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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 18

by Petrova, Em

  Abe’s forearm muscles strained. He removed the blade and looked up at the tree canopy. A single cut had tipped the tree in his favor. The thin slice had caused the massive maple to lean toward the gap.

  Excitement and adrenaline raced through his veins as it always did when he took down a tree. He recalled his father’s words from many years ago—if you live through the first five years of your career, you’re a great woodsman, Abe. Jay had also mentioned this old logger’s adage.

  Well, he’d long since passed the five-year mark and he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Swiftly he made the next cut. The wedge was small in comparison to the trunk and it was stuck. Using the rounded tip of his blade he nudged it out. The chunk of wood hit the earth inches from his feet.

  A trickle of sweat zigzagged from his hairline and into the corner of his eye. He blinked back the sting and circled the tree to the backside. Here he’d apply the final cut and when the tree fell, it would be one more toward the ultimate goal. One more toward securing more KeerSaw deals. One more toward security with Chapel and Levi.

  Abe set the blade into position and began to cut.

  The tree popped and cracked beneath his blade. Tremors vibrated up his arms as the massive trunk began to tilt. He braced his legs wide and applied more pressure to the blade, forcing it upward to meet the small wedge he’d cut from the front.

  Suddenly the trunk made a cracking noise like a cannon shot. Abe jumped back. A thrashing sound from above made him look up in time to see a flurry of branches. Green, brown, falling, whistling through the air. He stumbled back. Dropped his saw. Sharp pain in his side. His knees hit the ground and he plunged face first into the leaf mold.



  Levi’s heart lurched into his chest as he spotted the ambulances racing—no, barreling toward the logging road leading to the KeerSaw job site. His mind whirled and his ears began to ring.

  Abe, Abe, Abe. His best friend’s name was a hot chant in his brain. He jammed the gas pedal to the floor and the truck shot forward in response. Fuck, what had happened? He had to get there before Chapel. She was a few minutes behind him but she had made a run to the convenience store for coffee and would enter the opposite end of the road. She might reach the site first.

  Not happening. If any Blue Jay man had been injured she’d be beside herself. If it was Abe…

  Just drive, Black, and see for yourself.

  He took the road at top speed. The tires spun in the muck but he maneuvered the truck right and left until he eased his way out, then depressed the gas once more. His heart slammed the wall of his chest. Why had Abe let him sleep? They’d both been up most of the night loving Chapel, and Levi hadn’t slept well in his truck the previous two nights. But he would have awakened if Abe had tried.

  The sweet memory of waking to find Chapel snuggled naked against his side was quickly doused. Replaced by the scene of an accident.

  Two ambulances and a truck with a flashing blue light on the hood stood in the clearing. A group of men huddled around a form on the ground. Fucking trees everywhere.

  And Abe’s saw was abandoned nearby.

  “No!” Levi rammed the truck into park and clawed his way out. His feet hit the ground and sprouted wings. He bolted toward the knot of men. Too damn much like the accident with Chapel’s father. This time the damage might be worse.

  He drew up short. Hell, it was worse


  His friend lay pale and unconscious. His hard hat had rolled a few feet away and his safety glasses sat askew on his face.

  “No,” Levi roared this time and shoved his way through the bodies to reach him.

  He hit the ground and put his hands on him.

  A shock of relief jolted him when he found him warm. Alive. But perhaps not for long. He jerked his head toward one paramedic. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “We don’t know yet. Obviously took a hit when the tree came down. There may be internal damage. Head trauma.” The woman gestured toward two men who were carrying a stiff board between them.

  Levi twisted his gaze away. Too much like the stretcher they’d placed Bryan Keer on to haul his body from the woods that long-ago afternoon.

  “We’re going to need you to move back. We need some space to work,” the paramedic told him.

  He shook his head hard. If he stepped away, he might lose control over the situation. Lose Abe.

  “Abe!” Chapel’s wrenching cry gutted him.

  He jumped to his feet in time to intercept her. She hurled herself forward, propelling them both and almost sending them careening to the dirt. He gripped her tight and lifted her off her feet. With a palm on the back of her head, he pressed her face into his shoulder so she couldn’t see what was going on.

  “Let me go, goddammit!” The heels of her boots thudded off his shins but he held fast.

  “Stop, baby. They’ll take care of him. Let them do their jobs.” His voice was a choked croak. Out of the corner of his eye he saw them roll Abe’s boneless body onto the board. The straps clicked into place.

  A whoop sounded from one of the ambulances and Chapel shrieked in response. “Shh.” Levi smoothed a hand over her spine again and again. She was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane but he was too. They cleaved together and held fast in the face of this terrifying storm.

  “Gardner? What the hell happened?” Jay Caldwell’s voice brought Levi’s gaze around. The older man’s face was pinched with horror.

  “Daddy,” Chapel sobbed. Levi released her and she went into her father’s arms.

  Levi slowly spun to fix his gaze on Abe. The paramedics lifted him as one and bore him toward the open ambulance doors. Levi clutched his head. He’s alive. He’s alive. His reminder did nothing to stop his shakes. He locked his knees against the torrent of emotion and watched Abe disappear into the depths of the ambulance.

  With another whoop the medical vehicle lurched out of the lot, lights flashing from tree to mud to tree. Levi stared at the lights spinning around and around until nausea was a hard ball in the pit of his gut.

  Chapel clung to his shirt, her small hands twisting the cloth. “What will we do, Levi? What will we do if we lose him?”

  Chapter Twelve

  The sounds of the hospital corridor seemed to fade as Chapel steeled herself to enter Abe’s room. The intercom announcements, beeping of IV towers and the cheerful chatter at the nurse’s station silenced.

  “It’s all right, baby. I’m here.” Levi’s soft tone filled her ear.

  She nodded, clutched his hand and together they crossed the threshold. The scents of sterile things struck her senses. She drew a deep breath, trying to detect Abe’s personal musk beneath the cloying hospital smell, but she couldn’t.

  He’s here. That’s all that matters.

  His form came into view first. The sheet pulled taut over his big foot. She followed the lines upward to the metal traction rigging that kept his left leg suspended in an unnatural state. The muscle had been pierced by bolts and his upper thigh was a railroad of stitches.

  But the man himself was beautiful. His eyes were open and his gaze upon her— dark with pain meds.

  Her heart flipped. She released Levi’s hand and rushed to Abe’s side, careful not to jostle him. “Baby…”

  A twinge of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he wrapped his warm fingers around her wrist. “Hi, love.”

  She twitched forward, desperate to press her lips to his, to taste him and know he was solid. The hours while he was in surgery had stripped away reality. If not for Levi and her father’s presences, she might have gone mad.

  Abe seemed to suspect what she wanted. “Give me a kiss.” His voice was weaker than usual and a little uneven.

  She leaned in and took the kiss he offered. The familiar crush of his lips was like cool water trickling over a burn. She cupped his face gently and stared into his eyes. “How are you?”

  His eyes fluttered shut as if the lids wer
e concrete and he struggled to hold them open. “Beat to hell.”

  “That you are, man,” Levi said. He moved to the opposite side of the bed and gripped Abe’s hand. “If you wanted to take some time off you should have put in a vacation request.”

  Abe’s lips twisted. “Yeah. This ain’t no picnic.” He gestured toward his leg.

  She took stock of the rest of him. He’d suffered broken ribs and a bad concussion as well as had his leg pinned in several places. The doctors felt he’d recover but it would be a while before he could log again.

  “You’re damn lucky, man.”

  “Lucky? Hell, I went years without an accident. This season took the stuffing out of me. It seemed like every tenth log I felled was an accident waiting to happen.”

  “Sometimes that’s the case. It’s not your skill. You’re the best I’ve seen.”

  Abe’s chest vibrated with a short laugh. He winced in pain. “Guess you’re taking my place. See the KeerSaw project through.”

  Chapel’s gaze flew to Levi’s. Her heart gave a small thud of apprehension. Not because she didn’t believe he could do the job but because of the danger he’d be in. For the first time ever she wished she was in any other profession. Waitress, librarian, teacher. Watching her rugged men march into the forest for battle every day was beginning to wear on her.

  Levi’s gaze was level on hers. “It’s okay, baby doll. I’m made of tougher stuff than Abe here.”

  Abe laughed and closed his eyes again. His hand grew slack in Chapel’s and she realized he’d drifted off to sleep. But that didn’t stop her from glancing at his heart monitor to make sure he was all right.

  “Come on, Chapel. Let’s sit.” Levi took a few steps to the hard visitor chairs and sank to one. She gently laid Abe’s hand on the bed and gladly went into Levi’s arms. He tugged her across his knees and snuggled her close. For long minutes they simply stared at the man who had brought them all together.

  “It’s amazing, you know. From the beginning he knew this arrangement between the three of us would work.”

  “He’s giving. Selfless.” Levi’s words held a tinge of reverence. He shifted her so he could meet her gaze. “I’ll do everything in my power to take care of you both, Chapel. While he recuperates and beyond. I’ll work double shifts to pay the bills.”

  She dropped her forehead to his. “No, it’s too much. We’ll make ends meet. I’m not without funds. You can’t stop me from contributing.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. We’re partners, aren’t we?”

  She ran a palm over the hard planes of his chest. “Just the three of us.”

  The clearing of a throat made them both look up to find Jay in the doorway. He moved into the room on soft feet. “How’s our boy?”

  Chapel gained her feet and moved into her father’s waiting embrace. Her heart thrilled. It seemed her father accepted her personal decisions. Now if she could gain his respect in the family business, all would be right.

  Her father stroked her hair and squeezed her tight. “The nurses said he’s doing fine.”

  Emotion filled her eyes at the fact he’d been thoughtful enough to check on Abe’s condition before coming to visit. “Yes, we just talked to him before he drifted off.”

  “Need lots of rest after an accident and surgery like that, I know. I got on my feet quickly, but this guy doesn’t look as if finishing the season is a possibility.”

  Chapel and Levi followed Jay’s line of sight to Abe’s strong leg, pinioned on the traction device. The doctors had explained Abe would need some weeks in a cast and rehabilitation following that.

  “You’re the next best cutter we’ve got, Black. You willing to step up to the plate and make this KeerSaw project happen?”

  Levi’s expression closed off a bit at the mention of KeerSaw. When she’d lain in bed with him talking ’til the wee hours of the morning, they’d discussed this very topic. He’d finally come to terms with his past and also realized he wasn’t working for KeerSaw, but Blue Jay. For her and Abe.

  He gave a hard nod and his lips firmed. “I’m ready to start tomorrow.”

  Jay clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll take care of your girl until you return safely each day. After all, she was my little girl first. Just be safe and get it done.”

  Tears flooded Chapel’s eyes as she looked between her father and two lovers. If they could complete the terms of the contract despite the odds stacked against them, they’d be settled financially.

  But having the men in her life come together for one common goal made her wealthy beyond her imagination.


  Abe’s senses returned slowly as he drifted on a vast sea. First he caught the faint scent of Chapel’s body wash and Levi’s musk. Though he was screwed into traction and unable to move, his body screamed that he was ready for some action.

  A soft, tinkling laugh sounded at his side. He opened his eyes to find Chapel. She had pulled a chair right up to the bed and leaned on the edge. Her face was ravaged with worry and it made him ache to know he’d caused her such concern.

  “What’s funny?” he asked. He forced out the words—his mouth felt a long distance from his brain.

  “Your um…state.” She brushed the tip of his erection with her tormenting little fingers. “I don’t think you’re quite up to whatever you were dreaming about.”

  “Wasn’t dreaming,” he said. His throat was desiccated.

  Chapel grabbed the foam cup of water the nurses constantly refilled for him and brought the straw to his lips. He wrapped his fingers around hers and met her gaze as he gulped the cold liquid.

  “I wasn’t dreaming,” he said again when he’d finished. “I could smell you.” She crushed her lower lip with her teeth. “Is that a good thing?”

  “God, yes. Can you get into bed with me? I’d like to hold you.”

  She stood at the bedside shaking her head. Her warm locks tumbled over her shoulders and her bangs dripped into her eyes, catching on her lashes when she blinked. She nudged them away. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’ll be careful if you climb in this side away from my leg. Come on, baby.” He held out an arm, urging her against him. He watched her hesitation fall away. Her face brightened.

  Very carefully she eased onto the mattress beside him. His leg shook lightly, the pins and bolts giving him a twinge, but nothing too painful. Her hip was pressed tightly to his and his cock swelled more.

  She caught sight of it dancing beneath the white sheet. “Abe,” she drawled. “Yes, love?”

  “You’d better behave.”

  “I’m behaving exactly as a man who’s in love would. Speaking of that—where’s Levi?”

  Worry rooted deep in his soul. Judging from the shadow that crossed her beautiful features he could guess where Levi might be. In the woods wielding a saw and taking over his position as faller.

  “Fuck. I don’t like it.”

  “Me either. But we didn’t know what else to do. We have to trust Levi to do the job if he believes he can. We can’t keep him from excelling because we’re afraid for his safety.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Would you back away from a job, Abe Gardner?” she challenged, staring straight into his eyes.

  He fell silent. No, he wouldn’t. In fact he’d taken on two jobs. All at once the enormity of his situation flooded his mind. No work for the rest of the season. No money. Bills left unpaid and the very real possibility of losing his house.

  “God, Chapel, what am I going to do?” Despair dunked him into its icy depths.

  She laid her palm flat on his chest. “You’re going to concentrate on healing so we can get you on your feet again.”

  “I know, but the money, the bills—” “Taken care of.”

  He shifted, wishing he could sit up more fully. Wishing he could swing his legs over the edge of the bed, slip his feet into his boots and walk right out of here. Blue Jay needed him. Chapel and Levi needed him.

“You can’t take up the slack, baby. You and Levi—”

  “Too late. We’re a team, remember? If this accident had befallen me or Levi you guys wouldn’t hesitate to stand up and help one another. Money is nothing, Abe. In the whole scheme of life, love and relationships and honesty truly matter.”

  A great lump grew in his throat, keeping him from saying anything. For a long time he’d known what she said was true, but being on the verge of bankruptcy had weighed on him until he couldn’t see the forest for the trees.

  “Together we’ll get by and come out on top. You’ll see.” She snuggled close to him.

  The faint brushing of her lips against his throat sent tendrils of heat through his core.

  Her musical laughter filled his ears again. “Baby, you know I want nothing more than to accommodate your…state. But it’s not a good idea.”

  He gave a heavy sigh. “Damn. Too bad. Guess you’ll have to settle for me holding you.”

  She tilted her face up to his. Her eyes danced, reflecting the love he felt. “Babe, as long as I have you in my arms, nothing in the world matters.”


  Levi cracked open the icy cold beer and brought it to his lips. The heat of the day lingered though it was well past eight o’clock in the evening. Summers in Pennsylvania felt hotter than Washington but he’d never consider going back. This rugged place had become his home in a very short time. To tear him from this world now would cut out a huge chunk of his soul.

  He sank to the Adirondack chair on the front porch and stared out at the falling darkness. The lone chirp of a cricket started up in the bushes to his right. He crossed his ankle over his knee and cradled his beer.

  Inside he heard Abe and Chapel’s quiet conversation. He was happy they weren’t arguing—Abe’s confinement to the house while he recovered had been difficult for them all. The fact that he could now maneuver in a walking cast would ease their troubles considerably.

  The screen door creaked open and Levi turned his head to see Chapel padding barefoot across the porch floor. His gut twisted with instant need. Fuck, seeing her in those tight cutoff shorts and a tiny tank top maddened him.


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