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Sin Page 17

by Crystal V. Rhodes


  Sin tossed the last pair of socks into the suitcase, and closed it with a snap. Gripping it firmly, he pulled it off the bed, and placed it beside the other two already sitting at the door. He was ready to go. All he needed was the word. He didn’t know when it would come, but arrangements had been made for him to be taken safely out of the state, and possibly the country. If the legalities didn’t turn out to his advantage, to the public he would be a man on the run.

  Sighing, he settled onto one of the love seats in his bedroom and stared into space. He had been doing a lot of that lately, sitting and staring at nothing. His eyes wandered to the discarded newspaper on the coffee table in front of him. He tried to force himself not to reach for it again, but he did so anyway. Nedra’s eyes stared back at him.

  She was posed sedately for an official church photo. He caressed the contour of her delicate cheek bones. A single finger slowly traced the outline of her full lips. Why he kept torturing himself he didn’t know. Maybe it was because he deserved the pain it caused him.

  His eyes strayed to the headline to the right of the picture: Anti-Drug Queen Fighting Rumors of Drug Connections. It was worse than he had imagined. They were hounding her unmercifully. If he had left her alone, this never would have happened. He told himself repeatedly that he should have ignored his feelings for her. All of this was his fault.

  Placing the newspaper back on the coffee table, he wandered across the room to stare out the window at nothing. Maybe his leaving would reduce the pressure on her. Things would die down. People would forget. Things could return to normal for her. He drifted over to the bed and flopped onto it.

  Would things ever be normal again? How bad was it for her? How was she holding up? He wanted to see her so badly he ached. But seeing her was impossible. If only he could find out how she was doing.

  Crossing his forearm over his eyes, he found the dark welcoming. Lately, he hadn’t felt like facing the light, but even in the darkness he found that he couldn’t get her out of his mind.


  “Girl! I thought Esther was going to fall right out of her seat, Nedra was so bad!” Carla gushed, pacing the living room with the telephone pressed to her ear. Sharon was on the other end, enjoying her blow by blow description of Nedra’s sermon.

  Carla had insisted on picking Nedra up that morning and escorting her to Sunday morning service. After church, they went to Carla’s house to fix dinner. Carla had spent the rest of the afternoon calling everyone she knew to tell them about Nedra’s triumph.

  As she lay stretched out on the sofa, recovering from the heavy meal, Nedra tried not to enjoy her friend’s enthusiasm, but she found that her humility went only so far. She had to admit feeling pretty good about the day’s events. Carla’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

  “Hey, Nedra, Sharon wants to talk to you!” She thrust the receiver into Nedra’s waiting hands. “Tell her I said kiss kiss. I’ve got to get to the Oakland Airport, Jacob’s flight lands in twenty minutes.” She picked up her coat and purse. “Don’t forget, Mrs. Wilson, next door, baked us one of her famous lemon pies. She’s going to drop it off. We can chow down for dessert. See ya!” She whisked out the door at a run.

  “That girl makes me tired just watching her,” Nedra chuckled. “Hey, my friend, how are you doing?”

  “Much better since I heard about how you cleaned house today.” Sharon’s voice echoed her pride.

  Nedra smiled at her colorful description. “Well, I haven’t cleaned house thoroughly yet, but at least I swept up a bit. But, that’s enough about me. When are you coming home?”

  There was a noticeable hesitancy on the other end. “I haven’t decided yet. Carla told me that Richard still hasn’t been seen or heard from. She didn’t seem to be worried though.”

  “Sharon, believe me, Richard can take care of himself.”

  “I know, but with his problem and all...”

  “You mean his drug addiction.’

  “Yes, and I was thinking that something might have happened to him.”

  Sharon’s need for reassurance was apparent. Carla wouldn’t give it to her. Nedra did.

  “I’m sure he’ll be all right, Sharon. We would have heard something if he wasn’t.”

  “Yes, that’s true.” There was another pause. “I know you might not be able to understand this, but love isn’t something easily dismissed.”

  Her words wrapped themselves around Nedra’s heart. “You’re wrong, Sharon, I do understand. I know exactly what you mean.”


  Richard parked his car up the street from Carla’s house, approximately where he had parked the day he tampered with Nedra’s brakes. Carla’s car was in the driveway. Good, he could get the information he wanted from her.

  He had driven by Nedra’s condo. Her car was in its stall, but when he managed to get into the building, there was no answer. Some woman coming out of the apartment next door said that she had seen her getting into some fancy car earlier that morning. He didn’t have to ask. She was probably with that Reasoner bastard. He was here to find out. Carla would know where Nedra was. She’d know her entire itinerary. The two of them were thick as thieves.

  Patting his jacket pocket to check on the gun, he got out of the car and headed toward the house. Yes, his beloved sister was just the right person to lead him to his prey.

  The door chime rang just as Nedra was ending her conversation with Sharon. “Hon, Mrs. Wilson is at the door with one of those finger lickin’ good pies of hers.”

  Sharon pouted, “Lucky!”

  Nedra laughed, remembering all of the talk fests the three of them had enjoyed over the years topped off with one of Mrs. Wilson’s pies. “Eat your heart out, but come home soon. Got to go! Love you.”

  Disconnecting, Nedra went to the door, opening it with an expectant smile. Her eyes widened with surprise when she saw who was standing at the front door.

  “Richard! What are you doing here?”

  Without a word, he eased past her and entered the house. Closing the door behind him, Nedra whispered a quick prayer for the Lord to give her the strength to be civil to this man. The very sight of him brought back memories of Sharon’s bruises. She followed him into the living room.

  Although he gave no indication, Richard was reeling from the shock of coming face to face with Nedra. It hadn’t been expected. Something in his life was finally going right. He took a seat on the sofa.

  “What are you’re doing here?” Nedra asked again.

  “This is my sister’s house. I came to see her.”

  She took a seat in a chair opposite him. “Carla’s not here. She went to pick up Jacob at the airport.”

  “Her car’s outside.” He sounded dubious.

  “She must have taken his car.”

  “So, you’re here alone?” He looked around as if seeking confirmation.

  She nodded. “Carla and Jacob should be back soon.”

  He didn’t respond, but got up and started walking around the house, peeking into the rooms downstairs. Coming back to the entrance, he went up the stairs.

  Nedra noticed his agitation. She also noted that in the short period during which he had been missing, he had undergone some physical changes. He was thinner and the ponytail he once sported had been replaced with a short haircut that made him look more conservative. He still sported two earrings, but the gold hoops had been replaced by studs. A five o’clock shadow covered his handsome face. He looked neat and clean, but there was a difference. Where he had always been fastidious in his dress, his stylish clothes now hung on him loosely and appeared rumpled.

  Nedra watched him closely as he walked back to the living room. “What are you looking for?” His constant movement was getting on her nerves. “I told you Carla’s not here.”

  He stood behind the sofa, observing her. She looked good dressed in her winter white slacks and sweater. White, the color of purity! The color angels wore, but everybody knew better didn’t they? At least everybod
y but him! She was sitting there like she didn’t have a care in the world, but that was about to change.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?”

  Nedra looked at him as though he had gone out of his mind. “Where’s my what?”

  Richard snorted. “You heard me. I said where’s your boyfriend?”

  No he didn’t! She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This woman beater, this fugitive from justice, had the nerve to come in here and question her! This was too much! Leaping from her chair, she was ready to give him a piece of her mind.

  “I know you’re not standing there trying to get into my business. I’d advise you to straighten up your own life before you start meddling in mine.”

  Richard walked from behind the sofa with a sinister look on his face. The look unnerved Nedra, but she gave no outward indication as he stopped in front of her and leaned down, within inches of her face.

  “You whore!” he hissed. “Who are you to give anybody advise?”

  Nedra flinched, stun as much by his words as his delivery. Without warning he grabbed her upper arms and pushed her back into the chair.

  Shocked by his action, Nedra struggled to get up from the chair. “What are you...?”

  He pushed her down again, this time, resting his arms on each side of the chair, pinning her to it. “If you move again without me telling you to, I’ll break your filthy little neck!”

  Nedra froze. The glint in his eyes was deadly. Her anger turned into anxiety.

  “What’s wrong with you, Richard? What is this about?”

  He sneered. “What’s wrong with me? He laughed and shook his head as if unable to believe the question was asked. “What’s wrong with you? For years you go around acting all pure and innocent, making me fall in love with you.”

  “Richard, I...”

  “Shut up! You slut!” He raised his hand to slap her, but the sound of the door chime froze his hand in midair. Startled, his head jerked toward the sound.

  Nedra’s eyes flew to the front door, then back to him. She told herself to remain calm, not to show fear. It was difficult. Richard was high on drugs and his behavior was erratic. She was in danger.

  “That’s Mrs. Wilson, Carla’s next door neighbor, the one that bakes the good pies. She’s supposed to bring one over here. She knows that I’m here waiting.”

  Richard’s eyes slid to the sound of the chimes, ringing for a second time. She could see him thinking, but the gun that he slipped from his pocket caught her off guard. She gasped.

  “That’s right, it’s a gun and it’s loaded.” Richard waved it menacingly. “So don’t try anything or they’ll be two dead bodies.”

  Jerking her up from the chair, he walked her toward the front door, as he whispered, harshly, in her ear. “I’ll be standing behind the door. You take the pie from the old bitty, and keep the talk short.” Releasing her, he stepped into the space behind the door.

  Nedra’s mind was working a mile a minute. Her heart was pounding out of her chest. She opened the door.

  “Mrs. Wilson, I—” Shocked, she stared in amazement. Sin stood on the other side of the door.

  He stared back at her, equally as stunned. He had never expected to see her!

  Jolted by her awareness of the danger they both faced, Nedra tried to slam the door shut, hoping that would give him a chance to escape Richard’s insanity, but Sin’s reflexes proved quicker than her own. Swiftly, he moved toward her, preventing the door from closing.

  “Nedra! Baby!” His piercing dark eyes caressed her. “Are you okay? I came by to see see how you were doing. I never expected...never imagined.... Here, let’s move out of this doorway. I don’t want anybody to see us.”

  Her startled, “No!” went unnoticed as he moved the two of them into the house. Elated, he pulled her into his arms. His mouth devoured her lips even as she pushed him away.


  “No, Sin!”

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

  Drawing away from her, Sin turned toward the sound of the voice. His eyes narrowed at the sight of Richard and the gun aimed at them both.

  He turned to Nedra. “What’s going on? Who’s this?”

  Richard laughed sarcastically. “Who’s this? Do you mean, who am I? Or, do you mean, is this another one? Which is it?”

  “Sin, this is Richard Ryan, Carla’s brother.”

  “Richard Ryan?” Sin’s mind raced, then recognition. Sharon’s boyfriend! The one who beat on women! Why was he here?

  Richard sneered. “You don’t have to introduce yourself. We all know who you are, Mr. Reasoner, or should I say, Mr. Lover. There’s no doubt about that.” Richard’s gaze snaked down the length of Nedra’s body. “You have definitely gotten some of that.”

  Insulted, Nedra started toward Richard, but Sin stopped her as she huffed, “Richard, I’m not sure what this is about, but....”

  “I bet!” he spat. “Why would you? When did you ever think that anything that I did or said was important? I was never good enough for you. You were too pure, too self-righteous. You never gave me a chance!”

  Realizing the reason for his anger, Nedra used it as leverage. Maybe there was a chance to talk him out of whatever he was planning.

  “You’re a friend, Richard, and my best friend’s brother. I never thought of you as a potential boyfriend.”

  “Or as anything at all! You led me on. You made me fall in love with you. I thought that you were special, worth waiting for!”

  “If you just—”

  “I told you to shut up! I don’t want to hear a thing you have to say. I wasn’t good enough for you, but some dope dealing gutter trash was?” He waved the gun at Sin, sneering at him contemptuously. “This is what you want?”

  Richard’s agitation was increasing. He was becoming more distracted. Taking advantage of both, Sin made a subtle move to place himself between Richard and Nedra.

  “Man, I understand where you’re coming from.” He took a step forward.

  Richard leveled the gun at him. “The hell you do! You don’t know a thing about me, but I know at least one thing about you. I know that you slept with this whore!”

  Nedra saw Sin’s eyes glaze with fury at Richard’s reference to her, but his expression remained blank.

  Richard scoffed. “And now you’re going to die with her.” Slowly, he circled the couple. “You see, I decided that the scenario will be like this. You two can’t live without each other. So, I think a murder-suicide would be more than believable.”

  The change in Richard’s position brought Sin standing closer to him

  “You came over here looking for her, because you were upset with all that has happened.”

  Nedra’s eyes traveled nervously between the two men.

  “You found her and the two of you fought.”

  She knew instinctively that Sin would try and charge Richard.

  “You shot her, and then you killed yourself.”

  Richard’s stance shifted slightly and Sin sprang into action, pushing Nedra to the floor. She looked up in time to see a flurry of movement as Sin executed a rounded kick to Richard’s hand. Stunned, Richard stumbled backward. The gun went off, the sound echoing loudly in the entranceway. It fell from his hand and skittered across the parquet floor, ending up on the living room rug.

  Nedra scrambled on her knees to retrieve the weapon, praying silently with every move she made. Picking it up, she raced back to the entranceway just as Sin smashed a fist into his opponent’s chin. Richard fell, like a log.

  Nedra stood frozen, her eyes fixed on Richard’s unconscious form. Shaken, she placed the gun on a nearby table and joined Sin. They stood looking at Richard’s crumpled form.

  “Carla said that he’s sick. I don’t think anybody knows how sick.”

  Turning, Sin started walking toward the living room. “I’ve got to sit down.”

  Nedra’s eyes went to his face. It showed no visible signs of the physical battle
he had endured, but he didn’t look well. Concerned, she followed him.

  “Yes, you do that. I’ll call the... ” Sin swayed. Nedra clutched his arm. “What is it? Are you okay?”

  Her eyes swept his form. Her veins turned to ice. A spot of blood was spreading rapidly on the front of the yellow knit sweater he wore under his jacket. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. Slowly, he sank to the floor.

  “Sin!” Reaching out to catch him, his weight brought her down with him. Terror filled her. She clawed at his jacket. “Sin, honey, you’re hurt! Do you have your phone? I’ve got to call 911!” Finding it, she punched in the numbers with shaky fingers, before returning her attention to him. “Don’t close your eyes, baby, please! Stay with me.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. She smothered his face with kisses. “You’re going to be fine, sweetheart. Listen to me. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  His breathing grew shallow. His eye lids began to flutter. Nedra watched in horror as the light started to fade from his dark eyes.

  “Oh God! Please! Sin, don’t close your eyes, baby! Don’t!”

  Nedra cradled his large body to hers and in desperation screamed into the telephone. “Answer! Answer!”

  With effort, Sin raised a hand and touched her damp cheek. He whispered, “” before closing his eyes.


  Nedra hated the smell of hospitals. No matter how many times she went into one the stench always assailed her senses. Hospitals held an antiseptic smell which fostered the illusion that everything was clean, pure, and fresh. In reality it wasn’t. Death was a constant companion in hospitals and each day it hovered over Sinclair Reasoner.

  On Day One, his heart stopped during the four-hour operation to remove the bullet that lodged only inches from his heart. Nedra prayed. He survived.

  On Day Two, in intensive care, his fever rose to an alarming level. Nedra prayed harder. His fever went down.

  On Day Three, he slipped into a coma. Nedra’s prayers went into overdrive and stayed there.


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