Texas Pride

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Texas Pride Page 21

by Kindle Alexander

  “You have all these jokes tonight?” He turned back to her. Austin saw it then. He gave all his attention to his animals. They were most comfortable with him, because he was most comfortable with them. Kitt didn’t hide anything from his animals. Kitt reached down and grabbed the cap, but kept it in his hands.

  “After this, you’ll know she foals early. Besides, you suspected this outcome from the beginnin’. I don’t think it’s a long labor for her. I think he’ll be here soon. We’ll see. Watch her tonight, call me when you need me.” The vet patted the horse and left the stall.

  Kitt just rested against the rail. The stress of the moment was clear on his face. He hadn’t acknowledged or even seen Austin or Seth as they came in. He was completely absorbed in his horse, keeping his eyes on her as he absently put the ball cap back on his head.

  “You can do this, big girl. I know you can.” Kitt nuzzled her. The horse responded to him, again knocking his ball cap back down, causing them all to laugh. It was then that Kitt lifted his eyes to Austin. They exchanged something in the gaze before Kitt’s eyes cut to Seth. He intently stared at him for a long moment before looking over at his stepmom. The vet was already out the barn door. If he noticed Austin, he never said a word.

  “Austin, it’s good to see you again,” Lily said before Austin could introduce Seth. “Hi, I’m Lily, Kitt’s mom.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. You certainly don’t look old enough to be his mother.” Seth pointed in Kitt’s direction.

  “Well, that’s good because actually I’m his Stepmom,” Lily said with a laugh.

  Kitt cut his eyes back to Austin, letting his gaze linger for a second or two, before turning them back to Seth. His focus stayed on Seth until he finally turned to Mike and Jose. “I’m gonna go home and shower, and then I’ll be back to sleep with her tonight. I’ll call you if anythin’ changes. I won’t be longer than fifteen minutes. Jose, can you stay that long?”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll cut tomorrow. This here’s way too stressful. You stay here with her!”

  Austin chuckled at the sincerity on Jose’s face. It was said in jest, but it was clear it was a serious thought. As Kitt came from the stall, he stuck his hand out in Seth’s direction, not waiting for an introduction.

  “Kitt Kelly.” His introduction was a little curt compared to the tenderness he just displayed with the horse, and it was only because Austin was so in tune with Kitt he even picked it up. Tension shot between Seth and Kitt, and Austin got the impression it was just the deep rooted Southern manners requiring Kitt meet his agent. The attitude in both men surprised Austin, and he narrowed his brow watching the exchange a little confused.

  “I’m Seth Walker.”

  Kitt shook Seth’s hand and nodded. It was all he gave before turning away. The action was monumentally clear: Kitt hadn’t acknowledged Austin at all.

  “Kitt, this is my agent and good friend,” Austin said to Kitt’s retreating back. All Austin got was a simple look over the shoulder and a curt nod with a tip of Kitt’s ball cap before his eyes cut back to Seth. Kitt just dismissed Austin, and this time it sure wasn’t sitting well with him at all.

  “It’s nice to meet you. We’ll have to have you over for dinner in a few days. Get through this with Lady first,” Kitt said.

  It was all Austin got as he watched Kitt strut through the barn to his truck. He never looked back as he stepped up inside his cab, started the truck and pulled away.

  “Thanks for the help today, Mike.” Jose was left with them all in the barn. “Mr. Grainger, thank you. Kitt will for sure be thankin’ you soon. He’s just stressed tonight.”

  “No, no problem. I get it. We’ll get out of your way. Anything Mike or I can do to help, just let us know.” Austin tried to keep his eyes on Jose and not the dust cloud forming behind Kitt’s truck as he drove away.

  “Thank you, sir,” Jose said, walking them out to Austin’s truck. As if he had no other choice, Austin finally cut his eyes in the direction of Kitt’s cabin and looked out where the trail to Kitt’s house lay. The dust was already settling. Kitt didn’t waste a minute in his getaway.


  “So that’s your cowboy? He’s good looking enough,” Seth said as he climbed into Austin’s pickup truck.

  “He’s hot as hell!” Austin started the truck and waved at Jose as they drove away from Kitt’s barn.

  “If you’re into guys.”

  “Which I am.” Austin shot back immediately. How could Kitt never acknowledge him? He couldn’t be in the same room without getting a hard-on for Kitt, no way he wouldn’t at least say hello.

  “Austin, what’s going to happen if you’re ready to come out and cowboy Kitt isn’t?” Seth asked. “Isn’t that what this is all about? You’re here to get your life back, stop hiding and by your own admission, he’s buried deep in that closet.”

  “That’s still years away.” Austin pulled out on the main road for the quarter of a mile until his entrance began.

  “It’ll be a huge problem. I know you. You’re the touchy, feely type. You don’t do well with a bunch of rules. Clearly, you don’t. You’ve up and left a job paying you twenty million dollars a film in order to be who you are.” Seth kept his gaze straight, staring out the front window.

  “Look, who knew I’d find him so quickly. Besides, it’ll work out like it’s supposed to. I don’t wanna talk about it anymore. Only time’ll tell how this works out. But, I’m unbelievably happy with him. It’s not something I’m willing to just give up because I don’t know the future in our deal.”

  That seemed to stop Seth, and they drove the rest of the way in silence. Austin pulled up to the back of the house, put the truck in reverse and let the truck idle.

  “You aren’t coming in?” Seth asked when he realized Austin wasn’t turning the motor off.

  “Nah, I’m going back over so Kitt doesn’t have to stay there alone.”

  “Did I miss something? Does he know you’re coming? Does he even care?” Seth stepped from the truck, but stood with the door open waiting for an answer.

  “No. But it’s where I want to be. Now shut the door so I can go, and tell Cara hello for me.” Austin tried not to let Seth’s negativity work its way in. Kitt hadn’t acknowledged him, hadn’t given him the time of day. That was bad enough on its own before Seth dumped his line of thinking on top of it.

  “Austin, are you sure he’s as into you as you are him?” Now that was the one million dollar question Austin couldn’t answer.

  “It doesn’t matter...” Austin shook his head, his frustration clear. “Seth, what’s your problem? I was happy for you and Cara. It’s weird to me how you two got together after all this time, but whatever. Just back off some and shut the fucking door.”

  “You’re right.” Seth grinned at him.

  “Shut the Goddamn door.” Austin started backing away. Seth was going to have to move or be hit.

  “Okay, okay! Goodnight!” Seth still didn’t lose the grin as he shut the door.

  Austin never looked back as he drove to the Kelly’s. Only Kitt’s truck sat out in front of the barn. Austin jumped out and went through the front doors, looking down at Lady’s stall. He saw Kitt’s head was bent over the gate. Again, he was talking to her, but now wearing clean blue jeans and a t-shirt. His work jacket slung over the side of the gate. Not much need for it with the mild temperature back in the area. Kitt’s voice was soft and light, and Austin knew he hadn’t heard him come in.

  “Will this be the colt you keep?” Austin asked as he walked down the aisle to make his presence known.

  “I don’t know, we’ll see.” Kitt looked up, surprised to see Austin.

  “I couldn’t stay away. Is it okay I’m back?” Austin came to stand close to Kitt at the stall gate. The horse nodded her head at Austin, causing him to smile. He reached out to rub her long nose. Kitt looked all around the barn before he spoke.

  “All the trucks are gone?”

  “Yeah, it’s just mine
and yours out there.” Austin turned his eyes back on Kitt. The ends of his hair were still wet from the shower he’d taken. Austin stood there, tucking his fingers in his front pockets to keep from reaching out to touch his hair. “You were incredible tonight. She’s lucky to have you.”

  “I’m lucky to have her.” Kitt watched Lady until he finally lowered his hand from where he stroked her. He stayed with one booted foot on the bottom rail. Kitt cut his eyes back to Austin. His gaze was somber. Neither one of them said anything for a minute.

  “Are we okay?” Austin asked simply getting straight to the point.

  “It’s weird seeing you with another guy,” Kitt said after a long minute. He looked down as he spoke, but forced his eyes back up. He nodded as he got to the end of the sentence as some sort of affirmation to his statement.

  “Seth’s been my best friend and agent for fifteen years, nothing more.” Austin wanted to make his relationship with Seth absolutely clear to Kitt. After another long minute, Kitt spoke.

  “I have coffee going, want some?” Kitt lowered his foot, and pushed away from the stall. Austin grabbed his arm, keeping him there.

  “Seth’s straight. He’s the one Cara’s all crazy about.”

  “He isn’t crazy about me, is he?” Kitt shot back.

  They stood so close he could feel Kitt’s breath slide across his face, and he barely resisted the urge to lean in and kiss Kitt’s closed lips. This moment was one of those rare relationship moments that needed to be worked out before anything else could happen. But, dear God, Kitt’s lips were perfectly made. Austin couldn’t resist anchoring an arm around Kitt to pull him closer.

  “All that matters is that I’m crazy about you,” Austin said. He gave up on trying to work it all out in his head. Instead, he crushed his lips to Kitt’s. Kitt didn’t hesitate, immediately opening to him, pushing his tongue out, swirling and sucking it around Austin’s. Their kiss was perfect. Any concern or worry Austin had melted away as Kitt opened wider for him. It was only the need to breathe that broke them apart.

  Kitt locked onto Austin’s neck, whispering as he trailed kisses up to his ear. “Come to the break room. Have some coffee with me. I need to hold you and do more of this. It’s too open out here. The room’ll give us privacy.”

  “You have to be exhausted. I can leave, let you get rest or stay out here with her while you sleep.” Austin leaned his head back, giving Kitt better access to his neck.

  “It’s gonna take time to wind down. Besides, I’ll be staying out here with here on a cot. I have to keep an eye on her so there won’t be much sleeping. Unless, you need to leave. Is your agent at your house alone?” Kitt asked, pulling away a bit when asking about Seth. Anger shot across his face before he schooled his features, and Austin grinned. Kitt was jealous.

  “Yeah, but he’s fine. He’s just here catching his breath,” Austin said, tucking his hand in Kitt’s. He began to walk toward the break room, tugging Kitt along with him. It took a second for Austin to realize he had no idea where the room was located.

  “Come on, this way.” Kitt took over the lead and took them down the long barn to a room by the back door.

  “Are you jealous?” Austin asked.

  “No! Not at all, not really.” Kitt flipped on the light as they entered the small room. There was a sink, refrigerator and cabinet along with three large tables with chairs. The smell of coffee filled the air as it was filling the pot. Kitt let go of Austin’s hand to reach around inside the drawers pulling out packets of cream and sugar.

  “Of course not, because if you were jealous it would indicate some sort of feeling, wouldn’t it?” Austin came up behind Kitt and ran one hand up Kitt’s chest as he slid the other down over his hard cock. Austin grinned and ducked his head, breathing in Kitt’s scent when he found him already rigidly ready. Austin rolled his hips into Kitt’s backside while rubbing his equally hard dick against Kitt’s blue jean covered ass.

  “I guess I didn’t expect him to be so young or good lookin’.” He leaned back against Austin, laying his head back on Austin’s shoulder.

  “Baby, he’s completely straight.” Austin murmured lowering his face toward Kitt’s as he placed a simple kiss on Kitt’s lips.

  “You’ve never been with him?” There was worry in his eyes, and it made Austin feel like he conquered some major war all by himself. It showed that on some level Kitt shared all this emotion with Austin and that caused him to involuntarily roll his hips and rub his rigid length against Kitt’s ass.

  “Not once.”

  “Good,” Kitt said the simple word and turned in Austin’s arms. He wrapped his own arms tightly around Austin, kissing him deeply. Both men ground against the other. It felt like months since he’d been with Kitt. Austin slid his hands down, gripping Kitt’s ass cheeks as he tugged him closer until he was grinding Kitt harder against his aching cock. As Austin ripped his mouth free, his hips rolled in constant motion. He hadn’t stroked himself off since their one time together on the phone. Austin had saved it for Kitt, and he was already too close to release. His plan was to be buried inside Kitt’s ass when it happened. Austin just hadn’t worked Kitt there yet, he needed to slow this down some.

  “It doesn’t matter. No one seems to have existed before I met you,” Austin whispered the words while he trailed kisses along Kitt’s jaw. Kitt leaned his head back to give Austin better access a second before a chuckle slipped from Kitt.

  “You said that exact line in your movie, Last Chance, when you were trying to get in her panties,” Kitt said still laughing. That did it for Austin, his immediate need slowed and he laughed too.

  “And it worked if I remember correctly.” Austin loosened his hold, and grinned back at Kitt. He loved that Kitt had watched his movies close enough to know his lines. “I have to admit something, I found a stash of magazines and photos at your house this morning.”

  Kitt pulled back from him and Austin let him, but not far enough to break his hold. Austin stayed close, followed the movement and leaned into Kitt as he leaned against the counter. The slowing down thing was working, but nowhere in his plan did it require Kitt to leave his arms. Austin raised his eyebrow and gave a crooked grin. “Could my heart be right? Could they be a jacking off stash?”

  “You did not just ‘find’ those. No way! Those were hidden.” Kitt started to move away, but Austin wouldn’t let him. Instead, he braced his hands against the counter as Kitt tried to get distance.

  “No, no, no…stay here with me. I did do that terrible thing and look through your stuff, but I’m telling you so it shouldn’t count against me. Besides there was nothing for me to find! You like to read hunting and fishing magazines, and you apparently hate bookkeeping, but that’s all. Well that and you seem to like pictures and movies of me...” Austin latched on to Kitt’s neck, kissing up to his ear. He felt Kitt tense in his arms. No way was he going to let that happen. Slowing them down didn’t mean stopping. No plan in Austin’s mind included them stopping anything they were doing.

  “I’ll tell you a secret about me to help make it better,” Austin whispered in Kitt’s ear as he brought one hand forward, rubbing it down Kitt’s hard-on. He never stopped the rhythm his hand created as Kitt leaned his head back to look at Austin. Any embarrassment he may have had was gone, curiosity clear on his face. Austin closed his eyes and tightened his grip, rewarded when Kitt rolled his hips forward into his hand. “Yeah, well...I used to jack off to the image of you in the shower. Actually, ‘used to’ means I still do. Anytime I need to get aroused, or finish, I pull the image of you standing under the shower up in my mind. The water dripping down your dick...I love that image in my head.”

  “No way, you’re lying!”

  “No, I’m not. I swear to you, I’m not lying. I want you, Kitt. I want you bad. I love the idea that you kept track of me over the years because I sure thought about you. I just didn’t realize how much until we got together like this.” Austin dug his wallet from his back pocket. He had a c
ondom and a small packet of lube inside.

  “Austin, we can’t here.” Kitt rejected him as Austin tossed the condom and lube on the counter in front of the coffee pot. Kitt’s words said they couldn’t, but his actions said something else. Kitt leaned in, gripped both sides of Austin’s head and thrust his tongue forward, kissing him like he’d never been kissed before. Kitt dominated Austin, and it took a second for Austin to remember he planned to be buried in Kitt, not the other way around.

  He shoved Kitt back. It was only an inch or two and never broke from the kiss, but the move gave him back control. He managed to unbutton Kitt’s blue jeans as he deepened the kiss to a frenzy. Austin moved quickly. He reached out for the lube and shoved Kitt’s pants down below his ass. He managed to get his undone, just enough for his cock to spring free. In one swift motion, he tore open the oil, dropped it on his dick and flipped Kitt around. Mere seconds after losing the feel of Kitt’s lips pressed against his, Austin was buried fully inside Kitt’s sweet ass.

  There was no preparation and Kitt’s tightness felt so damn good, better than any other time in his life. He pulled out as Kitt hissed a breath. Austin dropped more lubricant on his cock as he pushed back in. The lube packet fell to the floor as pleasure exploded across his body. Austin gripped Kitt’s hips and fucked him. It wasn’t a hard pounding. Austin moved with gentle purpose willing Kitt to enjoy this as much as he did. Austin moved his hips, finding Kitt’s spot, stroking him from the inside out, loving every single second.

  Kitt reared back, moaning deeply as he pushed his pants further down. Austin thrust forward, arching his back and closing his eyes. Kitt braced himself with his arms against the counter.


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