Outlaw Seal

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Outlaw Seal Page 83

by Kate Sheperd

  He grabbed it and read it over.

  “So your mother is doing better because of the money you sent over to her?” He looked at the letter and then at his wife and sighed. His wife wasn’t a bad person. She didn’t have a bad heart. She had been doing bad things with good intentions. He looked at her with something like understanding in his eyes.

  “Claudia… I haven’t been completely honest with you either and I have been a bit of a hypocrite with you just now. I had no reason to treat you the way that I did and I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me.” Claudia looked at her husband and rubbed her arm where he had bruised her. She could understand his anger, but when had he been dishonest to her?

  “I need to confess something.” He finally said, looking down and toying with the tassel of his hat. “You know the murderer running throughout the town?” He asked his voice low. Claudia looked at him with her eyes big.

  “You don’t mean?” Cole nodded his head shamefully. “It’s true. I am the murderer who is terrorizing the town.” Claudia couldn’t believe it.

  “But why?” She finally asked. She couldn’t understand why her husband would go around killing people. At least her crime didn’t hurt anyone. Cole sat down with his head in his hands, hiding his shame.

  “My father. He has a lot of debtors who owe him a lot of money. He forces me to go out and kill these people and take their money so that they pay him back.” Cole was on the point of tears as he confessed this. Claudia looked at him, a little skeptical. This didn’t make any sense.

  “Wait… what do you mean he forces you, how can he force you?” Claudia asked as she walked up to him. She needed to know the truth. They needed to be honest with one another once and for all.

  “He threatens me by threatening Olivia… and you.” Cole said looking up at his wife with red eyes. There were tears streaming down his cheeks now as he admitted his own weakness to his wife. He couldn’t even stand up to his own father.

  “Threaten how…?” Claudia asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

  “He would hurt you both…” Cole admitted as he looked down in shame. He wasn’t even good enough to protect his own family. Claudia frowned before hugging him. He had murdered those people to protect her not because he was some cold-hearted killer. She looked at her husband with new eyes before gently hugging him again.

  “I’m so sorry…” Cole finally said as he pulled her tighter to his chest. They both started to cry as the realization of what just happened kicked in. Claudia shook her head.

  “Don’t apologize… we are both victims here… neither of us wanted to do what we did… but we did it for the people that we loved… I don’t think you are a bad person… but your father is.” She said softly looking into her husband’s eyes.

  He looked down at her and gently cupped her face. He would never have thought that she would forgive him. He leaned down slowly and kissed her lip gently. She kissed back and they held hands. They stayed like this for a moment.

  “But we have to get out of the town. We can’t keep living here. Sooner or later they will discover the truth.” Cole looked at his wife and nodded.

  “You’re right. We should leave right away.”

  “We can go back to Boston and start a new life there” she suggested as she looked at him. He smiled and nodded.

  “Does that mean I get to see snow again?” They both smiled at the comment before packing their bags for their new life.

  Chapter 9

  In a matter of hours, Claudia, Cole, and Olivia were all on a train together headed for Boston. It was a sudden move, but it was a necessary one. In Boston, Cole’s father wouldn’t be able to hurt them and Claudia wouldn’t have to steal. She would be by her mother side and would provide for her that way while Cole would do all that he could to get the money she needed, in an honest fashion, in order to take care of his motherin-law. As the train sped along the iron tracks Claudia looked out the window realizing that she was once again on a train to a new life.


  Eventually, after a short time in Boston Cole found a job with the Boston police. He was good at his job and made considerably more than he did in Bloomingfield.

  Claudia’s mother, after a few months, was back to full health and looked better than ever. There was no threat of her dying in her bed.

  Eventually, Cole and Claudia scrapped up enough money to buy their own home and had been living in it ever since. It was a small but cozy home and the two of them really loved it. It felt like a home.

  Better yet, they were finally husband and wife. Claudia would cook dinner and sleep with him and Cole would go to work and provide for her. They were finally affectionate and loving as any married couple should be. They were finally happy together.

  But on the first night of their new home, they had gotten even closer. On the first night, a passion came over them and before Cole knew what was happening they were in bed together. This was not like the other times. This time was different. This time, there was a passionate emotion there that could only be seen between a husband and a wife.

  As they kissed in bed that night, they knew it wouldn’t end in cuddling and they didn’t care. As the night progressed things got more natural and the couple got more comfortable in each other's skins.


  Now nine months later Claudia’s mother and Olivia were visiting the Pearse household. As they knocked on the door Cole answered it with a bright smile on his face. He ushered them inside and seemed to be a bundle of excitement. He looked at them and brought them to the bedroom.

  “She’s beautiful.” Claudia’s mother squealed as she laid eyes on her granddaughter for the first time. As Claudia held her new baby girl she knew that their days of lying, killing, and stealing were over.


  The Unwelcome Bride

  Chapter 1

  The sun was at its highest point as Adam Richards sat down to rest. He was drenched in sweat. He leaned against an ancient tree as he pulled the rim of his hat over his eyes, preparing himself for a quick nap.

  He had worked hard all morning, but now all the horses were fed, their water was fresh, and their pen was clean. It was hard work breeding horses for a living, but Adam loved it. Recently, he had moved to Texas from Pennsylvania to follow his dream. Adam had loved horses for as long as he could remember. They were his favorite animal and having his own herd of horses was like a dream come true. Now he was known for the best-tamed broncos in the state.

  This reputation, however, only came with hard work. It was not easy taming broncos. They were dangerous animals capable of killing a man in an instant with their powerful legs. Still, Adam didn’t mind the risk. He loved working with the beautiful beasts, and that’s all that mattered to him. In all honesty, Adam adored his work and he treasured the rush of adrenaline he felt whenever he approached a wild bronco.

  Most of all, Adam loved the satisfaction he got whenever he succeeded in climbing onto a bronco’s back, the culmination of achievement for a bronco tamer. Adam would feel a surge of pride course through his body when this happened. The feeling was like none other. It was what he lived for.

  But today he would dance with death. He had a new bronco to tame. This horse was beautiful, with a silky brown and white coat, but with a wild look in his eyes. This beast would be a challenge. But Adam had never failed at taming a horse before.

  Eventually, Adam woke up and stretched. His nap had been short, but it was all he needed to rest his body. As he stretched he looked at his horses. There was a larger pen where he kept his tamed horses and to the side, separate from all the other horses, was the bronco. The horse looked regal as he pranced around his pen. Adam watched as the horse kept his head held high, displaying a strong spirit. That spirit would be hard to break, but Adam was ready for the challenge.

  With an air of confidence, Adam approached the horse. The bronco snorted angrily and pawed at the ground when Adam entered the pen. The bronco felt threatened by Adam’s presence. T
he horse was defending its territory and Adam needed to proceed with caution.

  Adam moved further into the pen. He hugged the fence, knowing that the horse could charge at any moment. However, as he circled around the perimeter the bronco never attacked him. Instead, the horse eyed him suspiciously, keeping his eyes locked on the intruder. Adam took this to be a good sign.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sugar cube before reaching out his hand and offering it to the horse. Adam watched as the horse’s nostrils moved, sniffing the air, smelling the sugar. The horse took a tentative step toward Adam. The beast’s muscles rippled under his skin with his movement and Adam knew he had to be careful. If the horse decided to attack, then Adam would be in trouble. One kick to the chest was all it would take to kill him.

  As Adam continued to reach out his hand, the horse took another step. Adam smiled, thinking maybe the horse would be easier to tame than he originally thought. Feeling confident, Adam took a step forward. Suddenly, however, the horse reacted, charging forward, ramming Adam into the fence. Luckily Adam was able to jump over the fence and escape before the horse could do any serious damage.

  Adam sighed as he looked at the horse who was now trotting to the other side of the enclosure. This would be a hard one.

  And, in fact, he was. For the rest of the day, Adam worked at the bronco, trying to get closer to the horse, to no avail. As dusk approached, Adam had made no progress. The only thing he had managed to do was name the horse Charger.

  As Adam began to prepare to go home he spotted someone approaching. He wondered who it was and waited for the silhouette to come into focus. Adam smiled as he recognized his best friend, Filip, waving. There was a letter in his hand.

  His friend looked excited and Adam wondered what was going on.

  “Adam! I thought I would find you out here. How are you getting off?” Filip asked as he looked at his friend. Adam’s clothes were dirty and ripped in various places. It looked like Adam had gotten in a fight with someone and Filip wondered what had happened.

  “Eh, hard day. Trying to tame this here bronco, but he is a truly wild one. Won’t let me take one step toward him without charging at me.” Filip chuckled before handing Adam the envelope he had been holding.

  “Here. This might cheer you up, chap.” Adam looked at the letter curiously.

  “Who’s it from? There’s no return address.” Adam commented as he looked at the envelope closely. His name and address were printed on the middle of the envelope but nothing else. The handwriting looked feminine. Maybe it was another response to his ad.

  Adam was single, like many men in the Wild West. There weren’t many women in the New Frontier, which made marriage a difficult thing to accomplish. Adam, however, had posted an ad in the Pennsylvania Post, telling women a little about himself, his interests, his likes and dislikes, and a few other things. If women were interested in potentially marrying him, they could contact him. Recently, he had received numerous responses but none of them had piqued his interest.

  He wondered if this letter would be different.

  Chapter 2

  Adam walked home with the letter in his hand. For some reason, there was a feeling of hope coursing through his veins. He felt like maybe this was the one.

  But Adam refrained from opening the letter until he got home. Once he did, he sat down at the kitchen table. He pulled out his pocket knife and slowly opened up the envelope, careful not to rip whatever was inside. With calloused fingers, he pulled out the neatly folded piece of paper. As he did, a photo fluttered to the ground.

  Adam bent down and picked it up. He turned it over and looked at it. As he did, his heart sped up in his chest. Depicted in the photo was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Her eyes were dark and intelligent and her skin looked fair. However, her most attractive feature was her hair. It was as black as a crow’s feather and shone with a healthy glow as it flowed down her body and rested at her waist. Adam wanted to run his hands through her hair as he looked down at her picture.

  He smiled to himself before placing the photo on the kitchen table. He then shifted his attention to the letter. He finished unfolding it and looked down at the neat handwriting filling the page. He read the letter and smiled. His heart was beating fast, filling his chest with an unknown emotion. Was this love at first sight?

  Excited, Adam sat down and penned a response.

  Dear Katherine Summers,

  Let me start by saying that you are a very beautiful young woman. Your Native American heritage gives you a beauty I have never seen in any other woman. I especially love your hair. I hope you don’t find these comments too blunt. Please don’t think me rude for saying these things. I just speak the truth. You are a beautiful woman.

  Also, I want to tell you that I am interested in communicating with you in the long term. I wish to learn more about you. What do you like to do? What are some of your talents? Do you have any siblings? What of your parents? What are their thoughts about you responding to my ad? I would love to learn anything you want to share with me. Do not feel obliged to respond, but I would be honored if you did. I hope to hear from you soon.

  With Love,

  Adam Richards

  Adam looked over his letter. He ended up revising it heavily. He felt like he was being too forward with her. Adam didn’t want to scare her away and eventually rewrote the whole letter. His new letter took on a polite and formal tone.

  After Adam sent off his response, he and Katherine stayed in contact for over a year. Once the holiday season approached Adam felt ready to make the big move. He didn’t want to spend another Christmas alone, and so he decided to ask for Katherine’s hand in marriage.

  Adam was very nervous as he penned his proposal, but after many failed attempts he managed to write something he felt proud of. He looked over the letter one more time, checking for any mistakes that could make him look like a fool. Satisfied that there were none to be found he folded up the letter and placed it inside an envelope. He sealed it off as if sealing off his own fate. He wondered how Katherine would respond to the proposal. In his heart, he knew he wanted her to say yes, but in his mind he still harbored doubts. Why would a beautiful, sophisticated woman like Katherine settle for a rowdy cowboy like himself?

  Adam thought about things as he made his way to the post. After a brisk walk, he arrived his destination. He opened the door to find Filip at the counter, dealing with another citizen of the town. Adam patiently waited for his turn, shaking with excitement.

  As the older woman left the post, Filip smiled at his friend. “How may I help you, old chap?” he asked, noting Adam’s eager state.

  Adam handed Filip the envelope. Filip looked down at it and smirked, seeing Katherine Summers’ address on the middle of the envelope.

  “Are you finally asking for her hand in marriage?” Filip asked, teasingly. Adam nodded, a smile painted on his face. Filip’s eyes grew wide. He didn’t think his friend would say yes.

  “That there is my proposal letter.” Adam pointed to the envelope. Filip looked genuinely surprised as he looked from the letter to his friend and back to the letter. Filip slowly picked up the envelope, looking at it closely, as if trying to find something.

  “Are you sure you want to do that? Isn’t she one of those redskins?” Filip asked, putting it down.

  “She is, but why does that matter? She has a white father.” Adam answered, concern in his voice.

  “But she looks like a redskin and you know how people around these parts can be. They might treat her cruelly, y’know?” Adam thought about his friend’s words before shaking his head.

  “I am marrying her during the Christmas season. They’ll be more accepting then,” Adam said, trying to convince himself. Filip shrugged.

  “If you say so, chap. But don’t come complaining to me if she scalps you in your sleep!” Adam glared at Filip, who just laughed. “I’ll get it to her as soon as I can,” Filip finally said, taking the envelope
and putting it in a bin. Adam looked at it, knowing it would be in Pennsylvania soon enough.

  Chapter 3

  A few weeks later the letter arrived at its destination. Katherine held it to her bosom. Her heart was beating fast. Her every nerve seemed to be charged with electricity as she smiled to herself. After more than a year of exchanging letters, he had proposed to her. She looked down at the letter and read it one more time, just to make sure it was real.

  Once she was satisfied that she wasn’t dreaming, she left her room in search of her father. He was in the sitting room smoking one of his cigars as he read the newspaper. She walked up to him now with a beaming smile.

  “Father, I have good news to share with you.” Her father looked up, his newspaper still in his hands and his cigar still on his lips. He could see the excited look on his daughter’s face. He wondered what was going on.

  He took a moment to fold up his newspaper before placing it on a nearby table. He then snuffed his cigar. With these tasks accomplished, he gave his daughter his full attention.

  “Yes, my dear?” His voice was calm as he folded his hands over his right knee, looking at her over the brim of his reading glasses.

  “Do you remember Mr. Richards? The man I told you about?” Her father nodded his head. The smile on Katherine’s face deepened. She handed her father the letter and waited for him to read it.

  “Mr. Richards wants to marry you, eh?” he asked, putting down the letter. There was a dissatisfied look on his face as he stood up. He looked at his daughter before picking up the newspaper. “Have you read the news lately?” Katherine shook her head. She didn’t like reading the news.

  “Well, if you had, you would have seen this…” His voice trailed off as he looked through the newspaper. Katherine watched him, wondering what he was talking about. Finally he stopped fumbling with the pages and handed her the newspaper. She looked at it curiously before reading the headline: 88 Americans and 178 Redskins Dead in Santa Fe. Katherine’s eyes grew large as she read the story.


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