Hunting Heroes: A Superhero Novel

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Hunting Heroes: A Superhero Novel Page 10

by Pozel, Derek

  “Garrett, why would you keep this from us for so long?” Victor asked. His grip on his wife’s shoulders tightened.

  “It was better this way,” Garrett rose from his chair and walked to the window.

  “Remember those summers I spent at Uncle Jim’s after Emma died?” Garrett said. “I asked him to train me how to fight.”

  “Jim knew this and showed you how to fight?” Sophie’s face scrunched into a mask of anger.

  Garrett’s eyes focused on the spot where their snow fort once stood. “He did until he passed away. I asked him to train me so I can take down Patriot.”

  “You what!” Victor’s voice echoed throughout entire house. “You’re planning on doing what?”

  Garrett felt the floor shake underneath his feet when his father stormed over to him. He felt his father’s fingers dig into his heavy shoulders when he spun him around to face him.

  “You can’t do that, it was an accident,” Victor said. “She died by accident. You can’t throw everything away because of her.”

  Garrett tightened his lips. “It’s too late, it’s already started.”

  Sophie burst into tears. “I wanted a nice normal breakfast with my family.”

  “What have you done,” Victor sighed and walked away from his son back to his wife. He crouched down next to his wife and pulled her into his arms.

  Garrett stared into his father’s eyes. The sadness in them was a mirror he knew he reflected to the entire world. He wanted to step forward and wrap his arms around his parents, but his feet refused to move. He couldn’t comfort them after what he had done.

  Garrett bit his lower lip. “I’ve hunted three members of the Assembly. One was last night. It’s why I can do this.” Garrett let the power he possessed show and it steamed off his body.

  Victor dropped his head, closing his eyes. “I failed you as a father, I should have taught you-”

  “You and mom did not fail,” Garrett’s voice cracked. “I’m the one who failed you. This one is on me. You taught me right from wrong, you taught me how to be a good man. But the world got turned upside down and I was given this power, to take theirs away forever. I can make Afflicted people normal again.”

  “Why would you do this?” Sophie said.

  Garrett’s chin quivered. “I’m going to use it to avenge Emma and the others who were killed by them. I have to. Someone has to speak for the dead. It’s what I’ve been doing and their voice has been heard.”

  “No, Garrett you don’t,” Sophie spoke through her husband’s arms. “It’s too dangerous. You’re going to get yourself killed. You’re everything we have, we can’t lose you.”

  “It’s a chance I’m willing to take,” Garrett said and met his dads icy glare.

  Sophie pulled away and grabbed her husband’s arms. “Victor, tell your son to stop this. Stop him.”

  Victor crumpled to the floor. “I can’t stop him, because I think he’s doing the right thing. We saw what happened to the Williams when they lost Emma. No one stood up for them or for her. Our son is willing to. This is his choice and he’ll do it no matter what we say.” He sat on his knees and took his wife’s face into his hands.

  “How could you,” Sophie repeated over and over.

  Victor scooped his wife into his arms. “Garrett, you should go until we can wrap our heads around this,” Victor said, nuzzled into Sophie’s neck. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m the one who’s sorry,” Garrett’s eyes danced around the room. “I wish I had been the son you deserve. I want you to know, I love you both so much.”

  He tiptoed past his parents and made his way to the front door. He glanced back to his sobbing parents. The image of his mother and father wrapped in each other’s arms cut right through him. He realized the people he loved the most who would have to pay for his actions.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sage stepped into Patriot’s office, whistling a song his wife hummed when she worked in her garden.

  “How could you hand over your power to him?” Patriot’s voice boomed through the entire office. He shoved his white marble-topped desk away with his super human strength and sent it sliding across the carpet. The chairs in front of his desk blew across the room and smashed into the dark tinted windows, which overlooked the lakefront.

  Patriot rushed Sage and grabbed his shoulders. “How could you?” he said through clenched teeth.

  “It was time for me to put this life behind me. I stopped being a hero a long time ago,” Sage winced from the extreme pressure on his shoulders. He forced a smirk through the pain.

  “Not at all true,” Patriot eased his grip. “You were the brains behind this,” Patriot motioned to the room around him.

  “No, the Assembly was your idea,” Sage said. “You brought me into this. You have more than enough people to handle the fieldwork. Some of the smartest people on the planet are working in the labs beneath us. You don’t need me anymore.”

  “I do need you,” Patriot lowered his head.

  Sage stepped around Patriot and strolled to the window. “My afflicted intelligence is gone. I don’t know the answers anymore. For the first time in 20 years, I can forget and I love every minute of it. The vivid memories of her death are fading away, finally. I can hold onto the good ones for once.”

  Patriot moved to stand beside Sage and peered out the window. “You let your memories weaken you.”

  Sage raised an eyebrow. “I let my memories weaken me? Your office overlooks the memorial for the victims of your battle with Coldfire. You understand completely. I see my true love die every day in my mind. It kills a little piece of me every single day. I do not have enough left in me to keep her memory and to try to be a hero. I would have made a mistake. I could have hurt someone or even killed them.”

  “No, you wouldn’t,” Patriot said. “I picked this building, this office, to look down on that street and remember who I fight for. We have lost too many, but we cannot be victims of the past.”

  “You’re right, we have,” Sage said. “Do you think it was easy for me to relinquish my powers? They have been a part of me for almost half my life. Losing them was the only solution. My gifts were taking me to a dark place there was no coming back from.”

  Patriot’s mouth fell open and his eyes did not waver from his best friends gaze.

  “I’m leaving it to you and Bloodhound now,” Sage managed a smile. “You should be happy for me. I have a chance to find peace.”

  “Our gifts are a burden,” Patriot said. “We have to carry for the benefit of mankind. It is our duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves.”

  Sage placed a hand on his friends shoulder. “I’ve kept this burden for far too long, and it cost me dearly.”

  The two men stood in silence at the window each in their own thoughts.

  “Do we call you Sage or Walter?” Patriot focused on the blackish water of Lake Michigan in the distance.

  “You can call me Walter,” Walter said. “Sage was a part of my life which is behind me now. No more calls in the middle of the night, dealing with politicians or worrying about how we are going to pay for everything. Look at our reflection in the window, we both look awful from the lives we’ve lived.”

  “The world’s changing and not for the better,” Patriot said. “The glory days are behind us, the US government is keeping us caged in here while they bumble around the world. They need to let us do what we are meant to, defend those who cannot defend themselves.”

  Walter sighed. “I take it your meetings today did not go well. They have good reasons to keep us out of world affairs.”

  Dark circles ringed Patriot’s eyes. His hair was a tangled mess of blond and gray from the flight home from the Pentagon. Even his suit looked worse for wear from his intense flight home.

  “They fear us. It is why we’re regulated to being in a support role with the Strider's,” Walter said.

  Patriot furrowed his brow. “Non-combat roles, we have the power to remake the
world in our hands and they keep us off the front lines. We can make this world a better place if they let us help.”

  Walter tilted his head and paused. “That is exactly why they fear us. We have unimaginable power they cannot control. It is why they created the Afflicted Intelligence Agency. Someone has to watch over the Afflicted. ”

  “They’re a problem for another day,” Patriot said. “How long do you plan on holding back what you know about him? You did speak with him before he took your powers?”

  Walter’s shoulders dropped, along with his head. “Surprisingly, I did. He did not come out swinging like he did with the others. He was quite pleasant for being the enemy.”

  “It does not make me feel better,” Patriot said and pressed his lips together.

  “I’m sorry for speaking the truth,” Walter swayed on his feet when he spoke. “I can’t remember all of it now. Nevertheless, I will say this. He is going to come after you. Shadow Guard, Granite and I were to get your attention. We were pawns to be moved about in his little game.”

  “He has it,” Patriot said.

  “He wants revenge,” Walter said. “He believes he is delivering justice. You took someone from him, he’s returning the favor.”

  Patriot closed his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose between his fingers. A sigh escaped his lips. “Eye for an eye is not justice.”

  Walter watched his friend’s reaction in the reflection of the window. “Surprised? You should not be. You’ve made plenty of enemies.”

  “We all have,” Patriot said. “Fourteen people were killed because of me.” He closed his eyes and exhaled. “I was stupid and reckless in the old days. I thought nothing could stop me. Are you sure it’s about revenge?”

  “I’m positive,” Walter said. “He specifically said he was coming for you. This man has devoted his life to revenge. He is going to do everything in his power to make sure you have no powers or worse.” Walter slid his hands into his pockets. “He has the power to make it happen.”

  “Our mistakes come back to haunt us,” Patriot lowered his head to stare at the pattern in the carpet. “It could be any one of those people’s family or friends.”

  “You’re right, I can’t help you with this,” Sage said.

  “What else can he do?” Patriot said. “Do you remember anything else that can help us stop him? Anything we could use to find him?”

  Walter rubbed his temples. “I’m sorry. He didn’t do anything else. He placed his hand on my head and moments later, my powers were gone. It is so simple. No pain, but I think it hurts him to take our powers. His body tensed after he took my power. I remember those dark blue eyes. Shadow Guard was right, they see through you. He never mentioned a name for himself or the person who died. I cannot remember it now. So much happened last night I am still trying to wrap my head around it.”

  Patriot swore under his breath. “We’ve lost three people to this guy and we aren’t any closer to finding him.” Patriot doubled over and grabbed his stomach. He growled while he gritted his teeth.

  “It’s the ulcer again isn’t it?” Walter asked. “You’re invincible on the outside, but not on the inside.”

  Patriot straightened his back and let his hands fall to his side. “It’s been bothering me since the AIA announcement. Now I have to deal with a bureaucrat meddling in our affairs. I need you, Walter. I need you to help with this government oversight. The AIA already contacted me about ‘sharing’ information.”

  Walter let out a small chuckle. “They want to know everything we do and about the Afflicted we have documented. They will get it from you one way or the other.”

  “Exactly, now with you gone,” Patriot’s eyes opened wide. “I don’t know how Bloodhound and I can handle it ourselves. Are you sure you want to leave? Is there anything I can do to make you stay?”

  Walter faced his friend. “Samantha keeps this place running not me. She’s the backbone of this whole building and our operation. I will help when I can. I have to live my life like everyone else now.”

  “She is an incredible woman,” Patriot rubbed his palms together.

  “What’s incredible is she put up with you for so long,” Walter said. “Even when you were a cocky young assistant district attorney.”

  “She was there when I became Patriot. She even picked the name,” Patriot said.

  “See, you’ll be fine,” Walter said. “I’m surprised you two--”

  Patriot’s cheeks flushed with color. “You’re still irreplaceable.”

  Walter’s lips curved into a frown. “We put together a solid team and support structure. Between Valkyrie, Crimson, Obsidian and the others, we are in good shape. Look how well Cannon is doing now under Valkyrie’s tutelage.”

  “She did take him under her wings, so to speak and showed him the ropes,” Patriot said.

  “Exactly, we never had training when we were starting out,” Walter rubbed the back of his neck. “Keep an eye on Granite, I am worried about him. Falling Star has been checking in on him while Crimson is away.”

  Patriot’s face contorted into an awkward smile. “We’re going to be lost without you. Your knowledge of what is going on in this place is invaluable. I need a team of people to do what you have done alone for years. I don’t know how we’re going to do this without you.”

  Walter sucked in air through his teeth. “You’ll be fine. I will stick around for a few more days to help a bit. If you don’t mind, I have things to go over with the techs downstairs. If I remember anything else, I’ll let you know.”

  “You? Not remember?” Patriot said.

  Walter broke into a toothy smile. “It is strange, isn’t it?”

  Patriot’s lips curved into a awkward smile. “Thank you my friend. I’m sorry my mistakes cost you your powers.” Patriot patted Walter on the back. “You’re lucky I don’t send you out the window for giving up your powers to our enemy.”

  “Your mistakes freed me from a life of misery,” Walter said.

  Patriot took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose. “I might have done the same thing, if I was in your shoes. If I lost Zoe and I had to relive the same day over and over again.”

  “You said it yourself,” Walter said, “Our gifts have burdens. It was time for me to lose mine. I’m glad you can understand what I was going through. I don’t know how much longer I could’ve held out.”

  Deep wrinkles formed on Patriot’s forehead when he narrowed his eyes. “You don’t mean?”

  “I want to thank you old friend,” Walter’s eyes met Patriot’s. “If only this one was on our side.” Walter’s words lingered for a moment.

  “Any chance of stopping him?” Patriot said.

  “I don’t see it happening,” Walter said with a frown. “Be careful out there. If he finds you, he is not going to go easy on you. He is reckless and we have seen firsthand how brutal he can be. I could tell he did not like Granite, but you are a whole other story. Yet, there is this calm about him which is hard to explain.”

  “Wouldn’t you be calm if you knew nothing can hurt you?” Patriot said. “My abilities give me a protective shield around my body, which could withstand almost anything. I have the ability to fly at great speeds and I have super strength. I was reckless when I was first out there running around trying to stop crime. I had an ego like Granite too. After my last battle with Coldfire, I saw the damage we can do. It was my first, of many lessons, of the consequences of using our powers.”

  “Then Zoe came along,” Walter said. “She softened you in a good way. She brought you back to earth.”

  “You’re right, she did,” Patriot sniffled. “I would be the same headstrong man if it wasn’t for her.”

  “Maybe you’re more alike than you think,” Walter said. “You have something now and he lost it. We still do not know the extent of his abilities. One thing I do remember. When I saw him running out of my home there was a strange white light trailing behind him, it is hard to explain. I don’t know if it was a si
de effect of when I lost my powers, or if there are powers he hasn’t shown yet.”

  “Wonderful, he might be even more powerful,” Patriot’s voice trailed off.

  “I know it’s something you don’t want to hear,” Walter said. “We both know how powerful knowledge can be when used in the right hands.”

  “I don’t think Shadow Guard or Granite mentioned anything about him glowing in any way. Are you sure you weren’t seeing things?” Patriot ran a hand through his wavy hair and bit his lower lip, “You were the only one conscious after having your powers taken away. The other two were not as lucky.”

  Walter grabbed his friends shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “If he can do anything else, you and the others will be able to take care of it. We’ve faced against common criminals and villains with powers which matched our own. We have always prevailed, this is no different.”

  “He’s different enough,” Patriot said.

  Walter narrowed his eyes. “I’ll think about it and see if I can come up with anything else. You should get this place straightened out and get ready for your AIA visit. I hear the director is not the most pleasant individual to deal with.”

  A cocky grin spread across Patriot’s lips. “I’ll handle the former senator, how bad can he be?” He reached out and drew Walter into a superhuman hug, and lifted him off his feet. He patted his closest friend on the back and let him go.

  “I’ll miss having you around to keep this place on track,” Patriot said.

  “I’ll always be around if you need me,” Walter forced a tight-lipped grin. “Don’t go messing up everything we built. I will let my people know downstairs what happened. Talk to Edi or Hal if you need anything from the lab. I am already worried about the trouble those two will get into without me around to keep an eye on their projects. The money from the patents and contracts will keep the Assembly afloat for many years.”

  “That’s reassuring, one less thing I have to worry about,” Patriot said. “It was easier when you dealt with the money and I dealt with what happened out there. I know where to go to talk to people, if I don’t Samantha does. Take care of yourself, I’ll check on you in a couple of days.”


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