Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 10

by Petrova, Em

  “Shut the fuck up!”

  Abe went on. “You want to hold her at night? Learn her secrets?” “Fuck you.”

  “You mean fuck, yeah.” “That too.”

  “Well, I think she wants you every bit as much as she wants me. And I think we should share her.”

  Levi almost gagged. Share her? Screw with her emotions until she was a basket case and didn’t know who to trust or where to turn? “No way.”

  “You aren’t willing to risk your heart?”

  “Shit, man, my heart has been in her hands for weeks. It’s her heart I’m concerned with.”

  “I think she has room enough in her heart to love us both.”

  Emotion burned the back of Levi’s throat. “I don’t know how to respond to that.”

  Abe scuffed a socked foot against the kitchen tile. “Just hear me out. I’m proposing something that will benefit all of us.”

  “Which is?”

  “A threesome.”

  A spike of need struck Levi’s gut and knocked the breath from him. But a major question mark loomed in his mind. “What kind of involvement would there be between us? You’re not… I’m not…”

  Abe laughed. “No, I don’t want your body, Levi. I want to give Chapel more pleasure than she’s ever experienced in her existence, and we get the enjoyment of her body.”

  A long silence passed while he mulled this idea. Sure, it drove him mad with lust and the mere thought of having her care about him in any way was a hot coal in his gut. “What if she doesn’t want that?”

  “She will. Trust me. I see the spark between you two but she’d never act on it. She’s too loyal. So we remove the choice from her hands.”

  A thread of excitement began to weave through his chest. “If we did this, when would it happen?”

  “Tonight. When she comes over we’ll make a move.” “And how are we going to do that?”

  “When she’s asleep in my arms, you go down on her.”

  Levi’s cock stiffened until he felt it might strangle in the tight confines of his jeans.

  God, how would she taste? He licked his lower lip slowly.

  Abe chuckled. “Yeah, she’s that good. Better than you can know. Sweet as honey and intoxicating as moonshine. You think you can handle it?”

  Could he?

  Could he walk away?

  “Yeah. I want her.” His voice sounded as though he’d swallowed a handful of nails and chased it with Jack Daniels.

  “Good. Me too. Now get dressed. We’ve got a hard day of work before we get to play.”

  Chapter Six

  The wind whipped through the office as Chapel’s father burst through the door. She automatically slapped a hand over the thick pile of paperwork on her desk to keep it from sailing to the floor. The KeerSaw contract and all her notes were organized in order of importance. This morning she’d discovered them in a neat pile on her desk at the house. Apparently after she’d taken off following her argument with her father, he’d taken the liberty of poring over her work. After a quick glance today, she saw he’d organized the file the exact same way she would.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  Jay gave her the piercing look that would have slaughtered her long ago with its sharpness if she wasn’t so tough. “Your boys aren’t gonna work out.”

  She sat up straighter. “Who are we talking about?” “Gardner and that new guy who’s staying with him, Black.”

  Immediately her guard was up. She felt her mental boxing gloves being pulled over the tender knuckles of her feelings. “Abe and Levi are the best faller and bucker we have.”

  “And they happened to be late this morning.”

  She stared at her father. It was unlike them to be late. They’d been awake when she left. A ripple of unease ran through her. What had happened to set them off course?

  Her father grimaced a little with pain from his surgery as he stomped heavily to his chair and collapsed into it. “You sure they’re your best men?

  “Yes. Trust me.”

  “You’ve taken on this deal but I don’t have to sit back and let it fall down around our ears.”

  She swallowed the bitter tears that rose instantly to the surface. For a minute she simply stared at him. Finally she spoke. “Dad, I’m unhappy with our living arrangement.” The words spoke themselves. She jerked at the sound of them falling from her lips. For years she’d thought them, but never had he pushed her enough to say them.

  He stared at her hard and she struggled not to squirm like a worm on a hook.

  Tapping a pen on the desk, he drawled, “Are you now?” “Yes. I think it’s time we parted ways.”

  The muscle in his jaw fluttered. Her heart thudded for long minutes but still he said nothing. Finally, he met her gaze. “You don’t have to do that, Chapel girl.”

  “I think I do,” she said in a voice that was wobblier than she’d like.

  “Business isn’t personal.”

  “You’ve been saying that for years, and it feels personal to me. I can’t separate the father who tells me off because I scored a big contract and the father who raised me. The truth is, we’ve always been at odds, but I’ve stuck around because I felt like I should. Now I think it’s time for me to go.”

  He nodded. “All right, do what you need to do.”

  She stood up and clutched the KeerSaw file to her chest. “I’ll be back in the morning to work. If you feel poorly, I hope you’re not too stubborn to call me for help.”

  “I’ll be fine.” On her way past him, he caught her by the wrist.

  She stared at the place where his thick fingers wrapped around her flesh. He tugged lightly.

  “Give me a kiss, girl.”

  She stooped and brushed a kiss to his dear cheek. Tears of emotion built in her throat. She was torn between the relief that she’d finally spoken up and broken free after all these years, and sadness at the parting.

  Quickly, she left the office and strode toward the house. She knew Abe would welcome her for another night. Though they’d never discussed it, she knew he loved having her there. Still she’d have to find permanent living arrangements soon. She didn’t want to cramp Abe for fear their relationship wouldn’t bear the strain. And the bungalow was small with Levi living there.


  Her nipples pinched hard at the thought of what she and Abe had done last night. At the moment he’d told her to look at Levi while she came, her world had tilted on its axis. She couldn’t explain it, but it felt right. Natural. And hot as hell.

  It wasn’t a good idea to repeat the encounter, but she couldn’t stop fantasizing about it. Even this morning when she’d met Levi alone in the kitchen, her mind had whirled with desire. While Abe’s fingers had worked over her wet folds, she’d feasted her eyes on Levi’s strong form. Flat abs, rugged jeans molded to his thighs, and his hard jaw.

  A little shiver trickled down her spine.

  In her bedroom she set her duffle bag on her bed and began filling it. She grabbed enough items from her closet to get her through a couple of days. She’d call a realtor later this afternoon to find a house to rent. Though her income was modest, she could swing rent if it was low enough. And the advantage to living in a small town was everyone knew her and would give her a break.

  She rummaged in her panty drawer and came up with a handful of the silk garments Abe loved.

  But her mind was on Levi.

  What’s the matter with you, Chapel?

  She grabbed her toothbrush and hairbrush from the bathroom, along with a ponytail holder, then added it to her bag. The KeerSaw file she placed on top and zipped it.

  In the corner of her bedroom her precious violin hung on a hook along with the bow. She typically played every day, whether a long sonata or a quirky chorus from a jig. The music had soothed her since a young age, and leaving this object behind felt wrong.

  She took a moment to tuck it snugly into its case. At the door of her room, she looked back, knowing she would return but it woul
d never feel the same. This would never be her room again.

  At the front door, she spent some time stroking Riley’s soft ears. “You’ll be all right, boy. You’re Daddy’s dog and I’ll come see you soon.” The dog wagged his tail and licked her chin.

  As she walked out of her house for the last time, a tear dropped from her lashes.

  But her heart soared.


  Before Abe hit the sidewalk leading to his house, the satiny tones of Chapel’s violin met his ears. At his side, Levi drew to a stop.

  “Chapel,” Abe said with a grin. “You didn’t know she played?” “No.”

  Abe quickened his step to reach her faster. Judging from the strong emotion evoked by the song she played, he guessed something big had happened. The tune was neither cheerful nor melancholy, but a strange mixture of both.

  “She’s unbelievable,” Levi rasped as he entered behind Abe.

  Chapel stood in the living room, bent slightly by her music, her entire body curling around the instrument that sang for her like a lover. Her hair waved over one shoulder and her overly long bangs hung in her eyes. But she didn’t need to read music or watch her fingers. These notes were obviously ingrained in her soul.

  Abe scanned the room and spotted her bag. For a heartbeat, he thought he was seeing things. No matter how many times she crashed here, she never brought clothes with her. She slept naked and showered and changed at home, though Abe kept a toothbrush for her in the medicine cabinet.

  Levi saw the bag too and turned to meet Abe’s gaze with a questioning look.

  Something’s happened. It’s finally here, Abe thought.

  What were the chances? On the very night he and Levi planned to get her between them, she had left her father’s home? It felt like a sign. A sign that what they were doing was right. Right for Chapel.

  She opened her eyes as the song took an upward swing. The smile she shot Abe thrilled him to the core. His entire body oozed passion and love for this woman.

  And if Levi’s body language was any indication, he was head over heels for her. He hung on every trill of Chapel’s fingers. His fists were wadded at his sides as if he struggled to keep from grabbing her. Now that he knew she was his too, it seemed he could hardly hold back.

  Heat wended its way through Abe’s lower belly and down to his groin. His cock throbbed and his balls ached with the need to watch his woman and his best friend together. How was he going to make it until she fell asleep?

  As the final notes spiraled up, up, up, joy broke over her face. She met his gaze and he saw her raw love for him. A pang stabbed his chest. He should be able to ask her to marry him, dammit. Should be able to give her everything.

  Tonight is the start. I’ll give her pleasure unlike any she’s ever known.

  The last vibrations of the violin strings died away and Chapel lowered the instrument with a shy smile.

  Levi made a sharp movement as if he were going to grab her. When she focused on him, his hand fell to his side and he simply gave her a grin. “You’re incredible.”

  If she listened closely, she’d read more into the meaning of his words. But she obviously took him at face value.

  “Thanks, I’ve been playing a long time.”

  Abe stepped up and removed the instrument from her hands. He set it aside carefully and wrapped his arms around her. “What happened?”

  A small shudder ripped through her. “You always read me.” “It’s my job.” And soon Levi’s too.

  “I told Daddy I was moving out.”

  He nodded. “Of course you can stay here.”

  She shook her head and her silky hair slipped over his arm, inflaming him again. “I can’t ask that. I’ll get my own place. But I might need to crash here a few days.”

  Abe held her at arm’s length. “You know I want you here, right?” Levi inched nearer. “We want you here.”

  She looked between them, her eyes wide with astonishment.

  “I’ve never told you straight out but I am now, Chapel. I want you to stay. Don’t think about getting your own place. It’s small here, but we’ll make room.”

  “I don’t know…”

  He cradled her delicate jaw in his palm. “I do know.”

  She went onto tiptoe to press a soft kiss to his lips. “All right, I’ll try it for a few days. I don’t need a lot of room. I only have some clothes and my violin as long as you don’t mind giving up half of your bed.”

  Levi turned away and walked into the kitchen. Abe watched him with concern. Could he pull this off without playing the jealousy card? There wasn’t room in a threesome for jealousy or hard feelings. If they were making a go of this, trust and honestly were essential.

  “You know I love you in my bed,” he growled into her ear.

  She squirmed in his hold, gave him a lingering kiss and then announced she was holding true to her word and making a big dinner for them. Levi had disappeared into the bathroom for a shower, so Abe washed up in the kitchen sink before digging into the chore of peeling potatoes.

  Standing hip to hip in with her while making dinner preparations felt right. In fact, everything about her presence in this house did. If she decided she couldn’t live with them, he’d be devastated.

  He folded his lips into a tight line and concentrated on peeling. What if he and Levi went through with their plan tonight and she reacted badly? The last thing he wanted was to jeopardize their relationship.

  She pivoted at the sound of Levi’s step. A puff of air escaped her.

  Abe turned in time to catch the current of electricity between her and Levi’s gazes. Levi wore only jeans and his freshly washed hair still dripped down his throat and chest. He clutched a towel in his hands, but didn’t move to catch the rivulets.

  And Chapel was riveted. Her breasts rose and fell with her labored breathing. Quietly Abe set the knife he was using to pare potatoes on the edge of the sink, but the clink broke the moment between them.

  She twisted away. Levi strode to the refrigerator, ripped open the door and grabbed a can of Coke. Tension of the sexual variety hung in the air. Abe could nearly taste its flavor—Levi’s explosive need mixed with Chapel’s passions.

  Fuck, this was going to be so good. He could hardly contain his excitement. Getting through dinner without rearranging his stiff rod a dozen times was going to be difficult, but within hours he’d have her right where he wanted her—between him and Levi.


  Levi’s body stirred when Abe grabbed Chapel’s hand and announced they were going to bed. For a heartbeat, she met Levi’s gaze across the coffee table. Did she suspect what they had planned? His cock, which was like a rock, grew painfully harder.

  Her hair was perfectly mussed. Fine strands stood on her crown and a wisp curled forward and ended at the corner of her mouth. She flicked her head to move it.

  “Night, Levi.”

  He didn’t know if he could force out a single sound that wasn’t a moan of need.

  Instead he gave a nod.

  Abe sent him a meaningful glance, but he didn’t need any more incentive to follow them down the hall to the bedroom later. He studied Chapel’s features, trying to gauge her sleepiness.

  Maybe it would be a better idea to kindle the fire while she was awake. He couldn’t help but worry that she’d reject him or feel violated by his moves. More than anything he wished he could pick her up and carry her to bed himself. Trail his mouth over her satiny cheek to her plush lips. Feel her sweet weight in his arms. And lay her out upon the big bed and cover her with his body.

  He let his gaze wander over her sexy curves, too aware that in a few hours—hell, it could be minutes—he’d be learning every dip. His skin prickled.

  Abe shifted slightly and broke Levi’s trance. His gaze raced to Chapel’s, needing one last view of her before he met her in the darkness of the bedroom. They were going at this ass-backward and while he wanted it badly, it also wounded him. He wished for the opportunity to start slow…hold
her hand and guide a tendril of hair away from her beautiful face before leaning in and claiming her lips.

  With his heart thumping in his throat, he watched Abe lead Chapel out of the room. Levi’s thigh muscles quivered and he collapsed to the sofa cushion. In a flash, he was on his feet again, pacing to the window and glancing at the golden disc of the moon riding low in the sky. A lover’s moon.

  Releasing a shaky sigh, he scraped his fingers through his hair. Calm down, man.

  In three strides he crossed the room but never stopped staring at the place where she’d disappeared. Visions of what she and Abe were doing rose up to torment him. Was he cupping her face and plunging his tongue into her mouth? Peeling her top away?

  “Dammit.” Levi paced back to the window and dropped his forehead to the cool glass. His brain felt fevered. His skin rippling with want.

  Today, while cutting timber, he and Abe had discussed the use of a signal that meant she was asleep and Levi could come into the bedroom. He strained his hearing to catch it. What if it never came?

  For long minutes he held his breath, afraid to even move a muscle for fear he’d miss that alert. A low tap—

  The muffled sound of Abe lightly striking a pen on his nightstand drove the last of Levi’s air from his chest cavity. He hunched around the dizzying sensation, savoring the moment. This was it. He might never get another opportunity to touch her. Hell, she might drive him away and write him off forever.

  Slowly, he looked toward the darkened mouth of the hallway. He had to take a chance.

  Again the tap sounded. He clenched his fists and his feet began to move of their own volition. The invisible string connecting his heart to Chapel drew him along thoughtlessly. Fleetingly, it crossed his mind that he should mind sharing her with Abe, but he cared for her so much, he’d never wish for her to give up someone she loved.

  His steps were soundless on the carpet but his heart echoed in his ears.

  What the hell are you doing, Black?

  A deeper internal voice answered. Going after what I want.

  He braced a hand on the doorjamb and blinked into the dim room. The bed was bathed in moonlight, almost completely illuminating Chapel’s feminine shape. Levi scanned her sleeping figure and tried to make sense of what he was about to do.


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