Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 50

by Petrova, Em

  His faithful canine buddies Rocky and Benji stirred. They’d been lying at his feet the whole afternoon. It was time to take them for a well-earned walk.

  Nicholas stood up and stretched. He was a little stiff from sitting so long. When he glanced at the computer’s digital time he was surprised to see it was almost five o’clock. “Come on, fellas, let’s go for that walk.” The Rottweilers were on their feet, tongues out, tails wagging.

  While the author walked the coastline with his dogs, he wondered about the woman he was so desperate to find. Where did she live? Who was the man he’d seen her with at the Halloween party? Was she married? Peter, his PI friend, said he’d do some digging but couldn’t promise much without anything to go on. Nicholas was grateful for his help but knew he was right. It was a dead end without a name.

  He walked down to the beach and let his dogs off their leashes so they could run along the sand and splash in the water. He sat on the rocks watching them frolic in the surf. They were good company while he worked. Writing was a solitary occupation, but something he loved to do. He’d been a lawyer back in the day and made a comfortable living, but even though he helped people it didn’t fulfil him and he knew he had to pursue his dream. The emotional ordeal of losing his wife made him realize that life was indeed too short, so he handed in his resignation, started writing and never looked back.

  The alarm went off on his Apple Watch and he called the dogs in. He clipped on their leashes and headed back to the house. When he reached the porch his PI friend, Peter Moncrieff and a guy he didn’t know were waiting for him. “Hey, good to see you.” Nicholas shook his friend’s hand. “Want some coffee?”

  “I thought you’d never ask. It’s chilly up here with the sea air drifting in.” He introduced the guy standing next to him. “This is Colin Lang. He’s a sketch artist for the city’s police department. I thought maybe you could describe the woman you’re looking for and see what he can come up with.”

  Nicholas shook Colin’s hand. “I appreciate your time. Thanks.” He unlocked the front door. “Come on in the coffee’s already brewed.”

  The three men entered the house and headed to the galley style kitchen. Nicholas poured three mugs of coffee and they sat down at the breakfast table. Colin took a large sketch pad out of his rucksack and sat it in front of him along with a couple of thick lead pencils and an eraser.

  “What do you need to know?” Nicholas asked.

  Colin peeled back the cover and picked up a pencil. “Start with the basic facial features first and we’ll go from there.”

  “Ok. Uh, her face is kind of heart-shaped. Her cheekbones are high and … and she has a small dimple in her chin.”

  Colin started to sketch. “That’s good. I’ll get you to go into more detail in a minute.”

  “Sure.” Nicholas took a sip of his coffee and glanced at Peter.

  “Colin’s good at what he does. He should be able to recreate the woman’s face from your description down to the last detail.”

  Nicholas’ heart thudded against his ribs. At last he’d have something to go on. A picture paints a thousand words, and someone, somewhere, knew who she was. He was going to find her.

  Two hours later, Peter left the pair to call for pizza delivery. It was getting late and none of them had eaten. Nicholas and Colin were working well together and he knew his colleague would have an accurate facial composite of the woman by the time he finished. She must have been someone special for his friend to want to find her so badly. Nicholas hadn’t been interested in anyone since Pamela died so if this mystery woman could bring him some happiness that’s all that mattered.

  By ten o’clock the sketch was complete. Nicholas stared at the beautiful face on the sheet of paper and gave a happy sigh. It was her.


  Prue sat on the sofa, her MacBook on her lap, sifting through memories: photos of her family, Nikki when she was a baby, and her fiancé, Connor Bennett. When he died she thought she would never be able to feel again, let alone love again. They had grown up together, childhood sweethearts, and he had been her whole world.

  When he’d proposed to her on their fifth anniversary as a couple she had known in her heart of hearts that he was the one. They had waited to become engaged because Connor wanted to build a house for them before they were married. Their dream home stood unfinished on the block of land they had bought together, not far from her brother’s horse ranch, and she couldn’t bear to go near it. She had thought about selling, but it was all she had left of their life together, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready to let it go.

  Prue gave a heavy sigh and clicked on a baby photo of her daughter. What did Nicholas look like when he was a baby? How much did Nikki resemble him? She’d never given it any thought until that moment. If he did ever meet their little girl would he know she was his?

  She sat her laptop on the coffee table and walked down the hallway to her daughter’s room, cracked the door open and peered inside. Nikki was fast asleep hugging her favorite teddy bear. She loved her so much and that was the reason why she wanted to keep Nicholas Colton at a distance. It would be too much of a disruption bringing him into their lives after so many years. Her brother’s words echoed in her head, ‘The man has a right to know he has a child.’ Prue closed the door and walked back along the hall.

  She felt guilty for wanting to be selfish and protect her daughter. Who knew if the man wanted to know? Everyone assumed he did, but what if he didn’t? He was a celebrity author. Wouldn’t a child cramp his jetsetter lifestyle?

  Rachelle had said he was a nice man, but how nice would he be if he found out he had a child he never knew about? A child who was five years old? Things could get ugly: a custody battle and shared visitation rights. Prue shivered at the thought. She didn’t want that for her happy, well-adjusted little girl.

  A knock on her front door made her jump. Who could that be at this late hour? It was ten o’clock. She stepped up to the peephole and peered through it, her stomach flipping over when she saw the dark hair.

  Her breath caught in her throat and she stepped backwards.

  Another three raps.

  “Hey, sis, are you going to let me in or do I have to sleep outside your door all night?”


  She slid back the security chain, unlocked the deadlock and threw open the door. “Hi. Didn’t you say tomorrow? It was meant to be Sunday, right?”

  “Yeah, but I thought I’d surprise you, seeing as you missed me and all.” His smile broadened.

  Prue gave him a huge hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She picked up the bag at his feet. “Come on in. Hungry?”

  “You bet.”

  “Nikki’s asleep. Do you mind sleeping on the sofa tonight?”

  “Nope. Not at all.” He took the bag from Prue and set it down in the hallway beside the front door. “It’s good to be out of the car. I don’t care where I crash.”

  “What do you feel like eating?” she asked, heading into the kitchen.

  Her brother followed. “Same as before will do fine.”

  “I’ve got some leftover lasagna if you’d prefer that. It won’t take long to heat in the microwave.”

  “That’d be great. I’ll go wash up while you do what you’re doing. Be right back.” He headed down the hall to the bathroom.

  Prue popped the lasagna into the microwave, then went into the living room and closed her laptop. She didn’t want to get into a discussion about Connor or Nicholas tonight.


  Prue drifted into a restless dream after lying in bed unable to sleep for over two hours. She tossed and turned and rolled onto her back, her breathing shallow.

  Nicholas was there.

  Prue could feel his gentle hands caressing her, his warm breath on her skin as his lips moved over her body. His mouth trailed slow kisses down her stomach to the place she longed for him to taste. He slid his tongue into her and circled the pulsing node of flesh between her thighs. A moa
n escaped her lips as the tingle grew to a throb.

  Nicholas continued to lick her soft folds and she grabbed a handful of his hair as the wave of ecstasy wrapped itself around her.

  Her face flushed with heat, her breathing quickened and her body tightened…

  Prue gasped awake, her heart racing. She sprang up in bed and gazed around the shadows of her room. Nicholas?

  It was a dream.

  Had she moaned out loud? She hoped not. Her brother was sleeping only a short distance down the hall.

  She flopped back onto the pillow with a frustrated huff… unsatisfied, the soft mound between her thighs tingling with arousal.

  Prue reached underneath the covers, slipped her hand inside her pajama pants and slid a finger into the warm wetness. Imagining the way Nicholas’ tongue had enflamed her delicate flesh in the dream she stroked the sensitive knot until the tingle became a throb and the throb became an explosion of pleasure.

  She tensed as the growing sensation soared to a crescendo, the delightful heated rush spreading to every nerve ending. Her breath caught in her throat and her body tightened then trembled as the satisfying orgasmic wave washed over her.

  Prue let out a soft moan, the sexual tension draining from her body, and a tear slid down her cheek. She didn’t want to admit to herself that she longed to have Nicholas in her bed making love to her again, despite her fear of what could happen if she allowed him into her life.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Early Sunday morning, Nikki peeked into her mom’s room and saw she was still asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, Nikki thought she would try to make breakfast for herself. She headed to the kitchen and frowned at the bag sitting in the hallway. When she realized whose it was, she raced across the living room, launched herself into the air and landed on top of her uncle.

  Toby woke with a jolt, expelling a large whoosh of air from his mouth.

  “Uncle Toby, you’re here!” she exclaimed shrilly, leaning in and planting a firm kiss on his forehead.

  “Hey, Jellybean, where’s your mom?” He yawned and peered over his head into the kitchen. Prue wasn’t there.

  Nikki raised her index finger to her lips and lowered her voice. “She’s still sleeping. Can you please make me breakfast?”

  Toby lifted his niece onto the floor and sat up. “Sure can. What’ll it be?”

  The little girl ran to the kitchen, took a bowl out of the cupboard under the counter and placed it carefully on top. Her uncle followed. “I’m allowed Lucky Charms on the weekend. I love them.” She pointed to an overhead cupboard. “They’re in there.”

  Toby took out the box of colorful cereal, poured some into the bowl and added milk. He found the cutlery drawer and grabbed a spoon, then took the bowl into the dining room and sat it on the table. “There ya go.”

  Nikki pulled out the chair and climbed up. “Thank you, Uncle Toby.”

  “You’re welcome, little lady. Eat up while I go make the coffee.”

  Prue emerged from her bedroom ten minutes later to the pungent, nutty aroma of freshly brewed coffee. It smelled so good and she needed the caffeine hit to get the day started. She peeked into the living/dining room and saw her brother and her daughter having breakfast together. “Morning. Sorry I slept in.”

  Toby glanced over at her and smiled. “No problem. We managed.”

  “Coffee smells good.” She closed her eyes, breathed in the wonderful aroma and sighed.

  “Here, why don’t you sit and I’ll get you a cup.” Toby got up from the table and walked over to her.

  Prue looked up at her tall brother and smiled. “Thanks.” She wandered over to the table, sat down next to Nikki and gave her a hug and a kiss. “Mommy’s sorry she slept in, honey. Love you.”

  Nikki patted her mom’s face. “That’s ok, Mommy. Uncle Toby made me breakfast.”

  Toby sat the mug of coffee in front of Prue and went back to his seat. “How’d you sleep? Manage to get any?”

  “Not much. I’m looking forward to coming home for the holidays. It’ll be good to be with family for a while, and I could use the break.”

  “It’ll be great having you home. Why don’t I drive in, spend the night and we can head back Christmas Eve morning?” Toby said.

  Prue’s eyebrows rose. “You want to drive all this way to pick us up? No. We can take the bus, it’s fine.”

  “You’ll have cases and presents and food. It’ll be easier and safer if I come get you.”

  “Tobe, I appreciate that, but it’s such a long way.”

  “I don’t mind. So it’s settled then. I’ll be here on the afternoon of the twenty-third and we’ll leave bright and early on the twenty-fourth so we’ll be home in plenty of time for dinner. Mom’s got something special planned.”

  Prue smiled. “Ok. I’d really like that.” She reached across the table and gave her brother’s hand a squeeze. “Thank you.”

  “No thanks required.” He grinned and sipped his coffee.

  “I can’t wait to see grandma and grandpa,” Nikki said. “I miss them.”

  “Well they miss you too, Princess,” her uncle said. “Grandma’s got something special for you too.”

  Nikki beamed. “She has?”

  “Yep, she sure does.”

  The little girl turned to her mom, excited. “How long till Christmas, Mommy?”

  “Let me see.” She calculated in her head. “About twenty-five sleeps, give or take. Not long now.”

  “Yay!” Nikki clapped her hands, a huge smile spreading across her face. “I can’t wait to see what Santa brings me. Maybe daddy will be home by then too.”

  Prue and Toby’s eyes met. That was unexpected. It was obvious to Prue that Nikki was still thinking about him. She also realized it would only intensify as time moved on.

  “Maybe he will, honey.” Prue put on her best smile for her daughter.

  “Can I go play now, please?”

  “Of course, sweetie.”

  Nikki jumped off the chair, took her bowl to the kitchen, then ran down the hallway to her room.

  Prue sighed. “That totally threw me. She must be wondering about him more than I thought.”

  “Looks that way. What are you going to do?”

  “Honestly? I have no idea. But I’ll have to think of something.”

  Toby moved to Nikki’s seat. “Do you know how to contact Nicholas? Maybe it’s time to talk to him.”

  “Yes, I know how to contact him. He left his number with Rachelle, but I’m not going to. There are too many negatives to letting him into our lives. It scares me, Tobe.”

  Her brother wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I know it does, sweetheart, but Nikki needs to know her daddy and he needs to know her too. This isn’t going to go away, you know. And the longer you leave it the harder it’s going to be.”

  Prue let out a frustrated breath. “I know that, but it’s far too complicated. Look, let’s just enjoy the holidays together and then I’ll give it some thought.” Maybe.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When Prue arrived at work Monday morning one of the reception staff told her the talk show host had come down with a bad case of the flu, had no voice, and was home in bed. Prue was on the phone the minute she reached her desk. “Hello, Rachelle. How are you feeling?”

  “Terrible,” Rachelle croaked. “I feel like I’m dying.”

  “I’m sorry I disturbed you but I needed to know how you were. Do you need anything?”

  “Thanks, but my sister’s here.” She coughed into the phone and sniffled. “I have to go. I’m aching all over and my throat is so sore. I’ll try to email you later.”

  “Ok, take care of yourself. Be well soon.”

  Prue felt bad for her friend. She sounded dreadful. What could she do to cheer her up? She jumped online to send her some flowers with a Get Well Soon balloon attached. The bouquet she chose was so pretty and had all of the flowers Rachelle liked. She clicked the order button and a notification popped up telling her
delivery would be the same afternoon. Prue smiled. That should brighten Rachelle’s day.

  Gabe came into her office. “Did you hear about Rachelle? Poor thing.”

  “Yes. I just sent her some get well flowers. I hope it helps her feel a bit better. She sounded terrible.”

  “Oh, you called her?”

  Prue shrugged. “What are friends for?”

  “True. Anyway, management is bringing in a well-known co-anchor for the week.”


  “If I tell you you’ll have to keep it hush hush.”

  Prue frowned. “Why? Everyone will know when she arrives.”

  Gabe tsked and walked over to the doorway. “I know, lovely, but that’s what I was told.”

  Prue moved around her desk and followed him. “Do you want me to swear?” She raised her hand.

  Her colleague chuckled. “No need. I think you can be trusted.” He whispered the name in her ear.

  Prue’s eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

  “Came straight from the horse’s mouth.”

  “She’s someone I’ve looked up to my whole life. Did you know she was voted one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world by People magazine a few years ago?”

  Gabe’s eyebrows rose. “No, I didn’t know that. Impressive.”

  “So we’ll be working with her for a whole week’s tapings? Ten shows?” Prue couldn’t contain her excitement.

  “That’s the plan. We’ll be doing three shows tomorrow, three Wednesday and two on Thursday and Friday. Lucky audience participants, huh?” Gabe strutted down the corridor then stopped and turned around. “Oh, by the way, she’ll be here bright and early tomorrow morning.”

  Prue returned to her desk and sat down, her mind in a whirl. She would be working with Judy Finn for four days. What an incredible opportunity!


  Later that afternoon, Prue received an email from Rachelle (typed by her sister) thanking her for the lovely flowers and asking for a favor. The talk show host had been invited to a Christmas charity dinner and auction for the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital. It was a black tie affair with over five hundred guests: celebrities, authors, artists, musicians, high-ranking business CEOs and the general public. The event was being held at the Broad Street Ballroom, in the Financial District, Thursday evening at 7 p.m., and Rachelle couldn’t go because she was far too ill and infectious. She asked Prue to stand in for her and told her she could borrow her Alyce Black Label evening gown for the occasion, if she was brave enough to come by and pick it up.


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