Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 13

by Petrova, Em

  Or someone from KeerSaw.

  He was far from giving a damn. He had to have her now.

  She cried out as he stretched her tight opening. “Abe, I need you too.” “I know, baby.”

  Levi heard the snap of a condom around Abe’s shaft. Leaning all the way back, he drew Chapel down on top of him. Every muscle in his body quivered with restraint. He wanted—no needed—to move. But not until Abe was ready.

  Her dark eyes flared as Abe probed her anus with the tip of his cock. “I don’t know if I can take you both.” Her voice was unsteady.

  Abe nuzzled her nape with his lips. “We’ll be gentle.”

  “Slow,” Levi added. A thrill ran through him at this unspoken agreement to take her together. He’d never shared a woman’s body with another man before. The thought drove him mad with want. How much satisfaction could they give her?

  He felt Abe breach her barrier. The pressure against Levi’s cock grew until he was fighting to keep from exploding.

  Planting his hands on her hips, he maneuvered her to give Abe the easiest access. “I hope she’s had anal before, Abe.”

  He laughed. “You think I’d attempt double penetration if she hadn’t?”

  “I don’t know if I can take it,” she gasped again. Her eyes pinched shut and her lips fell open as Abe eased into her inch by inch.

  Levi wanted to order him to hurry but could do no more than grind his teeth against the rising bliss. “How’s it feel, baby doll?”

  “Ohhh. So full. Stretching me. God, I need you, Abe. Now.”

  With a grunt, he fully seated himself inside her. Over her shoulder, his gaze met Levi’s. They shared a grin and began to move. Slowly at first, testing her limits.

  “Fuck, baby, this is so good.”

  She was limp, lying helpless in their arms. Her eyes were wide and blurred with passion, small rasps bursting from her. Levi zeroed in on the sound and his world shrank to a pinpoint. At this moment, there were only the three of them. To hell with saws and sharpeners and managers. He needed only her and Abe.

  “Faster,” she cried.

  They worked her harder, slipping in and out alternately, and then changing their rhythm and plunging into her together. Her whole body quivered as if on the brink of release. When she went, Levi knew it would be huge. He’d only known her intimately a few times but she’d never been this tight or out of control.

  “We’ve got you, darlin’. Let go. Feel the ecstasy.”

  She reached back to grip Abe’s hip and force him into her ass deeper even as she twisted Levi’s shirt and claimed his mouth. The first taste threatened to unman him.

  “Jesus, she’s so…fucking…tight,” Abe groaned.

  “I can’t stop. I’m going to come!” She shuddered as the waves struck her, towing her under. But he and Abe were there, supporting her, manipulating her body to their wills, driving her higher with each thrust.

  The clench and release of her pussy around Levi’s cock sent him over the edge. He drove deep and poured spurt after spurt of hot juices, wishing there wasn’t a barrier. Wanting to drench her walls.

  “Oh God.” Abe’s hands clamped over Levi’s on her hips and he bucked wildly, rupturing with bliss.

  Levi came back to himself slowly. First he heard only Chapel’s rough breathing and felt the warmth of her lips against his throat. Then he caught the distant chirps of the birds, and beyond that a mechanical noise—a big engine rumbling to life.

  “Fuck, that blew my mind.” Abe gently pulled out of her. Her whole body seemed to cave. She collapsed against Levi. He held her to him, that ever-present emotion she brought to the surface in him threatening to burst the confines of his soul. The love words welled on his tongue.

  Tell her.

  I can’t. What if I have to run?

  The sound of Abe zipping his fly brought Levi to the present.

  Abe wrapped his arms around Chapel and lifted her off Levi, leaving him with an acute sense of loss as her body left his.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” He sat up and smoothed her bangs out of her eyes. Her lips were swollen and he realized his kisses must have been bruising. Guilt warred with satisfaction. He’d marked her. She was his.

  And Abe’s.

  Abe reached into the back of the Jeep and grabbed a sweatshirt. He carefully wiped her up. She stood stock still during his ministrations. Was she truly all right? She hadn’t said a word and she wore a stunned expression.

  Levi put his hands on her. He had to know she was all right after what they’d done. “Baby, talk to us. Are you hurt?”

  She blinked. A shiver crossed her face he couldn’t read. “Hurt? You think you hurt me?

  Abe cupped her jaw and turned her face to his. “We didn’t, did we?”

  A ragged sigh left her. “Of course not. It was…amazing. That word doesn’t begin to describe it, but I’m at a loss.”

  She hugged Abe with one arm and wound her other around Levi. He tipped forward until his forehead rested against her chest. God, if she’d said yes and he had a hand in causing her pain…he couldn’t go on. He’d walk off the job and leave the state now.

  “A truck’s coming. Better zip up, Levi.” Abe smoothed the errant locks of Chapel’s was-just-fucked-by-two-cocks hair and dropped a tender kiss to her lips. “Love you, baby. Stick around for the first fall?”

  A smile tipped her luscious lips and reached all the way up to her dazzling eyes. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  “Even if you can’t walk?” he joked.

  She smacked him playfully on the shoulder. “I won’t have to walk. I’ll lean against the truck and stay safe.”

  “That’s right, stay safe. Let’s go, man.” He nudged Levi with his knee.

  Chapel moved aside to let Levi climb from the Jeep. Then she loosed her smoldering gaze on him. A gaze he’d only seen her give Abe. A gaze that stole his breath.

  Before he could recover, she was in his arms, her soft breasts crushed to his chest, her hips cradled exquisitely against his. His heart flipped and raced off as if he were being chased by a mother bear protecting her cubs. Elation lifted him to a dizzying height. Yes, this was good. Right. She belonged here in his arms.

  Abe squeezed his shoulder. “You’ve done it, man.”

  “Done what?” Chapel asked without tearing her gaze from Levi’s. “Made her fall head over heels.”

  Levi heard the smile in his friend’s voice and watched a rosy blush climb Chapel’s cheeks. Quickly, before anyone arrived on the scene and spotted them half-clad, Levi helped her don her clothes. He and Abe were just zipping up when a truck horn blared.

  The three of them turned as one to see her father drive onto the lot.

  Chapter Eight

  Chapel struggled to focus on the reality of her father’s presence. Pretty hard when she still pulsed with her first double orgasm. Her tissues felt deliciously swollen and the scents of her men still clung to her, which only made the fire in her core flare once more.

  With legs that threatened to buckle, she made her way to her father’s truck, hoping to intercept him and head him down another road. The last thing she needed today was his scrutiny. She was tense enough about this project without him looming over her shoulder.

  Actually she needed Abe and Levi to remain riveted on their jobs. There wasn’t room for error in this dangerous business, but they had no time for screw-ups either.

  “Guys.” Her father nodded briskly to Abe and Levi, who suddenly flanked her like bodyguards.

  Tension rolled off Abe. While Levi knew less about her strained relationship with her dad, he knew enough to be irritated on her behalf. He braced his legs wide and folded his arms over his chest.

  Jay held a clipboard and a thick stack of papers. “The guys are all set, Chapel?”

  “Yes. You must have passed them farther down the road. They’re getting the rigging ready to pull logs faster.”

  “Yeah, I saw. I’m not sure that operation’s going to work. I’ve
never seen the lines set up that way.”

  Levi cleared his throat as if he burned to say something but clamped it off. Her dad homed in on it at once. “You have something to say?”

  “I’ve worked with a setup like this before. The pulley system is one used commonly out West.” The gnashing sound of his teeth brought her and Abe’s attention to him.

  Her father narrowed his gaze. “You’ve worked out West, eh? With who?”

  Levi’s jaw muscle flickered. He was drawn as tightly as a tree pulling line. Chapel’s heartstrings tugged painfully, wishing to take her father’s attention off him.

  “I’ve worked here and there,” he answered.

  “We’re ready, Dad. Don’t worry about a thing. Abe was about to make the first cut.”

  Jay waved the clipboard. “By all means, get to it. Time’s a-wastin’.”

  She could almost hear Abe’s shoulder muscles tighten at her father’s words. She knew it killed him to remain silent at times like these. No man wanted to be under Jay’s finger and Abe had a personal problem with the way her father treated her. Abe refrained from giving his opinion on the matter, but she knew.

  Abe twisted on his boot heel and strode off toward his saw. Levi remained at her side. When he shifted his weight, bringing their hips into contact, her father’s sharp gaze caught it.

  “I’d like to hear more about these places you’ve worked, bucker.”

  Levi’s lips thinned to a straight line. “Yeah, well, I’ve got work to do.” He squeezed Chapel’s forearm lightly then stalked off toward his saw.

  Her father stared after him, a knowing and smug expression on his face. Damn, had he always been such an ass? Why had she defended him all these years?

  He snorted.

  Suddenly she was on complete alert. What did he know about Levi that she didn’t? Sure she’d left the hiring up to Griffith—she trusted his judgment implicitly when it came to workers. She’d done no more than have Levi fill out the mandatory forms for hire. No background check had been run on him. Griffith tested his skill and he’d passed with flying sawdust. That’s all Blue Jay needed.

  But after seeing her new lover’s reaction to her father’s questioning, it became obvious he had a past. The flash of anger she’d seen in Levi’s hazel eyes was tinged with fear and sadness.

  The sound of revving saws drew her attention. With a thumping heart, she watched the men position themselves to take down the first tree of the project.

  A project that would probably mean the end of her strained relationship with her father.

  But hopefully wouldn’t finish Blue Jay Forestry. Or harm her two loves.


  Whatever ease Abe and Levi had found in Chapel’s luscious body fled the minute her father pulled into the lot. Damn infuriating man. If Abe didn’t need this job so bad he’d consider walking. The idea of putting in his forty hours a week for a boss that appreciated him sounded better and better.

  But he couldn’t walk out on Chapel. And if this KeerSaw project soared, he’d have a check that might ease his financial burden.

  With a grunt of exertion he made the last cut on the hundred-foot maple. A satisfying crack sounded and it fell in a slow arc, crashing through the tree canopy and striking the road. In seconds Levi was on it, hacking it into lengths.

  A glance at Chapel told him she was far from the line of danger. He loved having her near but it worried him too. Anything could go wrong in the field. A bad twist, a hung-up steel cable… Either could mean death to any person within range. If something happened to her he couldn’t go on.

  Levi finished cutting the logs and moved aside for Abe to take down the next tree. As he plunged into his work he kept a keen eye on his surroundings but his mind wandered to the revelation that Chapel was in love with Levi.

  Most men would be mad with jealousy and anger but Abe felt far removed from those emotions. Hell, fucking her together had been exquisite—

  Several shouts volleyed through the air. Abe’s head snapped up in time to see the tree he was cutting slice down the middle.

  Goddammit, a rotter. He hadn’t given a thought to termite damage or blight in these woods. The trees all appeared to be healthy.

  “Get the fuck outta there!” Levi roared.

  Chapel was running straight into the danger zone. Levi dropped his saw with a thud and caught her around the waist, plucking her off her feet just as the far side of the tree went down in an avalanche of leaves and flying branches.

  Abe tore toward safety, his saw still in hand, but he had eyes only for the two people he cared most for in the world.

  The second half of the trunk hit the ground with a jarring crash.

  Chapel was in hysterics. Jay was about to pop an artery. And Levi was spitting bullets.

  “You okay?” Abe asked Chapel as he reached her.

  Levi shoved her behind his back. The ball of his fists spoke volumes even if his gaze didn’t shoot Abe down. “Where the fuck is your head, man? You didn’t detect that rot while you were cutting?”

  He shook his head hard. He shouldn’t have been so careless but damned if he was about to take Levi’s mouth.

  “If you feel like killing yourself, go for it, but don’t forget there are people who enjoy life around you.” Levi’s voice sounded as if he’d swallowed a shard of glass.

  “You shit!” Adrenaline raced through Abe’s system. In a second he was on him. “No, stop!” Chapel’s cries went unheeded as he got Levi around the waist and hurled him to the ground.

  The man heaved and bucked beneath Abe’s weight, finally throwing him off. Levi caught Abe’s punch and shoved him back.

  “Goddammit, you’d better stop before I—”

  “What?” Abe taunted. In the back of his mind he was aware of their audience and also the fact that they’d just shared Chapel’s supple body less than an hour ago, their cocks slipping against one another through the thin barrier of her pussy.

  “Before you get your ass in trouble,” Levi ground out.

  “Fuck you.” All of Abe’s frustrations narrowed to one fine point. His debt, his dream of caring for Chapel, Jay’s scrutiny…and his own mistake with the tree. If he’d been paying more attention, he would have detected that the blade met with an unusual sponginess. Now that he was distanced from it he saw it with vibrant clarity. He’d fucked up. But Levi wasn’t going to make an ass of him in front of his girl and the man Abe would never convince he was good enough.

  He took a swing at Levi. His knuckles grazed his jaw and glanced off his shoulder, rocking his friend back on his ass. Before he could cock his fist for another go, Levi snapped to his feet like a cage fighter, crouched and dangerous.

  “Don’t you dare make this my problem, Gardner.” He hit Abe with the force of five men. He struck the ground and the breath left him in a whoosh.

  Chapel’s tear-streaked face flashed past his vision as she threw herself into the midst of them.

  “Stop, don’t hit her.”

  “I’d never fucking hit her, Abe. But I’ll take you.” Levi’s fist plowed into Abe’s eye.

  Stars ruptured behind his closed lid and searing pain doubled him over. He lashed out and hit Levi in his midsection. He felt the flesh and muscle give. Levi grunted.

  “Like two dogs worrying over the same bone.” Jay’s bark broke through Chapel’s cries. He kicked a cloud of dirt at the pair of them.

  “Daddy, stop it!”

  “Any fool could see they’re after the same tail, Chapel girl.”

  She whirled on him. “So what if they are! This isn’t your concern. KeerSaw is my contract and my project. I’ll handle my men, now go!”

  Levi went absolutely still. Something shivered over his face that left a hollow feeling in the pit of Abe’s stomach. All at once a heavy mantle of guilt fell over his shoulders. Why were they fighting? An hour before they were fighting for the same thing, united in their love for Chapel.

  They still were. And apparently she was sticking
up for them to her father.

  Jay’s expression couldn’t have been more shocked. Instantly he’d assessed the situation and now knew both of the, were involved with his daughter. So much for fatherly approval.

  She reached for Abe, her fingertips light as butterfly wings against his swelling eye.

  He winced.

  “I ought to send you both home without pay today for your lack of self-control,” Jay said, his voice lifting in anger.

  Abe’s heart slammed the wall of his chest. He couldn’t afford to lose even one day of wages. If he did, he couldn’t make ends meet.

  He gained his feet, his anger turning on himself. “I’m sorry, Jay. I was unprofessional. It won’t happen again.”

  Jay raked his gaze over Abe, then Chapel. “I suspect it happens all the time,” he said insinuatingly.

  “Who I’m with is none of your business,” Chapel huffed. Her hands were planted on her hips and her bangs dripped adorably into her eyes. Fleetingly Abe wondered if Levi was as turned-on by her as he was at that moment. Hell, he wanted to throw her over his shoulder and bear her off to the truck for round two.

  Levi got to his feet and folded his arms over his chest. His jaw was set and he wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes.

  “Go home, Daddy. I’ll handle everything.”

  Jay sighed. “Looks like you’re doing a fine job. I’m going to talk to the rest of the crew. See if any more fights are breaking out. But I’ll be back tomorrow. And the next day.”

  He wagged his finger at them, leaving Abe with a scolded-kid feeling. A sour taste rose to the back of his throat.

  “Got it,” he said roughly, then turned for the woods. He stomped toward his saw and the next tree in line. Dropping a dozen in a row would feel good right now. He needed mass destruction.

  But this time he’d get his mind off Chapel and use caution.

  Though his eye was swelling he was still able to see well. Levi’s knuckle had ground into the bone below his brow and it throbbed. Abe hoped he’d given Levi at least one bruise. Or a sore gut.

  He threw a glance over his shoulder. Jay was climbing back into his truck, leaving Levi and Chapel together. She said something Abe couldn’t hear. Together they started walking toward him.


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