Dancing in the Darkness

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Dancing in the Darkness Page 13

by Lexa Luthor

  "Is that another ship?" Andren asked over the comms.

  Licking her dry lips, Charlie stared out the front windows and watched as they approached the ghost ship drifting just outside of Kander's orbit. As they came closer, more details became noticeable about the enormous black starship. It had long ago been abandoned and since then looted and stripped by pirates, mercenaries, and traders. For once, Charlie felt a little nausea at seeing the starship after so long, but she reboxed her emotions, returned them to the past where they belonged.

  "It's the Liberator," Andren concluded.

  "It was," Charlie murmured over the comms before shifting in the seat. "We're clear of the solar system, and the ships are linked together. Following your lead, Raakor." She reached for a switch, fingering it warily because she knew the powerful engines were recently bolted onto the ship that once had much slower, decaying engines on it. If the kidnappers made the journey here safely, then maybe they would survive too. She took a deep breath and whispered, "Let's hope this works right."

  "Going to light speed in four, three, two—" Raakor counted down over the comms.

  "One," Charlie declared with Raakor and pushed the button that surged the engines to full power.

  * * *

  "We're coming up on fifteen leagues from the dorsum side of the Golden solar system," Raakor informed everyone over the comms.

  "We'll drop from light speed at ten leagues. I don't want to get in the range of any detection systems that these kidnappers might have," Charlie said. In the distance, the solar system's single yellow sun glowed, welcoming them despite the Sworne having once been there. "It should be close enough for you to perform scans of Golden Ring.”

  Starr was shaking her head. "I don't know what these kidnappers were thinking." She looked over at Charlie. "Making a base of operations on Golden Ring is stupid."

  "Everything has to be brought in," Raakor agreed.

  "Is there anything left of the planet?" Andren asked them.

  "Joh," Charlie replied. "It's a decimated and broken rock, literally."

  "And its people?"

  "All dead. Completely wiped out by the Sworne," Charlie replied. She then focused on the flight when they neared the solar system.

  Together, the ships carefully withdrew from light speed, and everyone took in the view of the Golden solar system. It was made up of one star, five planets, and an outer asteroid belt on a forty-five degree tilt from the planets' plane. Golden Ring was the fourth planet, easily distinguishable by its two broken halves orbiting the sun. Around the fragmented planet were trillions of ice and rock particles scattered about like shattered glass, at one time having formed the beautiful golden rings of the planet before its destruction.

  "What are your scans pulling up, Raakor?" Charlie asked.

  "Sending them over now."

  In a few ticks, Charlie had full imagery of Golden Ring's bleak, rocky surface. "So it looks like they've set up a temporary camp. What's the white beam in the center, Raakor?"

  "I believe it's an oxygenator," Raakor replied. "It creates a dome around the camp and produces air for them. Oxygen levels on Golden Ring are probably ten percent to nil by now."

  "More like hazardous," Starr argued.

  For a moment, Charlie stared at the images of the camp but occasionally zoomed in and studied a building more closely. Her crew remained quiet, letting her work through the scenarios for their plan of attack.

  "What weapons do we have?"

  Starr looked over at Charlie and went down the list of what she inventoried in the duffle bag. "Four rifles, six handguns, ten photon grenades, a dagger." She pointed over her shoulder at Andren, who carried a blade. "And your Grasshopper."

  Charlie suddenly beamed and joked, "You're so good to me, Raakor." She absolutely loved her Grasshopper and found it handier than anyone else cared to admit to her.

  Starr rolled her eyes and shifted in the seat. "What's the plan then?"

  Charlie straightened up and quickly went over how they were going to handle the kidnappers. From her best guess, there were anywhere from two to twenty kidnappers down in the camp, but they only needed to capture one good squealer so they could quickly locate the Omega. All the while, Raakor would wait in the shadows with their escape route in case it got ugly. In truth, Charlie was less concerned about capturing any kidnappers now that the valuable darakar was promised to her, except maybe for the leader.

  "All right, are we clear?" Charlie checked with her team, including Andren. After everyone agreed, she increased the transporter's throttle and aimed for Golden Ring. In a few ticks, they were only leagues away from the planet so she slowed down again.

  "Transmission link coming in," Starr reported.

  "Keep the video off, and turn down the ship's radio power to distort the audio."

  Starr made the adjustments, then warned, "Transmitting… now."

  "Anderssson, what in Farsssa's titsss took you so long?"

  Charlie's eyebrows hiked up at hearing a Gyr's distinct voice, and she exchanged a glance with Starr. She cleared her throat and mentally switched to using Jero. "Anderson is busy in the head."

  "Maya?" the Gyr hissed. "I didn't think you flew."

  Rolling her eyes, Charlie huffed softly at the Gyr's voice that reminded her of a leaking car tire talking to her. "I can fly enough." She started prepping the transporter for entry into Golden Ring's meager atmosphere, knowing it would barely hurt the hull. "We're a league from the planet... coming in for the landing."

  "How far?" the Gyr demanded. "You're breaking up."

  "A league from the damn planet," Charlie replied, louder but knowing Starr purposely lowered the radio's power.

  "Fine! And tell Anderssson to be careful landing with the darakar."

  "Roger that." Charlie cringed at her mistake and quickly added, "Maya out." She gave Starr a pointed look.

  "Transmission ended," Starr assured in Kalmarese.

  "You think he heard?" Charlie asked, hoping the Gyr missed her aviation slang.

  Starr shrugged and then grinned over at Charlie. "You're only human."

  "Shut up," Charlie fired back and grumbled when Andren's chuckle came over the comms. "Time to get serious." Directly ahead was the larger half of the planet as the transporter flew underneath its broken rings. "Andren, do you remember what Starr showed you to do for the landing system?"

  "Ja. It's three steps; levers first, make sure the lights go green, and then engage the anchoring system when you call it."

  "Exactly," Charlie agreed. "And if you switch on that anchoring system too soon, we could crash."


  Charlie could tell that they were clear. Even if they did bang up the old boat, she hardly cared since it wasn't hers. "How we looking, Starr?"

  "Keep a magnetic heading of 1-8-5. You should see the camp any tick now."

  Charlie's eyes were hastily scanning all the instruments, making sure she had full control. A slight jolt to the ship told her they'd entered the planet's weak atmosphere, and her butt sunk back into the seat.

  "Gravity," Starr reported.

  "I see the oxygenator's beam." Charlie now had a visual on the camp's location on the planet's surface. "Hold tight. Might get bumpy from here."

  Andren growled low when the vessel jerked up and down from turbulence.

  Pulling back on the throttle, Charlie slowed the ship's descent and mentally prepared to make a perfect landing with the old boat. But she was missing one key ingredient to the landing and she ordered, "Nova, play the Oldies list on shuffle. Begin with 'Dancing in the Dark.'"

  "Playing Oldies list," the techbit announced over the comms.

  Starr was too preoccupied tearing her nails into the co-pilot's seat to comment on Charlie's human music.

  Gradually, the base came into full view as the transporter leveled off high above the ground. Charlie located the docking station at the kidnapper's base and eased the throttle back to a few pulses above idle. She pulled the headset's
mic away from her mouth and sang the lyrics alongside Bruce Springsteen.

  With the landing pad below, Charlie put both hands on the stick and gracefully brought the ship down. As the digital altimeter gave readings, she readied to give Andren the signal. "Prepare the landing gears."

  "Ja." After a moment, Andren reported, "Gears are down and locked."

  "Put your hand on the anchoring switch," Charlie advised and continued gently lowering the ship closer to the ground. "Anchors away." Instantly, she felt the anchoring system's magnetic pull, and she kept a firm grip on the stick, landing the ship with perfect skill.

  Once landed, Charlie and Starr hastily shut down the ship's engines and systems, knowing they had little time to get ready. A quick check on Andren confirmed she still had pale features from the flight.

  While Starr dug out the weapons, Charlie knelt in front of Andren and reached into her leather jacket. "Take deep breaths," she advised. "Get more oxygen in your blood, and it'll pass quicker."

  Andren did as she was instructed and held onto the chair.

  Charlie ejected an earpiece from the techbit and inserted it into her left ear. "Nova, connect with the Pacifica." While she waited, she focused on Andren again. "Any better?"

  After a nod, Andren unbuckled the harness and lap belt.

  "Connection established," the techbit announced in the earpiece.

  "Raakor, do you read me?"

  "I read you," Raakor replied over the secure comms.

  "We landed and are about to start Operation Trojan Horse."

  Andren stood up and tested her weak legs, but Charlie caught her in time. She growled low, most likely frustrated with herself.

  "It's your first time flying," Charlie reminded.

  Andren took more steps, finding her strength again. She picked up her laser rifle from the bench seat where she'd left it on earlier, then joined Starr and Charlie.

  "Do you hear me, Raakor?" Starr asked through the comms.

  "I read you," Raakor replied.

  Charlie was moving fast, taking weapons from the duffle, and offering a lectra handgun to Andren. "You'll need this." Once Andren took it, she explained, "It's like a laser handgun, but you can control the power." She indicated the switch that had three placements. "The second or third place will kill the person; the first one will stun."

  Andren nodded and tucked the handgun into her waistband, hidden from sight.

  The most important weapon was Charlie's Grasshopper, which neatly sat in the palm of her hand. She attached it to the front of her belt, slightly hidden by her jacket. Next, she slung a lectra rifle across her back while Starr took two of them. She offered the last one to Andren, who declined the weapon. Charlie shrugged and put the last rifle on her back with the other one. She then grabbed the laser rifle that came from Kander.

  "You're using that old thing?"

  "Don't get judgy," Charlie argued. "There's nothing wrong with a good, straight shooting, old school laser rifle." She carried the rifle with both hands and said, "Let's lure the suckers in and start this party."

  Starr signaled for Andren to follow her to the stern, closer to the cargo bay.

  "Opening bay doors," Charlie announced over the comms after reaching above Andren's former seat. She switched on only one row of lights in the cargo bay, right down the center. It would be enough to illuminate anybody entering the ship but still hid her and the team. Hurrying through the ship, she joined the team near the cargo bay and cursed Starr for her usual arrogance.

  Starr had taken position directly in the center of the empty bay but flat on her stomach with both rifles ready to fire.

  Charlie and Andren hid behind a set of bulkheads used for shielding against the enemies.

  "You don't have to do this," Charlie softly told Andren.

  Andren revealed a dark, toothy smile that showed off her canines. "I'm already in this."

  Charlie sighed and muttered, "The High Commander will kill me if something happens to you."

  "Thank you for your touching concern."

  Charlie glared over at Andren, hearing the sarcasm in her tone. "I do care, actually."

  "I know." Andren toyed with the rifle's trigger and glanced past the bulkhead. "That's why Omegas and Betas get along so well."

  Now with a furrowed brow, Charlie noticed the slur name for humans on Kander was said with respect rather than contempt. She wanted to know more, but a man's yell had her peering past the bulkhead.

  "Anderson!" a male human yelled and continued climbing the ramp into the transporter. "Jett?"

  Other footsteps followed the man, but Charlie had a hard time telling how many people were entering or surrounding the vessel. She bit her lip and waited for Starr to make the first move.

  "Where the fuck is the darakar?" he demanded and was answered by an onslaught of laser shots.

  Pure hell broke out inside the cargo bay as laser shots flew in every direction but only striking the kidnappers at the bay's open mouth. All the screams and yells rallied a small band of kidnappers from the base, their gunfire overwhelming mercenaries.

  "Charlie!" Starr hollered over the din.

  Quickly acting, Charlie freed a proton grenade, popped the pin, and chucked it across the bay. The grenade hit the top of the ramp then rolled down to the handful of kidnappers, who missed its arrival. Ducking behind the bulkhead, Charlie closed her eyes and braced for the explosion that ripped across the entrance of the transporter's bay. She hoped Starr was unharmed.

  Once the photon explosion burned off, everything became dark again, and Charlie was able to see Starr still on the floor of the bay. "Damn it," she hissed and ran over to Starr, falling to her knees. "Hey… hey." She pushed on Starr's shoulder and urged, "Come on, Starr." Surprisingly, she heard a thick laugh, and she sighed in relief.

  Starr rolled onto her back and grinned. "I love those grenades." She blinked rapidly a few times, then sat up.

  "We gotta move," Charlie ordered and peered up when Andren joined them.

  "I think we have a lot of heads to collect later," Starr joked when she climbed to her feet. She slung one rifle over her back, then carried the second one with both hands.

  "Let's go." Charlie hurried to the ramp, dancing through body parts, and pressed her back against the entrance's frame, scanning for trouble around the base.

  Andren came to her side and sniffed the air, possibly looking for trouble. "I only smell humans."

  "Well, we know there's at least one Gyr." Charlie looked across to Starr and said, "We're going through that entrance." She pointed at the metal door straight ahead that was several hundred paces from them. "Can you break it down?" She hated to waste grenades.

  "I think so."

  "We'll cover your six," Charlie promised. "Stay close to me, Andren."

  Starr edged out first and looked around the open grounds. "There has to be at least ten dead out here."

  Charlie rushed down the ramp with Andren at her side. Together, they watched Starr's back as they made their way to the door of the metal building. "Raakor, it would be a good time to load into the shuttle."

  "Ja, boss," Raakor replied over the comms. "Have we decided how we're transporting five people in a four-place shuttle?"

  Charlie rolled her eyes and growled, "Somebody is sitting in someone's lap. Just get down here." She peered over her shoulder when Starr began kicking the door, which easily buckled under her strength.

  Once Starr finally had the entrance opened for them, they moved into a narrow hallway. "Great," she muttered.

  Charlie squeezed past and went first, taking the lead. "Andren, stay behind me. Starr, watch our backs." As a team, they silently traveled down the hallway, looking for any clues to the kidnapped Omega's whereabouts.

  "There can't be many left," Starr whispered.

  Silently agreeing, Charlie continued easing down the hallway, which came to a 'T' with no indications what was in either direction. She cursed low and looked over at Starr. "Left or right?"

bsp; Before Starr could reply, a laser shot flew down from the left hallway, barely missing Charlie's shoulder.

  Andren reacted the fastest and fired the lectra handgun, hitting the kidnapper in the chest.

  Charlie was wide-eyed and even more impressed once she realized Andren had actually used the stun feature of the gun. "Nice job." She smiled at Andren, then ran down the hallway to the paralyzed woman. Andren and Starr followed on her heels.

  Andren sniffed the air and whispered, "She reeks of fear."

  "Hmmm." Charlie hoped it would work to their benefit as she studied the paralyzed kidnapper at her feet. She knelt down with the rifle's barrel pressed into the kidnapper's chest. "Where's the kidnapped Omega?" she asked in Jero.

  "Screw you," the woman hissed in Jero. "Just shoot me."

  Tilting her head, Charlie frowned and realized she needed to motivate the kidnapper to talk to them. "We really don't have a lot of time to waste," she explained. "So my friend here"— She indicated Andren. "—is a Kalmar who's very unhappy that you took one of her people."

  The kidnapper's wild eyes cut from Charlie to Andren, and she started breathing harder.

  "She's also very good with a dagger." Charlie peered up at Andren and said in Kalmarese, "Dagger."

  Andren unsheathed the blade, which was both long and wide with a slight curve to it. She used the tip to carefully lift the kidnapper's shirt, exposing skin. She gently pressed the tip forward and drew a line of blood.

  "Now you can tell us what we need to know or..." Charlie peered up at Andren, switched tongues, and asked, "Should we start with fingers first?" She smirked when Andren nodded once, then looked down at the kidnapper again. "Which hand do you dislike more?"

  The kidnapper scrambled backward on her hands and feet. "N-n-no."

  Andren growled while stepping forward and raised the blade overhead.


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