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Bereft Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  I pulled him into my room. “Shut up, Chad. Just shut up.” His lips were on mine before I could blink. He was so tall he had to bend over. His arms easily went around my waist. He moved his tongue gradually, as if he was testing the waters. When my hands touched his bare chest his body felt hot and rock hard. His kisses seemed suggestive, allowing me to sample what else he might be good at. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and let my own glide against it. It was warm, inviting even. I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted him closer, even though we were already touching.

  Without warning, he picked me up in his arms, carrying me over to the bed. There was no time to tell him to go somewhere else. When I dropped down on the mattress, I was silently pleading for him to join me. I sat up, tugging on the button of his trousers. He stopped me and lifted my chin with one finger. “Are you sure you want this?”

  I nodded, reaching for another kiss.

  “What if your husband comes back?”

  “Don’t talk.”

  His lips brushed over mine leisurely. It was obvious he knew what he was doing. This person I’d considered a kid was proving me wrong. His touch was electric. Like a shock to my broken heart, he coursed his mouth over my neck, his tongue tracing lines as he went. I closed my eyes and felt nothing but pleasure. The pain ripping through me was dissipated. Though temporary, it was working. I wanted this. I needed to feel wanted. This man desired me. He was with me, and he was enjoying himself.

  I didn’t fight it when he lifted my tank top over my head. He held it up in the air, only visible by the light of the moon coming in through the large double window. When it dropped, I swear it moved in slow motion. His lips were on mine again, sucking on my bottom lip, pulling it until I wanted to cry out, then finally letting go. He drug his teeth down my neck, breathing deeply so it tickled. Both hands massaged my breasts. When I moved my hands to touch him, he took them and raised them above my head. I closed my eyes, feeling every inch of skin he was caressing.

  My nipples were oversensitive. He licked over one, sucking the whole mound into his mouth. I could feel him circling his tongue over the tip, then biting it before letting go. He paused, blowing cool air over it. Using his thumb, he grazed it again, sending pins and needles throughout my body. My back arched as he repeated the process on the opposite side.

  With my arms above my head, he traveled down lower, kissing my abdomen. He drove his tongue into my belly button, at the same time pinching my nipples. My pussy pulsated, like it was awaiting his attention. His strong hands worked their way down my hips. He latched his fingers over the elastic and tugged my shorts off my ankles, taking my panties with them.

  I could feel I was naked without bringing my hands down to check. Chad reached over and turned on a light located on the nightstand. My hands came down over my breasts, feeling overexposed, and needing immediate coverage. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I need to see all of you. Sex in the dark is impersonal. I need to see your pussy as I eat it. I want to watch your face when I take you to the brink, and then witness you falling apart, and when we fuck, I’m going to watch my dick sliding inside your wet cunt.”

  I was panting. His words left me terrified. I’d never been so subjected, yet I wanted him to continue. I wanted to shove his face between my legs and beg him to get started. “What are you waiting for?”

  He smiled while narrowing his gaze on his next pit stop. I inhaled and waited for his tongue to touch my bare skin. He ran his thumbs over a patch of hair over my pussy, massaging my clit as he worked his way down. He parted my lips, watching me watching him do it. That smile remained on his face. He sucked my pussy into his mouth, tugging while applying pressure with his tongue. I bucked, shocked my body would react so wildly. Chad’s dark hair was all I was able to see when I looked down. He was lapping me up, taking his time with every inch of my tender area.

  I still couldn’t believe this was happening. Not only was I being pleasured, almost forced to forget my problems, but he was absolving my marriage. I’d decided it was over, but this made it final. There was no going back. The further I let Chad go, the more I knew I was headed for divorce. Seven years of marriage had been thrown down the tubes. All I could do now was look to the future.

  My first orgasm was anything but anticlimactic. My toes curled. My body trembled, and I screamed out, so loud I was sure the neighbors across the street could hear. Chad lifted his head, while placing gentle kisses all over my spent pussy. “There’s no turning back now, Rach.” Did he really think I’d stop him after that display?

  “I know.” His lips came up to mine, and quickly he had me in his arms. His unfastened pants where lingering on his hips. I took my feet and shoved them down, leaving only a pair of boxers left between seeing what else he had been hiding from me. I could feel his stiff erection poking me as we kissed.

  I was so horny – ready to pounce like a cat in heat. This younger man wanted to ravage me and I was prepared to let him. I could just lie back and take it all in, but I wanted to participate. When he was finished I wanted him to look back at our time together and say it was amazing.

  Chad shoved his boxers down. We were too close for me to peek, but again, I could already feel that there was quite a bit of length involved. He bent down and took out his wallet, ripping a package and pulling out a rubber. “You come prepared.”

  “I like to be safe, Rach.”

  “I can appreciate that.” It wouldn’t have bothered me if he wasn’t. I was at a point in my life where I wasn’t sure I wanted to live another day in agony.

  After he’d applied his protection, he picked me up and carried me over to the dresser. He sat my ass on the edge, pressing his hard cock between my legs. He rubbed it around, teasing my clit with the hot tip.

  I was soaked – so much that I assumed he’d think it was weird. I couldn’t ever remember being this turned on. I felt like I needed to grab a towel and wipe off already.

  Chad groaned when he discovered my predicament. “How does it make you feel to know I did this you?”

  “Good,” I cooed.

  “I want to fuck you so bad. My dick feels like it’s going to explode.” He lifted me, forcing me to stand in front of him. He led me over to the bed and bent me over the edge. “I need to see that ass.” He began rubbing both cheeks. “Oh yeah. I knew it would be perfect the first time I saw you walk by me.” He slapped my left cheek hard. I gasped, shocked he’d done it. When I said nothing he did it again, this time rubbing the underneath of my pussy. I felt fingers going inside of me, and then something touching my ass. I straightened my body, twisting around to face him. “Don’t.”

  He cackled. “Don’t what? Come on. Let me play.”

  I looked down, prepared to scorn him until I saw what he had waiting for me. My mouth dropped. I knew he had a perfect body, but I swore he’d lack a certain girth down below.

  I was dead wrong.

  He was hung like a fucking farm animal, and he knew it too. A half-smile formed in the corner of his lips. “What’s wrong? Too big for that supple ass?”

  “Too big for everything.”

  “Turn back around. I promise I won’t hurt you. When I fuck you, you’ll beg for more. I promise.”

  I don’t know why I trusted him. My breathing was heavy. I could feel my heart having palpitations. I pressed my face against the mattress, with my ass remaining in the air.

  He spread my legs, and then my pussy lips. I felt something cold hitting the hole in my ass, then a finger spreading it around. He’d spit there, and as he circled his finger around it, my pussy quivered. “Holy shit. Don’t stop.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You heard me,” I said with chattering teeth. I was nervous, yet prepared, scared, yet satisfied. It made no sense.

  He penetrated my asshole, shoving his finger in as far as it would go. He kept at it, driving it deep then removing it. I could barely keep my knees from buckling.

  Just when I was about to lose control, I fel
t pressure on my pussy. His thick shaft was making it’s entrance. I sucked in a full breath as it slid inside me. He was so large it squeezed against my tight walls. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been intimate with Grayson, and I wondered if Chad could tell. He moaned and said things under his breath. I heard ‘oh my God’ several times. He thrust in and out until he was able to fit his whole cock inside of me. It was uncomfortable at first, the friction making it bearable. His finger started moving again, this time triple the speed. Being penetrated in both holes was a magnificent discovery. My body tightened up immediately and I exploded with another orgasm.

  Chad didn’t break for air. He spun me around and leaned forward to suck on one of my nipples. He bit the tip, so hard I was sure he drew blood. I screeched and sucked in a deep breath of air, only to realize the pain had quickly changed to pleasure. He pinched the opposite nipple, coming up to tease me with his tongue. I sucked it into my mouth, turning his taunting into a full-blown kiss.

  Chad ran his hand through my hair, gripping a large chuck to hold my head longer. He was in control of our make out session, and I was completely okay with it.

  With no hands, he teased my pussy with his dick. He gave it a shove and slid right inside. Immediately I was filled, and as he got into a groove I found myself jerking my hips to match his pace. He started doing it harder, slapping our bodies together. I wrapped my legs around his ass and moved opposite of him, making our contact more powerful. I was soaked, and each time we slapped together it made a noise. It was sticky, catching my clit and pulling it just enough to add to my euphoria. He held onto my thighs and really went to town. I could tell he was getting close. His face tensed, and his pattern was unhinged. Then I felt his fingernails digging into my ass cheeks. Once again I felt slicing pain, then a rush of rapture.

  We were both shaking afterwards, maybe for two complete reasons. My marriage was over. I’d made sure of it. I’d slept with a co-worker; one I’d previously hated with a passion. Now the only passion he’d given me was in bed.

  I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  I ended up doing the latter, and Chad climbed up in the bed and held me until I was able to fall asleep. He said nothing – he didn’t need to. He knew I was having regrets. He knew inside I was a mess, and that I would hate myself before I could learn to accept there were things in life I’d never be able to change.

  Chapter 12


  That next morning I woke up still in the same clothes as the previous night. After Rachel kicked me out of the house, claiming our marriage was a thing of the past, I drove by several times, hoping to find the Porsche gone from the driveway. Instead, I saw the bedroom light on, and two shadows inside. It crushed me.

  I finally understood what it felt like for Rachel. I was sick to my stomach imagining another man touching parts of her she’d promised would be mine forever. I’d been blinded, and awakened by the brutal truth of consequences – the kind you have to live with even though they break you.

  The first thing I did once I got out of bed was attempt to contact my daughter. By now she’d had time to think about what I’d told her. I hoped she’d talk to me, but was disappointed when the call was sent to her voicemail.

  “Baby, it’s Daddy. I get that you’re mad. Trust me, I hate myself for what I’ve done. The truth is, I need you. I’ve hit rock bottom, and you’re all I have left. Please call me back. I’d really like to hear your voice, even if you’re calling to tell me off again.”

  I hung up the phone and immediately dialed Rachel. I just wanted to hear her voice. Lucky for me, I got her voicemail too. “This is Rachel Lewis. Please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”

  I listened for the beep and hesitated. What did I say to her after last night. She’d pretty much sent me packing for a lifetime of misery. How was I to even approach her without some kind of caution? To make matters worse, I knew she’d screwed around with someone else to pay me back. It was immature, but I couldn’t blame her. I knew what it was like to act on impulse. She was vulnerable, and at the right moment he’d be able to take advantage of it. He’d probably been hitting on her for months, just waiting for the right time to make his move.

  I wasn’t sure how old the guy was, but it was obvious he was still in his twenties. I’d been through a lot in my life, but never experienced this type of jealousy before. I couldn’t compete – another reason which made it easier to relate to my distraught wife. She’d probably picked this guy on purpose, knowing if I ever found out it would be like a kick in the balls.

  By nine-thirty I was on my way into work. I’d keep busy on work-orders, and try my best to make it through the day without leaving early. I had enough time accrued to take a few personal days, but didn’t want to do it if I didn’t have to.

  Once inside, I locked my office door, taking a seat behind my desk. On it was a picture of my family, the three of us. We were all smiling, but what made the moment perfect was that Rachel and I were looking deeply into each other’s eyes. The photographer hadn’t told us to do it. It happened accidentally and she’d captured it. It was my favorite picture of us, and I’d had it on my desk since the very day we picked them up.

  Back then things were easy. Rachel and I talked to each other. We came home every night and shared meals together. Our weekends were filled with adventures. Back then we were full-time parents. We had a mutual reason to work as a team. Things were different since Stephanie went off to college. The house was quiet, and my new hours had taken a toll on our relationship. I knew she was tired by the time I got home, but I’d felt like she was neglecting me. Why couldn’t she wake up if I was in the mood? Was she tired of being with me? Did she stop missing me?

  I suppose it was way too late to try to and fix what was broken. Still, my mind wouldn’t let me stop wondering. I felt like if she’d give me a chance I could convince her to take me back, even though I think I knew it was a long shot. She’d made sure of it when she gave her body to another.

  I tried to focus on my workload, first by checking my messages from the previous day.

  The first one was from Kyla. “Hey, it’s me. I’m just checking in. I know you said to leave you alone, but there’s no reason we can’t be friends. I miss you, Grayson. Call me back.”

  The next six messages were work calls, then two more followed from Kyla again. I hated she’d gotten the direct number to my office. To be honest, I hated her. If she hadn’t come onto me, this would have never happened. I wouldn’t have thought about her inappropriately, and I certainly wouldn’t have made a move. I was a good man; a perfect husband, and I’d thrown it away so recklessly.

  I considered calling some of our mutual friends to check on her, but I knew Rachel would get pissed off. She was always so damn adamant about other people knowing our business.

  Since I was trying to get her to speak to me, I had to tread lightly. Rachel was like a ticking time bomb. I couldn’t recall ever seeing her so verbally aggressive. This was a side of my wife I didn’t like, and what was worse was that I’d brought it on. Now she was unhinged, acting on impulse and doing things she wouldn’t normally be caught doing. She wanted me to suffer, and I felt it was necessary to let her know her plan was working.

  I called her phone again, this time prepared to leave a message. When the chimed sounded I didn’t hold back. “Rachel, it’s me, Grayson. I’m hoping you won’t erase this before you listen to the whole message. I love you. You need to know that first and foremost. You mean everything to me, and I know I fucked up. God, do I know it. I wish I could take it back. It wasn’t worth it, none of it. Losing you makes me want to die. I already feel dead inside. I don’t know what Kyla said to you, but she’s lying. There are no feelings between us. She’s crazy. I’ve never had any kind of emotional attachment to that girl. It was just sex.” I paused for a moment. “I know what you did last night. I came back around and saw you through the window. If you did it for revenge I g
et it. I just don’t want you to be hurt. If you need time I’ll wait, but I’ll never give up. Please call me. Let me know you’re okay. I miss you. I miss coming home and seeing you sleeping. I miss the way you sneak around in the mornings to keep from waking me. I miss us, Rachel. I need you. Please don’t give up on us. It doesn’t have to be over.”

  After I hung up I wept silently at my desk. I never thought I’d be in this predicament. I didn’t see my wife kicking me out, or losing her love. I’d always been so sure she’d be there for me for the rest of my life. Now I wondered if I’d have anyone. Maybe I’d live out my life alone. It was unbearable to consider.

  Chapter 13


  I woke up when the sun came in through the window. It was nearly seven in the morning. The sound of the shower was obvious, and for a second I thought it was Grayson getting ready for work. Then it all came rushing back.

  I’d slept with Chad.

  The Chad.

  What was I thinking, right? What kind of women degrades herself the way I had?

  I knew exactly why I’d gone through with it, and as every single second of our time together came back to me, I felt a smile forming across my face. Sure, there was guilt, but to what degree should I have felt bad for my actions when I was only trying to alleviate some of the looming pain I’d been under?

  I didn’t know what someone else in my position would have done. Maybe they’d be able to forgive their husband for his infidelities. Maybe I was just as terrible of a person for doing the same thing. However, in my opinion my actions were justified. With all the pain I’d endured, I felt I deserved to feel cared about, even if it were only a temporary fix. The image of Kyla and Grayson would forever be burned into my retinas. It may not have been right, but it sure as hell felt good either way.

  I wasn’t certain what to say to Chad. We’d obviously taken things too far, and I wondered if he was trying to rush out before things got too awkward. Maybe he was trying to leave so I wouldn’t be able to talk to him about what happened. I stayed in bed, determined to pretend I was still sleeping when he exited the bathroom.


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