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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 14

by Petrova, Em

  He straightened up and watched them come. Damn, they were a striking couple. He had no idea why it didn’t bother him to see them this way but it only fueled his desire to work harder for her—for the three of them. In a few short weeks, Levi had insinuated himself firmly in Abe’s life. He felt kinship in him, a link that was beyond friendship.

  Almost family.

  You need this job. For them. Don’t fuck it up.

  By the time they reached him, his anger had fled, leaving only calm and remorse. Chapel wore a stunned expression that sent a pang straight to his heart. In the past few minutes she’d seen the men she loved try to kick the shit out of each other, defended them to her father and feared for Abe’s life.

  He folded her into his embrace. She sagged against him, her womanly curves conforming perfectly to him. An ache to take her again formed in the pit of his stomach. This time slowly, kissing and tasting her for hours before spearing her on his cock.

  Dropping his face to her hair, he drank in great gulps of her scent, aware that Levi’s musk marked her. He reached out and snagged his friend around the shoulders, drawing him into their hold.

  This is right, dammit. The three of us. You feel it too. I know you do.” She made a noise of agreement. “I don’t understand it. It’s confusing.”

  Abe flexed his arm around her, bringing her tighter against him. “Don’t be frightened of it. It’s going to work, I feel it.”

  “How can it when you and Levi are trying to kill each other?”

  Levi’s muscles quivered. He looked Abe straight in the eye and in that instant, all was bared. The burning look revealed his hatred for their fight. There was also something more there—the true fear of a cornered man.

  What was he hiding?

  “I’m sorry,” Levi said roughly. “I shouldn’t have come after you. I know you’d never purposely put Chapel into danger. I just went a little crazy.” He clenched his fist and stared at his tight fingers for a moment. “I haven’t hit anyone since…”

  Abe and Chapel pulled away enough to look at him as he plainly struggled with some personal demon.

  “What is it, Levi? For a while I’ve suspected there’s something you want to tell us.” Chapel trailed a fingertip over Levi’s hair-roughened jaw.

  His eyes flashed and he flinched from her touch. “We’d better get to work.” When he started to walk away, Abe sank his fingers into his shoulder.

  “Just a damn minute. There’s something you’re not telling us. Now come clean.” Levi’s gaze bore into his. “We all have secrets. Why don’t you come clean?”

  Instant fury rose in Abe. “Goddammit, you are a dirty player, Black. What’s your fucking issue?”

  “Don’t have one. I just want to work. Now let’s move.” Before Abe or Chapel could stop him, he stalked off. “What should we do?” Her voice broke.

  Abe leaned his forehead against hers and stared deep into her worried eyes. “Whatever’s wrong, it’s not you. It might be me, but you’re not the problem.”

  “He’s been acting strangely since this morning. Last night seemed fine and earlier in the Jeep…” She swallowed at the mention of their sexual encounter. “But now I wonder what we’ve gotten ourselves into.”

  Abe caressed the small of her back. “What are your feelings?”

  “I don’t understand the dynamics of this bond but it’s there. Undeniable.”

  He nodded. “Levi feels it too. He’s told me. There’s something else going on here we don’t know about. I promise we’ll get to the bottom of it.” She shivered and he wrapped her tighter in his arms. “Promise me you won’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it.”

  “You know I’ll worry, but I’ll let you talk to him. And I’m going to the office so you can get some work done without my distraction.”

  He lightly bit the soft hollow between her throat and shoulder. “You’re the best kind of distraction.” Her squirming movements raised instant need in him. But she was right—if she hung around he’d want to fuck her again. And this time he wanted Levi in her ass.

  He had no doubt their third partner would be game despite his attitude and distance.

  Abe followed Chapel’s line of sight to Levi. He knelt before his saw, tweaking the chain. At that moment he glanced up with an expression of such longing and anguish she gasped.

  “Make him talk, Abe. He’ll confide in you.”

  He kissed her ear softly. “I will, darlin’. If there are secrets to uncover, I’ll find them.”


  Sweat rolled off Levi and even the cooling breeze wasn’t enough. He paused to yank his shirt over his head. He tucked the fabric in his front pocket and picked up his saw, starting toward his truck. Toward home. Toward Chapel.

  And torment.

  For the past two weeks Abe had been helping Griffith build his new garage. He put in a full ten-hour day in the woods then went straight to work on another project. When he finally fell into bed with Chapel he was half-dead from exhaustion. Levi didn’t know how much longer his friend could keep this pace. Eventually he’d make another error when falling—something he couldn’t afford to do.

  Abe claimed he was just helping out, but Levi knew better. He was being paid for his labor so he could cut his loan down.

  The wind howled through the copse of trees left standing and dark gray clouds scudded across the white sky. A storm was brewing, which wouldn’t be good for them tomorrow. Working with wet logs was a little trickier. The bark grew slippery beneath the saw and it was difficult to climb around the felled wood. Years ago he’d stepped onto a wet log and slipped, cracking his shin bone. If only he’d broken his leg worse, he wouldn’t have been in the woods the day Bryan Keer was.

  Then again, Levi wouldn’t know Chapel or Abe because he’d still be in Washington.

  The mere thought of Chapel stirred him. Since Abe was working all the time, they’d been alone together. But Levi hadn’t laid a hand on her. Without Abe’s presence and approval, Levi couldn’t in good conscience touch her. And she was aching, he knew. More than once he’d seen her squirm in her chair or witnessed the bunching of her nipples beneath her shirt.

  Fuck, he needed her. His cock swelled to rock-like status in seconds.

  “Hey, Black.” Abe’s familiar tone brought him around. His friend’s slow stride spoke of his fatigue. “Seems like you’re ready to go home.” He nodded toward the apparent bulge in Levi’s jeans.

  “Not really. I’m dying here, Abe. I don’t know how much longer I can keep my hands off her.”

  A shiver of surprise crossed his face. “Off her? Why would you do that?”

  Levi scrubbed a hand over his face to dispel thoughts of taking her together. Levi holding her while Abe tasted her pussy, and then making love to her while she sucked Abe’s cock.

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t been touching her because I’m not there?” “That’s exactly it. I don’t want any hard feelings.”

  Abe gave a bark of laughter. “Hard feelings? Hell, I’ve shared her with you dozens of times. If I haven’t shown jealousy by now, I won’t.”

  “There’s a difference. You’re part of it. Alone it feels like cheating and I won’t do that to you.”

  Abe’s hand came down on Levi’s shoulder and he stared at him hard. Small creases of fatigue were etched around his eyes. “I know how you feel about her. I only want the best for her and you. Take her, Levi. Give her pleasure. I’ll catch up to you both this weekend, I promise.” His face transformed with his grin, wiping away the tired expression.

  Thoughts of being alone with Chapel in the big bed, of laying her down gently and spending hours working over her sultry body flitted through his head. Just the two of them.

  Could he do it? Abe was his best friend. He owed him a hell of a lot. What if Chapel’s feelings changed? What if Levi’s feelings shifted and he no longer wanted to share her?

  “Go on. It’s late. She’s home by now. Sweep her off her feet,” Abe urged.

Levi’s heart overflowed with affection for his friend. “All right, but hurry home.

  Don’t kill yourself to make an extra buck, man.”

  Abe released him suddenly and Levi rocked on his heels. “I told you it’s not about that—”

  “I know what you said, but I don’t buy it. Remember I know about your money troubles. I said I’ll give more toward the pot. I’d like to. You’re not charging me enough.”

  Abe’s shoulders tensed. “So you’ve said. It’s enough, Levi. I made my bed, I’ll wash the dirty sheets.”

  “It’s not right that Chapel doesn’t know. She feels bad about staying there rent-free. She feels like her money isn’t good enough. Don’t you see her father’s always made her feel worthless and your refusal to let her pitch in continues that?”

  Instantly Abe’s agitation flipped to anger. “I’m not making her feel worthless.” He ground the words through his molars. “I’m treating her the way she deserves to be treated. I want to take care of her.”

  “So do I, but she wants to feel needed. Part of it. Something her father’s never showed her.”

  A muscle fluttered in Abe’s jaw and he looked off at the clouds boiling on the horizon. “You’re one to talk about secrets.”

  Levi released the air he was holding in his lungs in one whoosh. He should have expected the topic of his past to arise. No matter how fast or far he ran he’d never crawl out from under the black cloud of his prison sentence.

  “Well, that’s why they’re secrets. Because I don’t tell them.” “You know we’ll find out sooner or later.”

  “Not if I can help it.” He took a step, hoping to escape to the solitude of his truck before Abe could wrench a single word out of him.

  Dammit, Black, don’t you trust us?”

  The idea wounded Levi. He half turned to pierce him in his gaze. The words were clogged in his throat but he forced them out. “It’s not an issue of trust, man. You’re my best friend—”

  Then what? Is it that bad?”

  Levi’s heart flipped over and plummeted to the depths of his soul—to the dark part that hadn’t seen the light of friendship or love in many years. “Yeah,” he said grittily. “It’s that bad.”

  With that he walked away, leaving Abe with this revelation even as he wished he could retract it. Inside the isolation of his truck, he fought with emotion for a long minute. Leaning his forehead against the steering wheel, he considered what would happen if he let Abe and Chapel in on the story of his past. Would they despise him? Look at him differently? He hadn’t really killed Bryan Keer but he’d paid for touching him last. Would Chapel allow him to lay a hand on her, knowing he’d helped to send a person on his way to death?

  He raised his head and pinched the bridge of his nose hard. Going home to Chapel sounded good. Her glowing presence would chase away the blackness in his soul. They’d be alone and had Abe’s approval…

  He revved his engine and tore down the dirty road. Abe waved as he passed and Levi returned it, loving that man as much as the woman they shared. God help him.

  Thankfully home was a short drive from the job site. He mused over the fact that he thought of Abe’s cozy bungalow as home.

  When he reached the driveway, his heart surged into his throat at the sight of Chapel sprawled in the yard. Motionless. His world shattered with fear and his mind reeled.

  He slammed on the brakes and rammed the gearshift into park, jumping out before the vehicle stopped its momentum. At that instant, she lifted an arm and slung it overhead.

  Blood flooded his constricted veins as he realized she was lying in the grass, staring at the tumultuous sky. He tried to still his heart but he suddenly could think of nothing but what he would do if he lost her.

  He sank to the grass beside her and stretched out. Without pulling her gaze from the sky, she spoke.

  “He’s working at Griffith’s again.”

  “Yes.” Levi located her hand and chafed the chilled flesh. How long had she been lying out here? “Are you all right?”

  “Just looking at the clouds.”

  He settled in close to her, trying to offer her some of his heat. “See any good shapes?”

  A couple. A few minutes ago I saw Abe Lincoln float by.”

  A smile split his face. “Old Abe, huh?” He stared at the bristly lashes surrounding her dark eyes. God, he loved her eyes. The depths were flecked with gold and bronze— treasures only he and Abe were allowed to behold.

  You’re damn lucky you have permission.

  “Seems like you have Abe on the mind,” he said.

  She let her head fall to the side. Her nose was inches from his and he drank in her intoxicating scents. Sweet breath tinged with the fresh tang of grass she’d probably chewed. He’d seen her do that more than once, but it always fascinated him.

  “Probably. Do you think there’s something going on we don’t know about, Levi?” He shook his head lightly. “No. He’s at Griffith’s.”

  “But why?”

  “Working. Baby, you know that. He wouldn’t lie to you.” “I think there’s something more. I think it’s money.”

  His throat closed. With her usual astuteness she’d ferreted out the true problem.

  Could she do that with him? “That’s for Abe to say.”

  She sighed. Her breath washed over his face, making his head spin. “I know. I’m going to ask him directly.”

  Levi caressed her fingers. “If that’s what you need to do, you should.”

  “I do. He won’t let me help with finances yet I’m here sharing the food and utilities. It’s not right, Levi. I need to pitch in. What’s wrong with my money? I work hard for it too.”

  He brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “Nothing, baby doll. I think he’s a bit old- fashioned when it comes to his ideas. He just wants to take care of you.”

  “In this world relationships are partnerships. We need each other to make it work.”

  “And me? Where do I fit in?” The words burst from him before he could check them.

  Chapel’s eyes softened. “You know where you fit, Levi.”

  “Yeah. Right here.” He leaned on one elbow and captured her mouth. Swiftly the heat rose in them, stronger and more passionate than ever before. Whether it was the separation or the fact that they were alone, he didn’t know. Didn’t care. He had to have her now.

  Scooping his hands beneath her back, he lifted her against him, slanting his mouth over hers again and again. Her tongue melded with his in a smoldering kiss. He stroked the velvety depths of her mouth, nipped her lips and then ran his tongue over them to soothe any hurts.

  “Take me to bed,” she whispered.

  He made an urgent noise in his chest. “No one could stop me.” In a flurry he gained his feet and lifted her, flipping her legs over his forearm and bearing her into the house. She reached for the doorknob to admit them and they burst into the heated interior.

  She spiraled her arms around his neck and tugged the back of his hair, silently urging him to kiss her.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t make a move before, baby. I didn’t know what Abe would think.”

  “What does he think?” She pressed kisses to his jaw and the soft spot on his neck that made his knees weak.

  “He wants me to please you. God, Chapel, you’re going to have to stop that or—” “Or?”

  He gazed deeply into her eyes. “Or.”

  He carried her through the house to the bedroom. The door was partially closed and a kick sent it flaring wide. In two steps his knees came up against the bed. But still he didn’t lower her. His arms had never felt so full. His heart overflowed.

  Nuzzling her ear, the words of love he’d longed to say spilled out. “Gorgeous woman. Mine. Ours. You’re my world, Chapel, do you know?”

  Her breath sobbed. “No.”

  “It’s true. My whole life had been nothing until you. And Abe.” Whether or not Abe was present, he was always between them because their relationship wasn’t compl
ete without him. He’d brought them together and Levi owed him the world for that. If he could find a way to repay him—

  That was it. At once he knew he needed to find the loan payment book. He could steal a couple payment stubs from the back and help Abe in a greater way. He deserved so much more, but Levi only had money to offer. What did he need it for after all? He had food in his belly, a roof over his head and a truck that ran well for all its dents and chipped paint.

  He had Chapel. “Please, Levi.”

  He let her slip to the bed, holding her gaze as he did. She clutched his hand and guided it to her breast. The center peaked beneath his hand, raising a groan of need from him. The heavy pressure in his groin was exquisite. He never wanted it to end.

  He pressed kisses to her throat, savoring the flavor of her skin. Abe’s scents lingered in this room too, infusing Levi’s head with both of them. It’s only right. As it should be.

  At her throat he dipped his tongue into the sweet depression. She squirmed as he lightly pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Give yourself up to me,” he murmured against her skin.

  “I’m yours.” She tangled her fingers in his hair and dragged him up her body to her lips. Her kiss was devouring. All-consuming. His cock throbbed against his thigh, demanding release.

  He slipped his hand beneath her shirt and skimmed the silken flesh beneath. She gasped at his touch and he explored further—gliding a finger under the lace of her bra cup and prodding her hard nub.

  She raked her fingers through his hair and down his shoulders. His skin seemed to rise to her touch. Hot and cold shivers coursed through him. Clutching the fabric between his shoulder blades, she dragged his shirt over his head. In that instant he stared down at her beautiful face and there was no stopping the flow of words.

  “Chapel, I’m so in love with you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Chapel’s heart welled with emotion and her tears overflowed, trickling down her cheeks. She cupped Levi’s jaw and brushed her nose back and forth against his. Her world had just gone from three-dimensional to four. She considered her world to be rich—filled with enjoyment and excitement with Abe and Levi. But knowing they both were in love with her…it completed her in ways she’d never known possible.


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