Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel Page 19

by Lexi Archer

  It looked like he was reaching out to try and steady her, but in the process of steadying her I noticed that the parts of her anatomy he decided to grab onto for steadying included her tits and her ass. I scowled at him and he looked over, realized we were together, and quickly disappeared back into the crowd.

  And despite how pissed off I was at that quick run and grab disguised as a stumble, I also had to admit that my cock twitched seeing a guy grabbing Lindsay like that. Running his hand along her body. Apparently my cock didn't care what the circumstances were, all it cared about was that it was fucking hot knowing a guy was that turned on by my wife, that a guy was touching her like that. I reached out a hand to help steady her and she turned to look at me with a disbelieving blink.

  "What just happened there?"

  "I think I just won the bet babe," I said as I pulled her out to deeper water. It got to the point where she was having trouble keeping her head above the water and so I pulled her towards me. She wrapped her legs around me down below and her arms around me up above.

  I loved the feeling of her body pressing against me. I loved feeling her slim stomach against my own, and more than anything I loved feeling her pussy grinding against me through my swim trunks. More than anything I was starting to enjoy the effect the water had on that thin white bikini she was wearing. The material was thin enough that it became almost translucent as soon as the water hit it.

  I glanced down and was treated to the clear outline of her nipples pressing out and I was pretty sure it was because she was turned on and not because she was cold. It would be difficult to be cold in this weather and in this warm water. I decided not to say anything for the moment. I'd let her realize just how much of a show she was giving with that bikini, and in the meantime I figured I'd enjoy watching other people enjoying the show she was putting on.

  "What do you mean you just won the bet?" she asked.

  I arched an eyebrow as I moved my hands down to cup her ass. "Do you really not realize what that guy just did?"

  "Was it a guy? I didn't even see," Lindsay said, though I could tell from the expression on her face that she knew exactly what had just happened and was keeping quiet because she didn't want to lose.

  "Yes it was a guy!" I said. "And he was acting like he lost his footing so he could cop a feel!"

  Lindsay shrugged. "I didn't see him, it happened too fast. Plus there's always a chance it was an accident. That's not a win."

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. I was starting to get tired of her dodging the issue every time it seemed like I was on the brink of victory, but I could be patient. We still had most of the day to go, and I'd seen the way people were eyeing her. Hell, seeing the way guys had been eyeing her as we walked down into the water had been enough to send me into a sexual frenzy. And having her pressing her pussy against my cock with only the thin material of our swimsuits to separate us definitely wasn't helping matters at all!

  I was so ridiculously turned on that I felt like I was about to blow my load just from grinding against her in the water. That wasn't a good thing. I definitely wanted to have my cock at full attention while I was enjoying the sights. While I was enjoying other people enjoying the sight of my wife.

  "Okay seriously," she said. "What's going on here? Why are you so obsessed with this bet? Why are you suddenly so obsessed with men checking me out? Is this something that's going to become a thing now that we're married? Because it's not cool."

  I felt panic rising inside me that had nothing to do with potentially losing the bet. No, suddenly with as angry as she was I was worried about potentially losing my wife! Definitely not what I'd angled for when I'd made the stupid bet in the first place.

  Only now I was in a difficult situation. If I didn't tell her about the raging monster that had gotten me so interested in this bet, so interested in the idea of other men being interested in her, then I was risking my marriage and we weren't even a day into the thing! And yet at the same time if I told her why I was so turned on by the idea of other men being interested in her then I'd still be risking my relationship in a very real way. It was one hell of a conundrum.

  I sighed. I was caught. I was in the middle of one hell of a difficult scenario that I'd made for myself. And there was only one thing I could do. Be completely honest with her.

  "You really want to know what's going on?"

  "You're damn right I do!"

  "Do you promise not to get mad?"

  Lindsay leaned in and kissed me. She looked at me, locked eyes with me, her own eyes moving back and forth as she searched.

  "What could possibly be so bad that it would make me get angry with you on our wedding day of all days?"

  I took in a deep breath and sighed, and if anything the worry on her face seemed to be growing. It seemed like not telling her was almost worse than just getting it over with. So I opened my mouth. I let it all come out.

  "Ever since that thing in the changing room yesterday I've been getting turned on by the idea of other guys checking you out," I said.

  There. It was out. I'd confessed my ridiculous fantasy to her. Now the only question was how badly was she going to take it? How bad was the blowup going to be? Was she going to go for an annulment right off the bat or would she try to make things work before she eventually divorced me?

  I looked at her with trepidation. Wondering what I was going to see there. I figured she would be angry, pissed off, ready to leave me right there. Maybe slap me even. The last thing I expected was a casual interest on her face. A cocked eyebrow that said she was definitely more curious than pissed off about what I'd just told her.

  "Can you run that by me again babe?"

  And I noticed something as she asked that question. A subtle motion down under the water. A subtle motion where she was grinding her pussy against my cock. My cock which was rock hard after that confession despite how terrified I'd been in making the confession. And now that it was out I found my hard on raging.

  I sighed. "I saw that guy Winston watching you yesterday in the changing room and it kind of turned me on."

  "Yeah, I saw that too," she said. And the rubbing picked up a little more. I thought I felt a shiver running through her. A tiny shudder. "He was good looking for an older dude, and that did feel kind of naughty having him watching me like that…"

  I blinked. She thought he was good looking for an older dude? Interesting. I was terrible at telling things like male attractiveness but I figured Lindsay was a pretty good judge of that sort of thing considering she was with me. Maybe there was more than just money to Winston landing a chick as hot as his trophy wife.

  "It's not just that," I said. This was just pouring out of me now that I'd confessed. "There were guys checking you out on the plane and it had me so fucking turned on!"

  Her eyes narrowed. "Is that why you were so turned on? Why you were trying to get me to join the mile high club?"

  I grinned sheepishly. "Guilty as charged."

  This time she did smack me, though it was on the chest and it was more a playful smack than anything else. The smile never left her face.

  "You naughty boy! Naughtier than I ever could've imagined…"

  "So you're not going to leave me?" I asked.

  Her grinding was picking up in intensity. "Leave you? Now why would I do a silly thing like that? Especially after you just revealed such an interesting fantasy…"

  Now it was my turn to look surprised. It was my turn to cock an eyebrow as I looked up at her, locked eyes with her and tried to figure out if she was joking or not.

  "Interesting fantasy?" I asked.

  She shrugged as she grinned. "You just said you got turned on by the idea of me fucking other guys! What girl wouldn't be at least a little intrigued by that?"

  "So you'd be open to the idea?"

  Shit! Why did I go and say a thing like that? It was one thing to have a fantasy like this strictly where it belonged in the realm of fantasy. It was another thing entirely to have the fantasy be
something that could potentially become reality. Even though my cock was throbbing at the idea of the fantasy becoming reality at the same time my brain was screaming in shivering terror, saying that this was a horrible idea that could potentially explode our relationship, our marriage, just as it was getting started!

  Lindsay tapped a finger against her lips. That was a sign she was actually considering something. And that she was actually considering this terrified me even as it turned me on. Then she smiled.

  "Consider it? Maybe. Actually go through with it? Well that would depend."

  The waves rocked around us moving us back and forth even as she continued grinding her pussy back and forth against my cock. My mouth felt dry. "On?"

  "On how serious you were," she said. "We're kind of playing with fire here you know."

  And so I thought about it. It really thought about it. Really seriously consider the implications of what I was asking her to do. We'd only just been married this morning and here I was in the middle of the ocean after making a bet with her over guys being attracted to her that was motivated in no small part by this ridiculous fantasy, and now I'd confessed this ridiculous fantasy that could potentially destroy us.

  Yet despite the fact that this fantasy could potentially destroy us all I could feel was a raging arousal. A burning desire. I couldn't explain it, but I was a slave to that burning desire. I couldn't help myself. I didn't know if I wanted to help myself. I was that turned on by just sitting here in the water with her subtly grinding her pussy against my cock talking about the idea of her getting with another man.

  And that she was actually intrigued by the idea and not slapping me and demanding an annulment right away just made it that much more interesting.

  How did I really feel about the idea of sharing her? Well, it made me feel lightheaded. It made me feel like I was on fire. It made me feel harder than I'd ever been before in my life. And more than anything it was filling me with an overwhelming desire to see it happen.

  "I'd be open to the idea," I said.

  She looked at me again, a long deep and searching look before she opened her mouth and spoke. "If you'd be open to it then I'd be open to it."

  It was done. The die was cast. I'd thrown out my fantasy and it turns out she was into it. I don't know if I should feel relieved or terrified that she was into it, but it was too late to think about that now. I felt like we were barreling forward into something that could destroy us, but at the same time I was powerless to stop it from happening.

  "So where do we go from here?"

  "I think we just need to see how things play out," she said.

  I grinned. That seemed like a good way to handle it. It didn't commit us to anything, there was a possibility we could go this entire vacation or for weeks, months, years without this actually happening. Something about the strength of this desire told me that I would go absolutely insane if I actually had to wait that long, but still. It was comforting to the more rational part of my brain to have that potential wait in place even as my cock and my id were screaming for satisfaction now.

  "I think that sounds good," I said.

  11: The Boat

  Unfortunately for the terrified rational part of my brain but fortunately for my cock which was very curious about where this was going to go it wasn't long at all before we found ourselves in a situation to really test the bet and our new agreement.

  It was only a few minutes later that we heard the sound of a motor. A boat pulled up close to shore and close to us and shut the engine off. The thing was a decent size, one of those speed boat types that looked like it had an area below decks as well as the stuff up top. What looked like a mirrored window running the length of the boat's stern just added to that impression of a hidden area down below. And just like I'd seen earlier a couple of guys, different from the ones I'd seen before, called out to people in the water.

  "Hey ladies! Who wants to go for a boat ride?"

  Lindsay looked at me and I saw a twinkle in her eye.

  "So what do you think babe? Want to test out the bet with these guys?"

  I paused and thought about that. It was abundantly clear what she meant by "testing the bet" and it had a whole new meaning now that we'd had our conversation about my fantasy. Still despite being on the edge of maybe fulfilling that fantasy I hesitated. Hanging out on the beach together was one thing, but hopping onto a strange boat with a couple of guys was another thing entirely. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea. There were horror movies that started like that.

  I looked over to the boat and tried to get a good look at the guys who were calling out to the crowd and using the boat to try and pull in some unattached ladies. I also noticed Lindsay was staring at them pretty intently which piqued my interest.

  There were two guys on the boat and both looked pretty muscular. Both looked to be about the same age as us, though when I saw their clothes I revised that estimate down by a couple of years. One of them wore a suit that had some sort of Greek letters on it which meant they were probably fraternity guys. I had no idea which letters they were or which frat they were from, but just knowing they were in a frat was enough to give me pause.

  I looked back to Lindsay and the rational side of my brain was screaming even as my cock twitched against her. I knew that look.

  "We said we wanted to go on a boat," Lindsay said. "This is a way to do it for free and maybe have a little fun!"

  "I don't know. You know what they use those boats for honey…"

  She arched an eyebrow. "Really? Please tell me what they use those boats for. I have no idea!"

  I decided she was being sarcastic, but I was going to go ahead and tell her anyways. Rational me was in control for the moment, though he was in very real danger of losing out to aroused me who was screaming to just go along with this newfound opportunity.

  "The kind of guys who try to get random girls to hop on their boat are the kind of guys who are trying to get random girls alone on those boats so they can get drunk and do what happens with guys and girls who are alone on a boat out in the middle of the ocean drunk. Do you really think that's appropriate?"

  Lindsay rolled her eyes. "I figured you'd be happy if that's what those guys are out for."

  I blinked. "What are you talking about?"

  "Well if those guys are really only interested in getting girls out in the ocean to fuck them and they invite us on their boat then that means you win your bet and we get to try out your fantasy!"

  I shook my head. This was going fast. Faster than I was comfortable with. Slower than my twitching cock wanted. I was a confusing jumble of emotions now that the moment was upon us and there was a very real chance some of my more forbidden fantasies could be fulfilled. Plus I didn't figure those dudes would want me along for the ride anyways and the last thing I wanted was Lindsay going off on the ocean all on her own with a couple of strangers. That was dangerous for her and it ruined the component of the fantasy where I really wanted to watch.

  "I'm not going to win my bet if it means you're going out on a boat all alone with those guys," I said. "There's not a chance in hell they're going to invite me along."

  Lindsay smiled. "So if they do invite you along that means they're not just interested in getting me alone to fuck me, right?"


  To be perfectly honest I was distracted by her talking so candidly about other guys wanting to fuck her. It was a big change from just five minutes ago before we had that conversation. It was overwhelming my good senses. Good senses that were telling me this was too much too soon. That I needed to put my foot down and say no before this went any further. That we needed to find an opportunity to explore this nice and slow where there was no danger of someone getting hurt, as though it was really possible to explore this fantasy without that ever present danger.

  Only Lindsay took the decision out of my hands before I had a chance to tell her I didn't think this was a very good idea.

  "Come on honey," she said. "Let's
go for a ride on a boat!"

  And then she was splashing off towards the boat. She was a stronger swimmer than me and she already had a head start so I knew she'd be talking to them before I could get over there. Damn it. And I had a pretty good idea of exactly what kind of "boat ride" those guys would like my wife to be taking with them!

  By the time I splashed over she was already talking with the guys.

  "Sure you can come!" One of them said. He had dark shaggy hair that was completely dry despite the fact that they were on a boat in the middle of the fucking ocean. He was pretty good-looking with broad shoulders and a muscular chest. I was immediately suspicious. I was especially suspicious of the way he was staring at my wife even as I was turned on by his intense scrutiny. Okay, so it seemed that I also had some jealousy issues to work through if this fantasy was going to be a real thing even if it was the jealousy that was precisely what made it so hot in the first place.

  "Great!" Lindsay said. She turned around and gestured for me to go towards the boat. I swam over and started climbing the ladder but stopped at a hostile glare from the blonde one.

  "Whoa! Wait just one minute," second guy said. This one had blonde hair. It was cut pretty close and he had bright blue eyes. He wasn't quite as broad shouldered as the first one, but it was obvious he stayed in shape. Both of these frat types looked like they spent more time in the gym than they did hitting the books. At least that had been my experience with the frat types I knew from my own classes when I was still in school.

  "What's the problem?" Lindsay asked.

  "We said you could come, we didn't say anything about your buddy here," blonde said.

  Lindsay turned to me and grinned. I knew exactly what she was thinking. She was thinking that Blondie's reaction came suspiciously close to what I'd warned her about. I couldn't help but fix her with a smile of my own. She stuck her tongue out at me and then winked. Obviously she wasn't quite as upset about the idea of losing this bet now that she knew what some of the underpinnings of said bet were.


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