The Artist's Touch (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 1)

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The Artist's Touch (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 1) Page 33

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  His now free hand moved blindly up over the flexed plane of her stomach, cupping underneath her breast, his fingers immediately finding her erect nipple, mimicking the swirl and pull of his tongue further down.

  He stopped his torture, pulling back barely from her pussy, he asked her, “what do you want, Ellie?”

  “Mmm…Tristan, please,” she begged.

  “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you, siren,” he promised.

  “Please,” she moaned again, her head thrashing back and forth, “you know…”

  “Do you want to feel alive?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “You. I want you.” Her words rushed out before she lost the capability of saying them. “I want you to make me feel alive.”

  Tristan smiled to himself, hearing her verbalize her need for him. He gently pulled her clit between his teeth and then sucked hard.

  “Tris…” Ellie tried to gasp out his name, begging for more, but her body was so strung up that she couldn’t even get both syllables out.

  It didn’t matter, Tristan knew what she needed. He pushed two fingers inside of her, as he tugged hard on the center of her desire, feeling her come hard around them as she let out a scream. He drank down her release, the taste of her fulfilled desire pushing him over the edge.

  “Evocative Ellie, that’s what I called you,” he admitted as he kissed her slick center over and over. Removing his finger, he placed one more open-mouthed kiss over her still-vibrating core, finally giving into his raging desire. “I can’t be gentle, Ellie. I need you too fucking bad,” he ground out as he rose up onto his knees, shoving down his already-opened pants and boxers over his engorged erection.

  Her eyes barely cracked open just as Tristan rammed himself to the hilt inside of her, cursing at the exquisite feel of her tight and still contracting passage around him. Ellie’s gasp turned into a moan at the intrusion, her body not fully recovered from her last orgasm, it momentarily revolted at the threat of a new passionate onslaught, unsure if it had the strength to come again.

  “You got this, gorgeous,” he encouraged her, pulling himself almost completely out of her, leaving just the swollen, sensitive head of his penis still inside of her before thrusting himself easily back in of her incredibly wet core. “Just one more…for me…siren…” His unrestrained groans following each statement. His body glistened with sweat, the pressure of holding off his release for so long, and now prolonging it to match with hers, threatened to make his heart burst with the effort.

  Tristan saw his vision start to go black and his breathing became labored. He’d pushed himself to the very edge of restraint and now, all his body knew to do was push in and out of the pleasure-laden passage squeezing his cock. Her hips began to rise to meet his thrusts and he knew that he had won. He drove into her with abandon, no longer having the capacity to judge just how close she was to her orgasm; he just prayed that she was close.

  His torso collapsed onto her, completely losing the strength to remain upright. Both his hands moved to stabilize her hips as he took her. Somehow, his face felt out the swell of her breast, capturing its erect peak in his mouth. Ellie arched her back, pressing deeper into his mouth, her need for him rising frantically to match his.

  “Tristan!” his name erupting from her lips was like accelerant on the desire in his blood and he couldn’t hold on any longer.

  He bit down on the swollen bud, sucking hard on the pleasure-point that he’d captured in his mouth, praying that it would take her with him. Her frenzied response was lost on him as he thrust uncontrollably into her, just barely recognizing the familiar and satisfying spasms of her muscles around his erection as his orgasm finally overtook him. His back arched away from her. He shouted her name as his hips pushed to bury his erupting cock deep inside of her, coating her with the torrents of his release.

  He hadn’t been sure, but his orgasm had sparked hers, the beginnings of which he had felt, but the final thrust and hearing Tristan call out her name as he completely lost control, sent Ellie soaring off over the edge once more. This time, her orgasm electrified her body; every cell, every muscle flexed, she gasped in air that her lungs had been denied, her hands gripped his shoulders, and her eyelids flew open, her head falling back over the edge of the couch. As her body shattered around her, her eyes stared out the windows seeing stars in a completely cloud-covered sky.

  Chapter 28

  Ellie moaned against the softness of the pillow under her head. She was dreaming and it felt so good. Pieces of last night invaded her mind – her pleasuring herself, Tristan pleasuring her, his hands, his mouth...him. She must have been dreaming about them all night, she thought, moaning again as she relived the sensations, because her body quickly and easily spiraled up and tumbled her off the welcoming cliff of an early morning orgasm. The pleasure searing through her, awakened her fully, her eyes opening to her surroundings.

  Tristan’s apartment. Tristan’s bed. Tristan.

  It hadn’t been a dream, she realized as her hips gently rocked against the soft, expert movements of his fingers between her thighs, tenderly bringing her back down from the orgasm that they’d led her to.

  “Tristan…” she whispered, her eye glazed with passion looked back over her shoulder to meet his gold-foil gaze and satisfied smile.

  “Ellie.” He gently bit into her shoulder that had ended up right in front of him.

  “Good morning,” she continued to whisper, biting her lower lip as the last waves of her orgasm subsided.

  When his smile deepened, she knew she was in trouble. Feeling his hand leave her core and move to her hip, he pulled her onto her back as he climbed on top of her. “Almost…” he replied, bending her one leg as his heavy erection slipped easily inside of her. Ellie gasped at the welcome and warm invasion, the sensation of completeness traveling through her body.

  He took advantage of her pleasure, capturing her open mouth for his tongue to delve inside. Their mouths dueled as his hips began to pump into her. Slowly and languorously at first, coaxing her body back up to the peak it had just climbed. Ellie moaned into him, feeling the intense pressure building inside of her again. Her arms came around his neck as her legs raised to encircle his waist, allowing him to fill her more deeply with each thrust. Her enthusiasm broke his unhurried quest for release. She felt his groan reverberate against her chest as one of his hands slid up to firmly knead her breast. His fingers playing dangerously with its hardened peak.

  Her fingers flexed in his hair. Her hips now thrust up to meet his, uncontrollably searching for the climax that she’d just come back from. Lust had overtaken him, too. She felt him mindlessly plunge into her, over and over again, until the friction between them was too much and Ellie felt herself flying off that familiar cliff, screaming Tristan’s name. Seconds later, she felt his body go stiff on top of hers, he groaned as his warm release filled her. She floated back down in the pleasure-laden clouds of her climax, drifting back into the reality that was this golden god, collapsed on top of her.

  Their labored breathing returning in sync back down to slow, steadying breaths. The blood that pumped hot and furiously through their bodies, now calmed to a steady stream of oxygen back to their starving cells.

  “Now that, is a good morning,” she felt him whisper into her ear, gently biting and tugging on her earlobe. She smiled, turning her head towards his, and gently kissed him. “Don’t do that gorgeous,” he groaned against her softly sweet assault, “I need to let you out of this bed sometime today, and already I want to have you again. Don’t tempt me any further.”

  Her eyes widened slightly at him, and he flexed his hips into her again in response, letting her feel the still very firm part of him buried deep inside of her.

  “If you insist,” she teased, purposefully clenching her inner muscles around him, enjoying the tortured groan that responded.

  “Siren,” he growled, suddenly pulling himself from her
body, forcing himself out of his bed before he took her again. “You need to eat,” was his clipped justification.

  Ellie just looked up at him, her seductive sage eyes teasing him to come back to bed. “Are you sure? I think I’m ok for a little while longer…” It was clear that one orgasm wasn’t enough, his erection hanging heavy, protruding from between his legs, pointing and begging to be back inside of her.

  “Christ, woman, you are trying to kill me,” he laughed, rubbing his hand over his mouth, seriously contemplating her offer. “I’m making you food first, then I’ll decide how I want to handle you.”

  Ellie just smiled at him, snuggling deeper underneath the covers, planning to wait it out. Tristan shook his head at her and stalked out into the kitchen, determined to make good on his word.

  Ellie sighed into the pillow, glancing out the window to see dreary, overcast, and stormy skies.

  It was the perfect day to stay in bed, what was he thinking?

  Turning her face upwards, Ellie crossed her arms over her chest, holding the comforter fast against her. She stared at the ceiling, trying to remember the last time she was so happy. Her heart fluttered at the thought of last night – everything had been incredible.

  His touch, his kiss, his drawing…

  Her breath caught as the memories surrounding the first part of their night flooded back to her.

  The drawing.

  His drawing of her had been incredible and it reminded her of the last time she’d been this happy – also because of Tristan.

  That was why she’d told him she loved him.

  She loved him.

  She loved Tristan and that was what made her feel alive. And she’d told him. Her body flushed for a whole different reason. Nervousness hummed through her. She remembered the exhilaration the moment that she’d confessed, the relief and release she’d experienced the moment the words had left her lips. It had been a bigger weight off her chest than the other secret that she was still kept locked away. One secret had saved her and her happiness, and the other might destroy it.

  She couldn’t…wouldn’t think about that now. She had another day left.

  Blinking back the film of moisture in her eyes, she thought back to her portrait, to her love for Tristan and everything that he had changed in her. The sound of him rummaging in the kitchen spurred her to move. She sat up in bed, a new fear consuming her: He hadn’t told her he loved her back.

  What if he didn’t feel the same? What if he didn’t love her?

  No. Well, it was possible, but she had seen the way he had looked at her when she’d whispered those three little words.

  It was the same way he always looked at her.

  Which meant that he’d either loved her for a while now, or he never did. Ellie refused to believe the latter. No, she wouldn’t be cancer and heartbreak in the same week – she refused. This was where she put her foot down, she wouldn’t lose her life and her love.

  Throwing off the covers, she stood up quickly from the bed, partially tipping over into the nightstand as blood rushed from her head. Thankfully, she managed to catch the lamp before it tumbled onto the floor.

  “You ok in there, gorgeous?” Tristan yelled with a laugh from the kitchen, hearing the commotion.

  “Yeah!” she yelled back even though it took her a second to regain her balance.

  Wow, it had never been this bad before.

  Walking carefully over to the bench at the bottom of the bed, she picked up her purse, pulling out her medication from inside. Dropping the two pills into her hand, she tossed them back, grabbing the water bottle off of Tristan’s nightstand to wash them down.

  Shaking her head, she glanced down at her naked body, her hands trying to tame her hair over her shoulder, even though she had no mirror to truly assess its wildness. With a seductive smile on her face, she strode out into the common area, no longer bothered or embarrassed by the windows or her nakedness – granted, the rain had just started to come down, obscuring any view inside; it didn’t matter, rain or shine, her golden god was out there, just waiting to be shown exactly why he loved her.

  “Tristan,” Ellie murmured coyly as she moved into the room.

  His head turned, eyes doing a double-take at the realization that she was naked, in his wide-open apartment without a care in the world.

  “Ellie,” he drawled slowly, whatever he’d been doing completely forgotten.

  “I was wondering,” she began as she walked back over towards his easel, her hips swaying seductively, teasing him with her sculpted ass, “if you might be able to help me.”

  “With what?” he asked hoarsely, unable to take his eyes off of her. Knowing she had his attention, she bent down to examine the sketch he’d done last night of her pleasuring herself in front of him.

  “This is so fascinating,” she murmured, looking at how he’d captured the moment just before her orgasm, her face alight with the promise of pleasure, her hand greedily bringing herself to fulfillment.

  “It was more than that,” his deep voice rasped, his eyes beginning to flicker gold with uncontrolled lust.

  God, she loved hearing his need for her in his voice.

  “I was wondering…” she began again, turning to walk slowly back towards him. Ellie let her hand slowly raise to her bare breast, her fingers beginning to trace lazy circles around her engorged nipple. “I was wondering if you could help me in the shower,” she finally finished, coming to stand right in front of him, a brilliant smile spreading over her face when she saw how painfully erect he was. He didn’t move a muscle as she leaned in to whisper, “There are some places that I just can’t… quite… reach.”

  He groaned, clenching the spatula in his hand, but didn’t respond.

  Oh, this was fun.

  Her hand began to drift south, his eyes locked on it as her fingers moved down over her stomach. “I mean, I guess I could try to reach them,” her husky whisper continued, as her fingers disappeared into her folds, “on my own.”

  Ellie let her eyes drift shut as she moaned, but Tristan still didn’t break.

  Fine, let him suffer in wonder.

  She pulled her fingers from herself, and placed the tips onto his lower lip. His gaze seared into her, burning her for torturing him this way. His mouth opened of its own volition, taking her moist fingertips into his mouth, groaning as he pulled her taste from them.

  And then, he was hers.

  Ellie felt him bite the tip of her finger just before the spatula crashed to the ground and she felt herself hoisted up and over Tristan’s shoulder as he carried her out of the kitchen.

  “You’re a fucking torture device, do you know that?” he asked harshly as his hand came up to not-so-playfully smack her ass, his hand staying to rest on the firm flesh. “But I’ll take this torture every damn day, siren.” He finished his statement as his fingers drifted down and pushed into her exposed entrance.

  Ellie gasped at the unexpected invasion, the sensation intensified by her upside-down position hanging over his back. Blood rushed to her head and to her core as he teased her all the way into the bathroom, stopping only to turn the shower on full blast. He flipped her back over and lightheadedness overwhelmed her. Her head lulled to the side and she probably would have passed out if he hadn’t still been holding her.

  Thank God, he’d continued to hold her in front of him and was too distracted with getting them in the shower to notice her momentary faintness.

  When her lucidness came back a second or two later, Ellie hooked her legs around Tristan’s waist, trying to secure herself to him even more. He groaned as the movement put the tip of his erection directly up against her soaking entrance. Moving them both into the scalding stream from the shower, he took her mouth again pulling her hips firmly against his.

  Ellie moaned as the hot water hit her back, her body temperature rising even farther; she almost felt dizzy again, but it might have been from her desire.

  “I love when you lose control,” she pulled back
from their kiss to whisper, watching his eyes spark at her words. She gasped when he responded by pushing her back up against the cold tile of the shower. The hot water, the cool stones, and the burning desire between them quickly confused her already overwhelmed body.

  “I love when I lose control inside of you,” he punctuated his words by thrusting completely inside of her. “Is this what you wanted, siren?”

  “Yes, Tristan,” she moaned, her head tipping back against the hard wall.

  “I love making you lose control,” he continued as he began to pump into her, pleasure quickly and intensely suffusing through every cell. “And I love watching you and feeling you come around my cock.” Ellie moaned his name again, all semblance of rational thought gone. She let the sensations completely overtake her, her mind drifting, her vision blurring – everything seemed to fade except the feeling of Tristan inside of her. Her hips moved to meet his on their own, instinctively and more rhythmically than her breathing.

  Her body no longer cared about oxygen, it cared about Tristan.

  He pushed into her over and over again, building up the inevitable explosion barely contained inside of her. She wanted to look at him, she thought she was looking at him, except everything was black. Her eyes must be closed, she thought, even as the back of her mind registered her eyelids blinking. Ellie couldn’t focus on that, or anything, anymore. Her moans grew louder and louder as her body followed his lead. She felt his thrusts become more furious, pounding into her as his release was almost upon him. The feel of each water drop bursting onto her skin, his hard length pushing all the way through her folds, the friction against her clit, the burst of fire as the tip of his cock touched the exquisitely sensitive spot deep inside of her – it was more than enough to make her feel alive, and it was more than enough to make her come.


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