Nathan’s Montana Bride (Sweet Historical Mail Order Bride Romance) (Montana Ranchers Brides series)

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Nathan’s Montana Bride (Sweet Historical Mail Order Bride Romance) (Montana Ranchers Brides series) Page 4

by Maya Stirling

  Nathan grinned. "I'm happy that you like it," he said quietly. He looked like he wanted to lean in and kiss her, but he glanced over at Emma. This wasn't the time or the place.

  The proper time and place would be later, at the ranch. Then she realized that tonight would be her wedding night. What that meant made something curl in her middle. What would she do? How would things be when they were alone later that night, in the quiet privacy of their marriage bed. Would she have to explain to him why things may have to be different when it came to their physical intimacy? Would he understand?

  Abby pushed those thoughts away.

  "Let's go and see the ranch up close. I can't wait," she said curling an arm around Nathan's strongly muscled forearm.

  Nathan flicked the reins, the horse moved on and they headed down into the valley and toward the place where Abby would find her destiny.


  They arrived at the ranch and men came from far afield as word spread that Nathan and his new wife had arrived. There was applause from the assembled ranch hands as the newly wedded couple got down off the buckboard.

  The housekeeper, Mrs Wardle, who emerged from the large ranch house, was a grey haired, heavy set woman with shining eyes and a broad grin. She welcomed the couple and led them into the house insisting that they should eat something after their long journey.

  Mrs Wardle had prepared some food. She sat Emma down at the kitchen table and made sure the little girl ate. Emma put on a display of good table manners that touched Abby's heart to watch.

  There was a bustle of activity as men lifted the trunk containing Abby's things upstairs. Abby noticed how much respect Nathan commanded from the men. Everyone seemed genuinely happy that their boss was once again a married man.

  After the meal Nathan insisted that Abby should get washed up and rest. He was concerned that the journey had taken too much out of her. Abby was genuinely affected by his kindness. He seemed so concerned for her welfare.

  Nathan gave her a quick tour of the downstairs part of the ranch. The house was well maintained with fine furnishings, obviously brought at great expense from the East. There was a parlor, a dining room and an office that was exclusively Nathan's domain. She was fascinated to see the evidence of his work. The large desk was strewn with papers. Obviously running a ranch took more than the physical labor of men.

  The house felt comfortable and lived in. It did not feel like the house of a widowed rancher. Abby didn't see much evidence of Nathan's previous wife, Lucy. She guessed that he had made sure that any photos would be discretely put out of sight for the moment. She was sure he would share more about Emma's true mother when the right time came.

  As she started to follow Nathan up the stairs that led to the upper floor, Abby glanced over toward the kitchen, and saw Mrs.Wardle, wiping her hands on an apron, watching her with a warm smile on her face. Abby was pleased that she had made a good first impression with the woman who seemed so influential in the daily life of the ranch. More than once in the short time she had arrived at the ranch she had seen Mrs.Wardle scold a rancher who wandered into the kitchen in search of some food.

  Nathan led Abby to the upstairs area of the house. They both paused outside a door.

  "Are you ready?" Nathan asked.

  Abby nodded. Nathan pushed open the door and revealed the interior of a large bedroom. Abby's trunk had been placed on a thick rug. There was a large wardrobe, dressing table and mirror. The walls were decorated with flower patterned paper.

  And then there was the bed.

  Abby swallowed as she looked at the bed. It was huge, very wide and had four heavily carved wooden corners. A beautifully embroidered cover added vibrant color.

  She stepped gingerly into the room. Nathan flipped open the trunk. Abby wondered if all her clothes would fit in the wardrobe. She couldn't remember packing so many things.

  Nathan stepped away toward the door. "I'll get Mrs Wardle to bring up some water. You just take things easy. It's been quite a day," he said.

  Abby smiled. "Yes. It has," she said. Nathan came closer and held her tight. He kissed her gently on the forehead. Abby breathed in his scent and leaned in closer to him.

  "I'll see you later. I can show you around some of the ranch. Maybe we can get some quiet time together. Looks like it's going to be a fine evening," he said.

  After he left the room Abby sat down on the bed. It sure was soft. She lay back and sighed. It felt good to relax. The day had been amazing. Her wedding day. It had been different from anything she could have imagined. But, in the end, she thought it couldn't have been more perfect.

  With a sigh she closed her eyes and allowed herself to sleep and dream.

  Abby slept for a short while. After waking she washed and prepared herself. She put on a different dress from the one in which she had arrived in Billings and been married in. She looked at herself in the mirror and nodded to herself in approval.

  She went downstairs. There were sounds from the kitchen. Abby made her way outside. It was getting dark and the ranch hands were busy putting things right for the evening. The air was fresh and the sky above clear. There were some faint twinkling stars and a gentle breeze cooled her.

  "Well. Good evening Mrs.Grantly," a voice said.

  She turned and saw Nathan seated on a wide, wooden seat on the porch, leaning back nonchalantly. He was smiling broadly.

  "You look lovely," he said.

  Abby faked a curtsy. "Why thank you kind sir," she said jokingly.

  She sat down next to Nathan. He slid an arm around her shoulder and drew her close. "Did you sleep well?"

  Abby blinked, briefly concerned that, up close, she might look exhausted. "I guess I was more tired than I thought," she said.

  Nathan moved a stray hair away from her forehead. "It's not every day that a woman arrives in a new place and gets married to a handsome rancher," he said with a mischievous grin.

  Abby punched him playfully on the arm. "You're just so modest."

  Nathan laughed. "If I don't say it, no-one else will," he told her.

  They sat quietly for a long while. They watched the men at work, the horses being put away for the evening, the listened to the distant sounds of the cattle. All of this made Abby feel curiously relaxed and at ease. She looked up at the emerging stars. There were so many of them compared to what she was used to seeing in gaslit Boston.

  "I sure love it here," Nathan said.

  "I can see why," she responded. "It's beautiful."

  In the far distance the mountains were fading in the dying light. The peaks had snow on them. She could hear the gentle sound of a river close by.

  "This is like a paradise," she said.

  "Paradise needs a lot of hard work."

  "I'm sure it does. But paradise has a hard working owner," she said, laying her head onto his shoulder.

  "I think that's almost blasphemous," he said, quirking a brow.

  Nathan sighed. Abby was sure he was content to be with her. There was only one place in the world she wanted to be, and that was right here on this porch, resting her head on her new husband's firmly muscled shoulder.

  "There is so much I want to know about you," he said quietly.

  Abby felt herself go rigid. "There's plenty of time for that," she answered him with a tight voice.

  "I can hardly wait to hear about you growing up, getting educated, learning about the world," he said. "We've got so much to learn about each other," he said.

  Abby felt the gentle squeeze of cold fingers around her heart. "Me too. You need to tell me how you became a rancher," she forced herself to say.

  She hesitated and then continued. "And I so want to hear about Lucy."

  Abby felt Nathan's body move slightly away from her. It was the first time Abby had mentioned Nathan's first wife. He himself had seemed to want to avoid the subject. Abby thought it wasn't so much out of any disrespect to Lucy, but more a reflection of Nathan's obvious desire that their own marriage day sh
ould be as fine as possible.

  Nathan nodded. "I'll tell you all about her. But not tonight," he said.

  Abby sighed. She shouldn't have mentioned Lucy. It had been a tactless gesture on her part. It was going to take a while for her to learn Nathan's rules and boundaries.

  "Tonight is about us. Here and now," he said.

  Nathan leaned down and kissed Abby, gently. His lips were soft and tender. Abby raised her head and allowed herself to be taken over by the sensation of submitting to her husband's attention.

  The kiss seemed to go on forever. Abby savored the sweet taste of Nathan's lips and the soft sound of his breathing which was becoming quicker by the moment. Nathan ran a gentle hand through her hair and drew her closer to him.

  The sound of the front door opening interrupted them. Mrs. Wardle stepped out onto the porch.

  "Excuse me Mr. Grantly. I didn't know you were here," she said, making to go back inside.

  Nathan pulled away from Abby. "Not at all, Mrs.Wardle. What can I do for you?"

  "It's just that the special dinner you asked for is almost ready," she said.

  Nathan stood. "That's fine news." He extended a hand toward Abby. "Will you join me for a dinner just for two? I think Mrs.Wardle has cooked up something real special. Haven't you Mrs.Wardle?"

  The housekeeper ran an embarrassed hand over her hair. "Well I don't know about that. But I hope you like it," she said.

  Abby took Nathan's hand and stood. "I'm sure it's going to be wonderful," she said to the housekeeper.

  Mrs.Wardle smiled broadly and went back inside the house.

  Nathan lead Abby back inside. The dining room had been decorated with flowers on the sideboards. On the long table a variety of dishes had been laid out. Everything from soup, to chicken, plentiful salad, luscious fruit and drinks. It all looked absolutely delicious and made Abby's empty stomach ache just looking at it.

  Nathan helped Abby take her seat at the table like a true Bostonian gentleman. He held her chair as she sat and pushed it gently against the back of legs, until she sat comfortably. Abby smiled in polite appreciation. Nathan took his seat next to her.

  "I wanted us to be alone on our first night. I suppose we could have had a grand meal with all the folks on the ranch. But, somehow it didn't seem right. I want you to enter my world slowly and at your own pace. It's important to me that you feel at home here. I don't want to rush you," he said.

  Abby smiled at him. "That is so sweet of you to say Nathan."

  She reached over and took his hand, squeezing it gently.

  Nathan raised a wine filled glass. "To our everlasting happiness, Mrs. Grantly."

  Abby raised the glass by her side. "To our future, Mr. Grantly," she said trying to contain the joy she felt inside.

  Throughout the meal Nathan observed Abby with fascination. It was a wonder to him that she was here with him. He had dreamed of this moment so many times since they had started their correspondence. And now they were together, a couple.

  His new wife.

  Nathan felt a momentary stab of sadness. Nothing could replace Lucy. It wouldn't be possible for anyone to replace his first wife's zest for life, her determination, not even the love that Nathan could feel in his heart for a woman. Abby would surely come close to what he had felt with Lucy. But, they had so much to learn about each other. It would take time.

  He looked across the table as she put the food on her fork and placed it into her mouth. How could it be so amazing to watch her eat. He couldn't figure it out. But it was. He tried not to make her feel self conscious as he watched her.

  She was so beautiful. When he had seen the sepia toned likeness she had sent to him weeks before, he had fallen head over heels. It was that simple. And, when Emma had seen the image, she had just cried and said that she wanted Abby as her new mama.

  From that moment on Nathan was a man on a mission. Nothing she or anyone else would do was going to stop him claiming her as his wife.

  And he had succeeded.

  He was proud of himself for what he had achieved in making her his new wife. He was sure she was going to fit in to life on the ranch.

  And there would be more children. With someone as fit and healthy as Abby obviously was, it would only be a matter of time before their family was growing.

  Something about that was digging at Nathan, though. It seemed that every time he mentioned children Abby kind of tightened up and tried to change the subject. He couldn't figure out why that could be. She obviously loved children and she was so good with Emma. He loved to watch Abby and Emma together. It filled his heart with a joy he had doubted he would ever feel again.

  He'd knew he'd have to dig deeper and get past her reluctance to tell him how she really felt about having children.

  In the meantime he savored her presence at his dining table.

  And later there would another kind of presence he would savor. He pushed those thoughts out of his head. He didn't want to tarnish the moment with those kind of thoughts. But it was difficult.

  Abby's beauty had captivated him and he wasn't sure he'd be able to control his passion and desire when the moment came.

  His anticipation for the upcoming night was almost uncontrollable.

  He looked at Abby. Yes. Almost uncontrollable.


  They finished eating and went outside. The darkness had fallen completely. The ranch was quiet. The light from the inside of the house cast a glow across the front yard and out to the corral.

  Nathan and Abby walked hand in hand and stopped at the wooden fencing of the corral.

  Abby looked up at the Montana sky and gasped. There were so many stars! She couldn't believe her eyes.

  "It's so beautiful," she said, scanning the sky.

  Nathan leaned down. "It's nothing compared to you," he whispered.

  Nathan pressed his lips onto Abby's mouth. She felt heart quicken. The blood raced around her body. Her knees felt suddenly weak.

  Nathan wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close. The scent of him overwhelmed her. The pressure of his lips was gentle but insistent. Abby raised her head toward him. He was so tall! She hadn't quite realized before just how tall he was.

  The strength of his body was apparent as he pulled her even tighter against him. Abby started to breath deeply.

  Their lips parted and Nathan looked down at her. "Happy?"

  Abby nodded. "Mmm..."

  When she looked closely into his eyes, Abby caught a flash of something she hadn't seen before in Nathan.

  Was that uncertainty?

  Nathan turned and looked up at the stars. "I love coming out here at night, and just looking up. The sky out here in Montana is amazing at night."

  Abby didn't follow his gaze. She was suddenly sure that Nathan was trying to hide something from her. Perhaps it was a momentary doubt. But, she was sure that something had changed between the moment he had kissed her and now.

  "Did you like to be here, under the stars, with Lucy?"

  She saw his shoulders tense. Well done, Abby! Just put your foot in it, and at such a delicate time, she thought.

  Nathan nodded. "She loved it here too. Montana was her favorite place in the world."

  Abby placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder. He turned and smiled at her. He stroked the side of her cheek and there was a genuine warmth in his eyes. But Abby saw a sadness there too.

  Abby pulled herself closer to him. "You're not feeling cold, are you?" he asked.

  "No. I just want to hug you. Is that a crime?"

  Nathan smiled. "Not at all." He squeezed her tighter. "It feels good."

  Abby leaned her head against his chest. The rough material of his shirt felt good against her skin. She was sure she could hear his heart beating. Maybe it was her own, she thought suddenly.

  Nathan kissed her on the top of her head. Abby still had the sense that he had somehow become withdrawn, preoccupied. Perhaps he was thinking of his wedding night with Lucy. Abby was certain
that at least some thoughts of Lucy must be on his mind, right now.

  Was Abby competing for Nathan's attention? She frowned, uncertain what to do. How could she make him understand that she wanted him? She hoped their wedding night wasn't going to affected by whatever thoughts were coursing through Nathan's mind.

  Nathan had fallen into a long, deep silence. Gone was the charming, jovial rancher, only concerned with his new wife. It had been replaced by someone who had suddenly become distant.

  Abby felt a stab of unease. What could she do?

  "I'd like to go inside now, Nathan," she said quietly.

  He looked down at her. His eyes narrowed and his lips tightened. "Right now?"

  Abby nodded. "It's getting a bit chilly," she said wrapping her arms around herself.

  "Well I could find a way to keep you warm," he said, the faintest quirk of an eyebrow teasing her. But it didn't convince Abby.

  She turned and looked toward the stable. She could hear the horses shifting about. They were tied up, restrained for the night, safe from harm.

  "Maybe tomorrow you could show me the horses. I've always loved them. But I'm sure Boston riding is different from Montana riding," she said.

  Nathan raised an eyebrow, looking like he was wondering if she was being serious.

  "Sure. I can show you tomorrow," he murmured hesitantly. His attention seemed to drift off again.

  Abby raised her shoulders up and took in a deep breath. "I really would like to go inside now Nathan," she insisted.

  Nathan said nothing and merely nodded, apparently lost in thought. Then he turned and took Abby by the elbow. "Let me see you inside," he said.

  Abby looked at him. She wondered where his mind was in that moment. Was it here with her, or somewhere in the past with someone else?

  She let him lead her to the front door of the ranch house. He opened the door for her and gestured for her to enter. Abby thought of the bedroom upstairs and the bed that was waiting for them.

  Suddenly Nathan stopped and didn't follow her inside.


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