Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  “What the hell is that?” she asked, her voice quiet.

  It’s funny. In a situation like this I always figured there would be more yelling and screaming. Instead her voice was level. It carried a menace that was downright terrifying and way more intimidating than any amount of yelling she could do.

  “Look, I know this is cliche but this isn’t what it looks like…”

  “You’re damn right that’s a fucking cliche,” she said. “What the hell are you doing with some other woman’s lipstick on your neck? What the fuck Edward! Is this what you meant when you said you were out working late? What’s her name? Is your idea of working late getting your dick sucked by one of the whores working in your department? How long has this been going on?”

  “Anne! Seriously, that’s not what’s going on here! Would you just stop and listen to me for a minute? Can we talk this out please?”

  Anne crossed her arms under her breasts which had the added effect of pushing them up to the point that they almost burst free from her towel. I couldn’t help but stare for a moment, and she shook her head and rolled her eyes as she realized exactly where I was looking.

  “What? Didn’t get enough earlier when you were with whoever left those lipstick stains on your shirt?”

  “Damn it Anne!”

  I slapped my hand down on the dresser and Anne jumped. I hated that I made her jump like that, but at the same time I needed to get her attention and she wasn’t giving me a chance to get a word in edgewise. It was infuriating. I had her attention now, though. The surprise only lasted a moment and then her eyes narrowed again and it was obvious that whatever I was about to say better be good or this would be the end of our marriage.

  I sighed. I’d gotten myself into this situation. I was the one who was curious about what Felix did even though I had a pretty good idea that it was something slightly nefarious. I just couldn’t have imagined what it actually was.

  And in that moment I decided that the best course of action would be to just tell the truth. There was nothing else for it. I would tell the truth and hope that my wife trusted me enough to believe me once the truth was out. It was either that or it was quitsville for us, and I really didn’t want that to happen.

  Though on the bright side I could go back to that club and bang all the hot trophy wives I wanted with a clean conscience if that happened. Silver lining and all that.

  No. I wouldn’t think that way. I wanted to keep my relationship with my wife, damn it!

  “Okay, so where were you tonight that you got lipstick on your shirt? I’m very curious to see what sort of excuse you’ve worked up for this.”

  I took a deep breath. Let it out. This wasn’t going to sound good, but I had to tell her everything. The woman was like a living lie detector sometimes. Particularly when I was trying to get away with something. That was the down side of living with someone who knew you better than any other person on the planet.

  “I was at a club that was sort of related to office stuff,” I said.

  Anne arched an eyebrow. “A club. That was sort of related to office stuff. You really expect me to believe that?”

  “Well it’s the truth!”

  “Okay then. Let’s assume for a moment you’re telling the truth and you were at a club. Doing office stuff at this club. How did doing office stuff at the club end with you getting lipstick on your collar like that? Because that’s sure as hell not like any office I’ve ever heard of.”

  “Well it started with this Felix guy,” I said.


  “He’s a guy I met at the office party we were at last Friday,” I said. “I was talking with him while you were busy getting drunk with that Brad asshole and hanging on every word he had to say.”

  A little bit of heat came to my voice at that. I knew it was the wrong reaction to have in the moment, but that mix of anger at the thought of her with Brad coupled with an insane amount of lust at the thought of what she might do with him took over and bled into my voice.

  She reacted about how I expected. “The guy who has lipstick on his collar doesn’t get to be too upset about me talking with a guy at his work. The two are a little different in terms of scale, you know.”

  I sighed. “I know. Felix is a guy who runs this club called Hedonism and some of the senior guys at work…”


  I’d like to say there was a sudden chill in the room, but that wasn’t quite the right way to describe it. Anne sounded pissed off, to be sure. It was obvious she’d heard of this place before, and it was even more obvious that she wasn’t too happy about the idea of me going there. I wondered how the hell she knew about it when I didn’t, but that was a question for later.

  No, of more interest was the way she was also leaning forward. Her lips were parted slightly and her breathing picked up. Almost the same way she reacted when she knew we were about to get down in a marital way, if you catch my drift. She might be trying to act like she was upset at the idea of me going to this place, but there was no doubt in my mind that she was also intrigued at the prospect of this place. Evidently its reputation preceded it.

  “Yeah, it’s a club where…”

  “It’s some sort of wild club where they say anything goes,” she said. “I know a couple of girls at work who’ve been there before. They said it was crazy dancing and drinking and all sorts of stuff like that, and they didn’t really want to talk about it all that much. What the hell were you doing there and what did it have to do with your work?”

  I let out a small sigh of relief. Very small. I didn’t want her to see me sighing in relief and wondering why I was relieved, after all. If she only thought the place was a club with dancing and all that good stuff then she obviously had no idea what really went on there. I wondered if her friends from work had brought their husbands to that place. Maybe they were a little more open in their relationships than they were willing to let on, considering they hadn’t told my wife the whole truth.

  “I guess a lot of the senior partners are there. I thought it would be a good way to get ahead, and then Kathryn Thomas started hitting on me hardcore.”

  “Kathryn Thomas? You mean the redheaded cheerleader?”

  “Was she a cheerleader? I always wondered about that. I mean she has the figure for it and everything, but…”

  A look at my wife, particularly at how annoyed she was with my every word, was enough to shut me up. Probably not a good idea to go into whether or not th hot girl hitting on me was actually a cheerleader in the past. Just like it wouldn’t be a good idea to show too much enthusiasm talking about the woman.

  “Right. Well she hit on me and I shut her down. That’s how the lipstick got there. She was really laying it on thick, and she must’ve gotten a kiss in on my collar before I pushed her away.”

  “The bitch,” Anne muttered. “She probably did that on purpose just to make me jealous when you got back here.”

  I blinked. Stared at my wife good and hard. “So does that mean you believe me?”

  “It means that I had a chat with her at one of those company parties awhile back and she told me how lucky I was to have a guy like you. I wouldn’t put it past her to try something like that. The spoiled bitch.”

  This time I didn’t bother hiding the sigh of relief. Anne believed me. Sort of. At any rate it didn’t seem like our marriage was over. That was a plus as far as I was concerned.

  Anne stood and made her way back towards the bathroom. I was distracted for a moment by the way her delicious ass swayed in her towel. With the way her legs never seemed to end before they went up to where I could just see the gentle curve of her ass peeking out from the bottom along with maybe a wisp or two of hair protecting her ultimate treasure. The treasure I’d been thinking of other men plundering for the past few days.

  “We’re going to have to do something about this,” Anne said. “Do you remember how to get to that club?”

  Relief turned to panic. She couldn’t possibly be
serious. Sure Anne had a jealous streak in her and she could get pissy when it came to keeping me from other women, but the last thing we should do was go back to that club.

  “I really don’t think that’s a good idea, babe,” I said. “I’ll just go in and get fired like a good boy tomorrow. I’ll find a new job where I’m not expected to fuck other women to get ahead.”

  Anne turned around and there was a sharp look in her eyes that told me no amount of talking was going to get me out of this. She was pissed off. It was a look I recognized all too well. And she was going to get her revenge on the woman she thought slighted her.

  “Trust me, we’re not putting up with any of this. I’m going to go have a chat with these people. If you’re getting fired anyways it shouldn’t matter, right?”

  Yeah, no getting out of this at all. Her face softened and she grinned.

  “And stop acting like fucking that girl would be some huge sacrifice you had to make for the sake of your job. Staying late working is a sacrifice. Fucking a former pro football cheerleader is not.”

  With that she turned and disappeared into the bathroom, presumably to get ready for a night on the town that would be very interesting indeed if we managed to get into the club. Not that I thought it was very likely they’d let us in.

  Not to mention I had her words to think of. When she said that it was almost as though she was giving me permission to have some fun with the sexy Kathryn, all in the name of keeping my job.

  Nah, that was impossible. A nice thought, but impossible. We were going to go to the club, Anne was going to cause a scene, and I was going to get fired for sure. And despite all that I still couldn’t help but think that fucking other guys’ trophy wives was the least of the pleasures that club had to offer. I kept thinking about how interesting it would be to be one of the guys on the balcony level looking down on a room where Anne was having her way with some guy.

  Talk about a fucked up night in the making.

  10: Back to the Scene

  I prepared myself for the worst as we stepped up to the very same door I’d been at just a few hours ago. I glanced over to Anne. She looked positively radiant in a little black dress that formed itself to her body perfectly. Every dangerous curve of her body was proudly on display for anyone who wanted to look, and believe you me I’d seen several guys ogling her as we made the walk from our apartment down to the club.

  That was one of the benefits of having an apartment downtown close to work rather than living in the ‘burbs like some of the people at the office. It meant the high class sex club that all the senior partners participated in was also close to home since it was close to work.

  “I don’t think this is going to work,” I said. “I had one invitation and I’m pretty sure I blew it.”

  “We’ll see about that,” she said. “This button here?”

  I nodded and she hit the buzzer. I looked up and a camera moved to focus on both of us. The same voice I’d heard earlier piped through the intercom, though she didn’t sound quite as welcoming now as she had when I first arrived. I wondered if that was because I was in the shit with the owner or because I was with my wife.

  “What do you want? No readmittance for non-members.”

  “You’ll readmit me honey,” Anne said with more than a touch of irritation entering into her voice. “If you know what’s good for you. I need to have a conversation with a husband stealer in there, and you either unlock this door or I break it down.”

  Well then. That wasn’t a promising start to the evening at all.

  “Honey, maybe you should…”

  “No, maybe I shouldn’t,” Anne said. She looked up at the camera again. “They’re going to let us in. Isn’t that right?”

  Much to my surprise the door clicked and Anne pulled it open. She turned around to fix me with a look that could only be described as “I told you so” and then she was slipping past me through the door. I barely managed to catch it in time to get in myself. That would’ve been embarrassing if she managed to get us in and I let the door slam shut on me.

  We were in the same room as before. The same girl sat behind the desk, though I couldn’t for the life of me remember her name. I was bad about names on the best of nights. On a night when I’d been to a secret sex club, gotten hit on by one of my boss’s trophy wives, then nearly had an argument that could’ve ended my marriage? Well let’s just say the name of some hot girl behind a desk at said sex club was the last thing on my mind.

  The girl seemed to remember me, though. She smiled a sweet smile and stood to lean over the desk, giving me a nice view of her breasts. She glanced at Anne and her look was suddenly much less welcoming.

  “Edward,” she positively crooned. “So good to have you back at the club. I heard you had so much fun the first time around.”

  “Stuff it slut,” Anne said. “If you think you’re going to get me with that act then you have another thing coming.”

  The smile disappeared immediately. The girl stared daggers at my wife. Oh yeah, she wasn’t happy about having someone talk to her like that. She probably never had to deal with an unsatisfied customer considering the sort of thing they got up to at this place. I’m sure this was a whole new side of customer service that the insanely hot girl, whatever the hell her name was, had never had to deal with.

  Welcome to the real world.

  Before the verbal sparring between the lovely ladies could go much farther someone appeared from down the hall leading to the elevator. None other than Felix himself, and he had the same ingratiating and welcoming smile on his face that I’d seen earlier. Only this time around he paused to look my wife up and down while he kept that smile on his face, and it was obvious this was a man looking at a woman he was very interested in.

  I’m not sure if that made me turned on or worried considering the kind of club we were at. Sure it was possible he was just doing a professional appraisal considering the product he was selling at this place was space for people to get it on with other people’s wives and my wife was one hot commodity when it came to that market, but there was something about his look that said this was personal. Not business.

  I shivered thinking about the possibilities there. Once more I was faced with the fact that there were other men in the world who would very much love the opportunity to fuck my wife. Once more I was faced with the confusing fact that I would very much love to watch those men fuck my wife even though it went against everything I’d ever been told about how a monogamous marriage was supposed to work.

  “Edward. Anne. So good to see the two of you back at my little club,” he said.

  Anne, for her part, seemed to be brought up short for the first time that evening. She’d been a boiling pot of rage on the walk over her and while she was talking with the receptionist, but now that she was confronted with Felix she stopped short and stared. Not that I could blame her. He was an attractive man, and he had that accent that was difficult to place but tailor made to moisten panties. It seemed he might be moistening Anne’s panties.

  Though I knew for a fact she was wearing a thong tonight. I’d snuck into the bathroom and caught that part of her outfit before she yelled at me to get out. Ah, memories.

  “Um, how do you now my name?” Anne finally asked when she seemed to regain some control of her faculties. Not all, mind you. No, I could see the way her nipples were straining against her dress, even with that jet black material. Felix seemed to notice as well, and if Anything Anne puffed her chest out more when she noticed him noticing her.

  Damn. This might get out of control pretty damn fast. I had to remember that we were dealing with a professional here. A man who was endlessly skilled in the seduction game. It wouldn’t do to underestimate him. Especially with the way he was staring at Anne and with all that talk he’d given me about how a woman like her needed to be seduced properly.

  It was a confusing push and pull between dreading the idea of her being seduced properly and loving the idea.

p; “Oh but I have had many conversations with your husband about you. Truly it’s a pleasure to finally be introduced to your loveliness properly,” he said. “I am Felix. Proprietor of this little club.”

  He leaned down and took her hand. Before she could react, hell before I could react, he’d brushed his lips against her wrist. She got a goofy grin on her face as he did that and even shivered just a little. It seemed she might be more into the idea of this guy putting the moves on her than what she wanted to let on. Of course she almost immediately got herself under control. She frowned and pulled her hand away, but I’d seen that shiver. She was into it even if she didn’t want to look like she was into it.

  “I’ve heard all about your little club,” she said.

  Felix raised an eyebrow. “Have you, then? I’m surprised. It’s a very exclusive location.”

  He really did seem genuinely surprised. Maybe some of the people at his club were more willing to blab than he thought. That could be a problem for business if word got out about what this place was really about. Either because moral crusaders would come sniffing around trying to shut the place down or because they’d suddenly have so many people beating down their doors that it overwhelmed the exclusive atmosphere.

  “I’ve had friends who came here. They told me all about the wild dancing and stuff that goes on here,” Anne said.

  Felix smiled. It was obvious he knew in that moment that Anne didn’t really know a damned thing about what really went on in this place.

  “Right. Perhaps I should give you the same tour I gave your husband earlier? I can assure you that you might find what we do here more to your liking than you let on,” he said. He put a hand on the small of her back and gestured for her to follow him to the elevator with his free hand, glancing over his shoulder at me and winking where Anne couldn’t see.

  “Of course your husband is more than welcome to come along as well. Unless you’d like him to stay down here and keep Talia company?”


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