The Artist's Touch (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 1)

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The Artist's Touch (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 1) Page 27

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  His thumb teasing the hardness of her nipple caused her head to tilt back, resting on his shoulder and allowing him to whisper in her ear, “Step back off the bed.” She moaned in protest until his fingers stopped their magic, at which point she slowly complied, working one leg and then the other off the bed to stand.

  As both her legs straightened, her dress fell completely to the floor, leaving her clad in nothing but her lacey panties.

  And not for long.

  His other hand reached up to tilt her chin over towards him so that he could taste her sweet vanilla mouth again. As his tongue plunged inside its warm depths, he spun her body around, pressing the soft, nude length of her against him. His erection protested against its confines and the blatant torture it was being subjected to, but that was the last of Tristan’s concerns right now.

  Right now, he wanted to taste another part of her.

  He gently bit and sucked on her lower lip, feeling the soft exhale of her moan more than hearing it. “Sit, Ellie,” he commanded roughly, letting his mouth take hers again as his hands guided her hips down to the edge of the bed.

  When she sat on the edge of the bed, Tristan stepped between her thighs keeping his mouth in tight contact with hers, his hands sliding up her hips to grasp the fullness of her breasts, the soft mounds completely filling his grasp. When she gasped, Tristan took the opportunity to trail his mouth along the edge of her jawline, his kisses blazing a trail down the soft skin of her neck. He dropped one knee and then the other, putting his gaze directly in line with her breasts.

  For a few moments, he just stared at his hands as they massaged and teased the firm peaks, watching as her tender nipples deepened from pink to red, begging to be tasted.

  Just like she wanted him to.

  Her fingers had found their way into his hair, clasping the sides of his head, applying a gentle unconscious pressure trying to pull his mouth towards her. He darted his eyes, completely black with lust, up to hers, giving her a wicked grin before he stuck his tongue out and licked one of the begging buds. His eyes never left hers, watching her mouth drop with a gasp as a jolt of pleasure rocketed through her.

  Then, his own lust took control, too close to temptation to stop himself, Tristan closed his mouth over the erect peak, pulling it deeply into his mouth. Ellie moaned with delight, her hands tightening in his hair pushing him harder against her. In return, Tristan sucked firmly before letting his tongue swirl and tease the sensitive skin. He toyed with her until she was writhing beneath his hands, her fingers running frantically through his hair as her need continued to build.

  Taking one last gentle nip of the sensitive bud, Tristan pulled his head back, his hands coming to grip in the soft skin of her stomach. He tilted his head up to look at her, her face flushed, eyelids half shut, weighed down with lust.

  “Lay back,” he instructed her firmly. “I’ve been dying to taste you all night.” Her eyes flashed at the hint of what was to come. After a moment, her hands gently untangled from his hair, reaching back to support herself as she gently lowered herself down to lie flat on the mattress. From here, Tristan took in the view before him – the rosy peaks of her nipples jutting up proud from her breasts, the flat plane of her stomach leading down to the white lace underwear concealing his next course.

  His hands moved down onto her hips, running lightly over the texture of her underwear that covered the softness of the skin beneath. Taking one finger, he trailed it along the edge of her panties, over the top of her thigh and down towards her center.

  Fuck, she was so wet.

  Tristan groaned feeling her juices coat the tip of his finger as it passed next to her entrance. Her hips jerked in response, pleading for more.

  And he wouldn’t disappoint.

  Rocking back onto his toes, he took the top edge of her panties and pulled them down over her legs, baring every last inch of her to his gaze. Returning to his position, front row and center with a perfect view of the dewy pink folds directly in front of him, he couldn’t stop his fingers from delving right in.

  Ellie gasped loudly as his fingers explored her, searching for the sensitive nub beneath, her hips rocketing off the bed when his thumb brushed over her clit, shooting pleasure throughout her body.

  “Tristan…I need…” she gasped, her hands fisting in the comforter.

  “What do you want to feel?” he asked her again, his eyes never leaving the glistening treasure before him.

  “You…please, you,” she groaned out as his fingers continued to tease her clit. Tristan knew she was so close to orgasm, but he wanted his mouth to be on her when that happened.

  “Oh, you will, but first, I’m going to eat you for dessert,” he rasped, taking one last, long look at the gorgeous and painfully arousing sight in front of him before his hands spread her folds, his head bending towards the most intoxicating thing he’d ever tasted.

  The first lick of his tongue over her core had her moaning frantically. Her head began to thrash wildly on the bed as he lapped her juices over and over. Her hands found their way to his head again, pulling him tighter against her, needing more. In response, his tongue dove inside of her to feel the quaking of her inner muscles, her whole body on the edge of release.

  He could stay here all night, enjoying the taste and feel of her beneath his mouth, but he had other plans. Well, the lower half of him, the half that had been left unsatisfied for weeks now, had other plans.

  His tongue began to move more rapidly, in sync with her moans as they grew louder and closer together, signaling her impending orgasm. She moaned his name over and over, every muscle in her body taut. He swirled his tongue over her clit on last time and she exploded beneath him. Her hips jerking up against his mouth, the warm rush of her orgasm coating his tongue.

  He drank it all in, letting her come down slowly before he finally removed his mouth from her, placing open-mouthed kissed along the inside of her thigh before standing up. The change in position caused him to groan as his partially-undone pants pushed painfully against his erection. All thoughts of discomfort subsided though as he looked down at Ellie lying in his bed, her bright red hair flowing over the start white of the comforter, her pale skin flushed pink, her nipples distended, and her core still glistening from her release.

  “Fuck, you are so exquisite, Ellie,” he groaned, paralyzed with his need for her. His words stirred her from her daze, her eyes opening to look at him. Instead of the satiated sedateness that he had expected to see, the only thing he saw reflecting in her vibrant green eyes was hunger for him. Her gaze running up and down the length of his body. He watched as she pushed herself up, first to sitting on the edge of the bed, and then right off so that she was now kneeling in front of him.

  What the fuck.

  His eyes widened in shock as her hands grasped the waistband of his pants and boxers, tugging them carefully down over his hips and swollen erection. He couldn’t move, so surprised by her actions and dying to see what she would do next.

  “Ellie, what are you doing?” he ground out, hissing as her hand came back to grasp the length of his distended penis, pleasure searing through his entire body.

  “I’m not sure,” she said with a breathless and nervous laugh, looking up at him from underneath her eyelashes, “but, you keep telling me I have a smart mouth, so I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” Before her words sunk in, Tristan felt her hot, wet mouth close over the tip of his erection and he saw stars.

  His hands sank into her hair as he struggled to remain upright, the feeling of her mouth sucking on him was beyond all comprehension.

  He was not going to last long like this.

  Prying his eyes open, he enjoyed one look at his hard flesh disappearing into the soft depths of her mouth, before he jerked his hips back, freeing himself from her and the dangerous pleasure that she was giving him. Her gaze shot to his, filled with concern and question.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “Fuck, no, Ellie. Christ, you are so unpredictable,
” Tristan panted, trying to bring himself back down from the edge. “As exquisitely smart as that mouth of yours is, I need to fuck you properly tonight.”

  “Oh, do you?” she whispered seductively, her expression telling him that she relished in his uncontrollable crudeness. Tristan watched as she stood to meet his gaze, gone was the shy, self-critical woman he’d met a few weeks ago. Before him confidently stood a woman who knew not only how gorgeous she was, but more importantly, how desirable she was to him.

  Now, all that left was to show her just how much he craved her.

  Taking her face in his hands, his mouth descended on hers again. Stepping out of his pants, he walked them back up against the edge of the best, his tongue never leaving her mouth. Reaching to grab her beautifully soft ass, he lifted her up, her legs instinctively encircling his waist, allowing her wet folds to brush against his erection. Groaning, he laid them both down onto the bed, because it had been his plan, and also because the touch of her hot core against him had made him lose all strength in his legs. Settling in between her thighs, he took her mouth like he planned on taking her body. His hand moving up to fondle the swollen mound of her breast again.

  Ellie moaned as the pleasure began to build inside of her again, but she wasn’t desperate.

  He needed her desperate, just like he was.

  His mouth moved to her breast again, torturing the flesh that he had bypassed the first time. Sucking on her until her nipple was bright red and engorged. Pulling back, he gently blew over the peak, hearing her gasp and watching the goosebumps spread like wildfire over her body. Her arm twitched at her side, something that wouldn’t have normally caught his attention, but as he glanced over, his eyes stopped dead in their tracks at the white marks covering her arm from the crease of her elbow down to her wrist.

  His entire body froze, seeing what she had been so desperate to hide – scars tattooing the length of her forearm. His jaw clenched as rage detonated throughout his body, every muscle tensing as the thoughts and questions began to explode in his mind.

  “Please,” she whispered, her hand coming to his face, forcing his gaze to hers “not now, Tristan; I need you now.”

  He couldn’t refuse her even if he wanted to. “I’ll never hurt you, Ellie.” The promise coming flowing from his mouth before he even realized what he had said. His mouth claimed hers to seal in his words and the depth of their meaning.

  His hand migrating south from the soft fullness of her breast to her folds, finding them just as drenched as before. He groaned against her as his thumb and forefinger began to massage the nub of nerves between them, quickly drawing her to the brink of release. He felt her hold her breath, her muscles flexed beneath him and he knew she was as ready to explode as he was. His hand returned to her face, angling it back to look into her eyes, needing to see her face as he took her.

  Raising his hips, his jaw clenched as the head of his erection pressed against the entrance to her core. He pushed forward with painful slowness, his erection burning with the need for speed and release. He watched her face as the pressure from the invasion of just his head began to intensify as the rest of his engorged cock pushed completely inside of her. Her mouth parted, gasping in air at the exquisite pleasure of the fullness of having him inside of her. The green in her eyes electric again as he seated himself to the hilt inside of her tight passage. Fully encased within her, Tristan lost control, the heat and tightness of her core flexing around him was too much. His head dropped to the side of hers; he’d focused on her face, on her reaction for as long as he could, but now he couldn’t deny himself any longer; he’d pushed himself beyond the breaking point.

  “So, fuck me properly, Tristan,” she whispered into his ear.


  His hips pulled back and slammed into her, his mind completely blank except for his need for release. He thrust hard into her, thanking God when her hips raised to meet his, her moans becoming louder and more frantic, telling him that she was about to come with him.

  “Yes, Tristan, please,” she panted, “please…”

  Her pleas swelled him even more inside of her. His vision going white as the crest of his orgasm was upon him.

  “Christ, Ellie, yes!” he yelled, ramming into her one last time, pushing them both over the edge. She screamed as he continued to pump into her, letting the contractions of her passage pull the fluid from his erection. His hips kept pumping into her, no longer under his control. His orgasm lasted for minutes, having been built up and stifled for so long. The pleasure of finally coming inside of her even more Earth-shattering than he’d been imagining it.

  He wasn’t surprised; everything with Ellie was always just…more.

  They lay like that, their breathing syncing in satiety, their heartbeats slowly coming back down from thundering speeds; their gasps for air finally satisfied the need for oxygen in their blood, oxygen that had been completely replaced with desire over the last hour.

  “Tell me I’m crushing you,” Tristan groaned.

  “Why?” Ellie chuckled breathlessly underneath him. “You’re not.”

  “So that I’m forced to roll off of you, otherwise I’ll happily stay here forever, slowing suffocating you,” he said, enjoying the feel of her softness beneath and around him; his cock still hard and aroused inside of her, wanting to go again.

  “Believe me, that’s one death that I would be happy to take,” she replied, the faintest hint of sadness in her voice, quickly continuing before his foggy brain grasped her unthinking allusion to a deeper meaning, “but, I guess you should probably move soon; I think I’m starting to feel lightheaded.”

  “I will gladly take credit for that,” Tristan began, “although I think the lightheadedness is from what I just finished doing to you.” With a wicked grin, he planted one last kiss on her mouth, pushing himself up off of her chest. Taking a deep breath, one last second to enjoy her warmth, he pulled out of her and stood up at the edge of the bed, confidently naked – and still clearly aroused – in front of the wall of open windows.

  “Don’t worry, no one can see you,” he said, reading her mind. “Don’t move.” He walked into the bathroom, returning two minutes later with a warm washcloth. She’d done as he asked, her eyes drifted shut as she relaxed into the bed. Tristan paused, just staring at her for a minute trying to absorb the breathtaking view in front of him.

  He’d loved to watch her come, and he loved to watch her after, as the release of pleasure caused a complete peacefulness to settle over her, but this time, the possessiveness that mingled with his pleasure of watching her shot lust straight to his groin. Seeing her lay there, legs still parted, as though they were begging him to come back inside where he belonged, was too much. His erection swelled, even larger than before, if that was possible. Clenching his teeth, he knew he needed her at least one more time tonight.

  Kneeling next to the beg, he whispered softly in her ear, “Ellie, I’m going to clean you, and then I’m going to take you again.” She sighed at his words, her eyes only partially opening to reveal their deep green irises.

  “Please,” she barely whispered, holding his gaze for a split second before her eyes closed again as he gently placed the washcloth against her. Ellie moaned as Tristan tenderly moved the soft material to clean and stimulate her sensitive center.

  When he saw her nipples hardening again and her desire beginning to build, he dropped the washcloth on the floor and carefully climbed onto the bed between her legs. His hands reached underneath her to grab her ass, gently lifting her hips to place her right where he could feast on her again. Ever so carefully, he set his tongue on her, savoring her flavor and the small moans that she was making. He didn’t toy with her this time, his tongue swirled and teased her sensitive clit right up to the edge of her orgasm, smoothly inserting two fingers into her passage to send her over the precipice. Gently lapping the tender nub until the convulsions of her hips subsided, he finally pulled his mouth from her, climbing up and over the length of her b
ody; his erection poised at her core.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful when you come, Ellie,” he whispered in her ear. “Can you come for me again, siren? Just once more, I promise. I need to feel you milk my cock one more time.” His words stirred her eyes open, the hint of fluorescent green sparking back into them.

  “Only once more?” she teased even as her exhaustion was apparent in her voice.

  “Siren,” he groaned as he flexed his hips, the head of his erection pushing easily through her slick folds into her molten center. He didn’t stop until he was seated completely inside of her, only then pausing to savor the feel of her clenched around him.

  Steadily, he began to move, building his arousal and hers with each thrust. “You feel so incredible around me,” he whispered to her, his thrusts picking up speed. She moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist in response. “God, you are so hot and tight, I…can’t…” he trailed off as the sensations became too overwhelming, the only thing he could focus on was driving into her harder and faster. Her hips rose to meet his, her body electrified and ready for one more combustion.

  “What are you doing to me?” he questioned, plunging into her one last time.

  That was all it took for the world to fall away as they came together.

  Chapter 24

  Ellie woke the next morning to the gentle light of the sunrise spreading over her face and the soreness of being ‘well-fucked’. This time, when she woke, she didn’t wonder where she was or why she had no clothes on. Instead, she snuggled deeper into the covers of Tristan’s comfortable bed, savoring the feeling of his hot, hard body pressed up against the back of hers.

  “Good morning, siren,” his voice rasped from behind her. “How did you sleep?”


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