Dancing in the Darkness

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Dancing in the Darkness Page 6

by Lexa Luthor

  "Well…" Charlie continued staring deep into Kal's eyes, measuring for any truths but finding nothing. "I think you're a lot more than just a god." Not waiting for a response, she walked away from the rail and started in the direction of the Great Tower. After a moment, she found Kal accompanying her again.

  "What language were you speaking to your crew?"

  "Jero?" Charlie shrugged and explained, "It's an old language from the Jerothian race. It's become the main, universal language in the galaxy."

  As they continued through the city, they remained in companionable silence until Kal was forced closer due to the busyness of the street, and they were at least another five clicks from the Great Tower.

  "Does your crew know you lived on Kander?"

  Charlie shrugged and sidestepped an overbearing Alpha who came near her. She was nearly shoved directly into Kal. For a tick, she swore Kal had snarled at the Alpha or perhaps at her. "Everyone knows Earthlings come from either Kander or Serrato. We don't talk much about our pasts. It's in the past for a reason."

  "The past tends to repeat if you ignore it," Kal stated.

  Charlie gave a low laugh and shook her head. "Such a philosophical Alpha." Suddenly, her path was cut off by Kal's much larger figure, and fear jolted every nerve in her body. Fiery green eyes made her heart pound in worry.

  "Are you mocking my intelligence and my kind?" Kal's lips curled into a snarl.

  Charlie swallowed at Kal's overbearing Alpha that she'd accidentally challenged with her smart comment. "Joh," she argued, "I just…." She let her explanation go after she realized her mistake in further challenging an Alpha, especially an Alpha god. Slowly, she bowed her head to pacify Kal and said, "I apologize."

  After a blink, Kal expelled the air from her puffed-up chest and nodded in acceptance, then continued the walk to the Great Tower.

  Once inside the building, they went to Charlie's room but parted ways after Charlie offered Kal a thank you. A chill skated down Charlie's spine once she entered the bedroom, back slumped against the sealed door. Feeling the burn between her legs, she hated admitting her natural reaction to Kal. Charlie's head thudded against the door as she muttered, "Damn Alphas."

  Chapter 4

  "You grabbed everything we need?"

  Raakor nodded and tapped the techbit in his left hand, then pointed at the packs. "Everything on the list minus the weapons they took."

  Starr grunted from her spot on the sofa.

  Charlie gave a low huff of annoyance. It figured the damn Kalmar confiscated the extra weapons that Raakor had brought down from the Pacifica. "Fuckin' bullshit." She continued grumbling while she went through the items.

  "Have you heard anything new?" Folding her arms, Starr leaned against the sofa.

  "Yes, actually." Charlie drew the zipper down and closed the pack, then sat on the sofa next to Starr. "Kal already contacted the kidnappers." She sighed at Starr's glower and further explained, "Her ploy is that they're paying part of the ransom and killing the kidnappers when they show up to collect."

  Raakor slowly sat down in a wooden chair beside the sofa. "Then what?"

  "Then you hack the ship's security, and we go after the Omega."

  Starr hunched forward, elbows on her knees, and rubbed her forehead. "Do we know what security system is on it?"

  "No idea," Charlie admitted and cut her eyes over to Raakor, who rubbed his chin.

  "I don't know if I can hack the ship's security without first seeing it." Raakor sighed and stared at Charlie.

  "I know." Charlie patted her knees and said confidently, "We'll just do our best."

  "And if that's not enough?" Starr's voice rumbled with displeasure.

  Charlie blew out a breath, then looked between the pair. "Then we go to Plan B." She received two glowers, so she shrugged and stated, "We get in the Pacifica and find this Omega."

  Starr groused further, stood up, and snapped, "This is a half-cocked plan." She started around the sofa, pacing behind it.

  Charlie smiled at the words and joked, "Fitting word considering it's an Alpha who did this."

  "I highly doubt she's only halfway cocked," Starr snapped.

  Charlie's eyebrows hiked up, and she stared at Starr's tense back. But the sudden burn between her legs made her shift uncomfortably on the sofa. "I'm sure…" She faltered and cleared her throat before saying, "… it'll be fine." Straightening her back, she became more confident about the future.

  Starr had paced twice already between the sofa and bed, head down, soft grumbles shaking in her chest. She paused and looked over at Charlie and opened her mouth but was cut off by a knock on the door. In three wide strides, she jerked it open and barked, "What?"

  "Kal has requested your boss's presence," Gaveston declared.

  Charlie jumped to her feet and was beside Starr. "I got this." She flashed a smile at Starr, who narrowed her eyes. Then after a slight nod from Starr, she slipped by and took Gaveston's side.

  In front of the door to Charlie's room stood a new guard, surprisingly an Omega due to the feminine features and smaller size. Several questions hung at the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed them all down before she opened her mouth.

  "This way," Gaveston ordered and marched down the hallway.

  The new guard followed last and was highly alert compared to the previous one. Her footfall was also much softer, and she had a confident air.

  Charlie did her best not to look over her shoulder at the new guard, and it was even harder when they entered the elevator. Gaveston was to her right and the guard on her left, back stiff.

  The guard gripped a solid metal spear in her right hand, a laser rifle lay across her back, and a long dagger was hooked to her left side. Her lengthy, black shirt hugged every curve along her back and arms. Her worn, black pants were loose yet showed her more feminine form. Every black piece of clothing made her appear taller. The only bit of color in the guard's attire was the gray streak in her inky hair. Sensing Charlie's heavy stare, she turned her head sidelong and revealed a toothy smile.

  Thankfully, the elevator hitched, and the opening gate drew everyone's attention to it. Finally, a little less distracted, Charlie gazed about her surroundings and realized they must have traveled up the Great Tower. Directly in front of them were double wooden doors with heavy brass rings. It reminded her of the entrance to the throne room, but the windows to the left and right weren't there last time. They were on a different floor. Two guards dipped their heads at the newcomers, and one grabbed onto a ring. The left door creaked low but easily swung open halfway.

  With a glance at Gaveston, Charlie inwardly sighed and entered into the room alone, the door shutting behind her. Inside the room, there was a long lounge sofa with no back and a wood coffee table in front of it. Two worn leather sofas were flanked on either side of the lounger. Directly in front of the furniture was a fireplace with an animal fur spread across the stone floor.

  A soft sound from the other room came through the doorway and drew Charlie to the opening. As she approached, she called in Kalmarese, "Turen?" She paused at the doorframe, hand resting on the side, then repeated her hello. "Turen?" With a slow scan, she started taking in the bedroom until a sliding door on the left opened up. Instantly, Charlie's heart jumped into her throat before it fell back down and thundered against her chest.

  Coming out of the bathroom, Kal suddenly halted and went still upon seeing Charlie in the doorway. From her head to her feet, she was completely devoid of any shred of clothing, and nothing was within reach to cover herself.

  "Oh my gods," Charlie gasped after snapping her jaw shut, only to have it fall open again. She blatantly stared at the nude Alpha with a keen interest. Her eyes dragged down from the full breasts to the stomach muscles until the sculpted lines narrowed her vision to the most unexpected surprise. Charlie nearly choked at the sight of the penis between two powerful thighs. "I…."

  Kal groused and demanded, "Do humans not knock?"

  Charlie was to
ngue-tied but gained a measure of self-control, lifting her eyes back up to Kal's displeased features. She became more aware of herself and quickly spun around while saying, "I'm sorry." She touched her forehead. "I'll wait in the living room." She retreated from the bedroom, but the mental picture stayed with her.

  Sinking into the sofa, Charlie bent forward with her elbows on her knees and hands over her face. Heat continued pulsing through her cheeks and made it even harder to calm down. "Oh gods… I'm never going to unsee that," she muttered, now having her answer about what kind of equipment the High Commander had between her legs. Well, as much as an answer as possible since it was from a distance. She tried pushing down the mental image burned into her memory, but it was useless. The warmth in her face started spreading through her, and a dull ache pulsed between her legs.

  Soft footfall forced her to focus on the present, and when Kal sat next to her, the heat in her face grew even hotter. Charlie nearly scooted away but remained still, not wanting to be rude or irritate Kal any further.

  Kal wore loose black pants, a deep red tank top, and nothing on her feet while her hair was still damp and slightly disorderly.

  "You uh…." Charlie toyed with her hair, trying to get it to stay behind her ear. "You asked to see me." Even to her own ears, she sounded idiotic and mentally groaned at herself.

  Kal tilted her head then mentioned, "The kidnappers responded to my message."

  The news made Charlie perk up and helped her gain self-control. Gradually, the throb between her legs dulled to a soft burn.

  "They wish to move forward with the first stage of the ransom."

  "That's good." Charlie smiled darkly and considered the pending plans to handle the kidnappers. "When will they be here?"

  "In a day's time."

  Charlie chewed on her bottom lip and stared down at her hands on her knees. She hoped that was enough time for Starr's flare-up to end or at least start on the downslope of it. After a deep breath, she peered back up and asked, "Where do we meet them?"

  "The location hasn't been decided yet."

  "It'll probably be a remote spot," Charlie whispered. "And only so many soldiers."

  "Soldiers are forbidden." Kal folded her arms, showing off her biceps. "I am to deliver the darakar alone to them."

  Charlie cut her gaze from the Alpha's thick arms to bright green eyes. "That's a little dangerous."

  After a low rumble of agreement, Kal stated, "I must think on this."

  "Think quickly," Charlie whispered. "There's not much time." She pursed her lips and suggested, "Perhaps they will negotiate on the soldiers, especially if they want the first load of fuel."

  Kal was quiet, then slowly nodded in agreement at the idea.

  "Is the darakar even ready?" Charlie was vaguely aware that mining and refining the fuel was no simple task.

  "Ja." Kal had a slight frown and uncrossed her arms, lifting her body off the couch. "We will discuss this further tomorrow."

  Charlie nearly rolled her eyes because she sensed Kal needed to plot and scheme, alone. After a sigh, she stood and was outmatched by Kal's much taller stature. The earlier memory of finding Kal nude in the bedroom crept to the forefront of her mind. She fought against blushing more, but it was a losing battle.

  Even now, the amount of exposed skin from Kal was teasing Charlie. She had assumed that Kal was toned, but she was now damn sure she could easily pick up Charlie like a feather. Such dangerous thoughts sent her mind in all directions and wired her body more, nearly whimpering aloud, but then her wild imagination was sharply cut off by Kal leaning into her space.

  A very deep inhale from Kal caused Charlie's heart to lurch into overdrive, perhaps faster than light speed. She grew tenser when she realized she was being scented, every detail of her open for the Alpha to learn. It would have been safer to draw back, yet Charlie remained frozen under the intense scrutiny. Every smell from her body told Kal her secrets; it made her close her eyes in worry. When Kal took one step closer, she was uncertain what would happen next. A terrible tremble passed through her when low rumbles echoed through the room.

  For several more ticks, Kal loomed close but never actually touched Charlie. She inched her nose to Charlie's neck, most likely watching her throbbing pulse point, typical habit of an Alpha. Painstakingly slow, Kal lifted her head until her lips were a hairsbreadth from a flushed ear.

  "At nine o'clock, the guards at my doors will go off duty," Kal whispered.

  Charlie fisted her shaking hands, keeping herself from grabbing onto Kal for support. Her next breath hitched in her throat when Kal's thick voice thundered in her ear again.

  "Your guard will bring you here, if you wish."

  With a sliver of clarity, Charlie weakly murmured, "It's too… too dangerous for me and you."

  Like a ghost, Kal brushed the tip of her nose along the curve of Charlie's reddened ear. "Nothing will leave this room." A low purr shook in her chest before she whispered, "I swear it." She started straightening up.

  Charlie's eyes fluttered a few times as Kal receded, with the enticing Alpha scent retreating from under her nose.

  After a deep breath, Charlie made her legs work and discovered it was a difficult task. The walk to the door felt like a climb over a mountain, rather than the twenty steps that nearly left her breathless.

  Kal remained quiet and pulled open the door, holding it until Charlie was gone.

  Barely a few steps into the corridor, Charlie gazed over her shoulder and shivered when she received a wolfish smile from Kal. She barely controlled the excitement that ran down her spine. She quickened her pace and followed her guard into the waiting elevator. Silence stayed between them during the entire trip back to her room, and she ignored her guard's curious sniff. Once alone in the room, she collapsed into a chair beside the cold, unlit fireplace.

  Images of the naked High Commander coming out of the bathroom replayed in Charlie's mind and created a soft, needy throb between her legs. Undoubtedly, Kal was both beautiful and powerful, like many Alphas. Charlie had a soft spot for women with muscles, but such a thought made her grunt low. Kal was a unique blend of both sexes, aggressive like a cocky Alpha and yet as reasonable as an Omega. Kalmar were not humans, even if they had humanoid features and movements. At times, it was easy to forget.

  And yet, Charlie was still wrapping her mind around Kal's anatomy. She had learned a lot about the Kalmar during her childhood, but she had obviously missed the legends about Kal's special breed.

  The gentle throb intensified into a burn in her lower gut as she thought about Kal's delicate offer. Over the years, Charlie had slept with women and men, among her kind and other species. After feeling brow ridges, extra hands, scales, leathery skin, and tails, these days very little rattled her. A lover was only as good as their skill with their own equipment during sex. And most likely Kal was probably talented with her equipment.

  However, one night with Kal could prove to be fatal for them both. The Degenerate Kill Order ceased years ago, but it did nothing to end the continued animosity toward humans on Kander. The refugee Earthlings on Kander were still segregated from the Kalmar, and tolerances for human and Kalmar interactions had barely improved, in Charlie's opinion after hearing the latest slur of Beta. It was considered a sin and a breach in Kalmar honor for a Kalmar and a human to share a bed. With such political and personal ramifications, Charlie questioned why Kal was willing to risk everything. In truth, it was pure suicide for Kal that could end her life.

  And yet, an offer for sex with Kal was so very enticing that Charlie was irrationally willing to cross the line. Ever since the first meeting, Charlie felt drawn to Kal, like a taut rope that was slowly reeling her in closer with every encounter. She had met many Alphas in the past and learned they were all the same, aggressive, brooding assholes who could only be tamed by an Omega, not by a human.

  Kal appeared cold and hard, a god for her people and the strongest Alpha. At least until Charlie studied the Alpha's unusual gree
n eyes. Behind the frozen surface was a spark of life, of humility, an individual. There was more to Kal than just an Alpha god that walked with the mortals. Clearly, Kal still had some mortal desires, like all Alphas.

  Slowly, Charlie rose from the chair and went to the sealed windows on the other side of the room. She nudged one open, and the cool air soothed her flushed features, easing her wondering mind. Already the suns were nearly gone, indicating the arrival of dinner, but she ignored it, muttering a thank you to the servant.

  At eight o'clock, she stepped out of her room and traded a glance with the Omega guard, who merely raised an eyebrow at her. After a grumble, she knocked on Raakor's door and had him join her and Starr in one room. As a team, they circled around the small living space in Starr's room. Once a sound barrier was set up, Charlie started explaining the current news and worried her bottom lip when her crew stayed quiet at the end.

  "This isn't ideal," Charlie admitted after the too long silence from her crew. "I get it."

  Starr's low grunt was the only response.

  Raakor was staring at the tattoos on his skin, as if tracing them with his eyes.

  "But we can handle this."

  "The High Commander is a controlling asshole," Starr concluded and left the sofa, stalking over to the lit fireplace.

  Charlie grunted and had little to no argument with Starr's keen observation. She remained on the couch but focused on Raakor. "Starr and I will probably pose as soldiers so we can help Kal."

  Raakor indicated his purple skin, silently joking about his inability to blend in as a Kalmar.

  After a grin, Charlie became serious and mentioned, "After you hack the kidnappers' ship, you'll take the shuttle back up to the Pacifica."

  Raakor nodded. "It's not a horrible plan."

  "But it hinges on you being able to crack the ship's security," Starr reminded. "And who knows what the fuck they use."

  "It could be an AI… Ravage, or Cybertronics… or Gyr's system."

  Charlie knew there was more on the list than what Raakor had just named, and she sighed at all the possibilities. Many of them Raakor knew well, but even he had limits. "You may have to take the lead with the Pacifica's nav depending what the kidnappers' ship has for navigation."


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