Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel Page 1

by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  1: Kissing Ass

  2: Mysterious Stranger

  3: Knowing Women

  4: Escape

  5: Thinking it Over

  6: Lunch

  7: Mysterious Appointment

  8: Introduction

  9: Confession

  10: Back to the Scene

  11: Tour

  12: Processing

  13: Betrayed

  14: Frantic

  15: Lose to Win

  16: Seduction

  17: Afterglow

  A Note From Lexi

  Keep Reading!

  More from Lexi Archer

  Bonus Novel! Betting My Bride

  1: A Newly Wealthy Man

  2: New Car Smell

  3: Shopping Trip

  4: Indiscretions

  5: Take This Job And...

  6: Mile High

  7: Dearly Beloved

  8: The Beach

  9: The Bet

  10: Confession

  11: The Boat

  12: Boat Ride

  13: Innocent Swim

  14: Discoveries

  15: Decisions

  16: Who's Seducing Who?

  17: Double the Fun

  18: Fantasy Fulfilled

  19: A New Life Together

  More from Lexi


  A Hotwife Novel

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2016 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, May 2016

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: Kissing Ass

  “So then I told him if that’s your idea of a golf swing then you have another thing coming!”

  I laughed just as hard as all the other junior associates surrounding old man Marshall. The joke didn’t even make sense, but I could tell from the way he was smiling expectantly at all of us that we were expected to laugh. Jones over on the other side didn’t seem to pick up and he was just a little late to the punch.

  Marshall didn’t miss it. He might be old. Positively ancient by the standards of all the junior associates surrounding him with their lips planted firmly on his ass to make the kissing that much more convenient, but he was sharp. You didn’t get to be the head of one of the most prestigious law firms in the city, maybe even the country, if you weren’t sharp.

  Well, maybe there’d been people who fell into that position because their last name happened to be on the business. Law firms like that wouldn’t stay the best in the city for long, though.

  I hated every minute of this, but I needed to get in as much quality time kissing ass with the senior partners as possible at these gigs. That was the real way to advance in this business, as much as I hated it. It was a game I was going to play, though. Otherwise all the ridiculous hours I was spending at work wouldn’t be worth it, and I shuddered to think that all that busting ass would be wasted time.

  I glanced around the room to see if Anne was out there somewhere. This little get together was being held in the two story “conference room” at the firm. A balcony ran along the second level with shelves filled with legal books that almost never got dusted off in this day of online legal research, but they were still there for show and to impress clients who came through and had no idea about how modernized the profession was.

  Not that some of the old dinosaurs running the place had any idea how modernized the profession was either. They had junior associates like me to do all that grunt work for them. I just had to smile and bide my time until I was one of the older guys sending the younger fresh graduates out to do my bidding. It would happen.

  I spotted Anne on the other side of the room with a wine glass in hand. My eyes narrowed when I saw who she stood with. Brad Ross. He was a junior associate just like the rest of us underlings, but word on the street was he was pretty close to actually making partner. He’d been here longer than just about every other junior associate, even been passed up a couple of times, but he stuck with it and everyone figured it had to be happening sooner rather than later.

  The guy was also a complete slime. Especially when it came to women. All the legal assistants working here knew to stay well clear of him if they weren’t interested. Not that there were many pretty young legal assistants who weren’t interested in what he had to offer. Rumor was he’d cut a path through almost all of them in his time here. Rumor was he’d also maybe cut a path through some of the junior associates’ wives in his time here, and maybe that was part of the reason why he hadn’t gotten promoted yet.

  It was the sort of rumor that made me less than happy to see him over there talking with Anne. Beautiful Anne in a simple enough black number that still managed to look so fucking sexy because she was the one wearing it. It molded to her body in all the right places showing off the model body that went right along with that disarming innocent girl next door beauty on her face.

  In short, she was gorgeous. I knew it because I was the one who married her. I wanted to lock that down with a ring the moment I met her. I also knew that my wife probably presented the ideal target for a slime like Brad. He saw sweet and innocent and he had to defile it. It would be like getting mad at a shark for devouring a delicious fish.

  Well I might not get mad at the shark for following its instincts, but I could punch Brad out if he got too familiar with my wife. As I watched them from across the room I saw her laugh at something he said and then he leaned in and put a hand on her arm. It was a subtle move, the sort of thing that could be completely innocent under any other circumstances, but I knew what was going on here. This was Brad we were talking about. When he was talking with a pretty woman just about everything he did was calculated to reel her in.

  There wasn’t going to be any reeling if I had anything to do with it. I saw red. My entire body felt like it was on fire watching them putting their heads together like that. I also had another surprise. A stirring down between my legs. Now that was interesting. I was so pissed off that I got a hard on? That was a new one.

��Something wrong Edward?”

  Crap. That was old man Marshall talking to me. I wheeled back around and he smiled at me. He looked past me and I could tell the exact moment his eyes fell on Anne. It was always obvious when a guy was looking at my wife. His pupils dilated and his breathing picked up ever so slightly. His eyes moved up and down as he looked at the full package in that sexy tight black dress. His lips parted ever so slightly, though he didn’t go so far as to lick his lips at least. Some guys did.

  “Were you maybe thinking of going to see your lovely wife, Edward?” he asked, the look passing from his face almost as quickly as it had appeared. He looked at me and winked then leaned in close enough that only I could hear what he said. “With Brad talking to her I can’t say I’d blame you.”

  I blinked as I looked at Marshall. Had he really just said that? I guess the stories about Ross’s reputation were a bit more truthful than I’d thought if Marshall knew about them. That also might explain why Brad had been around for so long without getting the position he so desperately craved.

  “Yeah, I think I am going to go check on the missuz, but it’s been fun chatting with all of you,” I said.

  I broke free from the other junior associates. None of them seemed too sad to see me go. A couple of them were actually shooting me jealous looks, and why not? I’d just gotten a personal back and forth with the old man himself. Sure it was only the one sentence, but that was a lot more than most junior associates got. He also knew my name, which was something.

  I actually felt pretty damn good about myself as I made my way across the room to Anne. I figured it was one hell of a compliment that the old man was checking out my wife like that. After all, the trophy wife he always had on his arm was pretty good looking herself. She had to be to get the position of his wife, after all. I glanced around the room to see if I could catch a glimpse of her anywhere, those glimpses were always a lot of fun, but she was nowhere to be found.

  I did see several of the other trophy wives, though. Not that it was a bad thing. Most of them were pretty nice ladies on top of being pretty to look at. Most of them were also at least the second or third wives of the senior partners. I was pretty sure there was only one of them who was still on his first wife, and he didn’t really come to these social functions all that often.

  The fact that I had a first wife who was as wonderful as Anne was something of an outlier. Then again, it’s not like I married her just for her looks. She was also smart, kind, caring, and she really did have an innocence about her that I loved. She was also calculating, shrewd, and the perfect person to accompany me on my journey up the ladder at the firm. She was my partner in every way. We didn’t have any secrets from each other.

  When I reached them she looked up at me and smiled.

  “Hello honey,” she said. “I’ve just been talking to your friend Brad here about what it’s like working here at the firm. I can’t believe all the work you guys have to do!”

  Her eyes went wide and her voice took on a breathy quality that was so fucking hot. I smiled. I knew exactly what she was doing. Putting on an act for this guy’s benefit. It was obvious she didn’t know whether or not he was someone who could potentially help my career, and so she was standing here letting him butter her up on the off chance that it might help me out somewhere down the line.

  Like I said, she was pretty shrewd. Pretty sneaky when she wanted to be. I also breathed out a sigh of relief. I’m not sure why I worried about her actually being interested in Brad. It’s not like he had a chance in hell with her. She was mine, completely, and it was silly to worry about her going off with another guy.

  I also felt a little bit of a twitch in the brain down below at the idea of her with another guy. I had the image of her lying under Brad with him pumping away at her and I had to shake my head to clear that out.

  Where the hell did that come from?

  “So everything okay here?” I asked.

  That was code. If she had a problem or she really felt uncomfortable standing here talking with this guy, something I could understand completely given what a lech he was at times, then she would make an excuse and we’d go off together to another part of the room where she wouldn’t be bothered. It was a code we’d come up with for when we were out on the town together at bars or clubs back when we were dating, but we’d quickly discovered the code worked just as well here at these social gatherings with the firm as they did out at a club. Sure it wasn’t a very subtle code, but it worked.

  “Yup,” Anne said. She reached a hand out and ran it along my arm as she looked at Brad. “Brad was telling me all about life here at the firm. I think I’ll stay and chat with him for a little bit if you don’t mind.”

  I nodded and turned to look at the crowd. Anne was sending me off for a little while. There was something about Brad that interested her. I felt another stab of jealousy as well as a twitch in my cock as I thought about exactly what it might be that interested her so much.

  No, it wasn’t that. It couldn’t be the thing that interested all the legal assistants. Could it? I wasn’t going to think about that. I was going to go out and schmooze with some of the other senior partners. Getting a name check from Marshall was nice, but he wasn’t the only one who was in charge of the decision for a guy to reach partner status.

  No, there was a whole lot more ass to be kissed tonight, and that meant I needed to go out and work the room some more. I could talk with Anne about everything later, after the party. Plenty of time to talk things over then.

  2: Mysterious Stranger

  I looked around the room for a moment longer trying to find a target. I saw a cluster of senior partners standing in a circle with some of their wives with them. Oddly enough there weren’t any junior people around them. Usually they drew people at my level like flies to shit.

  If there wasn’t anyone at my level around that might mean they were busy having a conversation where lowly junior associates weren’t welcome. It could also just mean that so many senior partners standing around like that talking with one another was a bit intimidating for anyone who wanted to approach them.

  Well, fortune favors the bold. I figured I would at least approach and see what there was to see. So I walked up.

  They looked me over and one smiled. None of them pushed me away. I figured that was a good sign. Maybe I was the first one to actually have the balls to approach them all evening. A guy could hope.

  “Having a good evening?” I asked.

  “Definitely,” Mr. Roth said. “What was your name again? Edwin?”

  “Edward, sir,” I said. I held a hand out and he took it. As always he had his lovely wife, a brown haired beauty who could’ve been a model in her sparkling blue dress, on his arm. All of these men weren’t the typical type you’d imagine when you thought of senior partners at a law firm. Usually the type was pretty old and decrepit. Wrinkly. These guys were all older, but they all kept themselves in excellent shape as well. Anne had even commented on it a couple of times, saying that a couple of them even had a sexy older thing going like Sean Connery or George Clooney.

  Then again considering all the time they had for things like working out because they were busy making guys like me do all the actual work it should come as no surprise that they were all in pretty good shape. I suppose they’d have to be to keep up with those pretty young things on their arms.

  “So what brings you over here tonight Edward?” a second one, Mr. Thomas, said.

  “Well I saw all of you standing around chatting with one another and I figured there was a fifty/fifty that you were either chasing away all the associates or none of the associates were ballsy enough to come up and talk with you. Figured I’d take a chance it was the latter and not the former.”

  They all looked at each other and grinned. I suddenly felt like I’d made the right choice.

  “That was some good work you did on the Johnson account, Edward,” Mr. Thomas said. “That work you did gave me a day out on the yacht wi
th the missuz. I feel like I don’t get enough time with her sometimes.”

  “Oh come on poopsy,” a pretty redhead said. She looked like she could’ve been a professional cheerleader for an NFL team very recently. I could’ve sworn I’d seen her staring out from the television at some point wearing one of those skimpy uniforms. Hell, with as much money as these guys were bankrolling she could still be on the squad for all I knew. They had that much pull.

  “What? I enjoy spending time with my little schmoopsypie, don’t I Katelyn?” he said, leaning in to rub his nose against hers.

  Well then. I had to give them this. They seemed genuine in their affection for one another. There definitely wasn’t any of the coldness I’d expect from a couple who were only together because one was hot and the other was loaded. Then again I didn’t know much about trophy wife relations to begin with, so who was I to say anything on the matter?

  The other guys grinned and chuckled at this old man and the girl who was young enough to be his granddaughter giving each other eskimo kisses. I saw one of them turn and look at my own wife, and for a moment there was that look again. The brief up and down that told me he was looking and he was liking. I suppressed a shiver.

  Why was I getting worked up at the thought of these guys checking out my wife? What the heck was going on here?

  “So Edward,” the guy started to say, and then he shut up as someone else I didn’t recognize stepped into the group. A man who had tanned skin and a well trimmed beard. He waded into the middle of the senior partners as though he owned the place, but I couldn’t recall ever seeing him around the law office before.

  “Good evening gentlemen,” he said with a slight accent that I had a difficult time placing. Years of watching movies with actors from one country portraying actors from other countries had ruined my ability to tell one from the other unless it was something really obvious like someone from the UK. If I had to place this guy anywhere it would be Spanish, maybe, or somewhere south of the border perhaps. It was difficult to tell for sure.


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