all the bartenders do it. I guess I just thought we were about more than that. I thought sleeping with me meant something to you, but I guess that’s just something you do with your guests. Here I was, thinking the rule about not dating the guests was real. It turns out it was just your way of keeping me a secret.”

  “It is real,” Lani said quickly. Her sadness was gone. She felt nothing but guilt and shame. “It is a real rule, Cash. That’s why I had to say those things to Bryce.”

  “I thought I mattered to you,” Cash continued as if he hadn’t heard Lani speak. “I thought we meant something to you.”

  “You do,” Lani promised. She stepped forward, reaching out to Cash as she moved. Cash stepped backward quickly. He shook his head and looked at her with so much pain in his eyes that it made her heart ache.

  “No,” Cash said. “I heard what you said.”

  “I didn’t mean that!” Lani said. She had to find a way to make him believe her. “Bryce is… He’s a really awful boss. From the second I started working here, he’s made me feel uncomfortable. He hits on me and stares at me and… It’s just really awkward and really hard.”

  “So, what?” Cash snapped.

  “So, he saw us together!” Lani said. “He saw us disappear into that hallway together. He’d already seen us talking before. The other night. He accused me of focusing on you over the other guests. He warned me about it. He threatened me. I didn’t lie to you, Cash, employees, aren’t allowed to date the guests. That’s why I had to lie to Bryce.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Cash shook his head. He stared at Lani. She could see him start to soften.

  “You have to believe me,” Lani begged. “I didn’t want to say those things, okay? Bryce grabbed my arm and started yelling at me. I was scared. I was terrified he was going to fire me, but I was also afraid he might try to hurt me… Or you.”

  “Hurt you?” Cash asked. “What do you mean he grabbed you?” Lani saw Cash’s muscles tense again.

  “He was jealous,” Lani said. “I told you he’s been hitting on me since my first day. He’s always wanted a chance with me, but I’ve never given him one. He was so jealous I thought he was going to snap. I couldn’t give him any more of a reason to do something stupid.”

  “You didn’t mean it?” Cash asked. He looked like he wanted to believe Lani, but he was scared to get hurt.

  “Of course not,” Lani exclaimed. “Cash, you mean more to me than anyone ever has. I only said those things because…”

  Lani’s words were drowned out by a horrible growl coming from behind her. She whirled around just in time to see Bryce glaring at her and Cash.

  Chapter 20


  Bryce stood at the entrance of the bar, his eyes glued on Cash’s face. Cash stared back, sensing something off about Bryce. He felt it earlier while Lani was working, but now that he was closer to Bryce he knew exactly what it was. There was a power emanating off Bryce that Cash knew all too well. He could feel the anger radiating off Bryce’s skin, and Cash’s entire body reacted instinctually. Cash stood up from the bar stool and took a step forward to put himself between Bryce and Lani.

  Lani didn’t notice Cash’s movements. She only had eyes for Bryce and the animalistic sound that came from his throat. As he stood there glaring at Lani and Cash, Lani glared right back. Cash wished she would hide, that she wouldn’t anger Bryce any more than she already had. He was terrified Bryce might shift and hurt Lani.

  “Get away from her,” Bryce growled. His voice was soft but strong. Cash could hear the intensity vibrating in every syllable.

  Lani laughed and tried to step around Cash. He blocked her quickly, yet gently. She didn’t know wh
at was happening, but Cash did. Bryce was more dangerous than Lani knew and there was no way for Cash to convey that to her with Bryce standing right in front of them.

  “I’m not your property, Bryce,” Lani said loudly. Cash cringed as her voice rang out through the air. Bryce’s jaw clenched, and Cash stiffened in response. “I don’t belong to you. You don’t get to decide who I spend time with!”

  “I said,” Bryce said slowly. “Get away from her! Now!”

  Bryce was only focusing on Cash. He didn’t spare a glance for Lani. His anger and power directed at Cash. Cash could feel the waves of energy flying off him. He knew he needed to calm Bryce down before the situation got out of hand.

  “Listen,” Cash began slowly.

  “No,” Bryce snapped. “Do what I said.”

  “Get over yourself, Bryce,” Lani said. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  At her words, Bryce let out a growl that could have been heard throughout the entire resort. The hair on the back of Cash’s neck stood up straight. Lani immediately fell silent and stepped closer to Cash. She put both hands on his back to feel his support. Cash shifted slightly to hide her from Bryce, but he didn’t take his eyes from the other man’s face.

  “Last chance,” Bryce growled. “Get away from her. Now.”

  Cash knew there was only one way for this night to end. He didn’t like it. He would have done almost anything to avoid it, but he wouldn’t leave Lani’s side. Not then. Not ever.

  “I won’t,” Cash said directly. His voice was firm but free of anger. He was no longer angry; he was prepared. “I won’t leave her side.”

  Bryce roared louder than ever, and thick black fur began to erupt all over his body. Cash had been ready for the transformation, but his body tensed even more at the sight. Bryce shifted fast. In an instant, he was towering over both Cash and Lani with his claws raised. His teeth were dripping with saliva, and he was panting with rage. Even in his new form, Cash could see the glare behind his eyes. His anger had only magnified when he changed.

  Cash pushed Lani backward and stepped forward. He hunched over, preparing his body to change. He closed his eyes for a second, trying to regain his focus. Back home, shifting was second nature, but Cash hated the idea of changing in front of Lani. He couldn’t stand the thought that she might be afraid of him. The only thing that was worse was the thought of Bryce hurting Lani because Cash didn’t shift in time. He grunted and poised himself to shift when Lani suddenly jumped forward and grabbed his arm.

  “No!” Lani said. “Don’t.”

  Cash didn’t know what she was afraid of seeing him in his bear form or him getting torn to shreds by Bryce. He glanced at her for just a second, but it was long enough to get his answer. She was scared for his safety. She didn’t want to see him get hurt. What she didn’t know was that Cash was the Beta of his clan for a reason. There weren’t many bear shifters in the world that could hurt him.

  “Lani.” Cash said calmly. He tried to push her away, but she held onto him tightly. “Don’t worry. I can handle this.”

  From behind them, Bryce growled, and Cash knew he was running out of time. If he didn’t shift soon, they would both be in trouble. Cash looked at Lani with a silent apology before he pushed her back slightly and he turned back to face Bryce. Bryce was already advancing, slowly stalking toward Cash.

  Cash rolled back his shoulders and roared louder than Bryce ever could, and he shifted in a second. He could feel his body shoot up rapidly and the familiar feeling of his fur creep across his skin. His claws burst free from his hands and his feet. He fell onto all fours for half a second before he reared back on his hind legs and clawed the air around him.

  Bryce’s bear form was still seething as it took in Cash’s new body. Cash breathed slowly, letting his bear take full control. He knew how to fight. He knew how to wield his body and use it as a powerful weapon. From the moment Bryce walked into the bar, Cash knew he was a shifter. He could smell it on his skin. Cash could sense it in the way Bryce’s anger took complete control of him in a matter of seconds. Shifters have short fuses, and Bryce’s was one of the shortest Cash had ever seen. He knew immediately that Bryce was more like him than he’d ever thought. Cash hadn’t recognized it sooner because there were so many shifters at the hotel, which was probably Bryce’s plan all along. By the way, Bryce was looking at Lani; Cash could tell that Bryce somehow thought Lani was his mate. His attraction to her was mistaken by the mating bond. Cash knew the truth. Lani was his true mate, and he would do anything he had to protect her.

  Chapter 21


  Cash rose in front of Lani, and she watched him with wide, fearful eyes. She’d never paused to think what Cash’s bear form might look like and now that he was standing right in front of her, she was mesmerized by his size. He was an extremely large grizzly bear with a dark brown coat. As she looked at him, she saw that his coat of fur was the exact same color as his hair. She craned her neck around to find his eyes. It was hard because there was so much fur covering his face. When she finally found them, she smiled to herself. His hazel eyes with green streaks were looking at hers. It was really Cash. He was still himself. He was still in there.

  Bryce let out a loud roar and fear gripped her stomach with a vice like grip. She began to tremble as her eyes fell on Bryce. Like Cash, Lani could find pieces of Bryce’s human form hidden inside of the bear that now stood before her. He was still Bryce. He still possessed an eerily possessive quality whenever he looked at her, and his body constantly tensed awkwardly. Lani couldn’t believe that Bryce had kept such a huge secret from her and everyone for so long. She knew it was impossible for the resort to know Bryce was a shifter because it was against their rules to employ one.

  The entire point of Bear Ridge Resort was to create a safe place for bear shifters to meet their potential mates. It wouldn’t make sense to hire shifters on as employees, let alone managers. Why was Bryce even working at the resort? How did he pull this whole charade off?

  The air around Lani felt thick with tension and anger. Lani watched with wide eyes as Cash and Bryce circled each other. At that moment Lani knew exactly why the rule for staff not to date, or be shifters themselves existed. This was why, this very moment. Danger lurked around every corner when a shifter was around. Cash tried to explain that to her, but she refused to listen. Her infatuation with Cash took the front seat, and any possible repercussions shunted aside. Now, she could no longer avoid the truth…

  Cash was dangerous, just like Bryce. Lani watched the two bears continued to circle each other with their teeth bared. She gulped and slunk back against the bar. Part of her wanted to run, but a bigger part of her told her to stay perfectly still. The last thing any human needed was to get caught in the middle of a bear fight. She was already the cause of Bryce’s anger and jealousy if he thought she was trying to run from him… Lani didn’t want to think what he might do.

  Then, there was Cash to be worried about. He shifted to protect her. Lani saw it in his eyes right before he transformed. He didn’t want to shift, not in front of her. It wasn’t something Cash wanted Lani to see, but he didn’t have a choice. When Bryce took that step, Cash had to follow his lead or risk letting Bryce hurt Lani and himself. Cash would never allow that. Even though it had been a confusing day for Lani’s emotions, she was suddenly sure Cash would do anything in his power to keep her safe. Even if it meant giving himself over to the bear inside of him.

  As the bears continued to size each other up, Lani kept her eyes glued on Bryce. Her instincts told her he would make the first move and she wanted to be prepared for it. Cash stood at least a foot taller than Bryce, but Bryce was still dripping saliva and glaring around in a rage. When he shifted, his anger seemed to grow by the second. In his human form, he was already formidable, but now… His very being radiated violence. Lani didn’t think she could stand to see Bryce attack Cash. The idea of Cash being hurt to protect her made her stomach ache miserably. At that moment, she
wanted to throw herself between the bears and force them both to shift back.

  What stopped her wasn’t fear, but pure logic. From the look on Bryce’s face, he wasn’t going to see reason. His eyes were continuously flickering down to Cash’s neck, trying to locate his weakest point. Cash eyed him back, but he didn’t look as if he were preparing for a kill. He simply watched Bryce with apprehension. Every muscle in Cash’s body was tense and ready. Lani knew Cash wouldn’t move first, no matter how angry he was. If this fight were going to happen, it would be because Bryce made it happen.

  As Lani pressed her back against the bar, she knew the moment was approaching. With each step, Bryce moved closer to Cash. Lani could hear hurried footsteps off in the distance, but her mind focused on the bears in front of her. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from them. Not when she could feel the tension growing between them.

  Just as Lani suspected, Bryce moved first. He roared and threw himself forward, colliding with Cash. It looked like Cash stumbled, but he hadn’t. He allowed Bryce to fall against him so that he could have the upper hand. When Bryce’s balance faltered, Cash shoved him hard, his claws digging into his chest. Bryce growled and flew backward. He landed on his back with a thud that shook the entire bar crashing and breaking chairs and tables with his weight. Lani’s eyes were wide. She wanted to run and hide or at least close her eyes, but she couldn’t. If something happened to Cash, she needed to be there for him.

  Still, as Bryce climbed back onto his feet, Lani felt fear unlike any she’d ever felt in her life. His eyes were almost black with a rage that made him shake. Bryce looked seconds away from combusting. When he charged Cash again, his roar was so loud it made Lani’s ears ring. Cash jerked to the side, moving out of Bryce’s way at the last second. It was a great move except it made Bryce charge straight toward Lani.


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