I Broke Into His Office (Love at First Crime Book 4)

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I Broke Into His Office (Love at First Crime Book 4) Page 13

by Jessica Frances

  At this stage, I’m riding his hand wantonly, gripping the edge of my desk to stop myself from floating away from the pleasure consuming me. It’s been way too long since I had sex, and I already feel like I’m about to blow.

  My dick is trapped under me, me shifting over the desk enough to feel good, but I need more.

  I need him to fill me.

  When his fingers leave me, I hold my breath. Then Harvey teases my crack with his dick and I shiver all over, my toes literally curling.

  There is no way I’m going to last long.

  He wraps his hand around the back of my neck, holding me flat against the desk. “You ready for me, Nix?” He shifts back when I try to chase him with my ass.

  “Fucking yes!” I shout, which turns into a strangled cry when he rams inside me.

  The jolt rubs my dick against the desk, and I groan at the tingle of pain from my ass before he pounds into me slowly, each time hitting my prostate and blinding me with pleasure.

  “Fuck, Nix, you’re so fucking tight. So fucking hot,” he groans as he pumps faster, his cock filling my ass.

  I am seconds from blowing. I can’t hold back. I can’t stop myself.

  I cry out when he wraps his arm around my chest, lifting me up and against him as he keeps pumping, whereas I shoot all over my desk with only one stroke of my cock from his hand.

  He rides my ass as he keeps pulling my dick, and I shoot until I’m completely spent. Then he continues charging into me, nailing my prostate and forcing me to cry out from the pleasure, even as my cock grows limp from my ejaculation.

  I push back as he fucks me mercilessly, picking up his speed as he nears his own release. Then he stills, spilling his seed into the condom while he groans a mix of my name and a prayer.

  We are both breathing heavily when he finally pulls out of me.

  I rest against the desk, my legs jelly, as he disposes of the condom then wraps me back in his arms. Completely naked, he leads me around the desk to my office chair, collapsing in it and bringing me down on top of him. I sprawl over him, my legs entwined with his, my arms draped uselessly at my sides. We both heave, attempting to catch our breaths. His arms are wrapped loosely around my chest, and I feel his breath hitting my neck as I lean against him, my back to his front.

  “Fucking incredible,” he finally mutters, his breathing beginning to slow. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I sigh, ready to sleep for a few days, or maybe just long enough for us to take this somewhere better suited and do it all over again.

  “You fucking scared me tonight,” he quietly admits.

  His words jolt me out of my post-orgasmic state, the real world beginning to settle on my shoulders.

  This was a fucking fantastic distraction, but no matter what, tonight with Donny did happen, and that isn’t going away.

  “I’m sorry,” I huff, still trying to catch my breath as my stomach begins to ache from the punch. We weren’t exactly gentle about what we just did. “I didn’t know what—”

  “I know. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He tightens his arms around me. “I don’t like you around those type of people.”

  “Trust me when I say I don’t want to be around them anymore than you want me there. Did you hear everything?”

  “Yeah, we heard it,” he mutters softly, his breath tickling my neck, his body heat enveloping me.

  While I have never felt as scared as I did tonight, I’m not sure I have ever felt as protected and satisfied as I feel right now in Harvey’s arms.

  “We?” I ask, wondering who else was listening in.

  “Me and Jerry. He monitors all the security devices. As soon as your watch came online, he let me know. I couldn’t reach you on your phone, but we were able to track you.”

  “You were there?” I gape, turning my head to glance up at him.

  “We were a short distance away.”

  “You and Jerry?”

  “No, me and Joey. If things looked like they were going to go sideways, we would have been in there to get you,” he promises.

  I feel better knowing he had my back and will do so in the future.

  “How did you get back here so quickly?”

  “I figured they’d take you back to the restaurant afterward, which we also got confirmation of when you asked. Once you all got in the car, I hightailed it back here. Got here five minutes before you did.”

  “You picked the lock and turned off the alarm?” I ask, piecing it together.


  “Do I even want to know how you knew my code? Or what you were doing in here?”

  “Your code is your mom’s birthday. You need to get a better one. And what do you think I was doing in here?” he asks, not waiting for me to answer. “I needed to see you.”

  I consider this, wondering if us fucking is just that to him, or if it means more.

  “What do you think tonight was about? Half a million dollars is a lot of money.” I relax back into his hold, bringing my arms forward so I can rest them over his.

  His hands are still bruised, the small cuts over his knuckles slowly healing, and the pads of his hands are rough. I knew he had a hypnotic mouth when he kissed me the other day. Now I know he has a magical dick and mesmerizing hands. I could get used to this, and that scares me a lot.

  Harvey isn’t a sure deal. He already told me he doesn’t do relationships. So, where does that leave me? Leave us?

  “It’s a lot of money. I’m not sure yet what it’s for, but don’t worry about it.” He presses his lips over my hair and kisses me softly, the gesture sweet and reassuring. “We’re on it. Joey followed the other guys tonight. Soon enough, we’ll know what they do and who they are. We’ll figure it out.”

  I sigh, settling farther into Harvey and enjoying his skin against mine. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in this.

  “We should probably go home,” I say after a few minutes.

  “I don’t know. This office is warmer than your apartment,” he jokes. He’s not wrong, either. We have no heating on right now, yet the small space and our combined body heat means we aren’t going to get cold anytime soon.

  “It’s not that bad,” I mutter, not sounding convincing at all.

  “Nix, you have eight blankets on your bed. Eight! That’s not normal.”

  “How far is your place from here?”

  “Too far,” he says mysteriously.

  I want to ask if that’s true or if he just doesn’t want me around his things, but I don’t want to spoil the moment. If Harvey wants to keep himself to himself, then who am I to argue?

  Nevertheless, while my office is warmer than my apartment, remaining on this chair much longer won’t be as comfortable as my bed. I do think Harvey makes a fine mattress, but I’m not light and I don’t want to break him before I have my fun with him.

  “Come on,” I suggest, untangling myself from him and giving his cock one last longing glance before I turn away, searching for our clothes.

  He has managed to place his clothes all in one neat pile by the desk. Meanwhile, my clothes are strewn everywhere. And not all as they were, given my shirt is missing most of its buttons.

  I pull my pants up, using my shirt to wipe over my desk, and then I grab a clean T-shirt out of the pile I keep here before grabbing my phone, wallet, and keys. My sweater is stretched through one arm, but it will be good enough to make the trip home. I then grab a scarf, as well as my gloves and beanie, before I assess Harvey.

  He is wearing his leather jacket again. I feel a pang he never fucked me in it.

  Next time.

  I smirk just thinking about it, my cock already thickening at just the image of Harvey taking me. It feels like a shame that the freezing walk home will likely kill my boner. At least Harvey can revive it easily.

  Harvey silently redresses, too, and then we leave together, rugged up for the cold walk to my apartment hand in hand.

  This time, the routine is a little different. Harvey joins me in
having a shower, and we spend more time getting dirty with each other than getting clean. Once the hot water is long gone, we bundle up naked under my covers with a bottle of scotch.

  We each take a swig between us, and then I lean my back against Harvey as he wraps one arm around my middle. He uses his free arm to rest behind his head when he’s not holding the bottle.

  “So, is this a new thing between us, or was that a one off?” I finally work up the courage to ask, worried that, by making him analyze it, he will be tempted to back away.

  “Honestly, I don’t know,” he replies, disappointing me until he keeps going. “But I doubt I’ll be able to stop myself from having you again, and soon, so I guess it will be a new thing.”

  I smile hugely, taking another sip of scotch and loving the rush of warmth pooling inside me from not only the alcohol, but also Harvey’s words.

  “I think I’m okay with that.”

  “But, Nix, we need to take your situation seriously. When we’re alone together, then fine, we can let loose. But when we’re outside this bed, we need to be vigilant. We need to keep communicating, and no matter what shit happens between us, your safety comes first. If we have some stupid fight, you still call me if you need me, and I will always pick up. Same goes for you. I could be a complete asshole to you, but if I call you or tell you to do something, you need to answer me immediately and do it without argument. Your father is a dangerous man, and he surrounds himself with dangerous people. We need to stay on the ball with this.”

  I nod, my giddy feeling dimming in light of his words.

  Why the fuck does Dad have to keep ruining my life?

  “Done,” I say, passing him the scotch.

  I curl into him, wrapping my arm over his naked chest and rubbing my cheek against the fine hairs over his breastplate before resting my head against his shoulder.

  “I promise to protect you, Nix,” he vows, sounding as though he takes one last swallow of booze before he plonks it on the bedside table and sinks down farther into the bed. The covers come up to my chin as he brings me down with him.

  After the day I had, plus the toe-curling releases Harvey gave me, I’m wrecked. Therefore, within minutes of settling in beside him, I pass out.

  I dream of Harvey. He is naked as he chases me around the restaurant. I’m laughing and getting more turned on by the second. Then the dream changes. Harvey is on the ground, bleeding from his chest, his eyes are lifeless.

  I collapse beside him, trying to wake him up, but he doesn’t move.

  I quickly realize he’s dead.

  And standing over his body is my father, laughing in a cartoony, evil way. It gives me shivers to see the evil emanating from him, and my heart breaks for the life lost beside me.

  As my sadness turns to anger, I leap at my father, tackling him before another gunshot goes off. I fall, blood covering my hands, before I jolt awake.

  My breathing is erratic, my body is covered in sweat, and I even glance down at my hands, worried I will find blood.

  I don’t. My hands are clean, and my bed is empty of Harvey.

  I’m disappointed he’s gone, worried my dream is a warning.

  Being with me is dangerous. My father already put a hit out on Harvey once. If this doesn’t work and we can’t do anything to make my father less powerful, what happens when he places another hit on Harvey?

  Being in my life is not worth dying for.

  Chapter 11

  “Oh, come on!” Scarlett groans. “You can’t spring last night on me and not tell me the reason today!”

  “Actually, as your boss, I can,” I disagree.

  “Do you want me to say no to you next time?” she threatens.

  I know Scarlett would do anything if I asked her to, because no matter what I think, she thinks we are good friends, but I can’t risk her saying no. I already know I will need her again.

  Part of me wants this over and done with, but I also wish there could be years, or even decades, between the meeting I just went to and the next one. I got the feeling last night was time-sensitive, which means I will likely be stolen away sometime soon.

  “I was with Harvey,” I tell her, not exactly lying, but also not really telling her the truth.

  Her eyes immediately light up. “You guys had a date? What was the hurry, then?”

  “We … umm … didn’t exactly have a date,” I admit, assuming I have the right flushed look for someone who doesn’t want to admit he got seriously fucked last night.

  “Oh, my God! You guys slept together! Is that why you were so short on the phone? Was he undressing you as we spoke?” Her eyes are basically on fire now, and she does little jumps on the spot.

  There is no way someone should be this happy about another person’s sex life.

  I roll my eyes at her reaction, seeing her imagination has already taken off. There is no salvaging this now. I just need to go with it.


  “And …?”

  “And what?”

  She grabs my arms and gives me a shake. “How was it?”

  How was it? How about mind-blowing, hot, sexy, intense?

  “It was good,” I answer, moving behind the bar with the drink order she passed me.

  “Just good?” Just like that, she looks like a deflated balloon, her excitement dimmed.

  Yep, she is definitely too invested in this.

  “It was great, Scarlett. I don’t really want to talk about it at work.”

  “Why? You sporting a semi?” she asks, actually glancing over the bar to look down at my pants.

  “Shit, Scarlett, fuck off!” I snap.

  “Whatever. Just tell me it was hot, and I’ll let my imagination do the rest.”

  “It was hot. Now go back to work,” I bark, turning my back on her and hoping what she has written down will involve me finishing something and needing to go restock afterward. I could use a few minutes breather from her scrutiny.

  “Geeze, I would have thought you’d be in a better mood after getting laid. Are you sure it was good?”

  “I’m sure it was,” Harvey says.

  Scarlett doesn’t miss a beat, turning to face him while I finish filling her drink order, which is all very standard and nothing is at risk of finishing.

  Surprised to see him, but in no way disappointed, I attempt to not make it obvious that I’m ogling him while also trying to not drop or spill the drinks I’m making.

  “Photo, or it didn’t happen,” Scarlett says.

  I snort as I put the tray of drinks down in front of her.

  “Maybe next time,” he says on a smile.

  Scarlett’s eyes light up. Meanwhile, I don’t know what to do.

  The nightmare from this morning is playing in the back of my mind still, but it’s being overlapped with memories of the hot sex we had.

  Harvey is in more danger being with me, but hasn’t that bed already been made? If we step back now, that won’t stop Dad from going after him or stop me from caring what happens to him. They will still be able to hold Harvey over me.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” Scarlett winks at Harvey before taking the heavy tray full of drinks and whisking it away like she’s holding a feather.

  That woman has always been graceful, just not tactful.

  “Do you mind if I eat something here?” Harvey asks as he turns toward me. “I’m starved and have some information about last night.”

  “Yeah, of course. Drink?”

  When he nods, I pour him a glass of ale.

  “Know what you want to eat?”

  “Just a sandwich or something.”

  I put in an order for a club chicken then go back behind the bar, sticking close to Harvey’s corner.

  “Sorry about Scarlett. She was hounding me about last night, and I didn’t want to mention what obviously happened. I figured telling her about us would shut her up.”

  “Does anything shut her up?” he asks good-naturedly on a raised eyebrow.

; I chuckle. “Okay, that’s true. What I meant was, I knew it would stop her from digging for more. The last thing I want is for her to get involved in my dad’s mess.”

  He nods in agreement and, strangely enough, doesn’t seem pissed that I gave up the goods on us.

  “It’s fine.” He gives me a shrug before taking a sip of his drink. “People would have probably figured it out eventually.”

  “Why would they figure it out eventually?”

  “Because, now that I’ve had your ass, there is no way for me to look at you without remembering that and getting a fucking hard-on.”

  I flush, discreetly adjusting my pants.

  “And because, apparently, it’s obvious. It was almost the first thing Sasha said to me when I walked into the office this morning.”


  “Yep, me asking her how she was evidently meant I got laid.”

  I laugh at this, figuring my phone will be filling up with messages any second now from those women.

  “You work with some real characters,” I comment, shaking my head.

  “Lucky me. Just wait until Teagan finds out, then she’ll be all over my ass.”


  When he hesitates to answer, I again question what exactly their dynamic is. He said they are best friends, but he acts more like she’s some terrifying person than a friend.

  “I don’t act the way I act with you with anyone.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Sasha’s words from the other day about me being special echo in my mind. I try to shove them back down. I’m not some teenager, and this is not some first love bullshit.

  “I don’t fucking know, and it’s freaking me out. I don’t do sleepovers, Nix. I don’t cuddle, and I don’t talk.”

  “Well, in your defense, you haven’t exactly slept over. So far, you’ve been long gone by the time I wake up.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  I open my mouth to assure him it doesn’t, but that isn’t exactly true. Besides, I’m too tired to play games.

  Honesty is the best policy, right?

  “I don’t know … Maybe.”


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