King's Ransom (The Xander King Series Book 3)

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King's Ransom (The Xander King Series Book 3) Page 11

by Bradley Wright

  This situation with Miss Rockwell is deplorable in every way. I assure you that the monster responsible for this heinous act will be dealt with swiftly. We have our best men and women on the ground in Paris as we speak, tracking her down.

  The lady came back on and continued to report.

  When asked if he thought there was hope for Natalie, John replied a resounding “yes.” I also asked what we should do about the live feed, and he told me the best that all of us can do is be human and shut it off. I imagine that will be very difficult for her fans as they sit on pins and needles, waiting to see how this real-life drama will play out.

  “Here we are,” the cab driver announced.

  “Thank you so much for the suggestion. This place looks outrageous!” Adeline’s eyes were fixed on the crowd of young Parisians milling about outside the entrance to the nightclub.

  “No problem. Have fun.”

  Adeline paid the fare and stepped out into the cool Paris night. She shut the cab door after Karol exited and shook her head when her friend looked at her. “Can you believe that news report? Poor Natalie. I mean, who would ever do such a thing?”

  “You sure we should be doing this?” Karol said.

  “Are you kidding me? Look at this place!” Adeline practically squealed as she swept her hand out in front of her as if she were revealing the great secret to happiness.

  The two of them could hear the bass thumping from the street. A sea of young partiers spread out in front of them, packing the outdoor area at the front entrance, which was covered by a bright green tunnel, resembling the entrance to an alien world. For Adeline and Karol, it might as well have been. They didn’t get out much, especially Adeline.

  Adeline tugged at Karol’s hand, and the two of them practically skipped toward the first bar they could find. They didn’t have to go far; music, booze, and freedom were everywhere.

  Sarah Gilbright ended her call with Marv. Kyle and Zhanna let her have a minute to collect her thoughts. Her head was spinning a bit, and she was trying to settle it so they could approach this situation the right way. Just moments ago she watched Xander and Sam drive off with Jack and Viktor in the other SUV. She hated to watch Xander go. Hated even more to watch him go through this situation. He had been through so much in the last few weeks. More than most could handle. Just when he thought—they all thought—things were over, someone else took two things that he loved. Sarah never had the opportunity to see Xander with his racehorse, but everyone had been emphatic about how much he loved him. And then Natalie being kidnapped? Sarah didn’t know what to feel. Just a day ago Xander had made love to her, made her feel things she had never felt before. She could tell he was feeling it too, but no matter how much she wanted him, he didn’t look at her like she noticed him looking at Natalie in San Diego. Xander liked Sarah, she knew that—could feel that. But as much as she hated to admit it, it wasn’t the same for him as it was her. His heart was with Natalie.

  As she watched the city of lights pass by outside the rear passenger window, she figured it was just par for the course for her when it came to love. The entire reason she moved to Langley, Virginia, was for a man. It was a man who got her involved with the CIA in the first place. And it was the CIA that took him away. Xander was the first man she let herself open up to since Derek, and she knew it was a mistake the moment she watched him and Natalie together. As terrible as it sounded, she was glad she had this new situation to throw herself into. After this was all over, she needed to focus on herself. She had a lot of things left to work on there, before she could be with a man again.

  “What’s the plan, Barbie?” Kyle smiled at her.

  Sarah made a “watch it” face, furrowing her brow and tightening her lips.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I could tell it got under your skin when Viktor said it earlier.”

  “Anyway.” Sarah moved on to his question. “Marv said we need to go in and get her out of there, without causing a scene, if possible.”

  Zhanna spoke up from the front passenger seat. “So we have confirmed that she is there?”

  “Yes. Marv said CCTV cameras picked her up getting out of a cab in front of Wanderlust with her friend. He’s sending pictures over now.”

  Kyle said, “I knew it! So what’s the play? Why don’t we just find her and carry her out of there to safety?”

  “Marv is afraid they are watching her there. He’s afraid if we make a scene, it could possibly trigger a shootout. And he said there will be a mass of people there, so that could lead to putting too many innocent lives in danger . . . Also, he thinks they’re up to something bigger.”

  Zhanna turned around in her seat to face Kyle and Sarah. “Bigger than taking President’s daughter hostage?”

  Sarah frowned. “I know. But he’s afraid they may be trying to make a statement here. You saw how much coverage the shootings at the nightclub in Orlando received. This place is at least ten times larger than that, Marv says.”

  Kyle was still confused. “I don’t get it, why don’t they just evacuate?”

  “It’s too late for that. If they have rigged the place somehow for a bomb, all of that is already in place. If they sense something fishy going on, they can just detonate it and move on. Marv said Wanderlust doesn’t get its fullest for another hour. It will be then that they will be looking to do something.”

  Kyle said, “Okay, still seems dumb to me to not just evacuate, but you all are the experts. So, again, what’s the play?”

  Sarah put on a half smile. “I say we play to our strengths.”

  “Which is?” Zhanna asked.

  Sarah looked at Kyle. “There any truth to this Romeo thing?”

  “Romeo?” Kyle questioned.

  “Yeah, everyone seems to think you’re a ladies’ man. Any truth to that? Can you really pull it in?”

  “Pull it in?” Kyle laughed. “I don’t even know what that means.”

  Zhanna let out a breath. “Cut shit, Kyle. You are handsome man. Built well, but can you talk good to ladies?”

  Kyle smiled and looked deep into Zhanna’s eyes. “Ever since the moment I saw you standing outside that helicopter in Florence, Italy, something in the back of my mind has been telling me that there is something special about you.”

  Sarah leaned back in her seat, taking in the show.

  Kyle continued, “But it wasn’t because you were one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. And though you are absolutely stunning, it had nothing to do with the way you were dressed, showing every phenomenal curve on your body either. It was your eyes. There was this . . . sincerity in them. Like, no matter how far I traveled and no matter how many women I meet, I will never find someone who could ever reach the depths that is your soul.”

  Everyone was quiet for a moment. Sarah was desperately trying to contain her laughter, but she had to see if Zhanna was going to fall for it. It was a good off-the-cuff speech, Sarah had to give him that.

  Finally, Zhanna smiled. “You are good bullshitter, Kyle. It is bullshit, but good bullshit.”

  The three of them laughed. Then Kyle became dead serious when he looked down at the clothes he was wearing.

  “I can’t go in there like this.”

  “Like what?” Sarah asked.

  “If you want me to go into a club and charm the President’s daughter, I can’t be wearing this!”

  The three of them laughed again. Then Sarah rolled her eyes and checked her phone. He had a point: he needed to fit in. She wished she was going to be able to watch Kyle in action, but she knew she and Zhanna were going to have to take this seriously. She pulled up the Yelp app on her phone, and it showed a men’s clothing store nearby. She told the agent driving the car to stop there. As Kyle went inside and got nightclub ready, Sarah and Zhanna formulated a plan to find out if something much larger really was going on at the club.

  Hoping for a Little Magic

  The agent driving Xander, Sam, Jack, and Viktor pulled the SUV to the side of
the road adjacent to the railing that overlooked a portion of the Seine River. Marv had directed them to a spot about a quarter of a mile downriver from the boat the men had forced a woman onto a little more than an hour ago. As they were driving, Xander had pulled up the live feed of Natalie on the SAT phone. Against the suggestion of Sam to leave it alone. But Xander wanted to study the room, even though on the feed, the room was empty except for Natalie strapped to the wall. Xander knew the boat would not be empty. He knew there would be men waiting for him. He was searching the empty dining room for clues as to where they may be hiding, but other than the door on the left side of the room, the video gave him nothing. Nothing but a broken heart and a sick feeling in his stomach as he watched the metal spears relentlessly rolling their way toward Natalie’s head. They were much closer now, but he still had time. The toughest part would be boarding the boat; he could handle everything else.

  The four of them exited the SUV. Sam instructed the driver to stay put and keep the SUV running. Sam had also told Marv to continue searching footage from the closed circuit-cameras around the river in case it could turn up any more clues. They walked over to the railing, and they found that it was a good spot for Jack to set up with the sniper rifle. Their spot looked down on the river, the wind was light, and there was a streetlamp just above them. Its light cast almost to the middle of the river. Good for Xander and Sam to get to the boat, and good for Viktor to help spot targets for Jack as the boat passed.

  Xander opened his go bag and took out the night-vision/IR monocular. He gave a look down the river. He could see the front end of a dinner boat that matched the description Marv gave. It was time. He handed Viktor the monocular. “This will help you spot for Jack. He has a night-vision optic on his sniper rifle, so he’ll be able to see what you see.”

  “Got it, boss.”

  Jack pulled the legs on the attached bipod that rested a few inches beyond the trigger guard of the rifle, and rested bipod on the thick rail that stood about waist high. “This is a good spot, X. We’ll be watchin’ your back. Now get out there and save that woman.”

  Xander knocked Jack’s outstretched fist with his, and Viktor quickly punched at Xander’s. He didn’t want to be left out. Xander dug back inside his go bag and screwed the suppressor onto his Glock. After a press check, assuring he had a round in the chamber, he handed Sam an extra magazine for her Glock. He kept the last magazine in the bag, zipped it up, and strapped it on his back. He moved his knife that was clipped to his waistband to his zipped jogger pocket in case the water might pull it away. He then gave Sam a nod, and they walked around the railing and descended the stairs to the concrete riverwalk. The water was black outside the stretch of the streetlamp. This was ideal for Sam and Xander. They couldn’t make out the boat down the river; it was too dark.

  Sam asked. “How long do you think we have?”

  “Five minutes, maybe.”

  “It’s going to be cold, isn’t it?”

  Xander smirked. “Very. You gonna be okay?”

  “Not everyone got tortured in the cold water of San Diego Bay, Mr. Navy SEAL. I don’t do water without a wetsuit. Unless I’m in the Virgin Islands.”

  “Don’t worry, Sam, I promise you won’t melt. The Wizard of Oz is fiction.”

  Sam gave a fake chuckle. “You’re calling me a witch?”

  Xander nodded toward the boat. “I was kind of hoping for a magic spell.”

  “You’ve got all the spell you need there in your hand.” Sam nodded to Xander’s Glock. “You’re pretty good with that magic wand.”

  Xander said, “You know it’s best if they think I’m the only one coming for her.”

  “You want me to remain in the water? Bollocks.” Sam shook her head.

  “Okay, you don’t have to stay in the water, but stay hidden.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll pop out at the right moment.”

  “I know you will.” Xander smiled. Then he walked to the water’s edge. “Shall we?”

  There was no hesitation in Sam’s reply. “We shall.”

  The two of them lowered themselves into the water. Xander was okay until he sank in past his genitals. He could literally feel them shriveling up. Sam let out an audible shiver beside him. It was miserable, but their bodies would adjust.

  “You okay?” Xander asked.

  “Let’s just go,” Sam snapped.

  They both pushed off and floated out away from the concrete walkway. The Seine runs from the northeast and empties out into the English Channel at the left bank. The current began to carry Sam and Xander right toward the oncoming boat. They swam out closer to the middle of the river as they let it sweep them westward. Marv told them there would be a low rail that ran across the sides of the dinner boat. He had said the cabin was all windows on the sides, so if they wanted to remain incognito they would have to stay low once they pulled themselves up.

  Floating in the cold water of the Seine reminded Xander of his training with the SEALs. So many freezing cold mornings in San Diego Bay. All of them were tough, but all of them were necessary. Many moments of the last ten years of his crazy life were spent on the way to battle. And the mental toughness it took to make it through training, though incredibly difficult, still wasn’t the same as moving toward a real enemy, knowing this could be the last night you take a breath on earth. It was much easier for him years ago. It’s always easier when you don’t have as much to lose. He only had his sister back then, and Kyle. Now he had so many more people that he cared about. The people who help him run his companies, their families. All of his employees who count on him to feed their own families.

  Xander glanced back over his shoulder. He could barely see Sam wading in the cold black water behind him. He didn’t know what he would have done without her over the last few years. It started for them as a venture in justice. Now he was just as close with her—if not closer—than with his very own sister. And here she was again, risking her life for him. Xander knew if he brought it up, she would just tell him that she wouldn’t be here without him. But Xander knew she had repaid that debt long ago. He didn’t want to put her in danger anymore. He just couldn’t seem to stay out of trouble these days.

  “You okay, Sam?”

  “No idea.” She shivered as she spoke. “I’m bloody frozen.”

  “Almost there.”

  The boat was only about a football field away now. Xander thought about all of the people who were in Paris to help him. People who had zero skin in the game. They were just there to see that he was okay, and to make sure that justice was done to those who had harmed him and Natalie, whom they didn’t even know. The fact that Sarah was willing to come all this way to help spoke volumes about her. He knew how hard this must be for her. To have feelings for him and watch him risk it all for another woman. A woman who, no matter how Xander tried to spin it, was the only one for him. As the boat approached, he made a vow to himself in that moment, that after he saved Natalie, she would never doubt that notion again.

  Saved by the Belle

  Sarah and Kyle stood on the street by the SUV, with the Wanderlust nightclub just down on the corner. Sarah finished helping Kyle adjust the earpiece in his ear, brushed a piece of lint off the shoulder of his new button-up shirt, and gave him a smile. She thought the powder blue he chose was a good look against his tanned skin.

  Kyle grinned. “Well?”

  “You clean up nice, Kyle Hamilton.”

  “These jeans aren’t too tight?”

  Sarah looked down, shrugged her shoulders, and widened her smile. “Maybe. But they look good on you. Besides, skinny jeans are on trend right now.”

  “You sure you don’t want to grab a drink with me?” Kyle asked. Playful.

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “Are you ever serious?”

  “Um . . . No. Not really. What fun is that?”

  Zhanna closed the door of the SUV and joined the conversation. “You look good, Kyle. I’ve seen lots of pretty young girls walk by. You are not going
to get distracted, are you?”

  “No, I know what this means. I’m going to find Adeline and, after I make her feel comfortable, try to get her to leave.”

  Sarah put her hands on her hips. “So he can be serious.”

  “Don’t get used to it.” Kyle wagged his index finger at her. “So, while I’m in here finding Adeline, you guys are going to, what, be looking for a bomb?”

  “Yes. That, and anyone looking suspicious. We’re going to be checking behind the club by the river as well. Make sure nothing fishy is going on.”

  Kyle looked shocked. “Sarah Gilbright has a sense of humor? You sure I can’t buy you a drink?”

  Another eye roll. “Just get in and out of there as quick as you can. I’ll be in your ear to let you know if we find anything. Hopefully we won’t, but Marv texted me while you were in the store and said his team saw a lot of suspicious movement on the river side of the club earlier. Be careful in there. The good thing is, if Khatib’s men are here, they won’t recognize you. So you shouldn’t set off any alarm bells for them when you approach the President’s daughter.” Sarah let a wry smile grow across her face. “Any idea what line you’ll use? Don’t make it something cheesy.”

  Kyle smiled. “Hello has always worked pretty well for me.”

  Zhanna started down the sidewalk. “Oh please. Gag me with spoon.”

  Sarah and Kyle laughed. Sarah patted him on the arm. “Good luck. Hopefully by the time you walk out of here with Adeline and her friend, Xander and Sam will have found Natalie. Then we can all get the hell out of this place.”

  “Your lips to God’s ears.”

  Sarah started toward Zhanna but walked backward to look at Kyle. “No matter what you hear in that earpiece, stay with Adeline. Okay? No matter what.”

  “Got it. Be careful,” Kyle said.


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