Casting Call (Off Screen Book 5)

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Casting Call (Off Screen Book 5) Page 2

by J. A. Armstrong

  “But, is that what you want?” Emma asked. Addison smiled. “Mm. We really are on different pages,” she chuckled.

  “You just said you think about it all the time,” Addison said.

  “I do. I think about having a baby with you all the time. I do. I’ve never once considered asking one of my brothers. And, I just always assumed I would carry our children. I guess I should have asked you how you felt about that.”

  “Are you asking me now?” Addison wondered.

  “I guess I am.”

  “Truthfully?” Addison asked.

  “Of course, truthfully!”

  “I would do it. But, when I do think about it…I would love them to be yours.”

  “Addy, no matter who gives birth to our children they will be our children,” Emma said.

  “I know. You know what I meant.”

  Emma smiled. “Yeah, I do.”

  “So? I’m still a little lost,” Addison admitted.

  “The storyline, Addy. It leaves an opening,” Emma raised a brow.

  Addison closed her eyes and nodded as the realization hit her. “For Genevieve to get pregnant.” Emma smiled. Addison chuckled. “I really am dense sometimes, huh?” she asked Emma. Emma shrugged. “Emma,” Addison took a deep breath. “Is that what you want?” Emma swallowed hard and looked at Addison hesitantly. “What?” Addison asked.

  “I think it is what I want,” Emma confessed. Addison sucked in a nervous breath. “But, it has to be what we want, not just what I want. If you don’t…”

  “It’s not that,” Addison said. She stood up and paced for a minute. “What if it doesn’t happen? I mean, sometimes these things don’t work, right?”

  Emma couldn’t help but smile. Addison’s nervous pacing reminded her of old television shows and expectant fathers in the waiting room. “I guess that’s true. That’s also why I wanted to talk to you now. It takes time, Addy. It’s not like it will happen tomorrow if we decide to try. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Addison moved back to Emma and pulled her up. “Well, you might have just solved a big dilemma for the show.”


  “I think so,” Addison said. “Face it, I can write it no matter what.” Emma’s expression fell. “But, I sure would like to be writing it to accommodate my wife’s pregnancy. She is the star of the show, you know?”

  Emma beamed. “Are you sure?” Emma asked. Addison nodded. “Really? What if it takes longer, though? I mean…you can’t guarantee…”

  “Em, I love the show. You know that. It’s not forever and we both know that,” Addison said. “If you came to me without this storyline and told me you wanted to have a baby?”

  “Yes?” Emma asked.

  “I would either find a way to make it work or we would find a way to end the show.”

  “You’re serious,” Emma said in awe.


  “Did we just decide to start a family?” Emma asked.

  “I think we did.”

  “Tamara is going to shit her pants!” Emma laughed.

  “Well, that’s her problem. But, if she waits a while we can loan her some diapers,” Addison joked.

  Emma laughed and kissed Addison tenderly. “Thank you, Addy.”

  “Uh, why are you thanking me? Seems like I get the easy deal this go round.”

  “Don’t count on that,” Emma snickered.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Nothing,” Emma smiled sweetly.

  “You are so not telling me something.”

  “I swear,” Emma promised. She kissed Addison again. “Now, didn’t I promise you something about optional attire earlier?”

  “No. You said no attire,” Addison corrected her wife.

  “Skinny dipping?” Emma suggested.

  “I already took your father’s advice and asked you to marry me.”

  “Um, yes, you did. But did my dad tell you how Jackson came into being?” Emma quipped as she removed her T-shirt. Addison licked her lips and took a deep breath as Emma unhooked her bra, let it fall and then unzipped her shorts. Emma kissed Addison lightly and headed for the pool. “Well? Are you interested?” Addison stood paralyzed for a moment before frantically removing her clothing. She ran to the edge and dove in, surfacing in front of Emma. She pulled Emma to her and kissed her passionately. “I thought you wanted to hear about how Jackson ended up in our family,” Emma joked.

  “Does it involve making love in a pool?”

  “No,” Emma laughed.

  “Then, I don’t care,” Addison said with another heated kiss.

  “You know, as many talents as you possess, you are not going to get me pregnant in this pool,” Emma chided.

  “No, but we might drown trying,” Addison returned.

  Emma shook her head. “You should definitely write sitcoms.”

  “Not tonight. Tonight, love scenes,” Addison said. She pulled Emma closer and kissed her deeply. “I love you, Em.”

  “I know. I love you too,” Emma promised. “Now, about this love scene…”

  Chapter Two

  “God, is it me or did this week feel like it lasted for a month?” Sandra asked Emma.

  Emma laughed at her co-star. “A lesser person might think you found them difficult to work with,” she commented.

  Sandra yawned. “Nope. I swear I don’t know where you get the energy.”

  “Uh…That’s all an act.”

  “Yeah, right,” Sandra commented. She looked across the set to where the director was talking to several crew members. “You look like you did ten hours ago. I look like someone ran me over for the last ten hours.”

  “Not true. You’ve had a lot more to do this week than I have,” Emma said.

  “You are so full of it,” Sandra laughed. “How can you be in such a perpetually good mood? Rehearsing our scenes at home?” she teased Emma.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Emma returned.

  Emma had grown fond of Sandra MacMillan. It surprised her a bit after a rough beginning, but Sandra had become one of Emma’s closest friends. They worked long days together. There were periods when Emma was positive Sandra was ready to kill her. There had been days when just the sound of Sandra breathing annoyed Emma. That was normal for an on-screen pairing. Those times passed quickly for Emma and Sandra. Those moments were the product of exhaustion, outside pressures, and being in someone’s presence constantly. Off Screen had been a transition for Sandra in more ways than one. Emma understood that. Emma had served as Sandra’s shepherd during the first season, guiding her through some of her insecurities. Sandra not only respected Emma, she admired her. If it hadn’t been for Emma’s very public relationship with Addison, Emma was sure the tabloids would have been riddled with innuendo of a real off-screen romance between the two co-stars. Some had tried. Sandra had surprisingly been the one to quell the rumors. She was asked in an interview about the constant chatter. Emma and Addison were amazed at her good natured reply.

  “Oh, no, no. Don’t get me wrong, I love Emma.”

  “Just not as a lesbian?” the interviewer had asked.

  “No. I only play one on T.V. But, if Emma is ever crazy enough to leave Addison? I might just give it the old college try.”

  “Does Emma know?” the interviewer had joked.

  “That I think her wife is hot? Yeah, she knows! You have seen the show, right? You know who writes most of the love scenes.”

  “Seriously, Emma, I know I have been a bitch half this week,” Sandra admitted.

  “When were you a bitch? And, was I there?” Emma chuckled.

  “Yeah, right,” Sandra shook her head.

  “You weren’t a bitch,” Emma said. “I get it. I’m tired too,” Emma admitted. Sandra looked skeptical. “I am. I guess I am just looking forward to four full days off.”

  “You guys doing anything?” Sandra asked. “Or just crashing at home and recuperating?”

  “Emma! Doug needs you,” a vo
ice called out.

  Emma turned to Sandra. “Hoping for a weekend of relaxation. Working on some home projects,” Emma said before heading off.

  “Lucky,” Sandra chuckled.

  “Who’s lucky?” Addison asked from behind Sandra.

  “You,” Sandra laughed. “And, Emma.”

  Addison took the seat that Emma had just occupied. “Why are we lucky?”

  “Must be nice to just go home and relax,” Sandra said. Addison was confused. “I was just wondering how Emma still had so much energy. Guess a weekend at home and decompressing can be a motivator.”

  “I guess it can,” Addison grinned.

  “Oh, God. What are you two doing? Research?” Sandra laughed.

  Addison jumped nervously. “What?”

  Sandra laughed harder. “Addison, we all know you are sleeping with the star. Are you okay?” Sandra asked.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Uh, you are white as a ghost,” Sandra said.

  “I'm okay. Just overtired, I think,” Addison explained. She stood up to leave and immediately became dizzy.

  “Addison?” Sandra reached out for Addison but failed to catch her in time. Addison hit the ground with a thud. “Addison!”

  Emma heard Sandra’s panicked scream and took off running. It was only seconds until Emma made her way across the room. She pushed her way through several people to Addison. Addison was just beginning to come back to consciousness. Emma knelt beside her and looked at Sandra. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know,” Sandra said. “She was fine. Then she just went pale. She stood up and before I could catch her…”

  “Uhhh,” Addison groaned and lifted her hand slowly to her eyes.

  “Addy,” Emma called to her softly. “Honey, look at me.”

  “Jesus, my head hurts,” Addison complained as Emma helped her sit up.

  Emma’s heart was racing so fast she was afraid she might end up beside her wife on the floor. “Addy?”

  “I’m okay,” Addison said.

  “Bullshit,” Emma said softly. “Are you dizzy?” Addison looked at Emma and nodded sheepishly. “Did you eat today?” Emma asked. Addison sighed. “Addy. We’re going to get you checked out.”

  “I’m okay, Em.”

  Emma took Addison’s face in her hands. “We are going.”

  “Emma,” a voice piped in. “We still need to reshoot that last scene.”

  “No. We do not.”

  “We can’t use that other take. You…”

  Emma turned and flashed a burning gaze at the director. “Make it work.”

  “We need…”

  Emma looked back at Addison. “Are you okay to walk out of here?” Addison nodded. Emma looked to Sandra and Sandra helped her get Addison to her feet. Emma turned back to a familiar face. “Call Jeff. Tell him the keys to my car are in Addy’s desk. Tell him to pull it around.” The young man nodded. “Sandra, help me get Addy to the car.”

  “Emma,” Doug Miller, the director called.

  “Don’t,” Emma warned.

  Dan Starr walked up beside the man. “Let it go, Doug. It will be okay. You will not be if you push her one more inch. Trust me.”

  “This is why on set romances are a bad idea,” Doug griped.

  “Why is that? Because they make people pass out?” Dan laughed. Doug glared at him. Dan Starr shook his head. Emma and Addison were friends. He worked with Emma every day and he was all too aware of what Emma’s priorities we. Number one was Addison. Number two were her friends and family. Number three was her career. Doug had only worked on the show twice. “For the record,” Dan said. “If that had been you on the floor? Or me? Or Sandra? Or Skip over there with the boom? She would have done the exact same thing.”

  “I’m sure,” Doug grumbled doubtfully.

  “Well, I am sure,” Dan said. “So would Addison. So would Jeff. Be careful. Emma is one of the sweetest people I know. Don’t fuck with her wife, or her friends.”

  “Is that a threat, Dan?” the director asked.

  “No, it’s advice. People don’t just like Emma. They respect her here. Quite a lot, actually. People talk. You know that.”

  “Talk is cheap,” Doug waved off Dan’s comment.

  “Depends on who is doing the talking,” Dan said. He leaned into the director’s ear and whispered. “And, who they are talking to.” Dan started to make his way toward the studio door where Emma was waiting with Addison.

  “Where are you going?” Doug asked.

  “Well, I’m certainly not letting Emma drive,” Dan said. “Have a nice weekend, Doug.”


  Emma helped Addison put her feet up on the sofa and walked Sandra to the door. “Thanks.”

  Sandra smiled. “That’s what friends are for, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess it is. I really do appreciate it,” Emma said. “Tell Dan I said thanks too.”

  “I will. Don’t kill her before she recovers,” Sandra joked.

  Emma chuckled. “I promise.”

  “I’ll see you Wednesday,” Sandra said.

  “I’ll be there,” Emma promised.

  “If you need anything…”

  “Thanks,” Emma said. Sandra nodded and Emma closed the door gently. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and started back toward the living room. Addison was rubbing her forehead with her eyes closed. Emma sat on the edge of the sofa beside her. She placed a light kiss on Addison’s lips. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  “I’m sorry,” Addison apologized as she opened her eyes.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you were not feeling well?” Emma asked.

  “I was fine when we left this morning. I thought it would pass. I just couldn’t face eating anything. I didn’t see you all afternoon and then…”


  “I just wanted to get through the day and get home so we could work on our project.”

  “We are not working on anything,” Emma said bluntly. Addison threw her head back on the pillow in defeat. Emma smiled. “Addy, you need to take it easy. Dehydration is not something to fool around with.”

  Addison covered her face with her hands and groaned. “I’m sorry. I suck.”

  “For being sick?” Emma asked.

  “No, for ruining things.”

  Emma sighed. “Addy, you aren’t ruining anything. Look at me,” Emma instructed. She peeled Addison’s hands from her face and smiled. “Stop. Everyone gets sick.”

  “Not me,” Addison said defiantly. It was true. Addison rarely even had the sniffles.

  “Even you,” Emma said.

  Addison groaned again. “We have plans tomorrow.”

  “Yes, we do. We are staying home and you are doing exactly what the doctor ordered—resting, drinking a lot of fluids, and resting some more.” Emma saw Addison start to protest and shook her head. “No arguments. You have no idea how scared I was when I heard Sandra yell your name like that.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “No, you aren’t. You are better, but you are not fine. You will be and that is all that matters,” Emma said.

  “We are supposed to drive to Monterey tomorrow.”

  Emma smiled. “We are not driving anywhere, Addison. I already called and changed the appointment.”

  “The appointment’s not until Monday!” Addison argued.

  Emma raised both her eyebrows. “Well, if nothing else you are giving me practice.”

  “Practice? For what?”

  “Dealing with whiny toddlers and argumentative children.”


  Emma rolled her eyes. “Just close your eyes and rest. I’m going to go get you something to drink and start on something light for dinner so you can try to eat.” She bent over and kissed Addison on the forehead. Addison was pouting. Emma chuckled.

  “I suck,” Addison whispered in frustration. “You shouldn’t have to take care of me like this.”

  “Well, maybe one day you will get to r
eturn the favor,” Emma said with another kiss. “Just rest.” Emma stood and started toward the kitchen.

  “I’m not whiny.”

  Emma shook her head in amusement. Thank God she hardly ever gets sick.


  Emma woke up to Addison tossing and turning. She flipped over and wrapped an arm around Addison’s waist to settle her. “What’s wrong?” she asked. The only reply was a dramatic groan. “Addy…”

  “This sucks.”

  Emma sighed and sat up. “Addy, come on. You are far too upset about this. It’s just a meeting for heaven’s sake. It can wait.” Addison turned and looked at Emma. In the faint light, Emma could see the frustration in Addison’s eyes and couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “You aren’t very upset about this,” Addison observed.

  Emma nodded. “I’m not upset,” she said. Addison shook her head. “Upset that you got sick? Addy, what would that make me?” she asked. Addison sighed heavily. “I am disappointed…a little, but things happen. And, Addy, you have to stop and think how most couples start their families. They just try until it happens. Unless, of course, they get caught by surprise,” Emma giggled.

  “Yeah, well, we’ve been planning this trip for almost a month.”

  “True,” Emma admitted.

  “And, now how long will we have to wait to just talk to someone?”

  “That depends,” Emma said.

  “On what?”

  “How are you feeling?” Emma asked.

  “Irritated,” Addison answered. Emma laughed. “But, better.”

  “Honestly?” Emma asked.

  “Yeah, and that’s what makes it truly suck,” Addison complained.

  Emma kissed Addison’s forehead. Addison was even-tempered most of the time. When something did ruffle her, it could derail her for days. It was not a side of the writer that most people ever saw. Many times, the signs were small. Addison would not sleep. Addison would constantly be moving, trying to burn off her nervous energy. They had been discussing the options available to them to start a family for over a month. Should they ask someone they knew to be the donor for their children? Should they use an anonymous donor? Should they find someplace locally or someplace a bit farther away to keep potential attention lower? And, how would they make that work? They had finally decided to meet with a fertility specialist in Monterey. It was far enough away to give them some distance and close enough that it might be feasible. Addison and Emma were reasonably confident that they knew what direction they wanted to take. They wanted to talk to the experts before making their final decision. This trip was supposed to serve as both a mini vacation and hopefully, the first major step in starting a family. It was strange to Emma, she had been the one to raise the idea. In fact, she finally confessed to Addison that she had been thinking about it for months. She wasn’t sure what had triggered it. Emma had always wanted a family. Being married to Addison seemed to kick her maternal longings into high gear. She knew that Addison wanted a family, but she had to confess she was amazed at how excited Addison seemed to be just by the possibility. What she had failed to realize, was how important this trip was to Addison.


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