Nathan’s Montana Bride (Sweet Historical Mail Order Bride Romance) (Montana Ranchers Brides series)

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Nathan’s Montana Bride (Sweet Historical Mail Order Bride Romance) (Montana Ranchers Brides series) Page 1

by Maya Stirling



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chpater Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Thank You

  Montana Brides series

  Also Available


  Nathan's Montana Bride


  Maya Stirling


  Boston 1886

  Abigail Long paused at the entrance to the Grand Hotel and asked herself one final time if she was really sure she wanted to go through with this.

  Her sister Florence laid a hand on Abby's elbow. "Abby? Are you feeling unwell?"

  Abby shook her head. "No. I'm fine."

  "You're sure you want to go ahead with meeting him?"

  Abby smiled at her sister. "I'm sure. It's the least I can do after the distress I have caused him. Anyway, I have you to take care of me."

  Florence smiled and nodded. The two sisters made their way through the ornate entrance and into the hotel's reception hall.

  Coming to a beautiful place like this would normally have been a pleasant experience. The luxurious furnishing, wood panelling and marble floor spoke of affluence. It was such a strange place for such a singular meeting, Abby reflected. But the hotel had the virtue of being a safe place to come and meet the man who had travelled so far to see her.

  Abby and Florence took a seat near a window. It was early morning and there were a few other residents relaxing and reading newspapers or chatting quietly. The hotel had an air of quiet elegance that was reassuring to Abby. She was pleased that she and Florence had taken the time to put on their finest morning outfits. They looked completely at home amongst the well attired guests.

  "How do I look?" Abby asked Florence nervously.

  "Beautiful as always," Florence replied.

  The two sisters had contrasting appearances. Florence reached over and shifted a stray blonde hair away from Abby's wide cheeked face. Abby's normally porcelain skin was flushed with the exertion of the walk to the hotel.

  Florence had similar fine features, but with dark hair and brown eyes.

  Abby's blue eyes shone with anticipation as she searched the reception room. Where was he? Had he changed his mind about coming?

  What was she going to say to him? It was almost unbelievable that he had come so far just to see her. She couldn't imagine what kind of man would do such a thing.

  He had come all the way from Montana!

  Abby swallowed suddenly aware of how dry her throat had become.

  Florence gave her sister a concerned glance.

  What was she going to say to him? He had come for answers and she had no idea what she was going to say to him. Abby didn't even think he deserved an answer. Who did he think he was, coming all this way to demand an explanation? She had changed her mind. That was all she had done. In these modern, improving days a woman was entitled to change her mind. Boston society wasn't like the wilds of Montana.

  "Do you see him?" Florence asked looking over toward a group people who had emerged from the stairwell and were now making their way to the reception area.

  Abby scrutinized them. "No. None of them look like a rancher from Montana, I guess."

  Florence smiled. "What does a Montana rancher look like anyway? They must be tall and dark and muscular with all the outdoor work they do."

  Abby scowled at Florence. "He's not just a common cowboy, Florence. In his letters he claims he is a prosperous rancher who has worked hard and done well for himself. Then again, one can't always believe what someone says in a letter. For all I know he might be short and bald and fat."

  "I do hope not," Florence said with a gasp.

  Abby looked firmly at Florence. "Please remember I'm not here to enter into a marriage with Mr. Grantly," she said. "On the contrary, I am here to put paid to his attempts to persuade me to go with him to Montana and become his wife."

  "You're the one who changed your mind," said Florence.

  Abby's brows furrowed. "As I am perfectly entitled to do. And, if he had been a gentleman he would have understood that and accepted that. Instead of which he has come all the way out here with the apparent intention of either demanding an explanation or, even worse, trying to persuade me to change my mind."

  "I don't think anyone can change your mind about anything, Abby," said Florence.

  Abby shook her head. A twist of nerves clutched at her stomach as she thought of the real reason she had refused Mr Nathan Grantly's proposal. It had nothing to do with anything so trivial as a change of mind. No. There was more to it than that, but she could never tell her sister. Florence was just too young to understand and in any case the matter was of such delicacy that the shame of it would overwhelm Abby if she even tried.

  Some things just had to remain secrets, even between sisters. Florence only wanted Abby to be happy. The sisters were close, always had been. They had shared so much but Abby could never share the sadness of her life with Florence. It wouldn't be fair on her sister who was such a delicate and sweet young woman.

  Abby turned and was about to suggest to Florence that they order some tea, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere the figure of a young girl, no more than five or six years of age and elegantly dressed in a charming, pretty outfit, crashed into the sofa, letting out a yell which echoed in the restrained silence of the room. Heads turned to see what was the cause of the noise.

  Startled, Abby reached out to prevent the young girl from falling to the floor. Abby grasped the blonde haired girl's shoulder and tried to stop her from crashing her head against the hard marble. Abby felt a rush of relief as he managed to support the girl.

  Abby stood and reached down to the girl, holding her upright. "My! Watch what you're doing little one. You could have hurt yourself there," Abby said. The girl looked up, green eyes bright with excitement.

  Abby smiled involuntarily. The girl was so attractive looking. She had beautiful even features and her smile was plain infectious. Then she opened her mouth and spoke and Abby felt the a stab of shock.

  "Are you Abby?" the little girl asked.

  Abby felt her jaw drop. She frowned down at the girl. "Why yes. How do you know my name?"

  "Because I told her," said a deep, slow, male voice.

  Abby raised her head and gazed at the tall, wide shouldered man standing in front of her. The man laid a gentle hand on the young girl who turned and wrapped her arms around the man's strong legs.

  "Papa. It's Abby," the little girl said in a quiet, sweet voice that made Abby's heart skip a beat.

  "Ms. Long?" the man said, removing his wide brimmed hat.

  Abby felt the ground shift beneath her. She rested a hand on the arm of the chair to steady herself.

  "Mr. Grantly?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly.

  Nathan Grantly smiled and nodded. "I recognized you from the likeness you sent me,"
Nathan said.

  Abby looked at Nathan and frowned. "And this is your daughter?" she asked hesitantly.

  Nathan's smile got even broader and he looked down at the little girl with obvious pride and love written all over his face. "It sure is. Emma. Say hello to Ms. Long."

  Emma turned and smiled at Abby. "Hi Miss Abby," she said.

  Abby smiled in spite of the shock she felt. Nathan Grantly had a daughter!

  He hadn't told her that in his letters. She'd had no idea. He'd told Abby that he was a widower and the tale of his wife's passing from pneumonia had truly touched Abby's heart. But Nathan hadn't mentioned his daughter who was just about the cutest girl Abby had ever laid eyes on.

  Abby introduced Florence and they all took their seats. Abby tried desperately to compose herself. She looked over at Florence, giving her sister a questioning look. All that Florence could do was match her sister's look of consternation.

  Abby looked at Nathan who was twisting his hat in his hand and looking back and forth between Florence and Emma.

  "Florence. Perhaps you could take Emma and show her the lovely garden this hotel has," Abby said, giving Florence the clearest hint that she needed time alone with Nathan.

  Florence reached over to Emma. "How'd you like to go through that door over there, " she said pointing, "and I'll show you some of the prettiest flowers you've ever seen."

  Emma frowned at first. "Montana's full of flowers," she said.

  Nathan reached down and held Emma's shoulder. "Yes but the flowers here in the East are different. Go with Florence for a short while."

  Emma hesitated, gave Florence a firm look and then nodded.

  Florence stood and took Emma by the hand. Abby looked up at Florence. "Ten minutes should be enough," she said.

  Looking at Nathan she saw his brow furrow at those words. Maybe she could have said that more sensitively, she thought. But there wasn't going to be much else to say.

  Florence nodded and led Emma away.

  After they had disappeared through the door Abby turned to Nathan. She was about to say something when Nathan stood suddenly and drew his chair closer to her own. Abby was taken aback by the gesture.

  Up close Nathan was even more striking than she had thought. His eyes were blue, like her own. They fixed Abby with a look which made something shift inside her. The color of those eyes was so arresting that Abby couldn't look away from them for a few moments.

  Nathan's mouth widened and his white even teeth flashed what Abby thought was a mischievous smile at her.

  Abby settled her hands in her lap and straightened her posture. It was time to look and behave like the Boston lady she was.

  "Well. Here we are then," he said after clearing his throat.

  Abby's lips tightened into a polite grin. "Indeed we are. Your daughter is beautiful," she said maintaining a formal tone to her voice.

  Nathan shifted his wide shoulders and pulled at the collar of his shirt. Abby thought he looked distinctly uncomfortable in the perfectly pressed suit he was wearing.

  Nathan smiled. "She sure is. It's been a real job keeping her from busting with excitement this whole trip," he said.

  Abby noticed that his voice was strong and had an appealing deep, vibrant quality. The men she met in polite circles, here in Boston, all seemed to have thin, flat voices. Nathan's was wholly different.

  "You didn't mention Emma in any of your letters," Abby said, more abruptly than she intended.

  Nathan's eyes narrowed. "I didn't think it was the right thing to do. I thought I'd keep that for a future letter."

  "It might have been an important thing for me to know."

  "Would it have made any difference to your change of heart?"

  "How do you know that's what it was?"

  "It looked like a change of opinion to me. It took me by surprise, I can tell you. I thought things were developing nicely between us."

  Abby shifted in her seat. "When I considered becoming your bride things were very different for me."

  "How so?"

  She looked away for a brief moment. "I can't go into the details. Especially not here."

  Nathan leaned in closer and Abby could catch the scent of him. It was a curiously attractive mixture of leather and soap. "We had an agreement. I thought we had an understanding."

  Abby lowered her head. How could she tell this man that she couldn't go through with their agreement. It had started out as an appealing idea, something which would solve so many problems in her life.

  But then she'd had to alter her plans. Everything had changed for her the day she had come to understand that the life she had dreamed of would never be possible. He would never understand that. She was sure of that.

  "It's a very difficult situation Mr.Grantly."

  "Nathan," he interrupted. "Call me Nathan. Please."

  Abby nodded. "Things are a little more complicated than they were when we first corresponded."

  "How so?" he asked, his eyes eager for an answer.

  Abby tightened her lips. She sighed and wondered just how much she could tell him. Nothing. That was what she could tell him. But he had come such a long distance for answers she couldn't give him.

  "I wish I could provide you with the answers you so desperately need, Nathan. But I can't."

  Nathan frowned. He leaned forward and spoke quietly. "I didn't just come here for an answer or an explanation Abby."

  She looked at him. There was a determined expression on his face. His blue eyes seemed to shine as they looked at Abby. When he spoke his voice was quiet and filled with a hard determination.

  He paused, looked around for a moment and the spoke quietly.

  "I came here to take you back to Montana with me."


  "What do you mean? Take me to Montana with you?" Abby demanded. She realised her voice was louder than she would have liked, given the circumstances and subject of her conversation with Nathan Grantly.

  Nathan shot a glance at some of the hotel guests seated nearby. Newspapers had been rustled and eyes were peering over the tops of them.

  Abby lowered her voice to a whisper. "Are you mad Mr. Grantly?"

  The corner of Nathan's mouth creased into the barest of smiles. He shook his head. "I haven't lost my senses. I didn't come all the way out here just to give the impression that I am some crazy rancher. I am perfectly serious Abby. I aim to make you my bride."

  Abby felt a wave of panic rise in her. Surely he couldn't be serious. She suddenly had a sense that this man was dangerous. Perhaps he would abduct her and drag her to the nearest train and force her to go West with him. She glanced around. How could this be happening in the middle of Boston?

  "But I have already told you that I cannot be your bride. I...cannot provide you with what you want in a wife."

  Nathan's eyes seemed to wander slowly around Abby's features, down her shoulders and, briefly down the rest of her elegantly attired figure. Abby thought there was an obvious approval on his face. He liked what he saw. But was it merely physical attraction? If so, that was even less appealing to Abby.

  Nathan took a deep breath and his shoulders seemed to broaden. The labor of outdoor life had shaped this man's body. "What I want in a wife is neither here nor there. What I need is someone who can be a mother to my daughter," he said slowly.

  Abby stiffened. "I cannot be a mother to your daughter. That is simply not possible."

  "Why not? You are strong, fit and young. You will be well provided for in Montana. I can make sure your life there will be a good one," Nathan said. "In return all I ask is that you make my little girl happy and bring her up to be as fine a lady as her mother was," he concluded, his voice drifting off at the mention of his wife.

  Abby felt her her heart sink at the mention of Nathan's deceased wife. She could only imagine how hard it must have been for him, how difficult life must have been for poor little Emma. But that was none of her concern. She had to be absolutely adamant about that. To even co
nsider becoming Nathan Grantly's wife under these circumstances was unthinkable, no matter how much sympathy she felt for Emma.

  "I am truly sorry for your loss. And I'm sure life has been very hard for you both."

  Nathan's eyes softened. "Indeed it has. It has taken all my strength to protect Emma from the pain of her mother's loss. But she's a strong little girl."

  "I think you have done a wonderful job. You have my deepest respect."

  Nathan's eyes lit up. "Only your respect?"

  Abby turned away. "That is all I can offer Nathan. Nothing more."

  "I was under the impression you were a woman of your word, Abby" he said.

  Abby raised herself upright. "I am, Nathan."

  "Then become my wife," he stated bluntly.

  Abby almost flinched at the sound of the words. They sounded so direct, almost vulgar.

  "I would prefer you don't speak like that. Especially here," she said leaning in closer to him.

  "I have come a very long way to ask you to keep your promise, Abby."

  She realised with surprise that he seemed entirely comfortable using her name. It sounded unusual and somewhat engaging as he said it each time in his deep, resonant voice.

  "My name is Abigail Long. And you do not know me, sir" she said trying to contain her emotion.

  Nathan's eyes fixed on her. "You are the woman who agreed to become my mail order bride. You answered my announcement, we corresponded, you were enthusiastic about possible matrimony and then you confirmed that you would be my wife. I was very happy Abigail," he said, using her full name once again.

  Abby's lips tightened and she stared at Nathan. She didn't know what to say. His account of things was entirely accurate, save for the last part, when she had ceased their correspondence, something she had done for good reasons, none of which she was inclined to share with him now or ever.

  "And then there was silence," he said. "You stopped writing to me. Why?"

  Abby remained tight lipped.

  "Why would you do such a thing. Isn't your word worth anything?" he asked.

  "Of course it is," she blurted out, outrage rising inside. She lowered her head and stared at her gloved hands resting on her lap. Her fingers were clutched in a tight ball.


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