Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 57

by Petrova, Em

  Prue blinked back tears. “I can understand that,” she said, her voice quiet.

  He watched her for a moment. “Yeah. Nick told me about your fiancé. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s been…” She thought for a moment, “eight years now. But thanks.”

  “Yeah, it’s been about that for Nick too. Loss is hard. It takes a long time to get over.” His eyes met hers. “But I guess you already know that. I’m not sure Nick is truly over losing Pam.”

  Prue stared at him. “What makes you say that?”

  “Maybe the fact that he won’t go to put flowers on her grave and things he says sometimes.”

  “What kind of things?”

  Peter realized he’d spoken out of turn and gave Prue a thin smile. “Look, I shouldn’t have said anything. You’d best talk to him about it.”

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Prue was on the small front porch waiting for Nicholas to arrive. He had messaged her to let her know he’d be at the inn around seven. The winter chill wrapped itself around her and she shivered, wondering if it was the night air or her nerves causing her body to react that way. Both, she realized. She was a long way from home and if things went badly she’d have no one there to comfort her and a long flight home alone.

  She gave a heavy sigh and descended the steps to wait on the sidewalk. He would arrive at any minute and she didn’t want him having to go into reception to ask for her.

  A taxi pulled into the curb at the corner and Nicholas stepped out. He looked just as handsome as ever in his knee length, fawn wool coat and burgundy scarf. He stepped onto the sidewalk, walked over to Prue, leaned in and kissed her cheek. “How are you? Chilly night, isn’t it.”

  Prue rested a hand on his arm to steady herself and took a deep breath. “I’m fine. Yes, it is chilly. Must be coming off the ocean.”

  “Must be.” He smiled. “It’s good to see you.”

  Prue wanted to say ‘Is it?’ but decided against it. “Good to see you, too.”

  “Have you eaten?” Nicholas took a pair of leather gloves from the pocket of his coat and pulled them on.

  Prue shook her head.

  “Me either. There’s a great Thai place on the next corner.” He pointed along the street. “Want to stroll over and have some dinner? You do like Thai, don’t you?”

  “Yes I do. That would be nice. Thank you.”

  “Great.” He linked his arm through hers and they headed to the restaurant.

  Prue felt as though she were dreaming. After everything that had happened, and Nicholas not wanting to speak to her, what had caused his sudden turn around? Had he finally come to his senses?

  Once they were seated, Prue wanted to tell Nicholas how grateful she was for the generous trust fund he’d set up for their daughter, but wasn’t sure if she should. Perhaps it would be better to wait and see where he steered the conversation before bringing anything up of that nature. Maybe he wanted to keep things light over dinner, preferring to discuss the more important topics later.

  He glanced around the restaurant. “What do you think?”

  “It has a lovely ambiance.”

  “Yes it does. I’ve eaten here many times and the food is great as well. I hope you like it.”

  Prue smiled. “I’m sure I will.”

  Nicholas’ gaze remained on her and Prue’s stomach did an uneasy flip flop. She picked up the glass in front of her and sipped the water.

  “It’s strange how we both decided to fly over at the same time to see each other, isn’t it?”

  She looked into his eyes. “Yes. Rachelle would say it’s serendipity.”

  “Actually, she did.”

  Prue’s eyes widened. “She said that to you?”

  He nodded. “And, you know, I was thinking the same thing. Not that I believe in that fate stuff, but…” He shrugged.

  “I’m not sure I do either, but who knows.” She took another sip of water and cleared her throat. “Nick?”

  His eyes were still on her. “Yes, Prue.”

  “I’d like to thank you for the trust fund you set up for Nikki. It’s such a generous gift. I hope you know how grateful I am.”

  “It’s the least I could do.” He rested his elbows on the table, clasped his hands together and pressed his thumbs under his chin. “Tell me about her.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Everything. Whatever you think is meaningful.”

  “Well… let me show you her picture first.” Prue dug around her purse for her wallet. She opened it and slid the small photo from the plastic sleeve and passed it to him.

  Nicholas took the photo and studied it. She looked exactly like him when he was young. Same eyes, same hair color, same dimple in the chin. He smiled. “She’s lovely. A little princess.” He passed the photo back.

  Prue shook her head. “You keep it.”

  He pulled his wallet from his pants pocket and slipped the photo into the empty plastic sleeve. “Thank you.”

  “And yes, she is a little princess. She’s smart and funny and… adorable. She loves to read too. I wanted her to appreciate books as much as I do.”

  “That’s good. Reading opens up a whole new world and broadens the mind. My parents did the same for me. I think that’s why I love writing and reading so much.”

  She hesitated for a moment. “Would… would you like to meet her?”

  Nicholas clasped his hands in front of him. “At some point I would, yes, but not right now.”

  Prue frowned. “Why not?”

  “You and I have a lot of talking to do. Who knows where it’ll lead? I don’t want to do anything that could hurt Nikki. I hope you understand.”

  Prue knew what he meant. He wasn’t sure if he could forgive her for not telling him about his daughter. He wasn’t sure if he wanted a life with them both. Why was he here then? To talk, he’d said. What about?

  “I certainly don’t want Nikki hurt either, but why are we here if you don’t want to work things out?”

  “I’m not saying…” The meals arrived and Nicholas waited to continue. “I’m not saying I don’t want to work things out with you. All I’m saying is it will take time. And until we work it out I don’t want to bring our daughter into it.”

  Prue set her knife and fork down. “Alright. That’s fair, I guess.” She was disappointed that Nicholas didn’t want to meet his daughter, but knew he was right. If things didn’t work out between them what would be the point of him being a part of Nikki’s life if he didn’t plan to stay. She had hoped he would want to be in their little girl’s life regardless of how it all turned out, but she had obviously been wrong about that and it hurt.

  “Prue, I’m not trying to be difficult. Believe me. I don’t want any of us to be hurt. And I do want to be a part of Nikki’s life but we need to tread carefully where she’s concerned. I…”

  “I understand,” Prue said in a quiet tone. Her heart ached at the thought of Nicholas walking out of their lives for good. Would he?

  He reached across and squeezed her hand. “Don’t be upset. Let’s take it one day at a time. Ok?”

  Prue nodded because she knew if she opened her mouth the tears stinging the backs of her eyes would spill. She was in love with this man and she knew he was in love with her but the timing seemed to be off once again.


  After dinner, Nicholas and Prue strolled back to the inn, not arm in arm this time. The evening hadn’t gone at all as she had expected. If he was so intent on flying to New York to see her why was he now saying he wasn’t sure how things would turn out? At the steps to the inn, Nicholas pulled her into his arms and stared into her eyes. “Want a night cap?”

  “I – It’s getting late and I have to…”

  He pressed his mouth to hers and Prue melted in his arms. When the kiss ended he eased her away from him and stepped back. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Prue looked at him with tear-filled eyes. “Why did you? You need to
make up your mind if you want me in your life or not.” She turned around and hurried up the steps.

  “Prue. Wait.” He moved up beside her. “Come home with me so we can talk in private. The restaurant wasn’t the place to discuss our personal issues.”

  She frowned and brushed a tear from her cheek. “You mean now?”

  “Yes. Now.”

  She sighed. “I don’t…”

  He leaned in and gazed into her eyes. “You want to work things out, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do.”

  He held out his hand. “Well then?”

  “Alright.” Prue blew out a frustrated breath and took his hand. “I have a rental over there.” She pointed to the silver Nissan hatch.

  “Why don’t I drive? It’ll be quicker that way.”

  She handed him the remote key. “Ok.”

  Although the winter night was cold, the sky had myriad twinkling stars. Cabrillo Highway was dark with very few cars and only the headlights guiding their way. Neither of them spoke as they drove the winding road to Nicholas’ home and Prue wondered how they were going to talk things through if they didn’t open their mouths. Would he be able to forgive her for something she’d had no control over? Her heart ached at the thought of not having him in her life. How could she convince him to stay?

  Chapter Thirty Six

  Nicholas opened the front door to his home, turned on the lights and gestured for Prue to step in ahead of him. He closed the door, moved up behind her to help her out of her jacket and hung it on the coat rail in the entry hall. Once he’d removed his coat and scarf he ushered Prue into the living room and disappeared through an adjoining doorway. “Won’t be a minute.”

  The house was warm, cozy and well-furnished.

  Prue wandered over to the sofa, sat down and gazed around the room. A well-stocked bookshelf lined one complete wall from ceiling to floor, another wall displayed two picture frames with what appeared to be an ancient manuscript page in each, and the credenza held numerous literary awards Nicholas had won.

  “Can I offer you that nightcap now?” He came into the living room carrying two, long-stemmed crystal glasses and a bottle of expensive-looking French wine.

  “Just a little, thanks,” Prue said. She had no intention of getting drunk and making a complete fool of herself.

  Nicholas set the glasses on the large, oak coffee table and opened the wine. “It’s a 1990 Bordeaux Merlot.” He poured a full glass for himself and half a glass for Prue then picked up hers and passed it to her. “I hope it’s as good as they say.”

  Prue took a cautious sip. She didn’t want to drink it too quickly because she knew it would go to her head. “Mm, it’s good.”

  Nicholas took a large swallow and joined Prue on the sofa. “You’re right, it is.”

  “Are they real?” Prue pointed to the manuscript pages on the wall opposite.

  Nicholas shook his head and took another sip of wine. “I wish. No, they’re copies. Shakespeare sonnets.”

  “Oh? Which ones?” She loved Shakespeare’s poetry and plays.

  “That one,” he pointed to the left frame, “is Sonnet 18. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day.”

  “Thou art more lovely and more temperate. I love that one.” Prue sipped more wine.

  “You do?”

  She nodded and continued to sip her wine.

  “What about that one?” She pointed to the other frame.

  “That one’s rather morose. Sonnet 30. When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past.”

  “I know that one too. Not a favorite, but still a wonderful piece of writing.”

  He was impressed that Prue was a patron of the arts. She surprised him more every time he saw her, in one way or another.

  He breathed a heavy sigh. “Look, Prue, I realize now that it was difficult for you to find me. As I mentioned to you that day at the café, I’ve been looking for you for the past five years and had no luck until Pete suggested doing a composite of your face. That’s how we found you. His friend at the DMV ran your picture through their database and matched it to your driver’s license.”

  “I would never have come up with that idea. I had thought about hiring a private investigator, but what would I have told him? I had nothing to offer.” She sipped the wine. It was good. She sipped some more, the tension ebbing away, her shoulders relaxing.

  “I know. And I’m sorry I was angry. It was stupid of me.” He took another generous mouthful of wine.

  Prue continued to sip until her glass was empty.

  Nicholas poured more wine into it. “I do want to be part of Nikki’s life. I’d like to get to know her. So much time has passed already.” He finished the last of his wine and refilled his glass.

  “Yes it has.” Prue swallowed a large mouthful of the Merlot then set her glass down on the coffee table and touched his face. “I’m truly sorry for that.”

  Nicholas sat his glass on the table, took her hand and kissed the palm.

  Prue searched his eyes. She could see the love he had for her was still there. Was there hope? Could they be together?

  He leaned in to her. “Prue, I…” His mouth was on hers, hungry, needing her.

  She slid an arm around his neck and pulled him closer. His firm masculine body pressed to hers sent an expectant quiver to her belly. The heated kiss continued.

  Nicholas pulled his mouth from hers, his breathing ragged, and stared into her eyes.

  Prue reached for him, her eyes filled with love, and his mouth was on hers again.

  After a long while, Nicholas eased himself out of her embrace, stood up and lifted her into his arms. He carried her along the hall to his bedroom and laid her on his bed. Prue got up off the king-sized bed, nudged her feet out of her shoes and sauntered over to him, reaching for the hem of his sweater and pulling it up over his head. She worked her way down his shirt undoing each button as fast as she could, then shoved it off his shoulders and dropped it on top of the sweater on the floor. She kissed a trail up his muscular chest to the side of his neck and nuzzled his ear. He closed his eyes and gave a throaty groan.

  Nicholas whipped her cashmere sweater over her head and dropped it on top of his clothes. He unfastened her jeans and slid the zipper down, then pushed the pants down her legs and Prue stepped out of them. His hands roamed her curvy body as he kissed her shoulder, her neck and then moved to her mouth. He slipped his tongue between her lips and teased her, their tongues entwined.

  Prue reached for his belt and unclipped it. She eased the zipper down and his jeans fell to his ankles. He removed his shoes and stepped out of his pants, kicking them aside. He lifted her into his arms, his mouth still on hers, and carried her back to his bed, easing her down onto the black and white comforter and climbing over her. She was still as beautiful as the night he had first made love to her all those years ago.

  He took her hands in his and pulled her up off the plump pillows, then reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She blushed as the straps fell away from her shoulders and Nicholas dropped the turquoise-colored undergarment onto the pile of clothes on the floor. He leaned in and kissed her throat, trailing kisses down the center of her chest to her breasts and kissed each one, his mouth remaining on her left nipple.

  A soft moan escaped her lips as he sucked and twirled his tongue around the erect, dusky pink mound. He moved to her other breast and Prue wrapped her arms around his neck. He teased the sensitive flesh and she could feel the mounting tingle in her clit that would soon erupt into a delicious explosion. She moaned again as a wave of heat rushed through her body.

  Nicholas eased her back onto the pillows and trailed kisses down her middle to her belly button. The jewel was gone. He circled his tongue around the small dip in her stomach and continued kissing a gentle trail down to her matching turquoise panties. He slipped his fingers under the lacy fabric and eased the delicate thong down her legs and tossed it onto the growing pile of clothes beside t
he bed, then tugged his snug, black Calvin Klein boxers down his legs and dropped them on the floor.

  As much as she needed him to satisfy her, she also wanted to satisfy him. Prue eased him away from her and pushed him back onto the bed, his head at the foot end. She crawled up his body and kissed him hard on the mouth, then continued to kiss a trail down the center of his muscular chest and firm abs to the neat mass of curls above his hard length. She glanced up at him, his eyes were closed and his head was back in expectation of her lips on him.

  Prue took the length of him into her mouth, the salty taste heightening her aroused senses, and ran her lips up and down his shaft, circling his tip with her tongue before drawing him in again. She continued to lick and suck until she felt his hard length throb against her lips.

  Nicholas gave a throaty groan and reached out to touch her face. “I love it… thank you.” His words were breathy. He was close but didn’t want to cum now. He wanted to wait until he was inside her, feeling that pulsing pressure build to breaking point. He pushed himself up off the bed and moved Prue backwards. “But not yet.”

  He gazed at her with those alluring, dark brown eyes and gave her a seductive smile. Prue purred as she remembered how adept he had been at bringing her to orgasm over and over and she felt the slick wetness spread between her thighs in expectation of his tongue once again exploring her yearning flesh and taking her over the edge.

  Nicholas moved further down the massive bed and eased her legs apart. She closed her eyes and licked her lips in anticipation. He teased her with his fingers, dipping into the moist warm folds.

  Prue shivered and opened her legs further waiting for his tongue to slip inside her.

  He dipped his tongue in and out of her then waited.

  She moaned, threw her head back on the pillow and pushed her pelvis forward.

  The tantalizing taste of her lingered on his tongue and he couldn’t wait to slip inside her again, only this time he’d take precautions.


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