Waking Anastasia

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Waking Anastasia Page 18

by Timothy Reynolds

  Once in his office he closed the door with a firm, quiet click, and lowered himself into the desk chair slowly, like the old man he’d now never be. He placed the Blake book on the desk and rubbed his fingertips along the spine. A moment later Ana stood facing him.

  “How did you fare? I would have stood there beside you, had you but asked, my Sweet.”

  “I know, Shvibzik, I know. But I’m not sure I could have done it with you standing there, too. It’s killing me that I’m leaving them all; but knowing that I’ll be gone so soon after finding you is tearing my heart out.”

  “You are not gone, yet. I heard what the doctor said. You have a chance. We are going to give this the battle it deserves. Sushchestvuyet nadezhda—there is hope.”

  “I guess. It’s a really, really, long shot, Honey, and a lot depends on the decisions made in the next few days. I may not even qualify for this clinical study.”

  “I refuse to give up, Love. I will be your rock for as long as you need me to be, as you were for me when I awoke lost and confused in this strange world.”

  He laughed lightly. “I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side, Ana. Whatever I have to go through, you can be my rock, my whole damned mountain. I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll be leaning on you so much you’ll feel like a crutch.”

  “Then I will be your crutch, Mr. Powell.”

  “Thank you. Even when you’re in the book I feel you close by, and it makes a huge difference.” He closed his eyes as the room wavered slightly. When he opened them again, he felt like his heart was double its weight. “That said, you’d better get back there so I can open my door and let them all come by. You and I can be alone at home, but for now I need to let them all lend me their strength in their own way.”

  IT WAS MIKA who came to him first and broke the ice. She’d wiped away her tears, though fresh ones threatened to burst past the dam. She hugged Jerry close, then, with a kiss on the cheek, she let him go and sat in the spare chair.

  “Lee-Anne has gone home for the day. She may be the Queen of Flirt, but I think she really likes and respects you. This seems to have affected her more than most. Most, but not all.” She looked down at her hands, spinning her engagement ring in place. When she looked back at Jerry, her eyes were drier. “Do everything the doctors offer you. Agree to try it all, please, even if it sounds crazy. And in the next couple days Danveer and I will swing by the loft and we’re going to chat.”

  “Mika, I appreciate the offer, but—”

  “Not for idle chat, Boss. I want to discuss some alternate therapies for you to try. There’s a healer near Tofino who’s had marvellous success and he’s arriving tomorrow for a family visit. He’s Danveer’s uncle, and he’s a true swami. I’ve been studying with him for two years and while there’s no scientific explanation for the things I’ve seen, there’s certainly a spiritual one. I’m a Reiki Master, myself, and all I ask is that in addition to whatever traditional treatments you undergo, that you allow us an opportunity to help. If nothing else is achieved, at least maybe we can help you find peace during this time of pain.”

  “I’m not exactly a drum-circle-banging, incense-burning kinda guy, Mika. I don’t even read my horoscope because it’s all so much ‘hooey and hokum’ as my grandfather James used to say.” Next thing she’d do would be to ask him to wear a tinfoil hat to ward off harmful rays. He knew he had to nip this line of thinking early. “I really appreciate the thought, though. Thank you.”

  Mika smiled. “Fair enough. But let me show you something, first. After that, just give it some thought for a day or two. I’m a full-on, West Coast, New Age Earth Cookie, as my sister says, but it’s not really New Age when it’s been around for millennia.”

  “Okay. Take your best shot at convincing me.”


  “Really.” What did he have to lose?

  “Cool.” She closed the office door. “Stand up and face me, about a yard away.” She stood, too, and moved away from the desk to give them room. “If you’re more comfortable sitting, that’s cool, too.”

  “No, I’m good with standing.” And he was. He found that he was steady on his feet, at least for a few minutes. He wondered how much of his weakness in the last few days had been psychosomatic. He stood opposite Mika, with the fingertips of his right hand resting on his desk, just for the illusion of balance.

  “Do you know what an aura is, Jerry?”

  “Energy around the body. Some say they can see them, some say they can photograph them.”

  “Energy. Exactly. It surrounds our bodies and interacts with the environment around us. Many people can see them and some don’t even realize it. To the Chinese it’s qi or chi. The photography you’re thinking of is Kirlian photography, which is thought to show the energy field around a living object, reflecting the emotional and physical states of that object. I don’t take pictures, but I can see auras quite clearly. Yours is a deep gold, most of the time, though the colour shifts around your head chakra a lot, but no surprise there, now.”

  “And you’re going to show me your aura?”

  “Not today. It takes some practice, so maybe another time. All I need right now is for you to understand the concept of an energy field around your body. It surrounds and radiates off of you.”

  “Like the energy radiating off a hot stove burner? I can feel the heat without actually touching the metal coil.”

  “A perfect analogy! Can I use that with my students?”

  “Be my guest.” He smiled. He was really going to miss getting to know Mika.

  “Wow. I don’t know what you were thinking just now, but a dark purple wave just rippled across your Heart Chakra. You okay?” She shook her head. “Sorry. Stupid question. Let me finish this up and I’ll get out of your hair.”

  “Take your time, Mika. This is important to you.”

  “Thanks. Relax. Try to let the tension drain down your body and out your fingertips and toes. Take slow, deep breaths. In through your nose, and out through your mouth. With every exhalation, try to relax just a little bit more. You probably won’t see anything but me moving, but it’s important that you watch and see that I’m not making any physical contact with you.”

  Jerry followed the simple directions, curious but enjoying the relaxation. Mika lifted her arms to chest level and faced her palms to him. She closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them again there was something different about her posture that he couldn’t quite pinpoint. It was almost as if she’d tensed up just as he’d relaxed. She concentrated on a spot between her hands as she extended them out, reaching for something between them. She must have found it, because her hands stopped a foot from his chest. She rocked forward, gently, and Jerry felt her push on him, rocking him back as she rocked forward. Then she rolled back and he followed.

  He could feel something, but saw nothing but Mika rocking. “It feels like I’m surrounded by invisible foam and you’re pushing on it.”

  “I am. I’m using my aura to gently push yours. Energy-to-energy.”

  “Holy—” This was too strange.

  “That’s what I thought the first time Uncle Palak showed me.” In addition to the gentle forward and back of her rocking, Mika now swayed slightly from side to side, describing an oval around the anchor of her feet on the floor.

  Jerry moved along with her, but just in case he was simply hypnotized by her movement and following along automatically, he willed his body to stop and he tried to stand still. He succeeded for a split second, but then a gentle tug pulled him and he was moving again. This was unlike anything he’d ever experienced, on any level. He held his hand up and Mika stopped. Jerry grinned, lopsidedly, a lot freaked out but getting used to surprises of both the dark and light variety. “These are not the droids we’re looking for.”

  “He can go about his business.”

  “Obi Wan. Exactly.” He leaned heavily on the desk. “Okay. You have my attention. Whatever the traditionalists have in mind for me, I’ll
give you a fair shot, too.”

  “Thank you. Just so you know, though, what I just showed you wasn’t much more than a parlour trick. My aura simply pushed your aura. I can’t reach into your head and do psychic surgery to remove your tumour.”

  “What about Uncle . . . ?”

  “Uncle Palak is way beyond me in terms of what he can achieve with chakras and energy, but he’s no Jedi master, either. All I’m suggesting is using your own energy to facilitate healing. I’ll give him a call tonight and explain your situation. He’ll know where best to go from here. You have to keep an open mind, though. Your attitude is the key to everything.”

  “The doctor said something like that, too. Ten minutes ago my attitude was becoming a problem; after this little demonstration, my attitude is not going to get in the way.”

  “Good, because there may be incense and crystals and mantras and a few other things we use.”

  “Bring it on. If I’m going to let them cut a bigger hole into my skull and try to remove this beast, and expose me to deadly radiation and possibly poisonous chemicals just to kill something that originated in my own body, then maybe it’s time I opened my mind to the mysteries of the Far East, too. On second thought, can you Feng Shui the loft, too?”

  She laughed. “And maybe an exorcism while we’re at it?”

  Oh crap! He hadn’t thought about how this would all affect Ana. “Hell no. Let’s just keep it simple. Thanks for the offer, though.” He returned to his chair.

  “I was kidding, Boss. Don’t look so worried. It’s all positive energy work. No demons, no holy water, or crosses, or other symbols of misguided faith-based politics.” There was a light knock by large knuckles on the door. “I’d better get back to my office. I’m so sorry you have to go through any of this, Jerry. Just so long as you know you’re not alone.”

  “Thanks, Mika. Auric-shoving or not, I appreciate having you in my corner more than you know. Now go get some work done. I’m still your boss and will need that report on my desk by noon.”

  “What report?” She looked worried, like she’d forgotten to do a task.

  “I’m kidding. Go home. It’s the weekend and Monday is soon enough to strap yourself to the desk and do whatever it is you do so brilliantly. Please talk to Danveer’s uncle, and we’ll set this all up after my planning scan on Monday.”

  “You got it.” She smiled at him and he managed to muster one of his own. A second knock came just before she opened the door. Mika stepped back and Manny filled the doorframe, wringing big his hands and looking worn out.

  “Good, you’re still here, Jerr. Carmella is on her way over after making a few quick stops, and I’ve been commanded to keep you in the building until she arrives. Twenty minutes, tops.” He stepped aside to let Mika slip out, and Jerry could see a cluster of people behind him, waiting.

  “Of course. I’m feeling pretty strong, so I’ll be happy to stick around until she gets here. You okay, Manny?”

  “It’s all still sinking in, mate. Still sinking in.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.” He had a thought, a moment of clarity. “Would you mind doing me a favour, Manny? Something best done by you?”

  Manny perked up a bit. “Just ask. I need something to distract me for a few minutes.”

  “Could you please give Lee-Anne’s husband, Tom, a call and make sure she’s okay? Mika says she left in a bit of a hurry after I dropped the bomb on all of them.”

  “Bloody hell. Consider it done. I should have given you a heads-up that she lost a sister to cancer last year, so your news hit her like a brick.”

  “Oh, shit! Maybe I’d better call her myself.”

  “No. It’s my fault. I’ll give Tom a call right now. You and Lee-Anne can have a sit down sometime early next week. Pick the restaurant and it’ll be on me. Expense it. She showed a lot of strength when her sister died, so maybe she’ll lend you some, once she gets over the initial shock.”

  “How old was her sister?”

  “Six minutes older than Lee-Anne. Identical twins.”

  “Damn. If you’ll make that call, then I’ll make time for her, guaranteed.”

  “Thanks.” He looked back over his shoulder. “I’ll swing by when Carmella arrives. In the meantime, the Hug Brigade is here.”

  “I’ll see you then.” He looked out past Manny at Rolf, who seemed to be first in the makeshift line. “Come on in, buddy.” He moved back around to the single chair Mika had vacated. He figured that hugs and words of support would be easier without the desk in the way. When he thought about it, he was probably just better off standing. He got up and opened his arms as Rolf entered. No words needed to be exchanged. Rolf gave Jerry a long hug, then drifted off to let the next in line come in. It was the same with each of the ten staff who came by—two-pat man hugs followed by knowing exchanges of head nods, or long girl hugs with kisses on the cheek. By the time Carmella arrived, Jerry was so infused with love and hope that he just held his arms open and welcomed her into the fold. She, too, kissed his cheek.

  “So how’s Ana taking all this? I’ll bet she wanted to be here, didn’t she? I would, if it were Manny.”

  “She’s holding up pretty well. She’s my rock right now, and you’re right, she would have been here if I’d asked her. I just thought that people would have enough questions about what was happening with my health that having them pity the girlfriend I’m leaving behind would be a bit much for everyone.”

  Carmella tugged Jerry’s chin down so she could glare into his eyes. “Two things, young man. One: no talk about leaving until you’re gone. That’s negative talk, and it isn’t allowed here. Two: you let that young lady help in any way she wants. She’s going to feel totally helpless as she watches you get sicker and go through the treatments, so where she can have the illusion of usefulness, you will give it to her. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Okay, make it three things. Never call me ‘ma’am’ again. Anything but.” She kissed him on the end of his nose and released his chin. “Now come along to Manny’s office. I put together a basket of stuff to get you through the next few days. Healthy foods as well as the kind you indulge in when you’re feeling blue, which is perfectly natural about now. Once you’ve got that in your hands, Manny and I are driving you straight home. No long-distance working, no traipsing around town, no dance lessons . . . just relax with that wonderful girl of yours. I’ll explain everything in the basket to her and put her in charge.”

  “I’m good with that. Give me a couple minutes to grab a few things and I’ll meet you both in the lobby. Please.”

  “No heavy lifting, young man. That’s why we have Manny.”

  “No lifting, I promise.”

  “Good. Come find us when you’re ready, hon.” She squeezed his arm and went off in search of her husband.

  Jerry quietly closed the door, planted a gentle kiss on the Blake book and placed it on the desk. The blue glow lasted only a second before Ana was standing in front of him. She first saw his red-rimmed eyes and without a word stepped in and gave him a strong hug.

  “Thanks, Shvibzik. We’ve only got a moment here, though. Manny and Carmella are driving me home where Carmella wants to have a chat with you about some stuff she’s bringing along in a care basket. Since they won’t be more than a few feet away from me the whole time, maybe I should just tell them that you’ve gone out.”

  “Nonsense. I would love to speak with them. Just tell them I am having a nap and when you step behind the screen to wake me, place the book on the pillow and return to them. I will follow you out after I put on some of the new clothes.”

  Jerry smiled. “You’re smarter than the average Shvibzik, that’s for sure. Now, let’s get home.” He picked up the book and with a slow pulse of blue that lingered when it ran across his hand, Ana was back between the covers in short order. Jerry grabbed his jacket, took a quick look around the office to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything, and went out to find his benefactors.
  Chapter Eighteen

  @TheTaoOfJerr: “Who hears music feels his solitude peopled at once.”

  ~Robert Browning

  ANA’S PLAN WENT off without a hitch, though Jerry had forgotten that the loft had only one bed and if Ana was sleeping in it, it might imply something that wasn’t true. But he needn’t have worried because if Manny or Carmella thought anything was off, they gave no hint of it in their hugs and kisses for Ana when she stepped out from behind the screen.

  Once the “hellos” were over, Carmella hustled Ana into the kitchen where they went over the contents of the massive basket one item at a time. On the drive back to the loft Carmella had explained to Jerry that the basket had everything from herbal teas for nausea to Callebaut Chocolate dark chocolate-covered almonds for when everything else failed and he just needed to spoil himself. There were bath oils, body oils, herbs, and even potpourri, though she admitted that the more “girly” items were for Ana because he had to take care of his caregiver. While the ladies explored the basket’s contents, Jerry sat on the couch while Manny got a fire going in the hearth.

  Manny looked back over his shoulder. “Whatever you need, you ask, Jerr. Our health plan had you covered from the day you walked in the front door, so with luck, that’ll take a lot of the damned pressure off. It’s pretty comprehensive, but Mika knows more about the details than I do cuz she built the package from the ground up with our provider. She’s more into crystals than syringes these days, but she’s actually got a degree in nursing, so don’t turn down any advice she may send your way.”


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