Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection

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Twenty Times Tempted: A Sexy Contemporary Romance Collection Page 218

by Petrova, Em

  As soon as they could see each other’s eyes, they both grinned. The stretch of sidewalk between them seemed infinite, but he kicked it into gear and ran the last few steps to her.

  He hovered over her, so close that he could pull her into his arms and kiss her right now. But he hesitated—she might be smiling, but this was also their first date.

  “Hi, Abigail.” He held out the bouquet to her. Her eyes widened, and she gathered the bunch under her nose, inhaling.

  “Thank you, Gunner. They’re beautiful. You didn’t have to.”

  “I know.” But he’d said he’d show her how different he was, and he meant it. He would bring her flowers every day simply trying to find some that matched her beauty. He wanted to shower her in gifts and love.

  Yeah, the tough soldier had finally fallen—hard. He smiled down at her, and she smiled up at him.

  He couldn’t help it—he took a step closer. She tipped her head back.

  Suddenly, he scooped her against his chest and lowered his head at the moment she went on tiptoe. Their mouths collided in a primal, earth-shattering kiss. She tasted like heaven and felt as soft as a cloud. Moaning, he angled his head, and she parted her lips.

  Taking immediate advantage, he swept his tongue inside. Long, sweeping passes that fueled his desire but made him realize how right he’d been about her. They might have only known each other for a short time, but he’d known from first sight that she was the one for him.

  She made a small noise of desire, sending his cock into a rock-hard state in a nanosecond. He clutched her tighter, hips to hips, showing her just how much he wanted her.

  God, he wanted to take her right here in broad daylight, but that wasn’t showing her how different he was, so he pulled away.

  She blinked up at him in a dazed way that only made him hungrier for her. He wanted to see her like this for a solid day and night. No, make that a week. Maybe he could get leave just to take her to bed and give her all the pleasure she deserved.

  Need spiraled through him like a missile. Once it struck earth, he’d explode with need, and he couldn’t get carried away yet.

  “Come on. I have a nice dinner for us planned.” He took her by the arm and started in the direction that would take them off base and into the local small town. The walk wasn’t far, and it would give them time to talk.

  “How was work today?” he asked her.


  He saw her lip caught between her teeth and almost lost his battle for control. “Why is that?”

  “Well I had a patient faking a head injury who was really carrying a message for me.”

  “Ah, that is interesting.” He gave her a crooked grin, and she returned it with a white-toothed one of her own. “And how did you feel about his message?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Abigail, I’m sorry about the other night at the Fox Hole. I saw Knox with you and sort of lost my head.”

  “Sort of?” Their pace was slow but she stopped and raised her brow at him. He wanted to kiss the space between her brows and smooth away her worries over that event. “Did you get in trouble for it?”

  “Yeah.” He sighed. “But I deserved it.”

  “Wait, you’re actually admitting you shouldn’t have punched Knox?”

  Oh he’d wanted to do much more to the man, but lately he’d been seeing that getting what he wanted had more than one path to reach it. And sometimes taking the rougher path was actually the best. He’d need to finesse his way into Abigail’s heart but she was clearly not a woman who loved the adrenaline rush of him using his fists on her behalf.

  “Knox and I served together in Syria. We’ve had troubles lately, but he’s a good man.” Just not for you.

  She nodded, her lip between her teeth again. “We were only having a drink.”

  “Does you agreeing to go to dinner with me mean it’s more in your mind?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but he realized what he’d asked had put her on the spot. He held up a hand. “Don’t answer that. I’m not being fair by asking. I only want to show you a good time and maybe let you know how much this means to me that you’re here.”

  She seemed to relax a bit, her shoulders dropping and a smile returning to her pretty face. “I am hungry.”

  “Good. I hope you like Italian food. This place is rumored to have the best.”

  “Is it Giseppe’s?”

  His heart fell. “You’ve been there?”

  “No, but I’ve heard rumors too.” As they walked, their shoulders occasionally bumped as if they were drawn together.

  “What else happened in your day?” He wanted to hear all about her.

  She launched into a story of one patient coming in unconscious and they finally discovered he’d been stung by a bee and allergic. In time they’d administered the drug to counteract it, but the whole unit had been in a flurry for hours afterward. Lots of cases of heatstroke and one broken wrist.

  “Taking care of soldiers isn’t easy,” she ended.

  “Just training and doing our jobs.”

  “Dangerous jobs. I know I shouldn’t ask, and you don’t have to answer, but were you hurt at all in Syria?” She eased a tendril of hair behind her ear.

  On impulse, he tugged her arm over his, tucking it against his side. She moved closer, their shoulders brushing. The whisper of her bare arm against his sleeve made his pants that much tighter.

  “Shot. A bullet graze to the calf. I’ll show you sometime.” He waggled his brows, and she laughed at his comical attitude.

  “No lasting problems?” That crease was back between her brows, and his heart swelled more for her worry.

  “Unless you count an ugly scar, none at all.”

  “All the tough guys have scars in the movies.”

  He pulled her arm closer. “Guess I’m a tough guy then. Want me to show you all my scars?”

  “Maybe later. I see the restaurant up ahead.”

  He tried to focus on the last part of that sentence and not her “maybe later” part. He wanted to skip the pasta and get right to the after. He had a feeling she would like being wined and dined, but his second part of the date would really appeal to a woman like her.


  The pasta was the best Abigail had ever had. She’d ordered traditional spaghetti and meatballs, and Gunner had agreed it was his preference too. When they both reached into the bread basket at the same time, Abigail laughed.

  “I feel a little like Lady and the Tramp right now.”

  He laughed too. “I haven’t seen that since I was a kid. One of my favorites.”

  “What did you like about it?” She took her slice of bread first and slathered it thickly with butter. She didn’t often have to watch what she ate—she skipped plenty of meals working the chaos of the triage unit, and when she overdid it with food, she thought it must balance out.

  “I liked how the male dog always used his resources to get himself out of trouble.” Gunner arched his brow, giving him a devil-may-care appearance. Her lady parts tightened, and she suddenly wanted to finish eating and go somewhere quiet so they could be alone.

  She bit off her bread and chewed. She could see what Gunner had said about himself was true. When she’d forbidden him from returning to triage, he’d come up with a plan to still get a message to her.

  Strangely, she wasn’t mad about this. His act had touched her—shown her how important she must be to him for him to go to this length to see her again.

  “Are you glad you came out with me, Abigail?” His thoughts, so close to hers, made her sit up straighter.

  “Yes, I am.”

  He smiled like the tiger that had just sneaked up on its prey. “Good. When we’re done, I have another part of the date for you.”

  “Oh now I want to shove this entire slice of bread into my mouth.”

  “I’d like to see that,” he said playfully. He rested his hand over hers lying on the table, and the warm and roughness envel
oped her entire mind and body. She met his gaze, bread forgotten.

  “I’m finished.”

  “Good, me too.”

  A minute later after she’d slipped to the restroom and he’d paid the bill, they were walking again. This time the heat of the day had faded a little, and a fresh breeze washed over them. Which was good, because she was feeling a little flushed.

  He took her hand and entwined their fingers as they strolled down the sidewalk in an entirely new direction.

  “I haven’t done much exploring since coming here to work,” she admitted. “Where does this lead?”

  His eyes glittered as he stared down at her. “It’s a surprise.”

  A shiver of excitement ran up her spine. She hadn’t felt so strongly attracted to any man in a long time, and Gunner’s actions only made her like him more.

  As they walked, he talked about his usual duties. She was fascinated by everything he did to continue training to protect their country. It may be dangerous for her to feel so smitten, though. She needed to protect herself, but she had vowed to give him one night of herself. Tomorrow she’d decide about her future. For now, she was enjoying his hand in hers and the dark stubble of beard sprouting on his jaw.

  His gaze flicked over her, raising an awareness. Her panties dampened, and her nipples pressed hard against her bra cups. “Just about there.” Did he sound as eager as she felt?

  The foliage was getting thicker and the houses farther apart. They were stately homes in all shades of white and a few pastels. The yards were pristine, and she almost felt as if they were trespassing on a private community.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, picking up her thoughts again, “I know someone who lives here and I have permission to come here anytime I like.”

  “Where are we?”

  “You’ll see. Actually, close your eyes.”

  “What? Are you serious?” The foliage was getting thicker as they moved away from civilization.

  He grinned at her, and she never wanted to look away from him let along close her eyes. “Dead serious. Trust me.”

  It was a leap, but she let her eyelids slip shut. He took her by the hand again and started to lead her. With her eyes closed, she was worried she’d trip over something but she had one choice, and that was to put her entire trust in this man. This beautiful, fun and amazing soldier.

  She held onto his hand tight as the hard asphalt beneath her feet changed to turf and then something softer. “Sand!” she cried out.

  “Open your eyes.”

  She gasped. They stood before a beautiful pond of an irregular shape with a small beach and all the native plants needed to hide a couple who didn’t want to be seen. She pressed her fingers to her lips to hold back those words from popping out. She didn’t want to sound like a slut, wanting only sex with a strong soldier. Some women went after that like they were collecting trophies, but not Abigail.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. Before he lowered his head, she knew he was going to kiss her. The look in his eyes said it all. How strange to be able to read him so well, and he her.

  He bent his head by degrees. By the time their mouths were a scant breath apart, she was burning. By the crooked smile carved on his face, he knew it too.

  “Welcome to Harper’s Pond.” The warm, wet press of his lips outshined the most beautiful sight in the world. She went on tiptoe to kiss him back, harder, more insistently.

  When he swiped his tongue over hers, need exploded and she couldn’t remain quiet. Every stroke of his tongue felt like he was licking other parts of her body. She pressed her thighs together and gave her all, just as she’d promised herself.

  He dipped and caught her under the knees, lifting her off her feet. Sinking to the sand with her in his arms was the most romantic thing she could think of. And it was happening to her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with everything she had. The kiss turned hot to carnal and back to light and teasing right before he broke away.

  “I take it you like your surprise.”

  She was curled against his chest, her ass cradled by his groin. One very hard part was digging into her backside, which was making her fires even hotter.

  “I love it. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “Be nice to swim. I should have told you to wear a swimsuit beneath your dress.”

  She stared into his eyes for a long heartbeat. Then in a flurry, she stood and pulled off her dress. His eyes widened seeing her in her bra and skimpy panties. As she reached behind herself and undid the clasp of her bra, his throat worked.

  “Abigail, you don’t have to do this for me.”

  “I know. I’m doing it for me.”

  His eyes darkened with hunger. She let her bra drop, revealing her soft breasts, the tips distended. Beneath his gaze, she felt beautiful and desirable. Hooking her thumbs in the strings holding up her panties, she wiggled them down.

  “Jesus,” he breathed when he saw her bare pussy. The lips had to be glistening with her need—she felt soaking wet.

  She cast her panties away and stepped toward the water, looking over her shoulder to urge him to come too.

  He rocketed to his feet and stripped like a man on fire. When his sculpted chest was revealed, she had to turn around and watch him. Then his boots hit the sand, followed by socks, jeans and boxers.

  His hard shaft sprang free, thick and veined, the head purple with want.

  For her. All for her.

  She stepped toward the water.

  He came after her.

  The water was cooler as it touched her bare feet, skimming her ankles. She continued on, hearing the splash of his feet behind her. As she hit her knees, she plowed forward, determined to do this.

  Suddenly he scooped her up and rushed into the water with her. She squealed as cold water hit her bare stomach and then breasts. He claimed her mouth and dunked them both. Water filled her nostrils and made her long hair a weight, but she felt more alive than ever before.

  He bobbed them both to the surface, and she breathed air. And also the scent of the man in her arms. She slid her arms around his neck, reveling in the feel of his hard muscle against her.

  “I wanted to go slow, but I’m battling for my control here,” he rasped, eyes heavily lidded with desire.

  She pulled herself up his body, hitching her thighs around his hips and angling her pussy right at his erection. “Don’t go slow.”

  “Dammit, I left a condom on the shore.”

  “Guess you’ll have to get creative then.”

  They shared a smile and then he set her back down to stand on the sandy bottom. Then he held his breath and dived under the surface. When he clutched her by the hips and nudged her legs wide, she gasped. But when he snaked his tongue over her swollen clit, she couldn’t hold back her scream.

  It echoed off the trees and inside the walls of her soul. She reached under the water and clasped her hands to his head as he circled her clit again and again. She was just wondering how long he could hold his breath when he popped up.

  A second later he speared her with two fingers. Deep. High. She shuddered around his intimate caress.

  “Fuck, the water’s cold but your pussy is burning hot.”

  She made a noise of surrender as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. Angled perfectly over the spot that would send her flying highest. Her body clamped down on his fingers as she rode them. He watched her face with an absorption that spoke of how much he felt for her.

  She met his gaze and let him hold it as he fucked her with his fingers. In and out slow, and then faster as her breathing grew more erratic. When she shot upward, he groaned along with her. “So fucking beautiful. Come for me, angel. That’s it. Give me everything.”

  She threw her head back, crying out quietly as she peaked. She did give him everything as shudder after shudder released from her. He captured her lips at the last and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She gave a low moan
and collapsed in his hold.

  She had no recollection of him dragging her out of the water or laying her down on the bank until she felt his condom-covered cock poised at her opening.

  Chapter Seven

  “Look at me, Abigail. Do you want this?”

  “God, yes, Gunner. I want your cock deep inside me.”

  He strained to keep from plunging into her and possibly hurting her. She was so tight, would be tighter after her orgasm. But he needed inside her—now.

  “Look into my eyes. I want you to know who’s fucking you.”

  She did, the depths shifting with pleasure and emotion that sent him reeling. His cock lengthened another fraction as he fed the swollen head into her pussy.

  She stretched around him, writhing in his hold. He pushed deeper, spreading her open for him. She dug her nails into his ass and dragged him closer, closer, closer, until his balls slapped her body.

  They shared a primal noise and he started to move. Slow at first but not for long. She wouldn’t let him go at his own pace, because she was wild in his arms. Scoring his back with her nails, using her heels on his back to bring him deeper. And kissing him. That was the most incredible feeling of all—having her scorching tongue in his mouth.

  Her skin was cool from the swim, but her heat wrapped around his cock, driving him to the pinnacle far too fast. After this, he’d take his time loving her. Sucking those beautiful pink nipples and then tasting her pussy more.

  “Fuck me. Harder, deeper. God, Gunner.” She shook all over, her gaze spearing him to the core.

  He came hard and fast, the spurts leaving him as his heart somehow slipped into her hands.

  Then she was coming too, crying his name as her pussy contracted around his length and pulling more and more spurts from him. When he didn’t think he could go on, it ended.

  He collapsed against her, and she held him, little aftershocks running through her body. He tangled his fingers in her wet hair and kissed her with all the pent-up passion inside him.

  She returned it, stroke for stroke.

  When he raised his head and looked into her eyes, he knew this was right unlike anything else in his life. She smiled, a secretive little smile that made him think she felt the same way.


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