Waking Anastasia

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Waking Anastasia Page 15

by Timothy Reynolds

  “Coffee? Oh, I would dearly love to taste coffee once again. My kingdom for a coffee—and a cigarette.”

  “You smoke?”

  “Smoked. Once upon a time, and it got me into no end of trouble.”

  “You little imp.”


  Jerry held the door open for Ana and flicked off the light switch, leaving the Christmas tree and the laptop to give the loft a warm glow. “How about we drive? Do you think you could navigate?”

  She held up a folded piece of paper and smiled. “I printed a map, silly goose.”

  JERRY’S RESEARCH HAD revealed that Ana had been raised amongst some of the most beautiful structures in the world, like the massive, columned, white, green, and gold Winter Palace, and the five-storey, heavily gilded Mariinsky Theatre, so he really didn’t expect a 20th century Anglican church to impress her; but she stood in the nave, looking down the length of the cathedral, her tears running down her cheeks and vanishing once they fell free of her face. He felt so humbled by the immenseness that he was near tears himself.

  “Jerry, it is so beautiful,” she whispered. “In Russia everything is gilded this, and solid-gold that, to make it shine and sparkle, but what has been done here with grey stone and dark wood and arches and vaults is . . . the raw, primitive power of God the Father.”

  “Yeah. Wow.” Soft, elaborate pipe organ filled the air while they stared at the dozens of pillars arranged in four rows down the length of the cathedral, the dozen or so astounding stained glass windows filtering the crisp afternoon light, and sharp-peaked archway after vault after archway, all the way up to the roof, far above them. Alternating with the pillars were tall, white-lit Christmas trees, magnificent in their simplicity. Jerry was stunned. The nave had to be almost a hundred feet across and a hundred and fifty long, he estimated. It was the biggest non-sports arena space he’d ever been in, and yet, even with no more than twenty or thirty people scattered throughout the pews, it seemed as comfortable and intimate as his Aunt Mavis’s sitting room.

  Ana stepped forward, lowered herself to her knees, and stretched out, prostrate. Her forehead touched the stone floor with a soft thump, but no one seemed to notice. Jerry bowed his head, crossed himself, and waited until Ana stood beside him again and took his hand. In silence, she led him forward, to the rear-most row of pews. She nudged Jerry to the long wooden bench on the right, while she took a place on the opposite pew to the left of the wide aisle. He started to follow her, but she already had her head bowed in prayer, so he went to his “assigned” pew on the right, swung down the padded kneeling bench, and lowered himself onto it. A quick glance over at Ana showed that she was glowing ever so slightly, almost in a holy light. And then it hit him.

  He wasn’t just in a church on New Year’s Eve, he was there with the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna Romanova, of blessed royal blood. Not only hadn’t she been struck down or banished from his world when she entered this holy cathedral, but she seemed to be enhanced somehow. Tears escaped his own eyes and he lowered his head and whispered a prayer. “Dear God. Um, Holy Father . . . I ask for nothing for myself because You’ve already given me so much, so I ask You to please give guidance to that beautiful, lost soul over there. Help her find her way. I don’t want her to leave, but sure would love it if You could give her a hint of why she’s here with me and not with her family, wherever they are.

  “Speaking of family, Father, say hi to Dad for me, and hold him close. Tell him it’s all good down here, for the most part. Also, could You send some love my mother’s way, please. Some days I think she’s as lost as Ana is. And please bless my new friends and family here in Victoria, and send a huge divine hug to Isis and her family. Please send that beautiful little girl someone who will appreciate her amazingness, never pity her, and take joy in everything she’s capable of.

  “Oh, and before I forget . . . thank You. Except for the occasional headache, you’ve given me a pretty cool path to tread so far. Thanks. Love Ya.”

  A shuffle of cloth on cloth and leather on stone told Jerry that Ana was done. He kept his head bowed and eyes closed and looked up only when he felt Ana’s weight make the bench creak beside him. She smiled, but fortunately the glow was gone. No, he corrected himself; there was a little extra shine in her eyes. She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed his palm, then closed his fingers over it to hold the kiss tight. He smiled and stood, letting her take him by the hand and wander off to explore the cathedral. They drifted along, unhurried, warmed a little by the winter sunlight filtering through each story-telling piece of stained glass, feeling the solid, cold stone of the pillars, and marvelling at the Christmas tree decorations obviously done lovingly by the children of the congregation. Pipe cleaner mangers and cut-out-and-crayoned angels hung side by side with gingerbread snowmen and more tinfoil stars than they could count.

  “It is marvellous, Jerry!” Ana whispered. “May I please make something for your tree?” She reached out and gently nudged a hanging tinfoil star, making it spin a little left and then back right.

  “Our tree. Of course. I’m sure there’s tinfoil in our kitchen. Pipe cleaners may be scarce, but where there’s a dollar store, there’s hope. We may have to wait a few days. The stores are all probably closed tomorrow, New Year’s Day. But we’ll see what we have at home to get you started.”

  “Wonderful!” And then she went back to her self-guided tour, leading them to every nook and cranny open to the public.

  JERRY FINISHED UP his call to Bryce the carriage driver, confirming all of the details for the evening, and disconnected the call. He could hear Ginnius and Ana behind the changing curtain in the costume shop, giggling and whispering, and so he closed his eyes, just to rest them. He didn’t hear the scuff of shoes on the worn hardwood floor, or the soft cough, but he felt the tap on his shoulder when Ginnius woke him.

  She whispered softly, just between the two of them. “If you haven’t already fallen in love with this chick, Jerry, you will now.” She raised her voice for Ana to hear. “And now, for one night only, Anastasia, Queen of the First Night Ball!”

  What sleep he didn’t blink away in the instant before the curtain swung open, vanished in wisps blown on a wind of pure beauty when Ana stepped out, made a tiny curtsy, then spun slowly to show off Ginnius’ work. The emerald green taffeta caught the light in such a way that Jerry was certain the dress shimmied and shivered around Ana like a living thing. He’d never seen anyone so beautiful in all his life.

  Ana stopped her spin and faced him, waiting. He was silent, so she prompted him. “Jerry? Is it acceptable? What do you think?” Then another thought occurred to her. “Are you well? Are you having a spell?”

  She took a step toward him, forgetting about herself, but Jerry raised a hand to stop her. He took a deep breath. “If being completely overwhelmed by the exquisite grace and refined beauty before me is a spell, then I am fatally wounded and you are my slayer. Wow, wow, and . . . wow.”

  Ginnius and Ana both laughed, then Ginnius ushered Ana back behind the curtain. “Let’s get this in the box. Jerry, your tails are hanging in the men’s change area, if you want to duck in and try them on, now that we’ve done the big reveal.”

  “Sure thing, though I hardly think anyone will even notice me when Ana walks in. I could be in Bermuda shorts and a tank top and I’d be lost in the blaze of her sun.”

  “There will be two questions on people’s lips tonight, Jerry. Who is that beautiful princess, and who is the man lucky enough to be her prince? You won’t be noticed first, dude, but you will be noticed, and talked about.”

  “Then I suppose it behooves me to dress my best. Give me a minute and we’ll see if I measure up.” He found his costume where Ginnius said it would be, pulled the curtain shut, stripped down, and climbed into the finely crafted suit one piece at a time. It took almost five minutes for him to figure out all of the various and sundry parts. Most of that time was spent struggling over the studs in place of buttons. Eventu
ally he was ready, and took a quick, squinting look to check himself out in the narrow mirror, straightening the white bow tie and shrugging the jacket to adjust how the small shoulder pads sat. “Not bad, if I do say so, myself.”

  “What was that, Jerry?”

  He grabbed the curtain and pulled it back. “I said, I clean up okay.”

  Back in her sweatshirt and jeans, Ana laughed, and threw herself into Jerry’s arms. “You are the most beautiful man in the world! Yes, I think you clean up very well.”

  Ginnius stepped up to him and Ana gave her room to work. The costumer opened Jerry’s jacket and adjusted the suspenders on both sides. “That should feel better. You had them a bit high. It’ll take some getting used to, not having a belt and heavy fabric crowding your crotch, but the suspenders will allow you a lot more freedom of movement, both on and off the dance floor. I’m sorry about the pre-tied bowtie, but we don’t have time to teach you to tie a proper one, so this will have to do.” She gave it a tug and a twist and seemed satisfied.

  “I am quite familiar with tying ties, Ginnius. I can help Jerry with this.” Ana smiled and shrugged. Jerry wasn’t surprised that tying bow ties was in her skill set.

  “Cool, Ana. I’ll give you one of each, just in case you change your mind.” She looked at her watch. “Okay, let’s get you packaged up and gone. Go home and get some food in you and relax. I’ve been to a few balls at the Empress and you won’t eat until late and will be exhausted sucking in tummies and keeping a straight back for hours. Rest up and fuel up while you can. Jerry, why don’t you get changed while Ana and I grab a couple of accessories from the back, and I’ll ring it up.”

  “You got it, Wardrobe Mistress Ginnius.”

  “Ooh, I like the sound of that. Can’t be a Mistress without my whip, though, and that’s a whole different kind of party. Ana, come with me, and we’ll find that thing you were asking about. Jerry, just hang the suit up when you’re done, and I’ll find a suit bag for it.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  WHEN THEY GOT back to the loft, Ana still hadn’t told Jerry what was in the hat box she and Ginnius had been so secretive about. She simply tucked it under one arm while carrying Jerry’s suit bag and the bag containing her cape over her other shoulder. Jerry was assigned the task of getting the huge dress box up the stairs. They made it without calamity, and once Ana hung up the bags and put the smaller box down, she took the dress box from Jerry and indicated the couch with a nod of her head.

  “You need a nap, my Sweet. You are exhausted. You are forgetting things, your vision is still . . . what did you call it? ‘Wonky’? Yes, wonky.” She took the dress box to the bedroom, removed the gown and laid it out on the comforter, straightening it to prevent wrinkles. She returned to the couch and sat down next to him. “I would love nothing more than to lie here with you, to sleep in your arms, but if I am not mistaken, this evening will require a great deal of concentration so I, too, will ‘recharge my battery’.” She handed him the book. “Hold this to your heart and know that I will feel you close. I will set the alarm on your phone for three hours from now. Wake me and I will fix you a repast fit for a Station Manager.”

  A kiss on the end of his nose silenced any objection he might have had, but the truth was, he had nothing to say, he was so damned tired. Clutching the book, he lay back and let Ana cover him with the blanket. He was asleep before she’d even set the alarm and returned to the book.

  THE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE theme called to him from the kitchen island and Jerry made a final adjustment to his tie and answered the phone. “First Night Frolics, how can I help you?”

  “Jerry? It’s Bryce. Maria and I are out front, whenever you’re ready.”

  “Two minutes, Bryce. Five at the most.”

  “Take your time. Maria’s enjoying her carrot and in no hurry to go back to the stables.”

  “Five, tops.”

  IN HIS DECADES as a carriage driver, Bryce had seen it all—girls-from-next-door all glammed up, super models in shimmering gowns, brides beautiful enough to be in catalogues, even a real prince and princess as parade marshals—but never had he seen a transformation like the one he was staring at right now. Stepping out of the old brownstone was a regal sight beyond his imagination. The dark green of the gown, the white fur of the cape’s collar, the elbow-length gloves, and the simple, gleaming necklace with matching tiara reminded him once and for all why he loved the business he was in. And it reminded him why a white, one-horse-power carriage beat a thirty-foot-long diesel-guzzling, converted SUV any day. He could clearly see that Jerry was as overwhelmed by Ana as he was. It must have been a trick of the streetlight and his aging eyes, but he was sure that young Ana was even glowing, just a little bit.

  His clients were at the carriage before he recovered, and he had to scramble to get the door open and the steps lowered.

  “GOOD EVENING, MR. Smith. You look very elegant in your livery this evening.”

  “Um, thank you, miss. Special duds for a special occasion. I must admit that you are the picture of royal loveliness yourself. You both are. Shall we off to the ball?”

  Jerry stepped aside and held a hand up for Ana to take. “A brilliant idea. This has the making of a new fairytale, don’t you think? ‘The Princess and the Lump’.” He climbed up after Ana, who was scowling at him when he got seated. “What?”

  “Tonight we are not lumps. Tonight we are grand, magnificent rulers of a perfect fairy world, and this is our First Night Celebration with friends and family. I am not a lump, and you are not a lump. You are a handsome prince—my handsome prince. So chin up, stomach in, and kiss me.”

  “Is that an Imperial Decree?”

  “It is a command, for now. If necessary, I will make it a decree and it shall become law. It is your choice: kiss me because you want to, or because it is the law, within our little kingdom of two.”

  “Well, since you put it that way, save your lawmaking, Shvibzik, because I’ll kiss you because I want to.” And he did. It was long and tender and full of gentle emotion.

  Maria snorted in her harness, and with a snap of the reins, Bryce guided the carriage away from the curb and off to the castle-like Empress Hotel, a few blocks away. Jerry and Ana broke off the kiss and snuggled under the blankets. As they rounded a corner, Bryce leaned to one side, flicked a switch, and the entire white carriage lit up with tiny, pure white lights, as if they were being escorted by a legion of fairies. Ana gasped.

  “That is so wonderful! Thank you!”

  “Maria’s idea. We usually save them for weddings, but she reminded me that this was a night Victoria was going to remember, so, fairy lights it is.”

  A little girl waved frantically at them as they passed and they returned the wave. Ana even blew a kiss the girl’s way, and they could hear the youngster’s giggles over the soft clopping of Maria’s rubber shoes. There were Christmas lights everywhere and music drifting from doorways and windows and passing cars. Lovers strolled the sidewalks arm-in-arm, and partygoers scuttled from taxis to doorways and vice versa. It was a city alive with celebration and Jerry and Ana were at the heart of it, lulled by the creak of Maria’s harness, the squeak of the carriage’s springs, and Bryce’s soft baritone singing Christmas carols to himself as he drove along.

  Chapter Sixteen

  @TheTaoOfJerr: “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

  ~ Berthold Auerbach

  IT DIDN’T TAKE long to reach the Empress Hotel. Bryce steered Maria onto Government Street and joined the queue of a dozen taxis and three other carriages waiting to drop off revellers for the evening.

  “It’ll just be a minute, folks. No need to rush it now. They’re already noticing us, so by the time we get there, we might even see a few tourists with cameras, following you up the main walk.”

  Jerry looked across the street at the Inner Harbour. The ships in port were decorated top to bottom with festive lights. A hundred-foot-long yacht was teeming with people but his eyes
wouldn’t focus. “Is that a live band on the stern of that ship?”

  Ana squinted. “It is! How lovely! New Year’s on a ship! That would be my second choice, after New Year’s in a castle’s ballroom.” She kissed Jerry quickly and turned away to look at the lights. “As long as I’m with you, my Love, I will celebrate New Year’s Eve in any style you wish.”

  “Ditto, Shivin—um, Ana.” What was her nickname, again? It escaped him, and then, just as quickly, it was back. Shvibzik. Maria pulled the carriage up a spot in line and stopped.

  “Oh, Jerry, they have added more electric lights on the ivy covering the façade of the hotel! It is beautiful! I do believe my great-grandmother would have adored this!” She squeezed Jerry’s arm and kissed his cheek.

  “Almost there, folks. Make sure you’ve got everything. Gloves, tiaras, glass slippers, tickets to the ball . . .”

  Jerry and Ana both checked the seats and floor of the carriage, but nothing was amiss. “Check. All accounted for, Bryce. Thanks for the reminder.”

  “Not a problem, Jerry. You’d be amazed at some of the things I’ve found back there after a trip. Once found a Stradivarius violin, left behind by a tipsy, but very much in love, virtuosa. She made it as far as the front desk of the hotel before she came fleeing back down the walkway, in a panic. I handed over her pride and joy and she hugged me for two full minutes. Got tears and make-up all over my jacket. The dry cleaning bill was worth it, just to know that they’d been reunited. She came through town last year and sent me tickets for the concert. Sweet lady. And she plays a mean fiddle, too.” He clicked at Maria and they moved up even with the end of the walkway, where he set the brake and dismounted.


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