The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf)

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The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) Page 7

by Pierce, Nicolette

  “Location?” I gulped.

  Caleb’s lips curled into a dirty sexy smile making me break into a hot sweat. “I have plans for you.”

  Crap! I was actually beginning to think this was a good idea. My car was broken and I had no money to fix it. Caleb was a temptation waiting to be explored.

  I swallowed. “Isn’t this a little close to prostitution?”

  He chuckled. “Don’t cheapen it. I want you, and I know you want me. There’s nothing wrong with this. I could easily get into your bed, but I want to win you.”

  “You can’t get into my bed that easily.”

  Caleb’s eyes sparked as he lifted the keys out of my hand and ushered me into his car. He drove me home as my foot nervously tapped.

  Why am I putting myself through this? Yes, he’s unbelievably mouth-watering hot, and he’s a likeable guy . . . for the most part. I don’t need a mouth-watering hot man. I have poker, Gus, and the chapel. My insides groaned at my life laid out on the operating table for all to dissect. As it laid there, it didn’t look very appetizing.

  Caleb pulled into a parking spot in front of the chapel and turned off the engine. He was out of the car and around to my side before I even realized we arrived. He opened the door, and I slid out to follow him.

  I could stop this right now. I could tell him that I didn’t want him or his car. I could tell him a lot of things that were untrue. As we stepped up the final stair to my apartment landing, he slid my keys out of my pocket and opened the door.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to prove,” I said.

  Caleb shut the door behind me taking me into his arms. He leaned his head down and captured my mouth with his. His lips parted mine.

  I couldn’t let him win this. It’s a challenge to him. I’ll stay strong, I thought. Unfortunately, I moaned at the same time. His warm hand had traveled up the inside of my shirt where he cupped my breast. His thumb circled around my nipple. I can’t stay strong. This isn’t going to work. He’s going to win; he always wins.

  “Do you need more convincing?” he asked.

  I glared at him. “No.”

  “So, the wager is back on?”

  Damn, I wanted him and his car. I nodded.

  “Meet me at the casino tomorrow at three. I’ll be in the high stakes room. We’ll play one hand. Winner takes all.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Good. Walk me downstairs. I’m afraid of bumping into Frankie.”

  “Frankie is harmless.”

  “So you say, but he was eyeing me up like a candy dish last night.”

  So was I.

  I escorted Caleb to the door where he gave me a light kiss goodbye. He hopped in his car, hopefully to become my car, and drove off. I turned to hoof it back upstairs.

  “There you are,” Frankie said.

  I jumped and clutched my heart. “Did you need me?”

  “We need to go over your routine for the gig tomorrow.”

  I rolled my eyes. “What time is the show?”

  “It’s at seven, but you’ll need to arrive a little early for a walk through and short rehearsal. Everyone there is professional, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

  “What did you need me to do?”

  “Just your crazy card tossing tricks.”

  “How many minutes do I have to fill?”

  “They said fifteen minutes but you should have a few tricks up your sleeve in case the magician needs more time.”

  “I’ll do the boomerang, cascade, waterfall, two-arm spread, the twirl, and I’ll finish up with the one handed twirl with the three-card juggle in the other hand.”

  “Have you learned any more tricks?”

  “Frankie, I learned these when I was a teenager and had no life.”

  He eyed me. “Nothing’s changed.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Don’t get huffy. You’re just mad because it’s true,” he said.

  “You’re probably right.” There was no arguing with Frankie. I didn’t have the energy to try.

  “Make sure to grab your outfit for the performance tomorrow,” he said, pointing to a garment bag hanging on the door.

  “I’m afraid to look.”

  “It will be perfect. We can use it again for future gigs.”

  “Can you at least let me choose the gigs? I don’t want to look like a fool. It’s hard to play poker against people when they’re laughing at you.”

  “No need to worry. We are going to transcend poker. We are going to bring it to a whole new level of entertainment.”

  “You’re scaring me.”

  “Trust me. I made this chapel a success, and I can make you a success. Stick with me kid. By the way, where’s my Rocky outfit?”

  I groaned. “I’ll call Steffi and see if she can locate it.”

  I grabbed the garment bag and trudged up to my apartment. I set the bag on the kitchen table. I didn’t have the courage to open it.

  I took a taxi to the casino to meet Caleb in the high stakes room. This was a room I rarely had the chance to see the inside. While Caleb spent most of his time here, I was at the low stakes tables barely scraping by. It would cost me a one hundred thousand dollar buy in to sit at the table in this room.

  Caleb was at the table with two cards placed upside down in front of him. His fingers shuffled his chips. He was in a hand with two other players waiting for one of them to make a call. His eyes flicked to me when I entered but didn’t acknowledge me since he was still in a hand. I plopped down in an overstuffed chair in the corner and waited.

  The rules in high stakes Texas Hold’em are the same as the ones on the casino floor. The difference is dealers here are allowed to modify rules requested by players as long as the table is in agreement. The players here are in their own type of club. They know each other and have fun, but they can be cut-throat serious too. They also come up with amusing side bets to liven the game.

  I once witnessed them bet on whether or not Jerry Reiger’s mom had made him a pastrami sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They were allowed to sniff his backpack and then had to make the bet. What I want to know is why a thirty-eight year old man needs his mom to make him a sandwich?

  I gazed up to find Caleb standing next to me. “Ready?”

  “What are we playing?”

  “High card.”

  “Really? That’s it?”

  “Are you disappointed?”

  “Well, it’s not terribly original.”

  “Alright, should we take a vote from the guys?”

  “We might as well. I’m assuming they’re making a side bet on us anyways.”

  Caleb grinned. “They’ve been talking about it for hours now.”

  I groaned.

  “Are you guys going to get on with it or what?” Jerry asked.

  “We’re trying to determine what game we should play,” Caleb said.

  Quiet Mike stood up and placed two empty glasses on the table and handed each of us a stack of chips.

  “Whoever can bounce the most chips into their glass wins,” Jerry said.

  Caleb turned to me. “Well?”

  I hesitated.

  “Don’t think you can do it?” He asked.

  “Alright, let’s play.” I can’t seem to beat him at poker, so maybe I could win this.

  The guys at the table threw in their chips for the bet and settled back to watch.

  Caleb picked up a chip and bounced it, landing it perfectly in the glass.

  I slid a sideward glance at him. “Have I just been hustled?”

  “No,” he smiled, “I’m just lucky.”

  I bounced a chip which sailed over Jerry’s head.

  Clink. Caleb made another shot.

  I carefully aimed the shot and bounced the chip so it wouldn’t fly off the table. This time it landed in Quiet Mike’s glass with a splash.

  “Does that count?” I asked.

  Everyone shook the
ir head no.

  Clink. Caleb made another shot.

  A woman sauntered into the room. I knew of her but never met her in person. Catarina Carvona was one of the few women to play high stakes in the boy’s club. She didn’t take any crap from them. It was rumored Caleb and she dated for a while.

  “What’s this?” She asked. She pushed back her long dark hair. Her dark eyes rested on Caleb.

  “Don’t interrupt, Cat,” Jerry said. “It’s just getting good.”

  Her eyes were still on Caleb. “What are the stakes?”

  “His Porsche or a weekend with Nadia,” Jerry said.

  Catarina smirked. “Didn’t you already try that with me, Caleb? Only I was smart enough not to get hustled.”

  My spine flashed ice. I straightened to glare at Caleb who narrowed his eyes at Catarina. She laughed at him and threw back her hair.

  “Son of a bitch!” I said. “You hustled me!”

  I picked up my remaining chips tossing them haphazardly at the glass in the middle of the table. They hit the table, bounced, and then scattered.

  “There. You won!”

  “Nadia, you don’t understand,” Caleb said.

  I snatched my purse and marched out the door.

  “Nadia, wait.” Caleb ran after me.

  I ignored him.

  He grabbed my arm, swinging me around. “Please hear me out.”

  “You hustled me and now you want me to hear you out? It’s not so bad I was hustled, but the fact that you did the same thing with Catarina makes me queasy. Just let me go. You got what you wanted.”

  “I didn’t get what I wanted. I wanted you to be mine because you wanted to be; not because you were hustled.”

  “You wanted to win me, and you did.”

  “Not like this,” he said, pressing a ticket in my hand.

  One glance at the ticket and I discerned it was from the valet. “What’s this?”

  “My Porsche, it’s yours.”

  “This is your guilt talking. I lost the bet because of my own stupidity. I’m not taking your car to make you feel better about the situation.” I shoved the ticket into his front jeans pocket and turned to march away.

  “Dammit,” he growled. He grabbed my shoulder, swinging me around to face him again. “You frustrate the hell out of me.”

  I opened my mouth to reply, but he swooped down, kissing me hard. He held me in a tight embrace. I momentarily weakened but pushed him back before I fell under his spell.

  “Leave me alone,” I said and stomped away. He let me go and didn’t follow me. My shoulders slumped.

  I made my way to the front of the building to hail a taxi to go home. I had to dress for the show. Stupid show! Stupid Caleb!

  Remy was outside with the limo. “You need a lift?”

  “Thanks Remy, but I can just catch a taxi.”

  “Greyson said I should give you a ride. He thought you might need one.”

  “Why would he say that?”

  Remy’s phone buzzed. He scanned the text message. “Hang with me for a moment. Greyson is on his way to a meeting. We’ll be passing your place anyways.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “How’s it not a good idea? You’ll save money and ride in a limo. Plus, Greyson will keep you company so you don’t feel like you’re riding in a coffin.”

  “That’s the problem. I don’t know Greyson. I spilled a drink on him, and then I bumped into him at the charity event. That’s it.”

  Plus, when he’s near me my insides turn into mush. I was already a swirling emotional concoction from my encounter with Caleb. I didn’t need Greyson adding fuel to the potency.

  Greyson walked out the front door. Jason Biggs followed closely on his heels chirping in his ear about the upcoming meeting. Steffi jogged behind taking notes.

  Greyson registered me and smiled. His eyes softened and his smile was sincere. Damn if he wasn’t wearing a suit that fit him perfectly making him too close to heaven.

  Remy opened the limo door and ushered me in before I could protest. Greyson followed with Jason shouting a final few words before Remy closed the door leaving Greyson and I alone.

  “I’m sorry about this. I tried to tell Remy I could take a taxi,” I said.

  Greyson assessed me as I perched opposite of him. “Remy was acting upon my request. I heard what happened in the high stakes room.”

  “How did you hear about it so fast?”

  “We have cameras every where. The security guards monitor the high stakes room and several others. We want to keep our players safe. We also want to keep them safe from each other. Some of their side bets spiral out of control.”

  “Like the sandwich bet?”

  “That one was funny. I actually wagered on it. Most of the time I couldn’t care less, but today was different.”

  Catching his eye, I shrugged. “I was hustled. You can’t make a living at gambling if you’re going to be afraid of every one. I learned my lesson.”

  Greyson’s phone rang. “Yes?” He asked into the phone. I watched as his expression changed. His eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened. “Where was he?” He gripped the phone. “I’ll get Remy on it.”

  Greyson ended the call and gazed out the window. His eyes drifted to a point beyond where vision wasn’t needed. I didn’t want to disturb him so I sat still. It was the perfect time to watch him without him noticing my obvious ogling.

  He must have a serious flaw somewhere. No one can be so devastatingly gorgeous and not have a gigantic, hideous, secret flaw. I was going to find out what it was. That way he wouldn’t be so damn tempting. But maybe this would be our final encounter. It would slam the brakes on temptation too.

  His eyes traveled back to me. “I’m sorry. I was lost in my thoughts for a moment.”

  “It’s okay. You’re the one giving me the ride.”

  A smile barely escaped the confinement of his lips. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” He asked.

  “I got conned into working as an opening act for a magician.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “What kind of act?”

  “Nothing interesting. Just card tossing tricks.”

  “Sounds interesting to me,” he said. “It isn’t for Lupier, is it?”

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  He grinned. “Then I’ll see you tonight. I have VIPs coming in for the night. They want to see the show.”

  “You’re kidding, right? I’m nervous enough. Can you bring them after my opening?”

  “No, I want to see your act. Do you need a ride? Remy can pick you up.”

  I shook my head. “It’s okay. I know he will be busy with whatever problems you’re having.”

  Greyson’s lips smiled but his tired eyes betrayed him. “Problems come and go.”

  “Are you still cleaning up the tournament mess?”

  “Yes, were you there?”

  “I was in the audience.”

  Greyson nodded as though he might have already known. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you. I was a bit preoccupied. You weren’t hurt or anything, were you?”

  “No, Caleb came to find me in the audience and stayed until the power came back on.”

  He hesitated for a moment. “What made you take the bet with him?”

  “You know my car problems already. He was wagering his Porsche.”

  “A car is worth his wager?”

  “At the time I had a different opinion of him. If I did lose, it wouldn’t have mattered. Now that I did lose and my opinion has changed, I’m hoping he’ll be a gentleman and call off the wager.”

  “Do you think he will?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Will you go through with it?”

  “I’ll have to. He wouldn’t back out giving me his car, so I have no right to back out unless he lets me.” I smirked. “But I’ll make him suffer for it.”

  “It wouldn’t hold up in court.”

  “Are you a poker player?”

/>   “No. Never enjoyed it.”

  “There’s a small thread of trust between professional poker players. It’s very fragile. If you break this bond you’ll have a hard time working with professional players. It can be a tight knit group, and you can find yourself on the wrong side of the table.”

  “Didn’t Caleb break the trust?”

  “Caleb is in a league by himself. His thread is a little sturdier than most.”

  Remy pulled the limo to the entrance of All Celebrities Chapel.

  “Thank you for the ride,” I said. “I hope your day gets better.”

  “I’m sure it will. Good luck tonight.”

  I smiled and hopped out of the door Remy opened for me. “Thanks Remy. Have fun chasing down bad guys.”

  “I always do.”

  Greyson leaned out of the limo. “Remy, don’t forget to give Nadia her bag from the trunk.” A sly grin formed on his face.

  “That’s not my bag,” I tittered, hoping he would believe me.

  “I took it from you at the Naughty Shack so it must be yours,” Remy said.

  Greyson smiled at me. “Is that the outfit you will be wearing for the show?”

  “Not on your life!” I shrieked, wanting to find the nearest hiding spot.

  Gus was sprawled on his back on the couch when I let myself in to the apartment. He cocked his head to the side and let out a deep grunt.

  I filled his bowl with his ration. His legs raced trying to right himself. He was finally able to flop over to one side and tuck his legs under him. It was like watching a nature show on upside-down turtles.

  “Have you lost any weight yet?”

  He casually sniffed my shoe, sauntered to his bowl, and plopped down to munch.

  My phone buzzed. Glancing at it, I read Caleb’s name as it popped up on the caller ID. I tossed the phone on the table and slipped into the bathroom to take a shower.

  It wasn’t about him hustling me or even winning . . . okay, maybe a little. My biggest problem was Catarina. She snared her meat hooks into every man. I had hoped Caleb would have seen through her. I sighed, but realistically, what man could? She was beautiful and had an air of naughty girl to her, and she dressed in shamefully uninhibited clothes. Women hated her. Men want to score with her. Caleb would have been no different.

  I should have known not to entangle myself with a poker player. This was going to turn into the hot topic of the tables for months. Caleb would appear as the sexy bachelor that his image already conveyed, and I would look pathetic for falling into such an obvious trap.


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